Chapter 20
Escorting the grain trucks to leave Zhongli, Lu Bu sent an order to the soldiers guarding the horses, asking them to drive the horses and catch up with the grain team as soon as possible.

Horses go much faster than people.

The grain transportation team set off early in the morning, and at noon that day, ten soldiers chased after them with their horses.

More than 200 war horses arrived, and the people who transported the grain and grass were very surprised.

Some quick-thinking peasants murmured, if the escorts for food and grass were all cavalry, why didn't they ride horses in the city, and why did they send the horses after they left the city?

Of course, their doubts cannot be answered.

No one is stupid enough to ask questions.

The officer led the horse and came to Lu Bu: "General, please get on the horse..."

"We haven't left Huainan yet." Lu Bu interrupted him: "The team is still led by you, we will wait until we enter Xuzhou."

The soldiers got on their horses one after another, divided into left and right teams to protect the grain carts and continued to move forward.

At the same time, Zhong left the city.

The barracks, where drill slogans are usually heard every morning, is extremely quiet.

People who passed by outside the barracks would subconsciously look inside.

The soldiers guarding the gate were also absent, and the entire camp looked weird.

It was not until sunset that someone reported the abnormal phenomenon in the barracks to the county magistrate.

The county magistrate hurried to the barracks with a group of people.

He didn't dare to rush in immediately, but told the county lieutenant: "You take two people in to have a look."

Huang Juan led his army to station here, without local restraint.

In terms of official rank, the county magistrate is several levels lower than him.

The county magistrate opened his mouth, and the county lieutenant dared not go, calling two local county soldiers to bite the bullet and leave the barracks.

Ever since Cao Cao crusade against Yuan Shu last time, Huang Jue has been stationed in Zhongli.

Local officials were well aware of his short temper.

Breaking into the barracks rashly, if he catches him, I don't know how much trouble it will cause...

The county magistrate didn't dare to enter the barracks easily but asked him to bring someone to check. The county lieutenant was full of displeasure but dared not speak out.

After entering the barracks and walking around, they didn't even see a single ghost.

The barracks was empty, as if everyone had disappeared out of thin air.

The two county soldiers were going to check the barracks when the county captain stopped them: "Break into the barracks indiscriminately, do you want to kill yourself?"

"But the county magistrate wants us..." Looking back at him, a county soldier said puzzled.

"He just wanted us to enter the barracks to check, but he didn't let us into the barracks." The county lieutenant said: "Don't worry about it, come out with me and report back!"

The two county soldiers were confused and didn't understand what he meant.

But when he gave the order, he dared not not follow.

Walking out of the barracks, the county lieutenant reported back to the county magistrate: "There is no one in the barracks, it seems like everyone has left."

"I only heard that there was a team transporting grain out of the city in the morning, but I didn't hear that the army was going out." Hearing that there was no one in the barracks, the county magistrate was relieved and became more courageous: "Follow me in and have a look."

Taking a group of people into the barracks, the county magistrate found that it was indeed an empty camp.

"If General Huang leads troops to go out, he will at least say hello to us." The county magistrate muttered doubtfully, "Is he leaving like this?"

"The army rations have been shipped out, so it shouldn't be fake." The county lieutenant came up and said, "Why don't we go back, and we can't get involved in military matters."

"You are in charge of local military affairs, and you didn't get any information beforehand?" The county magistrate was still puzzled.

"I'm just a little county lieutenant, how could General Huang tell me what he's doing?" The county lieutenant replied.

Glancing at the county magistrate, the county magistrate, who always felt restless, ordered everyone: "Look around and see if you can find anything."

The crowd dispersed.

A few bold ones walked directly to the barracks with the doors closed.

The county magistrate and county lieutenant stood in the open space waiting to report back.

Suddenly, a strange cry of "Oh my God" came from a barracks.

The two stumbled out of the barracks in dismay.

"What's going on?" Suddenly feeling ominous, the county magistrate hurriedly asked the two of them.

"They're all dead! They're all dead!" After crawling to the county magistrate, the two of them slumped on the ground and shouted in shock.

"Go and have a look!" The county magistrate greeted, and rushed into the barracks with the county lieutenant and a few people who ran back.

In the barracks lay twenty or thirty corpses with their necks wiped side by side.

Except for a shocking wound on their necks, they seemed to be asleep, and everyone's expression was very peaceful.

"Look at the other barracks." Knowing that something was wrong, the county magistrate roared.

It didn't take long for the people who were checking in the barracks to return to the county magistrate one after another.

The county lieutenant who personally inspected the general's barracks also came back.

"General Huang..." His face was sallow, and the county lieutenant's voice trembled: "He's dead..."

"Quick... quickly report to Your Majesty..." The county magistrate slumped on the ground.

The barracks were uprooted and the general died unexpectedly, but he didn't even know it.

Yuan Shu must have been furious when he got the news. As the county magistrate, he cannot escape the guilt...

Sunset on the west mountain, the sky is covered with red clouds.

The trapped camp of the escorting food team stepped into the boundary of Xuzhou in colorful clouds.

The officer leading the team turned around and came to Lu Bu: "General, you have already entered Xuzhou."

"Order, everyone take off their armor and put on civilian clothes." Lu Bu ordered: "From now on, I will lead the team myself."

"The general has an order. Everyone takes off their armor and puts on civilian clothes!" The officer rode his horse and ran beside the team, shouting his orders.

The team stopped, and the soldiers took off their armor and threw it on the ground, and changed into the civilian clothes they wore when they sneaked into Huainan.

The folk husband driving the ox cart looked at them blankly.

Some people have already noticed something.

The soldiers were divided into two sides and the grain carts were sandwiched in the middle, holding weapons and riding horses. Even if they felt something was wrong, the civilians had no chance to escape.

From the end of the line to the front of the line, Lu Bu turned his head and glanced at the man driving the car: "Send the food with a lot of grains, and I will ensure that you are all right."

Fully understanding what happened, two or three hundred civilian husbands looked on both sides in fear.

The camp soldiers on horseback glared at them fiercely.

Many people shrank their necks in fright.

Lu Bu shook the reins, and lightly clamped his legs against the horse's belly: "Let's go!"

The team continued on their way.

"Send someone back to Xiapi first, and tell everyone the news that we've got the food back." Walking forward, Lu Bu ordered the officer.

The officer turned to a soldier and asked, "Did you hear everything the general said?"

"Understood." The soldier replied.

"Aren't you going soon?" The officer made a look to the side.

The soldiers left the team and urged their horses to gallop in the direction of Xiapi.

Yuan Shu of Shouchun got the news from Zhongli that Lu Bu had already led the team into Xuzhou.

Zhongli's grain storage was cheated away, nearly a thousand soldiers were killed, and even Huang Juan died...

Furious, Yuan Shu swept down the utensils on the table, his face was livid and his cheeks twitched, and he shouted at the officials present: "Who will go to Zhongli to find out the truth? Divide all the officials who neglect their duties and do not argue against us!"

(End of this chapter)

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