The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 21 It's all about fooling

Chapter 21 It's all about fooling
Lu Bu led the team back to Xiapi, and the soldiers and civilians in the city rejoiced.

From the city gate to the government, the road was crowded with people watching the grain carts.

Looking at more than 200 ox carts loaded with grain, the common people were all happy.

With these grains, there is no need to worry about starvation.

Chen Gong and others waited in front of the official gate.

Seeing Lu Bu approaching from a distance, they hurried to meet him.

"Congratulations to Wenhou for winning the food!" Everyone saluted.

Jumping off his horse, Lu Bu told the officers: "Send the grain to the treasury, and someone will be responsible for distributing it later."

The grain truck went along the street towards the treasury.

Chen Gong asked with concern: "Wen Hou's work in Huainan is still a secret?"

Passing the reins to the guards, Lu Bu said, "I left Cao Jun's saber with Yuan Shu, and then went straight back to Xuzhou. He should think that Cao Cao did it."

"Wen Hou actually kept a sword?" Chen Gong was taken aback.

Lu Bu nodded: "What's wrong?"

Chen Gong said annoyedly: "If you didn't keep that sword, Yuan Shu really wouldn't have guessed that it was Wen Hou who did it!"

"Even if he didn't believe it was Cao Cao, wouldn't he have guessed the bandit?" Lu Bu asked, "There are many bandits everywhere, so why did he guess it was me?"

"Will bandits blame Cao Cao?" Chen Gong replied, "Apart from Wen Hou, who else would be eager to cause trouble for Cao Cao?"

"I understand." Lu Bu said indifferently: "If Yuan Shu really dares to attack, he will do it alone. There is nothing to worry about."

"Xuzhou's vitality is seriously injured. Although Yuan Shu is not as good as before, he is much stronger than us." Chen Gong said: "Wen Hou should make plans early."

"He's really here, so I don't worry." Lu Bu was as calm as he was chatting about family affairs: "More than 200 carts of food won't last long, and I'm still worrying about where to get food next time. If he is willing to deliver it, I don't need to go there myself .”

Chen Gong was speechless for a moment.

Once Yuan Shu came to Xuzhou, there would be fights.

However, Lu Bu said that it seemed that he was here to deliver food.

Before and after Lu Bu became famous, he was arrogant, relying on his martial arts and bravery, he did not regard the heroes of the world in his eyes.

In recent years, as he got older, he lost the vigor of that time, and he often looked forward and backward, so that when Xiapi was besieged, he did a lot of bloodless things.

Lu Bu's change began that day when he found Chen Gong, Zhang Liao, and Gao Shun to discuss how to deal with the rebellion of Wei Xu and others.

From that day on, he was no longer indecisive, but more vigorous and resolute.

Chen Gong originally thought that Lu Bu's temperament had just changed, but he didn't expect that what really shocked him was yet to come.

He is obviously past middle age, and his physical strength and mentality are not as good as before.

But God favored him and let him return to his youth and live again!
With the physique of a teenager and years of experience on the battlefield, compared to Lu Bu, who was once famous for a while, he is now the God of War who can truly be invincible!

No wonder Lu Bu's arrogance is even worse than before.

He has this capital, why can't he be arrogant?
Zhang Liao and Gao Shun, who are generals, felt very encouraged by Lu Bu's words of arrogance.

The two said in unison: "I wish to follow Wen Hou to the death!"

"If you choose to follow me, you are my family." Lu Bu said: "I am not yet strong enough to look down on the world, and I can't make too many promises. The only thing I can promise you is that no matter who dares to be against my family, I will He will definitely be exterminated!"

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun felt a warm current in both Zhang Liao and Gao Shun's hearts as the two whom Lv Bu refused to reuse were now called his family members.

Gently patted Chen Gong's arm, Lu Bu smiled at him: "Don't worry about Gongtai, let alone Yuan Shu, even if the sky falls, I will push it back with my shoulders."

"Wen Hou has such a responsibility, why worry about not being able to achieve great things in the future?" Chen Gong cupped his hands and said, "I will do my best to assist Wen Hou."

Entering the official residence, Lu Bu asked Chen Gong, "Have you invited any merchants?"

"This matter is really not easy." Chen Gong said: "There is no chance to make money in Xuzhou's decline. Merchants from all over the world can't avoid it. Who would come to this place?"

No merchants would come to Xuzhou, Lu Bu frowned slightly.

Commercial prosperity is the key to promoting regional development.

To compete in the world must have a strong economic backing.

Conscription requires money, raising troops requires money, purchasing armaments and armor requires money, and purchasing food, grass and horses still requires money!
Without money, even if he has the power to hang upside down Mount Tai, he must be unable to move an inch!

"However, there is someone coming." When Chen Gong changed the subject, Lu Bu's eyes suddenly lit up.

He quickly asked, "What's the name of the person here?"

"Zhongshan Zhang Shiping, I wonder if Marquis Wen has heard of it?"

After experiencing the fusion of soul and body, Lu Bu not only returned to his youth, but also possessed all the abilities of the body, including memory.

"I've heard of him." Lu Bu said, "He once sponsored Liu Bei to prepare a lot of horses."

"The yellow turban bandits were still making trouble at that time." Chen Gong said: "He thought Liu Bei was an honest old man, but later found out that he was just talking about benevolence and righteousness. Liu Bei also asked him for funding later, but he refused."

"I don't know what happened afterwards." Lu Bu said, "It seems that this person still has temperament."

Chen Gong replied: "He came to Xiapi yesterday, I told him about Wenhou's plan, but he didn't think much of it, and was ready to leave."

Finally, a merchant came, how could Lu Bu give up so easily!

Leaving Zhang Shiping might be the key to revitalizing Xuzhou.

"What did he say?" Lu Bu asked quickly.

Chen Gong replied: "He said that in troubled times, the most profitable goods are life-saving goods. Food and silk can be snapped up as soon as they are taken out. Toothpaste is only used to clean teeth, and it is not very useful. No one would want to Pay for it."

"You find a way to keep him first." Lu Bu said, "When I get the toothpaste sample, I will find a way to let him act as an agent."

"I think it's a bit difficult." Chen Gong shook his head: "This person has a very strong personality, and I'm afraid it won't be easy to convince him of what he is sure about."

"A businessman values ​​profit. As long as I can show him the benefit, he will be persuaded." Lu Bu said confidently, "Silk, hemp, grain and grass are indeed easy to sell, but we are short of it ourselves. As for toothpaste, we have plenty of it." .Ordinary people don’t use it, but someone will use it.”

He ordered the guards: "Invite the doctors who prepared the toothpaste to the study and ask them to bring samples."

"Wen Hou really thinks that Zhang Shiping will be persuaded?" Chen Gong still didn't quite believe it.

After all, toothpaste is really not very useful.

"As long as Zhang Shiping is kept, I can convince him." Lu Bu said confidently, "It's all about cheating if you want to sell good goods. Toothpaste is a good thing. As long as Zhang Shiping is willing to listen to me, I won't believe it." Can't fool him."

(End of this chapter)

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