The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 22 I'll Taste A Little Red Lips

Chapter 22 I'll Taste A Little Red Lips

Lu Bu sat in the study.

On the low table in front of him were several small clay vases.

Several doctors bowed their heads and stood facing him in a row.

He opened a bottle and sniffed it at the tip of his nose. Lu Bu asked, "Is this the toothpaste you made?"

"Return to the general." A doctor replied anxiously: "The preparation of the paste is troublesome, and it will take a few more days. The general is in a hurry, so I have to send the powder first."

Pick some powder from the bottle and put it on the tip of your tongue. After tasting it, Lu Bu nodded, "That's right, that's the taste."

The moment they came to the study, the doctors were apprehensive, for fear that the powder they made would not meet Lu Bu's requirements.

"Although the taste is right, the powder is not as good as the paste." Lu Bu put down the clay bottle and looked at the doctors: "How long will it take for you to make the toothpaste?"

"Half a month should be fine." It was the doctor who replied.

"I'll give you half a month." Lu Bu stood up: "The powder is here, I want to test the effect. You go back first, the toothpaste is more troublesome."

Doctors quit one after another.

After leaving the study, they breathed a sigh of relief.

Sending tooth powder is considered a job, and toothpaste with a good formula is much easier to handle.

After sending away the doctor, Lu Bu also left the study.

With a bottle of powder in his pocket, he planned to find Diao Chan.

What Zhang Shiping said was correct. In troubled times, everyone only wanted to protect themselves, and those who had the means to do so were hoarding grain and flax so as not to starve to death or freeze to death when supplies were scarce.Those who have no financial means can't even eat, who can care about brushing their teeth?

There is only one type of person who urgently needs to keep their breath fresh - women!And it must be a woman who is related to a wealthy family.

In order to compete for favor, the wife of Houzhai and concubine Ji will do everything they can.

In order to survive, dancers and domestic prostitutes will try their best to please the lord.

Fresh breath will no doubt compliment them.

The customer is positioned as a woman from a wealthy family, so it would be perfect to ask Diao Chan to try tooth powder.

Lu Bu returned to his room, and the maid greeted him at the door.

"What is madam doing?" he asked the maid.

The maid replied: "Madam has been knitting since the day before yesterday."

Probably heard him talking, Diao Chan came out.

"Husband is back." Diao Chan stepped forward to salute with an alluring smile.

"I went back to Xiapi earlier. Some things haven't been done yet, so I wasted some time." There was a brazier in the room, and it was warm. Lu Bu took off his coat and handed it to the maid. I’ve been knitting something since the day before yesterday.”

"I saw that your husband's hair crown is old, so I found some gold thread and weaved a new one." Diao Chan smiled slightly: "After weaving the hair crown, my husband came back, so it is also a coincidence."

"It's better to come back sooner than later." Lv Bu said with a smile, "My Madam has a present for me as soon as I get home."

Diao Chan told the maid: "Take the hair crown I just braided and give it to my husband to try on."

"Actually, Madam doesn't need to weave hair crowns by hand at all." Lu Bu held up Diao Chan's bare hands: "Madam's slender hands, what if they are cut by silk thread?"

"How can a concubine be so delicate, she can even cut off a silk thread." Lu Bu's thoughtfulness made Diaochan feel that he was really a different person.

Today's Lu Bu is more considerate than in the past. Although he speaks a little more romantically and less maturely, it will make her feel sweet and greasy to the apex of her heart.

Staring at Lu Bu's young face, Diao Chan's clear eyes revealed a trace of disappointment.

She said with a slightly resentful tone: "I married my husband at the age of 16, and it has been nearly seven years now. Back then, my husband was a hero, and my concubine fell in love with me at first sight. Now my husband is blessed again. He is young, handsome and imposing. I'm afraid that in another two years, my old age will not be worthy of my husband."

"A pearl is a treasure no matter how old it is, not to mention that now is the time to shine." Lu Bu held Diao Chan's hands in front of his chest: "From the moment you protected me regardless of life and death, I have been guarding your life." You don't let me down, and I don't let you down."

Endless emotions surged in her heart, Diao Chan's eyes were slightly red, she stretched her arms around Lu Bu's tiger waist, and pressed her cheek against his chest: "If you don't abandon your husband, your concubine will follow you forever!"

The maid fetched the hair crown, held it in both hands and stood aside bowing.

"I'll change the hair crown for my husband." Looking up at the hair crown on top of Lu Bu's head, Diao Chan with reddish eyes spoke softly like a clear spring in a mountain.

Lu Bu lowered his head, and Diao Chan gently pulled out the hairpin, took off the old and tarnished hair crown and handed it to the maid.

Taking the new hair crown, she held it up with both hands, and gently placed it on Lu Bu's bun.

The golden hair crown added a bit of heroism to Lu Bu.

"My husband is handsome and extraordinary, and he is a hero of the world. I don't know how many women will be fascinated." Looking at Lu Bu affectionately, Diao Chan said quietly.

"Are you fascinated?" Lu Bu asked softly, lowering Diao Chan's waist.

Smiling shyly, Diao Chan turned her face to the side and nodded.

"I thought of something when you put the hairpin on me." The friendship was strong, but at this moment Lu Bu showed a smirk that ruined the atmosphere.

"I don't know what came to mind?" Diao Chan asked softly with her head lowered.

"Put my bun on the hair crown, it reminds me of you and me sleeping together, and you will also lock me up." Lu Bu pressed his palm under her waist, and squeezed it lightly twice.

"Why does my husband say these things again?" Diao Chan was still a little embarrassed even though she was an old couple: "Qing Tian Bai Ri also brought up that little thing in the room..."

"The root of the acquaintance between men and women is such a thing." Lu Bu smirked: "Although the heart-to-heart relationship is detached, it still cannot escape the source of that thing in the room. If a man does that thing to a woman There is no thought, how can we trust each other?"

Lu Bu's remarks left Diao Chan speechless.

She faintly felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell.

Taking out a pottery vase, Lu Bu shook it in front of her: "I also have a gift for Madam."

The rough appearance of the vase does not seem like a valuable gift.

"What is this?" Diao Chan asked blankly.

"Tooth powder, use it to clean your teeth can make your breath fresh." Lu Bu smiled wickedly: "Madam is so beautiful and unparalleled, if I use it again, how can I be willing to let go when I kiss my little mouth? At that time, Madam It must be the scent of orchids that is inexhaustible, and a little bit of vermilion lips is for me to taste."

Ugly little clay vases containing something so miraculous.

Diao Chan is also a woman. Although she is already unsurpassed in beauty, women always hope that they are more perfect.

After taking the vase, she actually forgot to thank Lu Bu: "I don't know how it is used?"

"It should work with a toothbrush." ​​Lu Bu said, "It's just that I haven't thought of what to use as a toothbrush. It should work just like gargling with green salt."

He then ordered the maid: "Take two bowls of clean water and serve me and my wife to rinse our mouths."

(End of this chapter)

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