Chapter 23 Someone Wants to Blame
Lu Bu didn't beg Zhang Shiping to sell the toothpaste as an agent, but made a big detour and made him speechless.

He once mentioned this matter to Zhang Shiping, but Chen Gong was completely rejected at that time.

Long felt that Lu Bu was different from the past, Chen Gong did not expect that he would still have the ability to talk merchants into silence.

"Mr. Zhang is a businessman based on profit." Lu Bu said to Zhang Shiping: "I'm not sure if something can make money, why don't you try it? Toothpaste doesn't take up too much space, and it's very convenient to store and transport. Miss this This time, if it is made by others in the future, wouldn’t it be a waste of a great opportunity?”

Zhang Shiping hesitated for a moment, then said to Lu Bu: "What Wen Hou said seems to be correct, how about I try it?"

"I will ask people to prepare a batch for Zhang Gong to take away as soon as possible." Zhang Shiping let go, and Lu Bu quickly said: "I also ask Zhang Gong to stay in Xiapi for a few more days."

Although he agreed to try, Zhang Shiping was not without worries.

"Mr. Zhang, do you want to try it?" Lu Bu saw his concerns and picked up a bottle of powder: "The paste is still being prepared, but some tooth powders here have the same effect."

"Forget it." Zhang Shiping replied: "But I can take a bottle back and try it first."

Lu Bu handed the vase to the guard.

The guard held it in both hands and handed it to Zhang Shiping.

After opening the plug and smelling it, Zhang Shiping's expression suddenly changed.

The cool and elegant fragrance was quite different from any he had ever smelled before.

Before smelling the fragrance, Zhang Shiping was still not sure about the sales prospect of the toothpaste.

When he uncorked the bottle and put it on the tip of his nose, he felt great confidence in this product that can only be used to clean teeth.

After talking with Lu Bu for a long time, Zhang Shiping knew that toothpaste also has the effect of relieving burns.

Chen Gong accompanied him out of the study, he already had full confidence in selling toothpaste.

It can both freshen breath and relieve burns. If something like this can't be sold, it's really unreasonable!

"Thanks to General Chen for keeping me here." Walking out of the study, Zhang Shiping said to Chen Gong: "Otherwise, I would have missed a great opportunity to make money."

"I mentioned toothpaste to Mr. Zhang, but Mr. Zhang didn't like it at that time." Chen Gong asked, "Why did you change your mind after meeting Wen Hou?"

"General Chen didn't explain the magical effect of toothpaste, and I didn't smell the fresh breath." Zhang Shiping said: "I just thought that it is impossible for the common people and soldiers to spend money on useless things. But they ignore the wealth. A woman from someone's backyard."

"How many women can there be from a wealthy family?" Chen Gong said, "Even if Mr. Zhang sells them, how many bottles can we sell?"

"General Chen was born in an official family, so maybe he doesn't know that women really don't hesitate to buy things." Zhang Shiping said: "Fine silk and satin are often bought by women from rich and noble families. But where the family is big and the business is big, which backyard is not the same as the others. Gorgeous? Youth, beauty and body are important, but what you wear can also add luster to a woman. Wives and concubines compete for beauty, and their clothes are similar, so there is no novelty. If any wife can exhale like blue, she must have More opportunities to stand out in the backyard."

"I was also listening to the conversation between Marquis Wen and Mr. Zhang." Chen Gong replied, "I didn't think it was novel, but Mr. Zhang saw a business opportunity."

"I used to sell goods for a living, so of course I have to be more sensitive about making money." Zhang Shiping said: "As long as I open the door of the back house of a wealthy family, I can sell as much toothpaste as I can."

"Mr. Zhang is so optimistic, the prospect must be good." Chen Gong cupped his hands: "I wish Mr. Zhang a prosperous life and a prosperous future."

"Thank you, General Chen." Zhang Shiping smiled triumphantly, and thanked Chen Gong.

Seeing off Zhang Shiping, Lu Bu was relieved of his burden.

There is a market for toothpaste.

Toothpaste was a novelty for people of this day and age.

Before making an effect, it will take a long period of adaptation for new things to replace what people are used to and have been using all the time.

Zhang Shiping has been in business for many years. If even he cannot sell toothpaste, it can only be said that it is too early to develop this product.

Lu Bu seized food and grass from Huainan and sent it back to Xiapi, and contacted Zhang Shiping to promote toothpaste. At the same time, Yan Xiang, who was ordered to go to Zhongli, also returned to Shouchun.

Shouchun was once the old capital of Chu during the Warring States Period.

Yuan Shu occupied Yangzhou and took Shouchun as his governing place.

After getting the Jade Seal of Chuanguo, he usurped the title of emperor, and Shouchun became the capital of Yuan Shu.

Although it is the so-called national capital, the scale of Shouchun City is not very large.

Searching for the fat and anointing of the people, Yuan Shu built a magnificent palace in this small city.

The red walls and green tiles of the palace are in stark contrast to the adobe houses on the street. It can be said that there is a street of heaven and a street of desolation.

In order to fulfill his dream of being an emperor and live a life of extravagance like a king, Yuan Shu almost shoveled all the land in Huainan and other places.

When Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, his staff tried their best to encourage him, but Yan Xiang objected.

It's a pity that Yuan Shu, who dreamed of being an emperor all day long, couldn't listen to his words at all, and forcibly ascended the throne under the circumstances of powerful enemies all over the world, so that he gave Cao Cao an excuse to crusade against him, and completely turned against Yuan Shao in Hebei.

Back at the Shouchun Palace, Yan Xiang looked up at the tall gate and sighed softly.

Although Yuan Shu was not as good as Hebei Yuan Shao back then, his power should not be underestimated.

Since he ascended the throne as emperor, not only heroes from all over the world launched an army to crusade, but even the people in Huainan were betrayed by the people.

Lu Bu and Cao Cao attacked Huainan successively, and Yuan Shu's power was weakened one after another, and the former prosperity was gone.

Knowing that Yuan Shu was just lingering on his last breath, Yan Xiang still chose to stick to him with his loyalty.

Yan Xiang returned to Shouchun, and Yuan Shu received him in the palace hall.

Besides Yuan Shu, there were also a group of generals and civil servants sitting in the hall.

Entering the main hall, Yan Xiang bowed to salute: "Kowtow to Your Majesty."

"How about Zhongli?" Yuan Shu asked, "Have you found out who did it?"

"All the evidence points to Cao Cao." Yan Xiang replied, "We also found a Cao Jun saber in the barracks."

"Cao Cao?" Yuan Shu's face suddenly turned ugly: "Could it be that he plans to send troops to attack Huainan again?"

"Although the evidence points to Cao Cao, I doubt that he did it." Yan Xiang said, "If it was Cao Cao, the murderer didn't have any casualties. Why did he leave behind a sword?"

It is indeed Yuan Shu's obsession to pretend to be emperor.

But after all, he is a generation of heroes, not a fool.

Yan Xiang nodded, and Yuan Shu immediately understood: "You mean that someone deliberately left this sword and blamed it on Cao Cao?"

"I really think so." Yan Xiang responded.

"Where is the sword? Show me." Yuan Shu probably guessed who it was.

Behind Yan Xiang was an attendant holding a tray.

He turned his head and winked, and the attendant walked towards Yuan Shu holding the tray.

(End of this chapter)

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