The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 24 Yuan Shu is nothing but dead wood in the mound

Chapter 24 Yuan Shu is nothing but dead wood in the mound
The attendant next to Yuan Shu stepped forward to take the tray, carefully placed it on the table in front of him, and then lifted the silk covering it.

There was a sword on the tray.

Picking up the sword, Yuan Shu flipped through it twice, then pulled the sword out of its scabbard.

"It is indeed the sword of Cao Cao's family." Yuan Shu asked everyone, "Who do you think did this?"

"Your Majesty." A person on the left stood up: "The one who did this is Lu Fengxian!"

The speaker was a thin middle-aged man.

This person has a well-defined face and sly eyes, which can easily give people a sinister impression.

He is Yang Hong, whom Yuan Shu has relied on the most in recent years.

"Lü Bu once asked me for help, how could he be so eager to offend me?" Yuan Shu had already guessed that it was Lu Bu, but he still raised a question.

"He did ask His Majesty for help, but His Majesty did not send troops." Yang Hong replied, "Lü Bu hates Cao Cao, but I don't think he hates His Majesty deeply enough. He deliberately kept his sword, and it was nothing more than blaming Cao Cao. I want to see Cao Cao and Your Majesty the most." There is no one else attacking each other except Lu Bu!"

"That makes sense!" Yuan Shu stroked his beard and nodded approvingly.

He looked at Yan Xiang again: "How did Zhongli officials deal with it?"

"According to His Majesty's will, the county magistrate and the county lieutenant were divided into five horses." Yan Xiang replied: "The people who guarded the warehouse that day were beheaded in the street, and anyone involved in it will be punished accordingly."

"I handed Zhongli over to them, but they neglected their duties, lost their food, nearly a thousand soldiers were killed, and they didn't find out until a whole day later." Yuan Shu asked everyone, "What do you think I should do with Lu Bu? "

Instead of dealing with others, the generals will definitely scramble to ask for a fight.

The opponent was Lu Bu, but no one dared to stand up and express his opinion.

Whoever Yuan Shu puts the responsibility for the offense on will have a hard time!

Lu Bu is a mighty and unparalleled general in the world.

Among the generals sitting here, none of them can gain benefits from him on the battlefield!
"Of course we want to fight!" The generals dared not express their views, but Yang Hong, who was a civil servant, didn't take that much into consideration.

He bowed to Yuan Shu, and made an impassioned statement in front of the civil and military ministers sitting there: "Lü Bu came to provoke and killed nearly a thousand soldiers of our army. If you don't attack, how can your majesty deter the world? After being trapped in Xiapi for several months, Lv Bu is already at the end of his strength." He went to Zhongli to grab food regardless of the danger, which is enough to prove that he is almost out of food and grass. Even if Zhongli's food storage is removed, he is just lingering. Now that he has declared war, why didn't His Majesty take the opportunity to take Xuzhou? If we go to Xuzhou, we will be able to reorganize our troops and fight Cao Cao sooner or later!"

"Do you have any opinions?" Yuan Shu looked at the others.

Everyone stood up one after another and said in unison: "I'll wait for the second!"

Yuan Shu is very happy, and always hopes that others will follow him.

After following for many years, the civil and military ministers have figured out his temper.

Although he did not express his position directly, the ministers had long understood that the so-called inquiry was just a formality.

The attack on Lu Bu is a foregone conclusion!

No one objected to sending troops, Yuan Shu stood up and said, "Decide my will, Ji Ling will be the general, Liu Xiang will be the vanguard, lead five thousand troops to attack Lu Bu!"

Two days later, Ji Ling and Liu Xiang led five thousand soldiers and horses to leave Shouchun and enter Xuzhou via Zhongli.

Xu Guo, the southernmost state in Xiapi County, was the first to be attacked by Ji Ling and Liu Xiang because it was close to Huainan.

After looting grain and grass from Zhongli, Lu Bu returned to Xiapi and distributed half of the grain to the soldiers and civilians.

Trapped for several months, the food supply of many people's homes has already bottomed out.

After the rations were distributed, the city of Xiapi praised Lu Bu.

With food, the morale of Lu Bu's soldiers was also unprecedentedly high.

After several days of preparation, the doctor finally prepared a paste-like toothpaste.

Small clay bottles are neatly stacked in the not-so-large wooden box.

"Only 72 bottles were made in the first batch." Pushing the box to the front of the table, Lu Bu said to Zhang Shiping who was sitting on the side: "It's a little less, Mr. Zhang should be enough for a trial sale."

"How much is Marquis Wen going to sell for a bottle?" Zhang Shiping asked.

"Is a penny a lot?" Lu Bu showed an innocent smile.

"Is it a little expensive?" Zhang Shiping hesitated: "A small bottle of toothpaste costs only a penny of medicinal materials..."

"The capital is not important." Lu Bu interrupted him: "The important thing is that I have it and others don't! Mr. Zhang has been in business for many years, and he should know that it is far easier to win people's hearts than expensive goods."

"That's what I said, but the price Wenhou gave..." Zhang Shiping frowned, and said after a moment of pondering, "I'll do my best!"

"I'm not doing my best, but I'm sure I can." Lu Bu said: "Mr. Zhang only has 72 bottles. I think it can be sold for a penny, and when it's almost sold out, people will still buy it even if they add another penny."

Looking at Lu Bu in astonishment, Zhang Shiping was stunned.

Of course he understood what Lu Bu said.

He just didn't expect these words to come from the mouth of Xiongxiong who had led the army for many years.

He once heard people talking about Lu Bu, but it was nothing more than bravery and lack of strategy.

But the young general sitting in front of him was not only full of heroism, but also thoughtful of everything. He even explained clearly the tricks that merchants often deliberately reduce their goods.

"I understand what Wen Hou meant." Zhang Shiping agreed.

The guard next to Lu Bu lifted the wooden box and sent it to him.

Just about to count the pottery bottles in the wooden box, Chen Gong broke in.

First he bowed his hands to Zhang Shiping, and then Chen Gong said to Lu Bu, "House Wen, something happened."

Speaking of the accident, he subconsciously glanced at Zhang Shiping.

Knowing that Chen Gong thought it was difficult for him to talk here, Zhang Shiping stood up and said, "If Marquis Wen has no other orders, I will leave first."

"Come on!" Lu Bu shouted towards the door.

One of the guards outside the door came in.

"Send Duke Zhang back to rest." Lu Bu ordered the guards.

The guards withdrew to the door, Zhang Shiping retreated and left.

After he left, Chen Gong said to Lu Bu: "Yuan Shu guessed that it was Marquis Wen who went to Zhongli, and sent two generals, Ji Ling and Liu Xiang, with [-] troops into Xiapi to attack Xu."

"It's pretty fast." Lu Bu smiled indifferently as if he didn't care at all.

"What is Marquis Wen going to do?" Chen Gong asked.

"You and General Gao are guarding Xiapi, and I will lead Wen Yuan to fight against it." Lu Bu said, "Cao Cao is besieging the city, we can't get him for the time being. What is Yuan Shu? Come and fight me!"

"Our army has less than two thousand soldiers, but the enemy has five thousand." Chen Gong persuaded, "Wen Hou can't underestimate the enemy."

Lu Bu got up and walked in front of Chen Gong, and lightly patted his arm: "Don't worry, Gongtai. Yuan Shu is no more than a dead tree in the tomb. I am worried that I will not find a chance to destroy Huainan. He handed over Huainan. How can I?" Reason for not taking it?"

(End of this chapter)

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