Chapter 25 I Am Lu Bu

Five thousand Huainan elite soldiers besieged Xu State.

The defenders gave up the city with little resistance.

Since Cao Cao's crusade against Xuzhou, although some cities are still in Lu Bu's hands in name, in fact the defenders have long lost their loyalty.

To betray Lu Bu, all they lack is a high-sounding excuse...

In Xiapi City, only [-] soldiers can go to battle.

Lu Bu selected 500 men, and with Zhang Liao as his lieutenant general, he went out of the city to meet the Huainan army.

The horseshoes are far away and the dust and smoke are billowing, bathed in the brilliance of the rising sun, Lu Bu galloping on the horse looks like a warrior god descending from the sky.

The five hundred soldiers behind him, although their armor was broken, were all in high spirits.

Chen Gong and Gao Shun stood at the top of the wall.

Looking at Lu Bu going away, Gao Shun couldn't help feeling a little worried: "Wen Hou only led 500 men, but Ji Ling led [-] soldiers and horses. This battle..."

"This battle decides the life and death of Wen Hou and each of us." Chen Gong said solemnly: "But I am very relieved, the current Wen Hou is no longer the Wen Hou who was trapped in Xiapi."

Gao Shun nodded silently.

Chen Gong's confidence is not without reason, Lv Bu has brought them too many surprises recently.

The soldiers of the three armies, whose morale was so demoralized, also rekindled their hopes!
Astride the horse and lift the halberd, Lu Bu walked in the front of the team.

Zhang Liao followed behind him.

No one in the fast march spoke.

Including Lu Bu, everyone looked very dignified.

500 people against 5000 people...

Except for the soldiers who are still following Lu Bu, I am afraid that no one believes that they can survive this battle!

After taking Xu Guo, Ji Ling and Liu Xiang are more confident in defeating Lu Bu.

Throwing the city to the defenders who had surrendered, the two led an army of [-] and continued to advance northward.

The two sides met unexpectedly in a small place called Louting.

The cold winter is leaving quietly, and spring breathes softly to the earth.

The grass has sprouted from the soil. Although it only shows a small tip, it still covers the world with a layer of lush greenery.

The spring breeze is like a road idiot with no sense of direction. It sometimes goes from south to north, and sometimes from north to south.

Facing the cold wind in early spring, Lu Bu immediately swung his halberd, staring at the Huainan army that was slowly approaching.

The dense Huainan army advanced slowly. Compared with their lineup, the 500 men brought by Lu Bu seemed too thin.

Seeing Lu Bu from a distance, but only vaguely seeing his armor and the red rabbit under his crotch, Ji Ling and Liu Xiang felt a little panicked in their hearts.

After getting closer, Liu Xiang realized something was wrong.

He whispered to Ji Ling: "General Ji, it seems that Lu Bu is not here."

"Not Lu Bu?" Ji Ling's eyesight was not as good as Liu Xiang's, and Ji Ling asked in surprise, "Who could it be?"

"I don't know." Liu Xiang looked at Lu Bu opposite him suspiciously, "Lu Bu is nearly fifty years old, but the general opposite him is no more than twenty."

"There is such a thing?" Ji Ling couldn't believe it, and squinted his eyes to look at the other side.

But he still couldn't see clearly.

If it wasn't Lu Bu who came, who else was wearing his armor and riding his steed?

"Lv Bu is brave, we are no match for him." Liu Xiang said, "It would be a good thing if he didn't come."

"If the visitor is really young, it can be seen that Lu Bu has no generals under his command." Ji Ling said, "I'll go meet him and see how sacred he is."

"How can a mere young general use General Ji?" Liu Xiang said, "I'll go meet him, and ask the general to beat the drums for me!"

"General Liu, be careful." Knowing that it wasn't Lu Bu who was coming, Ji Ling felt relieved.

Liu Xiang rode his horse and rushed out, came to the place where Lu Bu could hear him shouting, raised his weapon and pointed at him: "Who is coming? Tell me your name quickly, I will not kill an unknown general."

"I'll go meet him." Zhang Liao raised the rein and was about to rush out.

"Wen Yuan is in charge, I'll go." Lu Bu stopped him.

"Wenhou..." As Lu Bu is the lord, Zhang Liao certainly didn't want him to go into battle in person.

"The soldiers are all looking at me." Lu Bu smiled, "Only when I go into battle in person can they truly have the belief in victory."

Zhang Liao stopped arguing.

Lu Bu was right.

At the beginning, Xuzhou had [-] soldiers and horses.

When Cao Cao attacked, Lu Bu was defeated one after another, and many soldiers scattered and fled, leaving behind those who were trapped in Xiapi with no way out.

Lu Bu burned Cao Jun's food and grass to repel Cao Cao, and the old general became a young man overnight.

His previous decadence was swept away, and the soldiers witnessed with their own eyes that the once invincible God of War was reborn from the ashes.

Liu Xiang came to challenge, and Zhang Liao could easily win.

But he won, and the encouragement to the soldiers was far less than that of Lu Bu who went into battle by himself.

Patting Zhang Liao's arm lightly, Lu Bu immediately stepped forward to meet Liu Xiangce.

"Is there no one in Yuan Shu's hands? You don't even know me. You're really blind." Less than ten steps away from Liu Xiang, Lu Bu stopped.

As they approached each other, Liu Xiang looked at Lu Bu with astonishment and confusion on his face.

Wearing a golden armor, riding a red rabbit horse, and holding a Fangtian painting halberd in one hand, he is as handsome and majestic as a god coming to the world.

If he didn't look only seventeen or eighteen years old, he must have thought that Lu Bu was in front of him.

"Who are you?" Seeing Lu Bu clearly, Liu Xiang felt a little guilty.

He once heard that Lu Bu had a son who was also unparalleled in bravery, but he was not very good-looking and was never valued.

Cao's army besieged Xiapi, and Lv Bu's son led his troops out of the city to fight. In the end, they were outnumbered and killed by the rebellious army.

The handsome man in front of him should look exactly like Lu Bu in 30 years.

Apart from the one who died in battle, did Lu Bu have any other sons?

Liu Xiang was confused at the bottom of his heart, but Lu Bu smiled contemptuously, and said coldly: "No wonder you are in such a hurry to seek death, it turns out that you don't recognize me."

"Who on earth are you?" Feeling guilty in his heart, Liu Xiang sternly asked for courage.

"How many Jiuyuan Lu Bu are there in the world?" Lu Bu deliberately lowered his voice.

Of course Liu Xiang would not believe his self-reported family background.

In his impression, Lu Bu was nearly half a century old and had gray hair on his sideburns. The former warrior god was long gone. How could he be the heroic young man in front of him?
"Are you here to fight or go on a blind date?" Before Liu Xiang recovered his senses, Lu Bu glared at him, "Even if you are a woman, I wouldn't like you if you look like this. Since you are here to seek death, why don't you hurry up? Whispering, you're wasting my general's time!"

Lu Bu was riding the Red Rabbit horse, and the distance between the two was less than ten steps.

Liu Xiang knew very well that even if he wanted to run, as long as Lu Bu caught up, there was no possibility for him to retreat alive.

No matter what, he wouldn't believe that Lu Bu was in front of him, and with a chance of winning, Liu Xiang rode Xin Yiheng to kill him.

Ji Ling, who was watching the battle from afar, raised his arm.

Then the drums of the Chinese army sounded.

The sound of drums was deafening, cheering Liu Xiang up.

The distance was less than ten steps, and Liu Xiang rushed in front of him, but Lu Bu didn't show any signs of charging.

(End of this chapter)

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