The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 26 He Will Hit Us Sooner or later

Chapter 26 He Will Hit Us Sooner or later

The drums of war stopped abruptly.

Ji Ling looked forward in astonishment.

The empty horses passed by Lu Bu, and Liu Xiang lay face up on the cold ground.

No one saw how Lu Bu made a move.

Ji Ling only saw him wave the weapon casually.

With just a casual wave, Liu Xiang was chopped off the horse.

Tranquility, the tranquility of death.

The faces of the soldiers of the Huainan Army were filled with inconceivable bewilderment.

Many people know Liu Xiang's ability.

A veteran on the battlefield, even if he is not the opponent's opponent, it is impossible to be instantly killed by one move!

The five hundred elite soldiers brought by Lu Bu clenched their fists excitedly.

God of War is back!
The old warmth is back!

Many veterans even cried with joy.

The former glory, the former unparalleled in the world, has returned to their side again, and will lead them to regroup in the future!

"Wen Hou is mighty!" Zhang Liao was the first to raise his weapon and cheer.

I chose to follow Lu Bu precisely because of his bravery.

Ke Lu Bu's subsequent performance was really disappointing.

Zhang Liao also flinched, and also thought about leaving Lu Bu, who had passed middle age and lost his fighting spirit.

Just when he was about to lose his faith, the God of War was reborn...

Five hundred soldiers wake up like a dream, and follow the mountain to shout mighty.

Holding Fang Tian's painting halberd, Lu Bu smiled coldly at Ji Ling who was in the distance, without looking at the corpse on the ground.

Turning his horse, he returned to the front of the formation under the reverent eyes of the soldiers.

"Congratulations to Wen Hou for winning the first battle!" Zhang Liao cupped his hands in congratulations.

Lu Bu smiled indifferently: "Liu Xiang's martial arts skills are ordinary, but killing him is not easy."

"Soldiers!" Looking at the five hundred elite soldiers, Lu Bu shouted, "Tell me, do you believe me?"

"Trust!" Lu Bu killed the general with one move, and the morale of the soldiers was unprecedentedly high.

"Since you believe in me, I'll let you witness another miracle!" He raised his voice and pointed at the Huainan army on the opposite side: "I want you to know, and the enemy army on the other side also know what God's will belongs to me!"

They didn't understand what Lu Bu was going to do, but the eyes of the soldiers were more determined than before.

"Wen Yuan!" Lu Bu shouted, "Suppress the formation for me. Once the enemy army is in chaos, immediately lead the army to charge and kill!"

Before Zhang Liao could react, he rode out again.

This time Lu Bu charged not at any one of the enemy generals, but at the dark five thousand Huainan army.

"Wenhou!" Zhang Liao hurriedly shouted upon seeing this.

As the main general, it's too much fun for Lu Bu to charge alone!
By the time he yelled out, Lu Bu had already rushed a long way.

Ji Ling still hasn't figured out how Liu Xiang was easily beheaded.

Lu Bu has already rushed over.

Chitu is different from ordinary war horses.

Its speed is extremely fast, and it runs like a strong wind.

When Ji Ling came back to his senses, Lu Bu was not too far away from him.

"Stop him!" Seeing Lu Bu's bravery and seeing him rushing forward, Ji Ling quickly ordered.

Groups of Huainan troops rushed out like a torrent rushing towards Lu Bu.

Wielding the painting halberd, Lu Bu did not slow down his horse's speed at all, piercing into the Huainan army like a sharp sword.

Chitu knocked over the Huainan army who rushed up, and the painting halberd in Lu Bu's hand was spinning like the blades of a windmill.

The Huainan army who dared to block the way was like leeks under the sickle, being harvested in pieces.

Those who originally planned to rush forward retreated one after another, and the Huainan army was in chaos...

Zhang Liao, who was ordered to wait and see, pointed his halberd forward and let out a roar: "Soldiers, kill me!"

Five hundred elite soldiers have long been eager to try.

Like a pack of hungry wolves, they howled and charged at the enemy.

The difference in military strength between the two sides is ten times.

However, no matter how many sheep there are, they are no match for wolves.

Lu Bu was brave, but Ji Ling didn't dare to go forward to fight, but just urged the soldiers to charge up.

The terrified soldiers wished they could flee the battlefield immediately, so how could they foolishly approach that god of death.

The rout was a foregone conclusion.

The wolves slaughtered the sheep, and left the Huainan army who had no time to escape in this field forever.

In the wilderness after the fight, an unknown number of corpses were lying here and there.

His battle robe was stained red with blood, and Lu Bu rode his horse in a place filled with the breath of death.

Soldiers are cleaning the battlefield.

Although Yuan Shu is not what it used to be, the Huainan Army's weapons are much better than those under Lu Bu's command.

Bundles of weapons were piled on the carriages, and carts of military rations were gathered together by the soldiers.

Zhang Liao came to Lu Bu's side: "Wen Hou, Ji Ling has escaped."

"I know." Lu Bu looked at the two soldiers who were burying their bodies not far away: "We have completely won this battle."

"Yes, we won." Zhang Liao asked, "What is Hou Wen going to do next?"

Lu Bu looked forward: "To recover the lost ground, I want to let the world know that only I am the undefeated legend!"

"Only 500 people..." Zhang Liao hesitated.

"Five hundred people are enough." Lu Bu interrupted him: "We won five thousand with five hundred, so what's the difficulty in recovering a few cities?"

Zhang Liao didn't say anything.

If someone else said that, he would definitely think it was too insolent.

But when Lu Bu said that, he didn't find it abrupt.

The reborn Lu Bu is not only braver than before, but even his temperament has completely changed.

He is crazy and has the capital to be crazy!

It was dusk when the soldiers buried the body.

The setting sun was setting, and the red sunset covered the sky.

After the afterglow sprinkles on the field, the grass leaves that have just sprouted out of the buds are flowing with a little bit of golden light.

Under the new soil that has just been turned over in several places, the people who died in battle are buried.

In a few months, the green grass here will be more lush than in previous years.

Crossing the horse and lifting the halberd, Lu Bu led a mere 500 people all the way south.

The distance they have to go is not far, but to the border of Huainan.

Xuzhou has gone through many wars, and the once complete states and counties have long since fallen into disarray.

Chen Deng occupied Guangling, and many cities had already surrendered to Cao Cao.

It will be a serious problem sooner or later if they are not eliminated.

However, Lu Bu could not attack rashly at this time.

Those people have already served Cao Cao, and sending troops to seize the city is undoubtedly declaring war on Cao Cao.

With only 2000 troops, no matter how insolent Lu Bu was, he would not choose this time to openly provoke Cao Cao.

In comparison, Yuan Shu, who is still entrenched in Huainan, is easier to bully.

Take down Huainan and expand the recruitment of troops. If you have enough strength, it will not be too late to challenge Cao Cao!

That night, the soldiers camped in the wild.

The night was thick, and Lu Bu, who was not sleepy, walked out of the handsome tent.

Zhang Liao was still inspecting the camp.

"Wen Yuan!" Seeing Zhang Liao, Lu Bu shouted, "Come here."

"What is Hou Wen's order?" Zhang Liao walked over.

"Walk with me." After saying hello, Lu Bu walked outside the camp.

Following behind him, Zhang Liao didn't say a word.

"When do you think we will be able to openly confront Cao Cao?" Lv Bu stopped forty or fifty steps away from the barracks.

"Marquis Wen is brave enough to conquer the world, but we have too few troops." Zhang Liao replied.

"If I don't beat him, he will beat me sooner or later." Lu Bu said, "Most of Xuzhou's cities are not in our hands, so it's not easy to recruit soldiers and horses. I plan to take Huainan, recruit enough soldiers and then take back all of Xuzhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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