The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 27 Different People Use Different Methods

Chapter 27 Different People Use Different Methods
Lu Bu and Zhang Liao led five hundred soldiers forward.

Wherever they went, the gates of the cities that had served Ji Ling opened their doors one after another.

The officials knelt down on both sides of the city gate tremblingly, and none of them dared to raise their heads.

Ji Ling led his army to Xiapi, and officials along the way offered the city one after another.

In the battle of Louting, Lu Bu won five thousand with five hundred, and all the officials in Xiancheng were in danger.

In the impression of officials from all over the country, Lu Bu has not been as good as each year in recent years.

As he got older, his martial courage was not as good as before, and his courage became much smaller.

More and more people think that following Lu Bu has no future, so they surrendered without a fight after the Huainan Army entered Xuzhou.

No one would have thought that Lu Bu, who was at the end of the road, could win more with less in the Louting battlefield, leading a mere 500 men to defeat the [-] Huainan army.

No one expected that Lu Bu who appeared in front of them was no longer a middle-aged hero, but a young God of War who looked at most seventeen or eighteen years old.

The officials were in danger, but Lu Bu did not punish them, and let them continue to rule the place after admonishing them.

The officials who escaped from the dead were grateful to Dade, and witnessed Lu Bu's changes with their own eyes. How could they dare to have the slightest disagreement!

The team continued to head south, and Lu Bu's next destination was the state of Xu in the southernmost part of Xiapi.

Xu State is only more than 200 miles away from Huainan. Every time Yuan Shu enters Xuzhou, this county will be the first to surrender.

They never put up a decent resistance.

Like the city that Lu Bu had passed before, the county magistrate of Xu Guo led the officials to kneel outside the city gate.

Ji Ling's rout once passed by outside the city.

Lu Bu won the battle at Louting, and all the officials below the county magistrate were worried.

The gates of the city were tightly closed, and they couldn't resist for a few days.

Welcoming Lu Bu into the city, we don't know what kind of punishment he will receive.

Just when the officials in Xu State didn't know what to do, they got the news that Lu Bu had not severely punished any officials along the way.

Officials breathed a sigh of relief.

When Lu Bu came outside the city of Xu, the county magistrate led all the officials out of the city to meet him.

Kneeling at the gate of the city, the officials were trembling, and no one dared to look up and peek.

The sound of horseshoes getting closer.

When Lu Bu was approaching the city gate, the county magistrate pouted his buttocks and shouted loudly: "General Lu is mighty!"

The officials followed closely and shouted mighty.

The sound of hooves stopped, and the officials could clearly feel a strong coercion penetrating from the top of their heads to their heels.

The red horse's legs were right in front of the county magistrate.

Kneeling on the ground, he could only see a few thick hooves.

"Are you the county magistrate here?" The cold voice made the county magistrate tremble.

"Report to the general, that's right!" Knowing that it was Lu Bu who was asking the question, the county magistrate replied tremblingly, not daring to raise his head.

"How many years have you been doing?"

"It's been five years."

"Five years is not short. You have witnessed several wars." Lu Bu sneered: "When Yuan Shu attacked Liu Xuande, Xu State was the first to dedicate the city. Last time he sent troops to attack Xuzhou, you were the first to dedicate the city. Get out. When Ji Ling came, I thought you could hold out for two days and plan to lead troops to help, but I didn't expect that you still didn't make any resistance and surrendered to the enemy again."

"Xu Guo has few soldiers. If you stick to it, you may not be able to last for a day. Please tell the general!" Feeling bad, the county magistrate quickly argued: "I also have to do this for the sake of the people in the city."

"It seems that you not only have no faults, but have merits." Lu Bu asked, "How many brave soldiers are there?"

The county lieutenant who knelt behind the county magistrate replied tremblingly: "Reporting to the general, there are only more than 120 soldiers in Xu Guoke."

"I led 500 men to defeat Ji Ling's 5000 men in Louting." Lu Bu said: "We don't have a city, and we can still win without food and grass supplies. Xu Guo may not have much food, and it should not be difficult to support it for a month or two. We can fight bravely With 120 people, protected by the city wall, it is not difficult to defend for three to five days. But you surrendered without a fight and gave up the city to the enemy!"

Hearing that Lu Bu's words were not kind, all the officials trembled.

The weather in early spring was relatively cold, and the clothes on the backs of many officials were still soaked in cold sweat.

"Come on!" Lu Bu shouted, "Tie up the county magistrate and the county lieutenant, and drag them down to be the leader of the crowd!"

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu wanted to kill them, the county magistrate and county lieutenant raised their heads in astonishment, while the other officials crouched lower, trembling like chaff.

Seeing Lu Bu clearly, the county magistrate and county lieutenant were stunned.

The outline of the face can vaguely tell that it is Lu Bu's appearance.

But this face is too young!
He is handsome, mighty and heroic, he is simply a young warrior, how can anyone have a middle-aged decadent look?
The two opened their mouths in shock, unable to believe that the scene before them was real.

Four soldiers stepped forward, two of them one, and set up the county magistrate and county lieutenant to drag them away.

"General, what crime are we guilty of?" The county magistrate struggled and shouted, "Why did you kill us?"

"Dedicating the city to the enemy, how dare you say that you are innocent?" Lu Bu glared angrily.

"We want to see General Lu!" The county lieutenant shouted, "General Lu, please make the decision for us!"

"I am Lu Bu, but you don't know me standing in front of you!" Lu Bu shouted, "Drag it, cut it off!"

The soldiers dragged the magistrate and lieutenant away like dead dogs.

When the county magistrate and county lieutenant were dragged away, they still shouted "wronged" unwillingly.

After a while, the soldier came back with two heads: "General Qi, the two have been beheaded."

The officials kneeling at the city gate watched the county magistrate and county lieutenant being killed. Who would not be afraid of bad luck befalling them, and all of them trembled even more violently.

"Get up." Lu Bu entered the city and walked past them.

Until the last soldier walked into Xuguo County, most officials still failed to stand up.

It's not that they don't want to get up, but that their legs are as soft as noodles boiled in water, how can they support their bodies.

After entering the state of Xu, Zhang Liao asked Lü Bu, "Why didn't Marquis Wen of the previous cities kill the officials, but only in the state of Xu?"

"The previous cities also tried their best to stop the enemy army." Lu Bu said: "Now they think that I have lost all power, so they will do such a thing. The so-called trees fell and the monkeys scattered, I can't blame them all. I let them go this time because of me. No one is really available. Xu Guo is different. Yuan Shu sent troops to Xuzhou several times, and the county magistrate directly surrendered the city every time. He never even planned to resist. If they are spared, they will do the same next time Things. Treat different people in different ways. People like Xu Guo County Magistrate and County Captain who regard luck as inevitable, what's the use of keeping them?"

"They really deserve to die." Zhang Liao understood Lu Bu's intention.

"Do you think we can win Huainan with 500 people?" Lu Bu asked suddenly.

"500 people attacked Huainan?" Zhang Liao was taken aback: "Although Yuan Shu is not what it used to be, Huainan cannot be captured by just 500 people."

(End of this chapter)

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