Chapter 148 From Forced to Willing
Lv Bu led his army away from Shouchun, and along the way ordered the soldiers to take all the young men and women who could be taken away.

The soldiers ran around like bandits.

They rushed into the village and drove out all the men and women.

If the old people and children followed behind, the soldiers didn't ask, they just let them follow.

After walking for a day, Lu Bu's team expanded a lot.

With the expansion of the team, sorrowful emotions permeated and flooded.

It was getting late, and seeing that Zhongli was approaching, Lu Bu looked back.

There are more and more old people and children following behind the team.

Relatives were taken away, the elderly and children lost their support, and they could only follow behind, crying and mourning.

Looking back at the horse, Lu Bu told Zhang Liao, "Wen Yuan come with me."

Noticing that he was looking at the crowd following behind, Zhang Liao thought that Lu Bu was going to disperse the old people and children.

He said to Lv Bu, "You don't need Marquis Wen to go in person, I'll handle it."

"What are you going to do with it?" Lu Bu asked.

"Have someone disperse them." Zhang Liao replied, "Those who don't listen to persuasion..."

"They are all relatives of the men and women captured by us." Lu Bu interrupted him: "The relatives are scattered, what will the people who are going to Pengcheng with us think?"

Zhang Liao was left speechless, and then he realized that he had misunderstood Lu Bu's meaning.

"Wen Hou wants to bring them all?" Zhao Yun said: "There are so many old people and children, and a lot of food is consumed."

"An old man in a family is like a treasure." Lu Bu said: "The elderly can unite the family, and the children will eventually grow up. For the prosperity of Xuzhou, I will also encourage the people to have children. If there are children who are willing to follow us, of course we must give them all. Bring it on."

After giving an explanation, Lu Bu rode his horse towards the elderly and children following behind the team.

There are quite a few strong and strong people captured by them, and there are also many old people and children trailing behind the team.

Lu Bu arrived with Zhang Liao and a group of soldiers, and the crowd of old people and children panicked.

Some old people hugged their children in their arms and looked at Lu Bu with fear.

Stopping in front of the crowd, Lu Bu shouted: "Dare to ask all the folks who have been following us, do you also want to go to Xuzhou?"

Of course no one answered his question.

People just follow relatives, who would really want to go to Xuzhou with him?

Telling the truth is against his conscience, and lying may lose his head. Of course, no one will answer his question.

"It seems to be." Even though there was no response from the people, Lu Bu still told Zhang Liao with a smile on his face: "Wen Yuan, distribute some food, let the elders have a full meal, and go on the road tomorrow morning. Also, let the soldiers Separate some tents, old and small, it’s terrible to be freezing at night!”

What he said was easy-going, and he wanted someone to bring food to give everyone a full meal. The people who thought they would usher in a catastrophe were suddenly confused.

Zhang Liao winked at the soldiers beside him.

The soldier turned away.

Lu Bu then shouted to the crowd: "Folks, don't worry, you are willing to go to Xuzhou with me, and when you get there, as long as I don't starve to death, you will have a bite to eat."

After Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, he exploited the people of Huainan heavily.

The common people couldn't even fill their stomachs, and they often saw the Huainan army, and each family hid some food for fear of being robbed.

Following behind the team, the elderly and children just follow their relatives subconsciously.

They never thought that Lu Bu would distribute food.

"Marquis Wen has an order to distribute food to the folks behind the team, so that they can have a full meal!" The soldiers who sent the order did not go to find military supplies quietly, but shouted loudly while galloping their horses.

The sad and mournful people in the team, who were shrouded in gloom over their heads, heard the shout and stood up one after another.

They have long since discovered that their loved ones are following them.

Thinking that the road is not close, and how many old people and children will die on the road due to fatigue and hunger, people feel a burst of sadness in their hearts.

The first soldier who sent the order flew by, and then the No.2 soldier sent an order: "Marquis Wen has an order to distribute tents to the villagers. The deeper the dew is, the worse it will be if it freezes!"

The soldiers were ordered to gallop past the crowd. Although the words were cold, every word made the hearts of the people in the team feel an inexplicable warmth.

Before people recovered, the No.3 messenger ran over again: "Marquis Wen has an order to ask the doctor to go to the rear team to diagnose the elderly and children. Make sure that no one will get sick during the journey."

The people who were still sad before looked at the old people and children not far from them.

After a while, more than a dozen carts full of grain headed towards the elderly and children.

After a while, a cart of tents was also sent over.

Only then did people believe that Lu Bu had really invested in food and tents.

When they saw several doctors rushing past under the leadership of the soldiers, the cloud that filled the ranks dissipated.

"Thank you Marquis Wen for saving your life!" Among the crowd receiving the gift, an old man was the first to kneel down.

Immediately afterwards, countless people knelt down.

The men and women who stood watching them from a distance also knelt down.

In the open field, there were voices of "Thank you Wenhou for your life".

Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun and Chen Dao looked at each other.

They still haven't figured out why the people who had to be chased away when they left Shouchun suddenly changed their attitudes.

People's voices were sincere, and they did not mean to be persecuted at all.

Zhang Liao and the others were still in astonishment. Lu Bu raised his hand and shouted to the crowd: "I know what kind of life you lived in Huainan before. If I take you to Xuzhou, some people may think that I am arbitrary, but you don't know that in the near future There is still war in Huainan."

He paused, and then shouted: "Cao Cao is coming, I don't know if any of you remember that during the Battle of Xiapi, he broke through Pengcheng, leaving no one, man, woman, old or child behind!"

Unlike the development of information after 2000, the people living in Huainan rarely get news from other places.

When Lu Bu mentioned Pengcheng, people looked at him in astonishment.

"I have killed people before, but I hope that everyone in the world is safe and peaceful." Lu Bu looked around the crowd: "Bring you to Xuzhou, although my wings are not full-fledged, I still have enough power to protect you. If you are willing to come with me, call One sound!"

"Wen Hou is mighty!" Zhang Liao understood Lu Bu's thoughts best, and he raised his arms and shouted loudly.

Immediately afterwards, the voice of "Wen Hou Mighty" resounded in the field.

The shout echoed in the air for a long time, and a satisfied smile appeared on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth.

After calming down the crowd and attracting people's hearts, he and Zhang Liao turned and left.

Zhang Liao asked in a low voice: "How did Marquis Wen make them change from being forced to move to willingly following?"

"Let them see the hope of living, that's all." Lu Bu said: "It is not easy to survive in troubled times, and I am willing to give them asylum. Do they have a better choice?"

(End of this chapter)

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