The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 149 Building Zhongli into an Outpost

Chapter 149 Building Zhongli into an Outpost

The gloom that hung over people's heads during the day completely dissipated.

When the night was dark, the camp was quiet.

Most of the people were already sound asleep, but Lu Bu was still patrolling the guard post accompanied by Zhang Liao, Zhao Yun and Chen Dao.

"You all go to sleep." After checking around, he told the three of them: "We have to hurry tomorrow morning."

"Does Marquis Wen not sleep?" Zhang Liao asked.

"I don't feel sleepy, I want to go outside the camp to blow some air." Lu Bu replied.

"I'll accompany Marquis Wen." Chen Dao replied.

Lu Bu didn't refuse. He said to Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun, "Shu Zhi is willing to stay with me. You two should go and rest first."

Zhang Liao and Zhao Yun knew what Chen Dao was capable of.

Lu Bu won the championship of the three armies bravely, and he could not find an opponent in the whole world.

Although Chen Dao was not as good as him, Maybe Nai was about the same as Zhao Yun.

With Chen Dao at his side, even if thousands of troops came, Lu Bu could fight in and out and retreat calmly.

Zhao Yun and Zhang Liao resigned and left, and Chen Dao accompanied Lu Bu outside the barracks.

The night was deep, and Lu Bu looked into the distance.

The direction he was looking at was Shouchun.

Chen Dao stood behind him without saying a word.

"If it's Shuzhi, how long will it take to defeat Shouchun?" Lu Bu asked suddenly.

"Me?" Chen Dao shook his head mockingly, "I'm sure I won't be able to surrender without fighting."

"I'm not talking about the last attack, but the next attack." Lu Bu said, "The Huainan army will not be guarding Shouchun, but Cao Cao's men."

"That depends on the number of soldiers and horses." Chen Dao replied: "Our army is five times that of the enemy, and I am [-]% sure that I will break through the city in a month. If the number of the enemy is equal, I really can't reply to Marquis Wen."

He then asked Lu Bu: "Could it be that Marquis Wen intends to..."

"Sooner or later." Lu Bu pouted: "The world is so big, if Cao Cao wants it, I want it too. Of course there will be fights, Huainan is on the edge of Xuzhou, if you don't take it down, do you think I will feel at ease? "

"Does Marquis Wen have any plans?" Chen Dao heard what was hidden in Lu Bu's words.

"Tomorrow we will reach Zhongli, and I plan to leave most of the people who have migrated there." Lu Bu said, "Zhongli is on the edge of Huainan. I will keep a large army stationed there. Let's see how Cao Cao will deal with it first."

"If Cao Cao refuses to tolerate it, what is Marquis Wen's plan?" Chen Dao asked.

"Besides fighting, what other options do I have?" Lu Bu asked rhetorically.

"Marquis Wen wants me to stick to Zhongli and use this place as an outpost for entering Xuzhou?"

Lu Bu nodded: "I need you to stay in Zhongli. Besides guarding here, you also need to help me train an army."

"It hasn't been long since I voted for Marquis Wen. Zhongli is important. Why didn't Marquis Wen let General Zhang or General Zhao..." Chen Dao was puzzled.

"Since Shuzhi voted for me, do I still have doubts?" Lu Bu replied, "I believe in Shuzhi's character, and I also hope that Shuzhi will believe in my sincerity."

"I wonder what kind of army Marquis Wen intends to train?" Chen Dao was inexplicably moved when he heard what Lu Bu said.

"I don't care about how to train soldiers and horses." Lu Bu said, "All I want is for Shuzhi to train me a large army capable of conscripting and fighting. As for how many people this army has and what it is good at, I don't care, and I don't care. Not that much."

He emphasized his tone: "All I want is to be able to fight well, just to be able to win battles!"

"I understand." Chen Dao replied, "Since Marquis Wen believes in me, I will definitely not disappoint Marquis Wen."

Lu Bu smiled and patted his arm lightly: "Your uncle is guarding Zhongli, I believe it is impossible for anyone to enter Xuzhou from the southern route."

"Definitely live up to Marquis Wen's high expectations!" Chen Dao took the order.

That night, nothing happened.

At dawn, Lu Bu led the army to continue to advance.

Zhongli is not very far from Shouchun.

Although the speed of travel was not very fast, they still arrived outside Zhongli City that afternoon.

Lü Bu led his army to arrive, and officials of all sizes outside Zhongli City greeted him at the gate of the city.

Seeing Lu Bu from a distance, the officials bowed and shouted: "Congratulations to Marquis Wen for winning Shouchun!"

Leading the army to the outside of the city gate, Lu Bu glanced at the officials: "The magistrate comes with me!"

The county magistrate hurriedly followed, walking beside Lu Bu's war horse.

After entering the city, Lu Bu asked, "How many people does Zhongli have?"

"Zhongli has gone through several wars, but the population is actually small." The county magistrate replied tremblingly, "No more than 3 to [-] people."

Lu Bu looked back at the team that followed her into the city: "I will expand the population here to [-]. How many people will you give me in three years?"

"Marquis Wen means..." The county magistrate obviously didn't quite understand.

"To recuperate, what we need is population." Lu Bu said: "Only when the population is large, can I recruit more soldiers and have more people to cultivate the fields. All walks of life need people, just 2 people, Zhong Li What can it develop into?"

Zhongli used to have a small population.

Because of successive years of wars, many people fled their homes in order to seek a way out.

They want to find a paradise suitable for survival, but the reality is that most of the people who leave their homes freeze to death or starve to death on the way.

Even if some people survive to find a new place to live, what awaits them is not necessarily a happy life.

Not only has the population of Zhongli dropped sharply, but it is actually pretty much the same everywhere.

If it weren't for Lu Bu's large-scale relocation of the population, Pengcheng would still be an empty city.

"I understand." After Lu Bu explained, the county magistrate immediately understood his intentions: "So many people come to Zhongli, I will definitely encourage children. The population is expected to increase by half within three years."

"Only when people live and work in peace and contentment can they be encouraged to have children." Lu Bu looked at Chen Dao beside him, "General Shuzhi will stay in Zhongli. He will not only train the army, but also supervise the government."

The county magistrate knew very well that if Chen Dao stayed in Zhongli, he and the government would be closely watched by the garrison.

There are many constraints in doing many things.

How dare the county magistrate dare to object to Lu Bu's arrangement?
He could only respond: "With the general guarding, Zhongli will be in peace for a long time!"

"After all, what the army can do is limited." Lu Bu said: "Regional development still needs to be more worried about by the government."

"Don't worry, Marquis Wen!" The county magistrate hurriedly responded.

Lu Bu then issued an order: "The order goes on. All the men, the elderly and children accompanying the team will stay in Zhongli. Half of the women will be allocated to let them settle down in Zhongli. The other half of the women will return to Pengcheng with us."

The order was issued, and the people who thought they were going to leave their hometowns for Xuzhou suddenly burst into joy.

Although Zhongli was not their former homeland, it still belonged to Huainan after all, and it was only two or three hundred miles away from their homeland.

Being able to settle down in Zhongli is of course ideal.

The people who were ordered to stay in Zhongli were overjoyed, but the women who were about to follow Lu Bu to Xuzhou did not respond.

Women are born like duckweed. From the moment they are born, they are destined to leave home and live in another completely strange environment.

For them, it doesn't make a difference where they go.

(End of this chapter)

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