The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 150 Destined to be Impossible

Chapter 150 Destined to be Impossible

Lu Bu entered Zhongli, and before Chen Dao fully grasped it, he certainly couldn't just leave.

The army was still stationed in Zhongli, and Cao Cao, the capital of Xu, also led [-] troops to Huainan.

After defeating Shouchun, the battle in Huainan is almost over.

Cao Jun advances into the Lujiang River, and the Yuan family in Huainan will be cornered.

Yuan Shu's proclaiming emperor back then seemed to have glorified the Yuan family, but in fact it pushed him and his descendants to a desperate situation.

Once Lujiang was breached, the Yuan family in Huainan would have nowhere to go.

The family that once proclaimed the emperor, any force would like to exterminate their roots and slaughter their offspring to prove their loyalty to the Han Dynasty.

In addition to generals such as Xiahou Dun and Xiahou Yuan, Guo Jia and Jia Xu followed Cao Cao to Huainan.

The army entered Huainan and marched towards Shouchun.

As he was walking, a fast horse came towards him.

On horseback is a Cao Jun cavalry.

The cavalry came to Cao Cao and said, "I report to Duke Cao that Lu Bu is still in Zhongli and has not left."

"How long has it been since he defeated Shouchun?" Cao Cao asked Guo Jia and others.

"It has been more than half a month." Guo Jia replied: "He is in Zhongli, it seems that he does not intend to hand over there to the lord."

"Zhongli is a small town, isn't he afraid of offending me when he gets there?" Cao Cao said, "With Lu Fengxian's current strength, it seems that he is not my opponent."

"He is indeed no match for the lord, but he is not afraid of offending the lord." Guo Jia replied: "Yuan Shao in Hebei has already defeated Yi Jing, and Gongsun Zan set himself on fire. Recently, Hebei often has people crossing the river. Anyone can see that Yuan Shao has already He has plans for the lord. Lu Fengxian is not stupid, of course he knows what the lord will do to him at this time?"

"What does Feng Xiao mean for me to be patient?" Cao Cao frowned, "Lu Fengxian is a wolf, he will definitely pounce on him when he smells blood. I'm afraid..."

"Until the lord and the Yuan family have a result, he will definitely not." Guo Jia said: "He served the Yuan family back then, and Yuan Shao is not as tolerant as the lord. As long as the lord gives him a way to survive, he knows what to do." select."

"It's not difficult to give him a way to live. Doesn't Fengxiao think it's raising a tiger?" Cao Cao was still not at ease.

After the Battle of Xiapi, Lu Bu's growth rate far exceeded Cao Cao's expectations.

The Qingzhou Army, which was not favored by Cao Cao and even hid for many years, fell into Lu Bu's hands and grew into a powerful army capable of fighting in a short period of time.

Cao Cao dare not underestimate Lu Bu today.

"It's better to keep a tiger as a trouble than two tigers together." Guo Jia said: "It will not take a while to defeat Lu Fengxian. Once the lord falls into Xuzhou, the Yuan family from Hebei will definitely invade. It's better to stabilize him first, and deal with the possibility with all our strength." Threats from the north. Once Yuan Shao in Hebei is defeated, it won't be too late to find a way to defeat Lu Bu."

"I gave the Qingzhou Army to Lu Fengxian. The Huainan War is over. I will go to him to get it back!" Cao Cao was worried that Lu Bu would bring him a threat. !"

Guo Jia smiled and said nothing, while Cao Cao said: "Lu Fengxian has the ambition of a tiger and a wolf, and he will return it to you when he gets the Qingzhou Army? Yuan Rang is taking it for granted!"

"How will you know if you don't try it?" Xiahou Dun refused to accept it: "How can he trust the world in the future if he borrows money and refuses to repay it?"

Guo Jia still didn't speak, and Cao Cao could only smile and shake his head: "Since Yuan Rang wants to go, let's go."

Cao Cao led his army into Huainan, and Lü Bu got the news and called Chen Dao and others before him.

"Cao Cao has come to Huainan, he will definitely let Xiahoudun find me in Zhongli." Lu Bu said, "I have to lead the army to leave as soon as possible."

"Zhongli is not very stable yet. Without Marquis Wen in charge, I'm afraid that the newly recruited soldiers will panic." Chen Dao said, "They believe in Marquis Wen, and I'm worried that it will be difficult to control for a while."

"I still know what Shuzhi is capable of." Lu Bu said, "The number of soldiers recruited is only a few thousand. With such a small number of troops, you can definitely lead them well."

When Chen Dao followed Liu Bei, he was not reused.

At most, he had brought dozens of guards.

Thousands of soldiers and horses were handed over to him, and he still felt somewhat guilty.

But Lu Bu seemed to have great confidence in him. Not only was he not worried about thousands of soldiers being maimed by him, but he also firmly said that he would be able to lead them well.

Chen Dao didn't understand where Lu Bu's confidence in him came from.

How could he know that Lu Wenhou in front of him has a soul from 2000 years in his body.

Having heard about Bai Yanjun and Chen Dao, Lu Bu certainly had full confidence in him.

"I called you here not just to leave Zhongli." Lu Bu changed the topic, and the core of the conversation was still Chen Dao: "Cao Cao has entered Huainan, and Xiahou Dun should arrive in two days at most. I will lead the army to leave tonight, don't leak the news Once Xiahoudun came, Shuzhi just told him that I was on patrol outside and would return within two or three days at most. Three days later, Shuzhi went to see him in person and said that I had sent a messenger to inform him that he had returned to Xuzhou first.”

"If Xiahou Dun goes after him, should I stop him?" Chen Dao asked.

"We all went to Xuzhou at that time. Even if Xiahoudun met me, I still had something to say to him." Lu Bu chuckled, "Why did you stop him? The Qingzhou Army borrowed from him, and we are all good friends." , how can there be any reason to hinder it?"

If Chen Gong was here and Lu Bu said something, he would definitely understand his intention immediately.

But Chen Dao and the others are military generals after all, although none of them are considered dull, they are not strategists who plan the world after all.

Not quite understanding Lu Bu's intentions, the three of them still received the military order.

Lu Bu was about to leave Zhongli, and Xiahoudun also brought a few guards to meet him.

Xiahou Dun bid farewell to Cao Cao, and Guo Jia saw him off in person.

After walking five or six miles with Xiahou Dun, Guo Jia said, "Yuan Rang will go to Zhongli this time, and it's very likely that he won't even be able to see Lu Bu."

"He's in Zhongli, could he be flying?" Xiahou Dun was surprised.

"You go to him, of course he knows what it is for." Guo Jia said: "The Qingzhou Army is in his hands. He definitely doesn't want to return it. Naturally, he will find all kinds of excuses. The best excuse is to avoid Yuan Rang. and not to see."

"Is it so easy for him to avoid seeing him?" Xiahou Dun said confidently, "Even if he got into a crack in the ground, I would definitely find him out."

Xiahou Dun spoke with confidence, but Guo Jia disagreed.

But he didn't want to hurt Xiahou Dun's self-confidence, so he cupped his hands and said, "I wish Yuan Rang a smooth trip!"

"I honor the words of filial piety and auspiciousness." Xiahou Dun returned the salute, then turned and left.

Watching his back, Guo Jia shook his head.

When the Qingzhou army was in Lu Bu's hands, it was like a piece of meat thrown to a jackal. How could there be any reason to turn back?
Xiahou Dun's departure is destined to be impossible to achieve his wish.

(End of this chapter)

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