The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 29 Have You Heard of Special Warfare?

Chapter 29 Have You Heard of Special Warfare?

The round moon hangs in the sky.

Outside Xu County.

Under the thick night, fifty soldiers lined up facing the city wall under the moonlight.

The cold moonlight reflected their faces.

Everyone's face has a cold and dignified look.

"Pay attention to the angle and force of throwing the hook." Lu Bu walked back and forth behind them: "Don't throw it too high, and don't throw it too low. If it's too high, the distance won't be enough; if it's too low, the height won't be enough."

"Throw!" he yelled.

The soldiers threw out the grappling hook according to the method he taught.

Due to the unskilled use, the grapples flew around, and some of them were even entangled in mid-air.

"Continue." Lu Bu shouted: "If you can't throw it properly before dawn, don't rest!"

For the next few days, every night Lu Bu would personally take the soldiers out of the city to practice using the grappling hook.

After a few days of practice, the skills of the soldiers throwing the grappling hook went from unfamiliar to proficient, and then from proficient to arbitrary.

Lu Bu was not satisfied until they could hit the top of the wall evenly every time they threw it.

After resting in Xu County for a few days, the team left the county and continued south.

Not long after they set off, a river lay in front of them.

The water is so clear that even standing on the shore you can see the stones at the bottom of the river.

The Huai River stood in front of them.

This river has been diverted several times in history. At first it had an estuary, but after the Sui and Tang Dynasties, it could only merge into the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal to enter the sea.

The Huaihe River that Lu Bu saw at this time was of course the one with its own independent mouth.

Before the diversion, the Huaihe River was clear and gentle.

The water flow is shining like jewels in the sun, which makes people feel the urge to grab a handful of water and drink it happily.

"After crossing the Huaihe River, we will enter Huailing and Dongcheng. Once we pass through there, we will enter Huainan again." Zhang Liao looked across the river bank: "Wenhou really intends to attack Yuan Shu with only 500 people?"

"Strong attack is definitely not acceptable." Lu Bu smiled confidently, "Have you ever heard of special warfare?"

"Special warfare?" Of course Zhang Liao had never heard of this term.

"Sneak into the enemy's hinterland with a small force and kill the general. If we want to take Huainan as soon as possible, we can only use this method." Lu Bu said, "If it wasn't for this, I wouldn't let the soldiers train to use the grappling hook."

Zhang Liao looked surprised.

Lu Bu trained the soldiers to use the grappling hook, but he still wondered what it would be useful for.

Except for hooking the city wall, it seems that it will not cause substantial damage to the enemy...

It wasn't until now that he realized that from the very beginning, Lu Bu never thought of fighting with Yuan Shu in battle.

His plan was to sneak into Shouchun quietly.

As long as Yuan Shu is beheaded, Huainan will surrender without a fight!

Although Lu Bu's tactics were novel, Zhang Liao still felt a little risky.

He asked Lu Bu: "500 people sneaked into Shouchun. If we fail to kill Yuan Shu and are surrounded by the enemy, we will not be able to leave."

"Go? Where are you going?" Lu Bu smiled lightly: "Yuan Shu has long been a dead man in my opinion! We went to Shouchun just to build a tomb for him and to show our friendship. From the moment we decided to go to Shouchun , I never considered that this operation would be unsuccessful!"

"Cross the river!" Without intending to explain further, Lu Bu pointed forward.

To cross the Huai River, they had to pass through the two cities of Huai Ling and Dongcheng.

These two cities are closer to the border of Huainan than Xu County.

Especially Dongcheng, which is only twenty or thirty miles away from Zhongli.

When Yuan Shu attacked Liu Bei, the army entered Xuzhou, and the two cities rose up to resist.

Liu Bei, who was not as powerful as Yuan Shu and could not protect himself, asked Lu Bu for help, so he didn't care about the life and death of these two cities.

After Huailing and Dongcheng were destroyed, the soldiers and civilians were massacred by the Huainan Army.

Now the place is already devastated, and there is no more noisy scene in the past.

What war brings to people is always just endless pain.

But since there were people, the war has never stopped.

He used to fight on the battlefield filled with gunpowder and smoke, and used war as a means of making a living. In this era, Lu Bu actually feels like a fish in water.

If he did not come to the troubled times, but went to the peaceful and prosperous times, it is very likely that he would be at a loss, not knowing how to spend his future life.

Passing through Huai Ling and Dong Cheng, and seeing that they were about to enter Huainan territory, Lu Bu raised his arms and ordered them to stop.

Zhang Liao looked at him suspiciously.

Looking up at the sky, Lu Bu ordered: "Stay here and leave at night."

"The general has an order to station here." Zhang Liao immediately conveyed his order.

The soldiers got off their horses one after another. They didn't set up their tents, they just found a flat place to lie down.

Marching all year round, they are all veterans, and they are all elites selected by Gao Shun to join the camp.

Every soldier knows very well that the battle is just around the corner, and only by taking advantage of the tranquility before the battle to recharge their batteries can they live longer on the battlefield...

The Huainan Army suffered a disastrous defeat in the Battle of Louting.

Except for those who died in battle, the rest of the five thousand soldiers scattered and fled.

Ji Ling returned to Shouchun with only two or three hundred remnants.

Yuan Shu was full of confidence when he sent troops to attack Lu Bu. He never expected that he would suffer such a complete defeat.

Liu Xiang's death in battle was even more difficult for Yuan Shu to accept.

on the main hall.

Civil and military officials sit on both sides in two rows.

Yuan Shu's face was livid, and his expression was terrible and ugly.

Ji Ling, who fled back to Shouchun and hadn't had time to wash up, stood with his head bowed in the middle of the hall. His blood-stained armor was also filthy, making him look very embarrassed.

"5000 people were beaten by 500 people, and they couldn't find their way." Yuan Shu gritted his teeth and asked, "Liu Xiang was also killed. What kind of battle are you fighting this time?"

"Lu Bu..." Ji Ling lowered his head to defend himself.

"There are not many soldiers in Xuzhou, and Lu Bu is already at the end of his battle. Could it be that you were so frightened by him that you tied your hands and feet and dared not let go of the fight?" Yuan Shu's eyes twitched twice: "If you lose, you are still looking for excuses! You are talking about, why are we defeated when we are outnumbered?"

Ji Ling moved his lips and wanted to say something, but he knew that the furious Yuan Shu couldn't listen to any explanation, so he still didn't speak in the end.

"Your Majesty." Yang Hong stood up, "I think it's better for General Ji to talk about how he was defeated and how General Liu died. Although Lu Bu is at the end of his strength, he is brave after all. It is better to know more than to know everything." I don’t know. Your Majesty has achieved great things, and the first to bear the brunt is to win Xuzhou.”

When Yang Hong spoke, Yuan Shu suppressed his anger and asked Ji Ling, "What did you want to say just now?"

"The Lu Bu we saw on the battlefield was only seventeen or eighteen years old at most. General Liu fought him without even half a round, and he was killed by him." Ji Ling didn't dare to expect Yuan Shu to believe this.

Except for those who witnessed it with their own eyes, no one would believe it.

Even though he has passed middle age, Lu Bu can actually rejuvenate himself...

It's weird, it's really weird!

(End of this chapter)

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