Chapter 30 Into Huainan
Including Yuan Shu, everyone present was astonished after hearing Ji Ling's answer.

The hall fell into silence, and after a while, Yang Hong was the first to laugh.

The laughter was harsh and echoed in the hall, making one's hair stand on end.

Although Yang Hong is only a long history, he has a very high status in Huainan.

Yuan Shu has always relied on him, entrusting him to take care of many important affairs, and the civil and military officials who are good at flattering and sycophant also laughed to please him.

Yuan Shu raised his hand to stop everyone from laughing wildly, and looked at Ji Ling with a sullen face: "I never thought you would find such a lame excuse."

"Your Majesty's lesson!" No lie but not believed, Ji Ling anxiously defended: "Not only I saw it with my own eyes, but also the soldiers of the three armies. Your Majesty only needs to find a soldier to come over and ask..."

"General Ji." Before Yuan Shu could speak, Yang Hong sneered and said, "If you lose, you lose, even if you find other excuses. But you just found such an excuse. Do you want to deceive His Majesty, or do you think your colleagues are Is it a fool?"

"Every sentence I said is true, and there is absolutely no falsehood." Being questioned by Yang Hong, Ji Ling became even more anxious: "Please ask Your Majesty to find a soldier..."

"General Ji should have discussed it with the rout soldiers before returning to Shouchun." Yang Hong interrupted him: "For the sake of their lives, what lies can't they tell?"

"Your Majesty, please believe me!" I really didn't know how to refute, Ji Ling's plea seemed so pale.

"What do you want me to believe?" Yuan Shu's face was ashen, and he clenched his fists tightly: "Do you want me to believe that Lu Bu can really rejuvenate?"

Ji Ling's defense made him extremely disappointed.

A fierce general who has made countless contributions would actually come up with such a lame excuse!

If it wasn't Ji Ling who was standing in the hall, but some other general, he would have ordered him to be dragged out and hacked.

"General Ji doesn't want to repent and tries to deceive His Majesty. His heart is damnable." Yang Hong bowed to Yuan Shu: "I implore Your Majesty to give him the death penalty, so as not to disturb the morale of the army with rumors everywhere in the future."

The few officials who wished they could kneel at Yang Hong's feet and lick his toes also followed suit: "Your Majesty, please give Ji Ling death!"

Filled with anger, Yuan Shu still couldn't bear to kill Ji Ling.

After all, Ji Ling has been with him for many years, and he has made a lot of credit and hard work!

Yang Hong and others pleaded for orders, but Yuan Shu didn't know what to do.

Yan Xiang stood up: "It's not good for our army to be newly defeated. Ji Ling's guilt cannot be questioned, but it's not the time to kill him yet. It's better to put him in prison first, and it won't be too late to question the guilt after defeating Lu Bu."

"Master Yan's words are reasonable." Yan Xiang gave a step, and Yuan Shu quickly ordered: "Put Ji Ling to death row, wait until I defeat Lu Bu!"

Two guards stepped forward and grabbed Ji Ling.

Ji Ling struggled twice and tried to defend himself, Yan Xiang winked at him.

Seeing Yan Xiang's wink, Ji Ling swallowed back the words that came to his lips, and was escorted out of the hall by two guards.

"Our army lost in the battle of Louting." Yan Xiang said to Yuan Shu, "Your Majesty must not give Lv Bu a chance to breathe, otherwise chaos will inevitably ensue."

"It makes sense." Yuan Shu looked around at the crowd, "Who wants to lead the army to attack Lu Bu?"

Including Yang Hong, no one took the initiative to ask for a fight.

Cao Cao almost broke through Xiapi because the Cao family's army was so powerful that it was in full swing.

In recent years, Cao Cao has won many battles and victories, and most of the Central Plains surrendered.

Yuan Shu, who is entrenched in Huainan, is getting worse day by day.

First, Yang Feng and Han Xian rebelled, and then Lei Bo and Chen Lan became bandits.

Last year Cao Cao sent troops to attack Huainan.

Li Feng, Lejiu and others died in battle.

Looking at Huainan men, there are really not many generals left who can lead troops.

"Is there no one willing to share my worries?" Yuan Shu's face became even more ugly.

"Chang Shi Yang Hong is loyal and loyal, and he has the talent of knowing the world." Yan Xiang took the opportunity to say: "There is no one to conquer Lu Bu."

Yan Xiang and Yang Hong have always been at odds.

When Yuan Shu proclaimed himself emperor, Yan Xiang tried his best to stop him.

The staff headed by Yang Hong advocated the benefits of being emperor, and even did not hesitate to slander Yan Xiang secretly.

The two seem to be living in peace on the surface, but they are fighting to the death behind their backs.

In recommending Yang Hong, Yan Xiang was clearly pushing him into the pit of fire.

Before Yang Hong could resign, Yuan Shu said: "Yan Zhubo is right, it must be a long history to conquer Lu Bu!"

Knowing that he was cheated by Yan Xiang, Yang Hong didn't dare to defend himself, so he had no choice but to accept his order.

Yuan Shu planned to attack Lu Bu again, but he didn't know that Lu Bu had come to Huainan.

They stayed at dawn and traveled at night, bypassing Zhongli to avoid Xiacai, and went straight to Shouchun.

Shouchun is located at the foot of Bagong Mountain.

The nearby mountains are continuous and beautiful, and it is a good place for self-cultivation.

At the end of the Warring States Period, Yingdu of the Chu State was in bad luck, and the King of Chu moved the capital here.

Chun Shenjun's tomb is in Shouchun City.

The battlefield where Xiang Yan, the Chu general, faced the Qin army was also around Shouchun.

Lu Bu is not here for sightseeing, let alone remembering the ancients!

He has only one goal, to kill Yuan Shu and take Huainan!

Although Huainan has experienced many wars, its population is still larger than that of Xuzhou, the place where several battles took place.

After defeating Yuan Shu, he will be able to recruit soldiers and horses in Huainan.

Although it is not enough to compete with Cao Cao, at least it can protect itself!
The curved crescent moon hangs in the air, like a smiling eye staring at the earth.

Outside the city of Shouchun in the dark, what is about to happen does not make people want to laugh.

Lu Bu and Zhang Liao hid in the grass with five hundred soldiers.

Several torches were lit at intervals on the distant city wall.

The flames reflected spots of light on the city wall, and also exposed the Huainan army on night watch to Lu Bu and others.

After making a gesture, Lu Bu Mao took the lead and rushed to the foot of the city wall with his waist bent.

There are several Huainan troops walking back and forth at the head of the city.

There was no news of the enemy's siege, and the Huainan army on duty at night was not very alert.

More than 500 people rushed towards the city wall like badgers stealing melons in the fields at night.

Crouching under the shadow, Lu Bu nodded to Zhang Liao.

Zhang Liao gestured.

Fifty soldiers then stood up, shaking the grapples in their hands.

The grapple flew out and hung on the top of the city.

Grabbing a rope, Lu Bu jumped up.

Zhang Liao and the soldiers followed closely behind.

Seeing that he was about to reach the top of the wall, Lu Bu stopped suddenly.

He gestured quickly to signal the climbing soldiers to stop.

Holding the hemp rope and hanging their bodies in the air, their feet pushed hard on the city wall. More than 500 people held their breath and looked at the city without blinking their eyes.

Two Huainan troops walked slowly with their weapons in hand.

They looked around symbolically, but they didn't pay much attention to what was dormant in the darkness.

When they passed by, Lu Bu tightened the hemp rope and jumped onto the city wall first.

Zhang Liao and the soldiers also jumped up one after another.

Crouching in the shadows beside the battlements, Lu Bu gestured to the two soldiers.

The soldier understood, drew out his dagger and quietly followed the two Huainan troops who were walking past.

PS: You can add the taboo Wangge public group first, 423442171.The group managers of Taboo King Pavilion are all violent little beauties, as long as they are not afraid of being molested against, and if they are brave enough and feel capable, they will go molesting.

(End of this chapter)

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