Chapter 31 Was Discovered
Lu Bu led the soldiers to leave the city, and all the guards on the city wall were killed.

They never came to Shouchun.

But Lu Bu was not worried about getting lost.

Yuan Shu made great efforts to build a magnificent palace in Shouchun City.

Compared with other buildings in the city, the palace is very eye-catching.

With such obvious coordinates, it's really strange not to be able to find the place anymore.

Lu Bu led a team to sneak into Shouchun, and the corpses of the defenders were lying on the city wall.

The general on duty at night is Zhang Xun, a general under Yuan Shu's command.

In the middle of the night, Zhang Xun led a group of soldiers to inspect the city wall.

When he climbed to the top of the city, he didn't even see a single soldier, so he suddenly felt a little bad.

"Where are the people? Where are the people?" Zhang Xun shouted.

No one responded, and there was a dead silence on the city wall.

"Check it out and find him." He ordered to the soldiers behind him.

Soldiers ran past him.

But after a while, someone came back and reported: "General... General, no... it's not good!"

The soldier stuttered, obviously seeing something extraordinary.

"What's going on?" Zhang Xun stared, frightened the soldiers and quickly lowered their heads.

"People... people are dead..." the soldier replied.

Zhang Xun was taken aback, and quickly ordered: "Take me to have a look."

All the soldiers on the city wall were dead, so it goes without saying that someone had sneaked in.

It disappears quietly, and if it is not discovered, the consequences will be disastrous.

Just thinking about this, Zhang Xun felt a cold sweat running down his spine.

Someone sneaked into Shouchun with great violence, and there was absolutely only one target, and that was Yuan Shu!
"Quick! Summon troops and horses to protect His Majesty!" Zhang Xun shouted loudly.

Something happened to the city wall, and soon the entire Shouchun City shook.

Countless Huainan troops left the barracks and gathered towards the palace.

Lu Bu has already sneaked into the palace with his soldiers and killed some guards. They are still looking for Yuan Shu's bedroom.

It was easy to find the palace after entering the city, but it was not an easy task to find Yuan Shu's bedroom in the huge palace.

There is almost no difference in architectural style, and they are row upon row.

Among so many similar buildings, it is not easy to find the palace where Yuan Shu lived.

Lu Bu can only judge which direction to go based on his experience and intuition.

After choosing the location, he was about to greet the soldiers, when there were waves of neat footsteps on the Qingshi Road not far away.

"Quick, protect Your Majesty." A voice came.

As the footsteps got closer, Lu Bu and the others saw a group of hundreds of guards running along the Qingshi Road.

Zhang Liao, who was squatting beside him, asked in a low voice, "Wen Hou, this is..."

"The corpses on the city wall were found." Lu Bu replied, "It seems that sneaking in will turn into a fight."

"What we are facing tonight is not 5000 people, but the entire Shouchun enemy army." He asked Zhang Liao and the soldiers, "Are you afraid?"

"I've come here, I'm afraid it will be of no use." Zhang Liao replied on behalf of the soldiers: "No matter how many of them there are, just do it!"

Smiling slightly, Lu Bu patted him on the shoulder, and said, "I brought you here, and I will bring most of you back."

The soldiers held their weapons tightly, and it would be a lie to say that they were not nervous.

But with Lu Bu around, they felt at ease again.

Everything Lu Bu has done recently has not disappointed the soldiers.

Diving into Shouchun seemed crazy, but no one doubted the correctness of his decision.

More and more Huainan troops ran over.

Zhang Liao asked Lu Bu in a low voice, "Housure Wen, what should we do?"

"Hold on, with so many people running past, Yuan Shu must be ahead." Lu Bu said, "It's better to wait for them to find a place for us than we try to find it."

Many Huainan troops rushed into the palace, Yuan Shu, who had already fallen asleep, heard the noise and put on his clothes and went out.

"What's going on?" When he came to the door, he asked Chang Shi.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, General Zhang Xun discovered that someone had sneaked into the palace and came here to protect him."

With a cold face, Yuan Shu didn't say another word.

After a while, Zhang Xun came with a group of soldiers in armor.

Yuan Shu's guards immediately stepped forward and stopped Zhang Xun.

Signaling the soldiers to stop, Zhang Xun bowed to Yuan Shu who was standing at the door of the bedroom: "Your Majesty, the last general just found out that someone had killed the guards at the top of the city. Worried about something happening to the palace, he specially brought troops to escort him."

"With such a big fight, I thought General Zhang was trying to force the palace." Yuan Shu asked, "Have you found out who it is?"

"Not yet." Zhang Xun replied: "But judging from the signs of sneaking in, there should be quite a few people."

"Knowing that someone has entered the city, you didn't search the city, and led the troops to the palace." Yuan Shu said with a cold face, "General Zhang, your courage is getting bigger and bigger."

"Besides His Majesty in Shouchun City, I really can't think of any other plans for them to enter the city." Zhang Xun replied: "Your Majesty's safety is of the utmost importance, please forgive me for the crime of arbitrariness!"

"The soldiers stay here, you go first." Yuan Shu waved his hand.

"The last general will resign!" Zhang Xun was almost regarded as being forced into the palace, and Zhang Xun's back was already dripping with cold sweat, so he hurriedly resigned and left.

Crouching in the darkness, Lu Bu first watched Zhang Xun pass by, and after a while he saw him leaving with a group of soldiers.

"Yuan Shu really wants to die." He grinned at Zhang Liao: "Follow me!"

Zhang Liaochao waved his hands behind them, and five hundred soldiers followed behind the two of them, and went to Yuan Shu's bedroom.

"Who is it!" Not far from the bedroom, several soldiers accidentally exposed their tracks, and there was a loud shout not far away.

Hearing the shout, Lu Bu knew that there was no need for them to continue hiding.

Yuan Shu had already returned to the house, and when he heard the shouts outside, he ran out quickly.

The guards and the soldiers brought by Zhang Xun had already surrounded the bedroom.

In the darkness, a group of heavily armed people came out of a dark corner.

The man in the front was wearing a golden armor with a crown of phoenix wings on his head, which was Lu Bu's favorite battlefield attire.

Because the sky was too dark, Yuan Shu couldn't see the face of the person coming, so he could only ask with his attire: "Is this Lu Fengxian here?"

"It's rare that the road still knows me." It was Lu Bu who walked over, and he smiled lightly: "I planned to visit quietly and then leave, but I didn't expect that the road is still so hospitable. The hospitality is hard to come by, so I had to show up to meet each other. "

Lu Bu brought a lot of men, and the soldiers Zhang Xun left in the palace were no more than a thousand at best.

Yuan Shu was not sure about blocking Lu Bu and his men with a mere thousand people.

It is the safest way to stabilize him first, and then take him down in one fell swoop when reinforcements arrive.

"I don't understand where I offended Fengxian, why have you repeatedly opposed me recently?" Yuan Shu asked.

"Brother Gonglu, how could you offend me?" Lu Bu smiled lightly, "I was besieged by Cao Cao. It is reasonable for Huainan not to send a single soldier to help me. I can't complain. Now that Cao's army has retreated, Xuzhou is exhausted. For a while Maybe I can't beat Cao Cao, if I want to grow stronger and protect myself, don't I have to bully the relatively weak roads?"

(End of this chapter)

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