The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 32 Don't go unless you are stupid

Chapter 32 Don't go unless you are stupid
Yuan Shu wanted to stabilize Lu Bu.

Lu Bu put on a posture that he came here just to tease you.

The human voice undergoes subtle changes as we age.

Having known Lu Bu for many years, Yuan Shu is of course familiar with his voice.

Under the dark night, he couldn't see Lu Bu's face, but he could vaguely hear a similar voice.

Lu Bu's speech was only similar to Yuan Shu's impression.

Back to seventeen or eighteen years old, his voice is much younger.

Staring at Lu Bu who was approaching step by step, Yuan Shu's eyes were full of astonishment.

Although he couldn't see Lu Bu's face clearly, he could tell from the voice that it was a very young general walking over.

Could it be that Lu Bu really rejuvenated?
Yuan Shu refused to believe and could not believe that such a strange thing could happen in the world.

When he was only a dozen steps away from Yuan Shu, Lu Bu stopped.

Between him and Yuan Shu was the Huainan Army, and the soldiers he brought stood behind him holding their weapons tightly.

It's close enough.

With the light of the torches in the soldiers' hands, Yuan Shu could see Lu Bu's face clearly.

That face looked seventeen or eighteen at most.

"Who are you?" Yuan Shu asked, still unwilling to believe that it was Lu Bu who appeared in front of him.

"I haven't seen you for some days, and Gonglu doesn't know me anymore." Lu Bu chuckled: "I have two things I want to ask for when I come to Huainan this time."

Lu Bu said that he had something to ask, and Yuan Shu was relieved.

As long as he is willing to put forward conditions, there are sufficient reasons to delay the time and wait for reinforcements.

It is one thing to promise and not to promise, it is another thing to promise to do and not to do.

"If you are really Fengxian, I will definitely do everything I can do." With the idea of ​​delaying time, before Lu Bu could say what he was asking for, Yuan Shu immediately agreed.

"First, I want Huainan." The smile on Lu Bu's face was brighter than before: "Second, I would like to ask the road to ask me why I became what I am now overnight. Although I know it’s heaven’s favor, I still have to understand why it favors me.”

Yuan Shu's face suddenly changed: "What do you mean?"

"Since I have become what I am now, my temper and temperament have become much better than before." Lu Bu said, "That is to say, I am willing to discuss with the road now. Sent it over there."

"So I have to thank Fengxian?" Lu Bu looked like a rascal, Yuan Shu laughed angrily: "Huainan is my foundation, no matter who comes, I will fight with all my strength. As for asking why the heavens favored Fengxian, It’s safer for you to do it yourself.”

"I have a lot of things to do, so I really can't get out." Lu Bu showed a very embarrassed look: "Xuzhou is exhausted. Of course, a wise man like me will devote himself to the development of people's livelihood and military affairs. The roads are very busy recently. You can ask. , it’s not that I won’t pick you up.”

Yuan Shu's head was filled with black lines.

People can be picked up after death...

It seems that Lu Bu has become younger, but his brain seems to be not very bright.

"Assassins appear, surround them!" There were chaotic footsteps and shouts from behind Lu Bu.

He glanced back and saw countless torches appearing in the distance.

The flames jumped, and I don't know how many people are rushing here.

"Gaolu talked for a long time, so it was just to delay time." Lu Bu seemed to understand: "No matter what request I make, you never thought of agreeing to it from the beginning."

"Bringing troops into my palace and trying to get me to agree to my request, Fengxian is the only one in the world who is so insolent!" Yuan Shu said coldly, "If I were Fengxian, I would definitely lay down my weapons and die on the spot, so as not to suffer more. Flesh pain."

"Why don't I make a bet with the road?" The Huainan army was getting closer and closer, and Lu Bu kept a calm smile: "Look at who will die first!"

He jumped out without saying a word.

The Huainan Army guarding in front of Yuan Shu hurried forward.

Swinging Fang Tian's painting halberd, Lu Bu swiped fiercely.

The Huainan army who came up was swept away.

The word "death" came out of his mouth, and Fang Tian's painted halberd had pierced Yuan Shu's throat.

Staring at Lu Bu in astonishment, Yuan Shu fell down.

Holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, Lu Bu turned his back on the surrounding Huainan army: "Who else wants to die?"

There were quite a few Huainan troops, but none of them dared to fight.

Zhang Liao followed with his soldiers and surrounded Lu Bu.

"Whoever gives way lives, and whoever stops me dies!" The Huainan army rushing to help had arrived, and Lu Bu turned around, leading Zhang Liao and the soldiers to meet them.

Perhaps suppressed by his coercion, the soldiers of the Huainan Army withdrew to the sides one after another.

They held weapons, but they could only watch Lu Bu pass by.

After killing Yuan Shu, Lu Bu went away.

When Yang Hong, Zhang Xun and others arrived, he had already left the palace and left Shouchun City.

"Where is the person?" Yuan Shu was killed, and Lu Bu disappeared. Yang Hong roared to the Huainan army present: "Where is the person who killed His Majesty?"

Watching Yuan Shu being killed, the Huainan army present was intimidated by Lu Bu and did not try to stop him.

Faced with Yang Hong's roar, the soldiers all lowered their heads and did not dare to make a sound.

Yang Hong put his head in his hands and roared loudly: "It's over! Huainan is over!"

"Don't worry Chang Shi, I'll take someone to chase him right away!" Zhang Xun said and was about to leave.

"People are gone, why are you chasing after them?" Yang Hong stopped him: "For so many years, Liu Biao in Jingzhou, Cao Cao in Yuzhou, and Yuan Shao in Hebei, which one is not coveting Huainan? Without His Majesty, Huainan will become a place of contention sooner or later. We should do it sooner or later." Plan, it is important to support the young master to ascend the throne!"

Although unwilling, Zhang Xun did not insist on pursuing.

Lu Bu's bravery is known all over the world.

He dared to enter Shouchun to assassinate Yuan Shu, so he was [-]% sure.

Even if he chases after him, it's hard to say whether he can get any benefits.

With Zhang Liao and others, Lu Bu left Shouchun swaggeringly.

I met the Huainan army along the way, but no one dared to stop them, they just watched them leave.

After leaving the city, Lu Bu and others found their war horses and rode them towards Xuzhou.

"Are we leaving just like that?" Zhang Liao turned his head and glanced at Shouchun who was gradually moving away.

"The Huainan Army won't retreat after being alarmed, unless I'm stupid." Lu Bu grinned at him, "We've already taken advantage of the fact that they retreated while they were surrounded!"

"Keep Wenhou's previous plan..." Zhang Liao was a little reconciled.

"We went deep into Shouchun to kill Yuan Shu, and the reputation will definitely spread quickly." Lu Bu said, "Wenyuan just rest assured that there will always be some desperadoes who are good at speculation in this world who are willing to join us. In troubled times, we need This is the kind of person. Without the owner, Huainan is like a piece of cooked fat, who wouldn’t want to take a bite? If they come to eat Huainan, will Xuzhou be safe?"

(End of this chapter)

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