The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 33 It's too late to develop

Chapter 33 It's too late to develop

Lu Bu led his people away, and Shouchun became a mess.

Yang Hong and others were busy covering up the news of Yuan Shu's killing, while Yan Xiang brought several guards to the prison.

Of course the prison guards dared not stop him.

After entering the prison, Yan Xiang went directly to Ji Ling's cell.

"Open!" he ordered to the guard.

"Yan Gong, this..." The guard was very embarrassed: "There is no order from His Majesty..."

"You can't wait for His Majesty's will." Yan Xiang shouted: "Open it soon!"

The guard bowed his head and did not move.

"How dare you disobey the order?" Yan Xiang glared at him.

"Don't dare..." The guard replied, "It's just that there is no order from His Majesty..."

"Those who disobey orders, kill!" Yan Xiang coldly ordered to the guards behind him.

Two guards drew their swords and stepped forward.

"I will open it! I will open it!" After all, the guard was afraid of death, so the guard drew his sword, and he quickly took out the key.

Opening the cell, Yan Xiang walked in.

Ever since he arrived, Ji Ling had been watching in confusion.

"General Ji, let's go." Pulling Ji Ling up, Yan Xiang dragged him out.

"Yan Gong, you are..." Ji Ling didn't move, but looked at him in astonishment.

"Lv Bu broke into Shouchun and killed His Majesty." Yan Xiang whispered, "We all saw that he had indeed become a young general, even Yang Hong saw it."

"Your Majesty..." Ji Ling was stunned.

He couldn't believe it, Lu Bu dared to break into Shouchun and killed Yuan Shu.

"What is the general still standing there for?" Ji Ling was in a daze, and Yan Xiang urged: "If you don't leave, you won't be able to leave!"

"How did Your Majesty die?" After following Yuan Shu for many years, when he heard that he was killed, Ji Ling felt sad.

"Lv Bu single-handedly rushed past the guards and killed His Majesty." Yan Xiang tugged at his arm: "General Ji should hurry up and leave."

"I won't go!" Ji Ling withdrew his hand: "I want to stay here and avenge His Majesty!"

"Staying here will lead to death, why is the general so confused!" Yan Xiang was anxious.

"Yang Hong has seen Lu Bu, which is enough to prove that I am not lying." Ji Ling said, "What reason does he have to kill me?"

"General Ji still doesn't know Yang Hong is a man?" Yan Xiang said: "In order to cover up his mistakes, killing the general is the only way. If the general really wants to avenge His Majesty, please leave Shouchun as soon as possible."

"Where can we go after leaving Shouchun?" Ji Ling asked, "Could it be possible to join Cao Cao?"

"Yuan Benchu ​​is in Hebei, and I voted for him together with the general." Yan Xiang took out a bag from his arms, looked around, and carefully opened it in front of Ji Ling: "It happens to be a gift of promotion. "

Unpacking the package, Ji Ling's eyes widened: "Chuan Guo..."

Yan Xiang quickly winked at him.

The word "Yuxi" was swallowed back by Ji Ling.

"How did Lord Yan get it?" Ji Ling asked in astonishment.

"The imperial palace is in a mess, I took advantage of the chaos to find it." Yan Xiang said, "General Ji, hurry up! If you don't leave, you really can't leave!"

Ji Ling no longer hesitated, and followed Yan Xiang out of the prison.

The guards didn't dare to stop them, so they could only watch them leave.

After Yan Xiang and Ji Ling walked away, the guards went to report to Yang Hong.

Yuan Shu was killed, if the news got out, not only Huainan would be in turmoil, but even the surrounding heroes would definitely find an opportunity to come and crusade.

Yang Hong was busy covering up the truth.

The soldiers were ordered to surround the palace and not allow anyone to approach.

He then came to the Palace of Empress Yuan.

The palace was in chaos, and Yuan Shu's concubine and sons and daughters were in danger.

Yang Hong and Zhang Xun came.

When Yuan Shu ascended the throne, he appointed his eldest son Yuan Yao as the crown prince.

Protected by his father all the year round, Yuan Yao is not as heroic as Yuan Shu, and it can even be said that he is a bit cowardly and unusable.

There was a chaotic noise outside the palace, Yuan Yao and his wife and concubines hugged each other, trembling all over.

The door was pushed open, and Yang Hong and Zhang Xun walked in.

Seeing Yuan Yao curled up among a group of women, both of them frowned.

"Prince!" Yang Hong bowed and said, "Your Majesty was assassinated and died. Please ask the prince to go out and preside over the situation."

"Father's funeral?" Yuan Yao asked tremblingly while hiding among his wives and concubines.

"Your Majesty has died." Yang Hong replied, "For the stability of Huainan, I asked the prince to go to stabilize the morale of the army and the people. He said that His Majesty was only seriously injured and is recuperating and his life is not in danger."

"That is to say, I can't ascend the throne yet?" Yang Hong and Zhang Xun didn't have any malicious intentions, but Yuan Yao got bolder, and he walked out of his wives and concubines.

"The crown prince is now enthroned, can the chaos be stabilized?" Yang Hong asked Yuan Yao speechlessly.

"Please also ask the prince to go out with us to stabilize people's hearts." Yang Hong and Zhang Xun stood on both sides.

Not daring to argue with the two of them, Yuan Yao could only follow them out of the palace.

Before going out, a guard ran over.

The guards beside Yang Hong went up to meet him.

The two whispered something, and the guard conveyed the news to Yang Hong.

Yang Hong was taken aback, and looked at the guard in astonishment: "Is the news true?"

"It's true." The guard replied.

"Send someone to chase after you, and stop them." Yang Hong said: "If you encounter resistance, shoot and kill!"

The guard took the order, Yuan Yao asked Yang Hong, "What's going on?"

"Yan Xiang and Ji Ling ran away." Yang Hong replied, "They also took away the Chuan Guo Yuxi."

"Then why don't you hurry up and chase after him!" Yuan Shu decided to ascend the throne just because he got the Jade Seal of Chuanguo back then, and Yuan Yao was taken aback when the Jade Seal was lost.

"I have already sent someone there." Yang Hong said, "Prince, don't worry about this. The most important thing is to stabilize the morale of the army and the people."

Yang Hong tried his best to cover up the fact that Yuan Shu was killed, but Lu Bu and others spread the news that Yuan Shu was dead on the way back.

After entering Xuzhou, Lu Bu looked back and said, "It won't be long before all heroes from all walks of life will send troops to Huainan, and we will have a good show."

"Huainan is adjacent to Xuzhou, isn't Wen Hou worried that the war will spread too far, and even we are rarely safe?" Zhang Liao asked.

"Xuzhou is so big, how much can we occupy?" Lu Bu said: "The most important thing is that we don't have time to develop the place at all. Cao Cao is eager to unify Jianghuai, so he will definitely not give us a chance to breathe. Grain is planted in spring and harvested in autumn, and the cycle of smelting and mining is longer. , we can’t count on those methods to make money at all. Without money or food, why should we compete with Cao Cao in the Central Plains? Since we can’t keep it, we should give up most of Xuzhou. As long as we have a solid foundation, we will be able to fight back sooner or later!”

Zhang Liao suddenly said, "I understand what Wen Hou meant."

"There will be many victims in Huainan in the near future." Lu Bu ordered: "Leave some people to welcome the victims into the country and take them to Xiapi and Pengcheng. Encourage farming and mulberry, protect the farms and houses. Let them settle down under our noses." !"

"You guys stay here and grab some officials from nearby counties to prepare for the disaster victims." Zhang Liao assigned several soldiers.

(End of this chapter)

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