The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 308 Find Liu Bei to facilitate this matter

Chapter 308 Find Liu Bei to facilitate this matter
Lu Bu just issued a design drawing and asked the blacksmiths to create a hydraulic support for supporting the underground roof.

In fact, he knows very well that although the blueprints clearly indicate where the bracket will be filled with water and how it will be closed after water is filled, it is very difficult to build it in a short period of time with the existing blacksmithing process.

Fortunately, the mining depth of the mine is still very shallow, and the pressure on the roof is not very high. At least for a period of time, the wooden support can still be used as support.

The mass production of soap has been handed over to the toothpaste workshop, and the fans are also in normal use.

As for underground lighting, it must be bright enough, but not an open flame. Under the current conditions, there will be no solution for a while.

It was useless to stay in the mine, so Lu Bu returned to Pengcheng with Sun Ce and five thousand Jiefan soldiers.

Zhao Yun and Tai Shici escorted Lu Su and others to Jianye, but they didn't stay there and turned back in a hurry.

Even after traveling day and night, they returned to Pengcheng a day later than Lu Bu.

In the Pengcheng government, Lu Bu, who just came back the day before, heard that the two had returned, and ordered Sun Ce to take them to the study.

The study room is not big, and the furnishings inside are all new-style furniture.

Lu Bu sat behind the desk, while Zhao Yun and Tai Shici stood in front of him.

"Sit." He raised his hand to signal the two to sit down.

The two thanked each other and sat down on two chairs in the room.

"Have all the family members in Xuzhou settled down?" Lu Bu asked them when they were seated.

"It has been settled." Zhao Yun replied: "Although Jianye is still prosperous, the population is not large. It is not difficult to find some empty houses there to settle the family."

"Xu Chu intercepted his family members, have you seen his real intention?" Lu Bu asked again.

Not quite understanding what he meant, Zhao Yun and Tai Shici glanced at each other.

Both of them were very puzzled. Xu Chu intercepted the family members, besides using them to control Xuzhou, did he have any other intentions?
From the expressions on their faces, it was obvious that they didn't understand what he meant, and Lu Bu made his words more clear: "Is Xu Chu planning to kill our family members, or is he just trying to take them away?"

Only then did Zhao Yun and Tai Shici suddenly understand.

Tai Shici replied: "I had a fight with Xu Chu. Knowing that it was impossible to rob the family members in front of us, he still decided to take action. It can be seen that he didn't just want to get people away. His intention should be to get rid of the family members. If you don't leave, you will be killed."

Lu Bu had already guessed that there would be such a possibility, Tai Shici replied, but he just nodded.

"Chu Hou, Cao Mengde's cruelty, are we going to suffer like this?" Zhao Yun followed up and asked.

"Of course I won't suffer like this." Lu Bu smiled lightly: "We have turned against Cao Cao, although he has no excuse to send troops right now. However, sooner or later, he will ignore so much and attack us."

"The Marquis of Chu didn't ask us to embarrass Xu Zhongkang. Could it be that Cao Cao could find excuses and reasons?" Zhao Yun asked suspiciously, "Since this is the case, why didn't you take advantage of Xu Zhongkang's interception of his family and solve him on the spot?"

"It's still the same sentence." Lu Bu said: "We don't give Cao Cao the truth. In the battle of Xiapi, he came to attack us with many excuses. This time I will repay my hatred with virtue. Let's see what excuses he can use to attack us. "

"It's just an excuse. If he dares to come, we'll go up and fight." Zhao Yun replied.

When Xu Chu was let go, he was the one who explained to Lu Su.

However, he himself did not understand Lu Bu's approach.

Xu Chu is Cao Cao's fierce general. If he is kept, Cao Cao will have one less available person when he crusades against Xuzhou in the future. ,

Taking advantage of him intercepting and killing his family members, Lu Bu had no intention of letting him stay.

Even if they couldn't keep them alive, it would be a good choice to kill Xu Chu.

"A mere Xu Chu, is it worth keeping him?" Lu Bu smiled slightly and said to Zhao Yun, "Don't worry too much about Zilong. When Cao Mengde sends troops to Xuzhou, we will have a chance to capture his wise men. At that time, don't worry about capturing Zilong." Too much, and working all day is a good thing."

After Lu Bu said that, Zhao Yun and Tai Shici couldn't say anything else.

"Zilong and Ziyi have had a hard time escorting their families, so we should go back and rest first." Lu Bu said to the two of them, "When the war comes, there will be no more leisurely days."

Zhao Yun and Tai Shici stood up, and the two quit and left the study.

When they left, it was almost noon, and Sun Ce came to Lu Bu: "Should I have lunch delivered here, or should Chu Hou go back to his room to eat?"

"Let them send it here." Lu Bu said, "It's time to tidy up some things."

A few days before Lu Bu returned to Pengcheng, Mao Jie and Xu Chu returned to Xudu successively.

Mao Jie failed to persuade Lu Bu to recall his family back to Pengcheng. Xu Chu met Zhao Yun and Tai Shici when he intercepted him halfway.

Cao Cao was very upset.

Xudu, the back residence of the Cao family.

Cao Cao and Guo Jia walked side by side along the bluestone path.

"Xiaoxian and Zhongkang failed to accomplish anything. Lu Bu also knew that I planned to deal with him, and Xiaoxian brought back a message, meaning that he would never be attached to me again. How does Fengxiao view this matter?" Cao Cao asked Guo Jia asked a question.

"I don't think my lord should take it to heart at all." Guo Jia replied: "Mao Xiao didn't succeed first, and the lord had already expected it. As for Zhongkang, although he failed to stop Lu Bu and the family members of Xuzhou officials, he attracted Zhao Yun. And Tai Shici. The two of them were not with Lu Zijing before. They only showed up after Zhongkang appeared. It can be seen that Lu Fengxian had made arrangements. He was waiting for the people sent by the lord to attack him and put him on the charge of treachery. On the head of the lord, once and for all he will be exonerated from the guilt of betraying the lord."

"That is to say, I arranged for Zhongkang to intercept him and the family members of Xuzhou officials, just to give him an excuse to betray him?" Cao Cao frowned, regretting sending Xu Chu to intercept Lu Bu's family members.

"For Lu Fengxian, the lord's arrangement really gave him an excuse. But for the lord, it's not a bad thing." Guo Jia said: "My lord's crusade against Xuzhou is imperative. If you don't offend Lu Bu, It’s not too important anymore. What’s more, the crusade against Lu Bu is not entirely groundless.”

"He let Mao Xiaoxian and Xu Zhongkang go. If I send troops to crusade again, won't the world gossip?" Cao Cao frowned, and asked Guo Jia, "What can Feng Xiao do to impose the fault on Lu Bu? Give me a reason to attack him?"

"Mao Xiao advanced to Pengcheng first, and Xu Zhongkang blocked his family members after him. My lord didn't attack directly, but informed Lu Bu first." Guo Jia replied: "After he got the lord's instructions, he didn't follow the orders. He also asked Mao Xiao to bring a message to the lord first, because he was dissatisfied. Then he ordered Zhao Yun and Tai Shici to chase after his family members to prevent General Zhongkang from bringing him back to Xudu for protection. ?”

When Guo Jia said this, Cao Cao suddenly realized: "If it wasn't for Feng Xiao's reminder, I would almost have been tricked by Lu Bu."

"My lord, don't send out a crusade too early." Guo Jia said: "After all, we don't know what the attitude of the Yuan family in Hebei is."

"Didn't Feng Xiao convince Yuan Benchu, why is he not clear?" Cao Cao frowned slightly.

The attitude of the Yuan family really determines whether he can send troops to attack Lu Bu.

Before Yuan's family sent troops, if he sent troops, in case Yuan Shao returned midway, not only would he not attack Xuzhou, but would instead come to Xudu. Cao Cao, whose army was trapped in Xuzhou, would probably lose his foundation.

Guo Jia was not sure whether Hebei would send troops to attack Lu Bubing, and Cao Cao was also very worried about this.

"I did convince Yuan Benchu, but he is indecisive, and often he may go back on what he has promised in the end." Guo Jia said: "We'd better wait until Yuan Benchu ​​sends troops first. Once his troops reach the border of Xuzhou, my lord will return It will not be too late to send troops to attack Lu Bu."

"But Yuan Benchu ​​doesn't seem to have any intention of sending troops at all, and he hasn't seen the slightest movement until now." Cao Cao asked, "Is there any way for Feng Xiao to urge him?"

"Yuan Benchu ​​has already promised the lord to attack Lu Bu, so it is obviously inappropriate for us to urge you." Guo Jia said: "There is one person, the lord can use him."

Guo Jia said someone was available, Cao Cao hurriedly asked.

"Liu Xuande." Guo Jia said: "This person was in Xudu back then, and secretly connected with many officials. He went to see His Majesty, and was considered an uncle by His Majesty. Not long after that, Dong Cheng and others issued the Yidai Edict. Doesn't the lord think that there is something involved in it?"

"I knew Liu Xuande was involved in that incident a long time ago." Cao Cao clenched his fists and said with an ugly face: "I only regret that I didn't find out in time, but let him deceive many people and escape from Xudu. If I caught up with him at that time, and I will definitely take off his head to vent my anger."

"My lord's failure to catch up with him back then was not a good thing, but it wasn't necessarily a bad thing." Guo Jia said, "My lord knows what kind of character Liu Xuande is, but didn't Yuan Benchu ​​not? The heart of a hero. He is in Hebei, so Yuan Benchu ​​doesn't have the slightest taboo?"

"What does the crusade against Lu Bu have to do with Yuan Benchu's jealousy of Liu Xuande?" Guo Jia went around a lot, and Cao Cao asked without knowing it.

"Liu Xuande is afraid that the world will not be chaotic, so that he can get more benefits from it." Guo Jia said: "Ever since he got Xuzhou from Tao Qian by some means, he has always regarded Xuzhou as his foundation. He was in Hebei Unfortunately, if the lord allows him to receive Xuzhou afterwards, will he stand with the lord?"

"What Feng Xiao said is correct. I'm afraid that Liu Xuande will hold a grudge and refuse to help us." Cao Cao replied: "Although he has been like a bereaved dog these years, he is not a person who can only see immediate benefits. He should know, Even if I gave Xuzhou to him, I still have to get it back sooner or later."

"If the Lord is going to attack someone else, Liu Xuande may not agree." Guo Jia replied: "But the Lord is planning to attack Lu Bu, and he will definitely facilitate this matter for the Lord."

Looking at Guo Jia suspiciously, Cao Cao still didn't think there was much certainty about this matter.

Guo Jia went on to say: "Back when Lu Bu snatched Xuzhou from Liu Xuande, the two of them had long been in conflict. If you want to say who Liu Xuande hates the most, it must be Lu Bu!"

"What's Feng Xiao's plan? Who do you want to see Liu Xuande?" Cao Cao knew what Guo Jia said, and he asked Guo Jia without any doubts.

"You don't need to send people there, my lord just asks His Majesty to write a letter and send it to Liu Xuande, asking him to attack Lu Bu, and after that, he will be appointed Xuzhou Shepherd. This will be done," Guo Jia replied.

"Fengxiao is indeed more transparent than I see." Cao Cao nodded, and said to Guo Jia, "I'm going to see His Majesty right away."

Xu Chu returned to Xudu, returned to Cao Cao's side, and was by his side almost all the time.

Accompanying Cao Cao to the Xudu Palace, Xu Chu, who failed to intercept Lu Bu and the family members of Xuzhou officials, never dared to say a word.

Although it was not up to him to meet Zhao Yun and Tai Shici, he still felt that the matter was not done well, and he was ashamed of Cao Cao's trust in him.

"Zhongkang seems to have been silent a lot when he came back this time." Walking in front, Cao Cao said something casually.

Hearing Cao Cao talking to him, Xu Chu hurriedly replied, "I just feel ashamed of my lord, and I can't even do such a small thing well..."

"I can't blame you for that incident." Cao Cao replied generously, "Lu Fengxian had already made arrangements. Zhao Yun and Tai Shici were waiting for you to appear at the beginning. I didn't investigate clearly and almost trapped you there. If you want to say guilt, I should be deeper than you."

Cao Cao actually admitted that he was wrong in front of Xu Chu. Xu Chu suddenly didn't know what to say, and the guilt in his heart was much deeper than before.

Hearing that Cao Cao was coming, Liu Xie had already been waiting outside the door of his residence.

Seeing Cao Cao from a distance, he bowed and said, "Mr. Cao is here. I have been waiting for you for a long time."

Returning a symbolic gift, Cao Cao said, "Your Majesty, you don't have to wait outside the door. If the news gets out, I'm afraid my reputation will not be good."

"What Cao Gong said is true." Liu Xieshun responded obediently, and said to Cao Cao: "I will pay attention to it in the future."

Cao Cao gestured and said to Liu Xie, "Your Majesty, please speak in the room."

Liu Xie agreed and followed Cao Cao into the room.

When he came to Liu Xie's residence, Cao Cao did not overstep and take the chief seat.

He took his seat under Liu Xie.

Liu Xie asked: "Mr. Cao came to see me, do you have anything to ask me to do?"

"I came to see Your Majesty, and I really need your Majesty's help." Cao Cao asked, "Is Your Majesty still in touch with Liu Xuande?"

The Yi Dai Zhao incident left a deep psychological shadow on Liu Xie.

Liu Bei was also implicated in it back then, when Cao Cao mentioned him, Liu Xie quickly stood up and bowed, "Cao Gong Mingjian, I was blinded to recognize Liu Bei as the emperor's uncle. Until now, every time I think of it, I regret it." Mozhi, how can we have any contact with him again?"

Liu Xie stood up in panic, and Cao Cao laid his hands on him: "Your Majesty, don't panic, I just asked casually. It would be a good thing if Your Majesty still has contact with him."

Thinking that Cao Cao was testing, he had no contact with Liu Bei, so of course Liu Xie would not make trouble for himself.

He bowed and said to Cao Cao, "I really don't have any contact with Liu Bei."

"Of course I believe that Your Majesty has no contact with him, but I came here today to ask His Majesty to write him a letter." Cao Cao asked, "Would Your Majesty be willing to relieve my worries?"

Cao Cao asked him to write a letter to Liu Bei, Liu Xie asked in astonishment, "What does Mr. Cao want me to write to him?"

"Please Liu Bei send troops to attack Lu Bu, and when the matter is completed, grant Xuzhou to him." Cao Cao said: "Your Majesty can first make him Xuzhou Shepherd, and do obeisance to Xuzhou's affairs."

"Mr. Cao wants to attack Lu Bu?" Liu Xie asked Cao Cao in surprise.

"Lü Bu's wolf ambition has long been planned against me, so of course I must attack him first." Cao Cao asked, "Could it be that your majesty is not willing?"

"As long as it is beneficial to Duke Cao, I will do my best." Liu Bei asked, "When will Duke Cao want this letter?"

"Write now, I will prepare ink for Your Majesty." Cao Cao told Xu Chu, "Bring ink."

Cao Cao was in a hurry to ask for a letter, so Liu Xie could only write it for him on the spot.

According to Cao Cao's intention, he wrote a letter to Liu Bei eloquently, and Liu Xie held it in both hands and handed it to Cao Cao.

After reading the letter, Cao Cao nodded in satisfaction, and handed it to Xu Chu.

Xu Chu put away the letter, and Cao Cao bowed his hands to Liu Xie: "Don't bother Your Majesty, I will take my leave first."

What Cao Cao did was not a big gift, but Liu Xie returned him a big bow: "I respectfully send Cao Gong!"

It wasn't until Cao Cao left with Xu Chu that Liu Xie stood up straight with a sigh of relief.

Every time Cao Cao came here, Liu Xie would be frightened into a cold sweat, for fear that if he said something wrong, Cao Cao would be angered and his life would be lost.

When he came to the window, Liu Xie looked out, just in time to see the back of Cao Cao leading Xu Chu away from his sight.

When Cao Cao went to Chang'an to invite him, he showed restraint and diligence, as if he couldn't bear to see the loss of a big man and was heartbroken.

Liu Xie also believed that Cao Cao would work hard for Da Hanke, and agreed to come to Xudu with him.

In those days when he first arrived in Xudu, Cao Cao was still very respectful to him, but gradually became less courteous.

From then on, Liu Xie was dissatisfied with Cao Cao, but never dared to mention it to anyone other than Empress Fu and Concubine Dong.

However, Concubine Dong is a meddlesome person, so she relayed some of what he said to Dong Cheng.

He used to be a general of Dong Zhuo's son-in-law Niu Fu, and Dong Cheng also belonged to the Xiliang branch. Although he followed Liu Xie to Xudu because of his meritorious escort, he was always at odds with Cao Cao.

The emperor was dissatisfied with Cao Cao, and Dong admitted that the opportunity had come, so he planned the clothes belt edict.

It's just a pity that before they could attack Cao Cao, the news had already been revealed, and all the people who participated in the Yidai Chao, except Liu Bei who had fled, had all been put to death.

Liu Xie is actually very clear that Dong Cheng's Yidai Zhao was unsuccessful.

If he becomes a major event, it is just another person to replace Cao Cao.

The big man's life is exhausted, and as the emperor of the Han family, he is just a puppet for others to use.

As time went by, he became more and more cold towards Kuang Fu Han.

When I first met Liu Bei and recognized him as the emperor's uncle, I thought Liu Bei would devote himself to the Han family, but he was unreliable.

On the contrary, Lu Bu, although he followed Dong Zhuo and did a lot of bad things back then, was later rebelled by Wang Yun. After Dong Zhuo was executed, he stuck to Chang'an and did something sincerely for the Han family.

Cao Cao wanted to attack Lu Bu, and asked him to write a letter to Liu Bei, intending to unite with Liu Bei.

For some reason, Liu Xie had a faint thought in his heart.

He hoped that the alliance between Cao Cao and Liu Bei would not be formed, and he also hoped that Lu Bu would not be at a disadvantage in this battle.

He already had a general understanding of the general situation of the world, and Liu Xie knew that the more heroes there were, the greater the role of his emperor would be, and the more stable he would be in Xudu.

Once the world tends to be unified, his existence will no longer be useful, and it can only be judged by God whether he lives or dies.

Seeing Liu Xie, Cao Cao asked for the letter. Cao Cao returned to his residence, invited Guo Jia in front of him, made some detailed discussions, and sent a messenger to Yecheng to ask Liu Bei to see him.

With Cao Cao's letter, the messenger galloped all the way to Yecheng.

I once went to see Yuan Shao, tested his plan, and learned that Yuan Shao would probably choose to fight Lu Bu first. Liu Bei is in a very good mood recently.

Just as Guo Jia expected, when he was in Xudu, he was almost implicated in the clothes belt edict. If he hadn't escaped quickly, his head would have left his neck long ago.

Of course Liu Bei hated Cao Cao.

However, compared to Lu Bu who took Xuzhou from him, Liu Bei's hatred for Cao Cao was not as deep.

Lu Bu not only took Xuzhou from him, but later he led troops to crusade and suffered a big loss in Lu Bu's hands.

If Liu Bei had enough ability, he wished he could bite Lu Bu hard and bite Lu Bu to death.

The envoy Cao Cao sent to Yecheng asked to see Liu Bei in the name of Liu Xie.

Now that His Majesty sent someone to Yecheng to ask for an audience, Liu Bei was puzzled for a while.

He immediately ordered Guan Yu to bring the man before him.

Guan Yu arrived with a messenger. Liu Bei sized him up and asked suspiciously, "Are you really sent by His Majesty?"

"That's right." The messenger replied: "Your Majesty wants me to send a letter to Uncle Huang, saying that I will wait for Uncle Huang to reply, and then I will go back and report to you."

As he spoke, he took out the letter that Cao Cao asked Liu Xie to write from his arms, holding it high with both hands.

After receiving the letter from the messenger, Guan Yu forwarded it to Liu Bei.

Picking up the letter, Liu Bei glanced through it in a hurry, and said to the messenger: "I have understood what your Majesty means, but this matter is not trivial, and I can't make a decision immediately. I also ask the messenger to go and rest first, and I will give you an answer later."

When he got the letter, the messenger heard from Cao Cao that it was impossible for Liu Bei to reply to him immediately, and asked him to wait in Yecheng until Liu Bei made a decision before returning to Xudu.

With Cao Cao's reminder, the courier was already ready and ready.

Liu Bei asked him to go down and have a rest, but he didn't say much, bowed and left.

When the messenger left, Liu Bei handed the letter to Guan Yu: "Yun Chang and Yi De also read it."

Guan Yu took the letter and handed it to Zhang Fei after reading it.

He asked Liu Bei, "Why does Your Majesty suddenly think of attacking Lu Bu? What do you think about this matter?"

"Where it is His Majesty who wants to attack Lu Bu, it is clear that Cao Cao intends to attack." Liu Bei sighed sadly: "Poor Your Majesty, as the Ninth Five-Year Lord, you will be threatened by the young people. Every time I think of this, I feel heartbroken. I hate myself for being too incompetent to save His Majesty from being upside down."

"Since Cao Cao forced His Majesty to do this, I will kill the messenger, and I will just refuse him again." Zhang Fei, who had read the letter, said: "My brother intends to rescue Your Majesty, so I will persuade Yuan Benchu ​​to send troops to attack Cao Cao. Cao Cao is gone, we will take His Majesty away and fly away."

"Cao Cao coerced the Son of Heaven to command the princes, Xu Du is heavily guarded, and it is not easy to rescue His Majesty." Liu Bei immediately rejected Zhang Fei's proposal: "There is no [-]% certainty, and the crusade against Cao Cao is likely to put His Majesty to death. But Lu Bu has always With the heart of disobedience, he even colluded with Yuan Shu earlier, if a rebellious minister and traitor like Lu Bu is not wiped out, it is against the law of heaven!"

Liu Bei said that Liu Xie was coerced by Cao Cao, and at the same time planned to cooperate with Cao Cao to attack Lu Bu according to the request in the letter. Both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei felt a little surprised.

The two looked at each other, but said nothing.

Since traveling around the world with Liu Bei and witnessing Liu Bei's growth step by step, they have an indescribable dependence on this elder brother.

In particular, Liu Bei is also very good at winning people's hearts. He always tells the two that brothers are like brothers and must never turn their backs on each other, and he keeps them firmly tied to him.

"What do you plan to do, brother?" Guan Yu asked Liu Bei.

Liu Bei thought for a while and replied, "I'm going to see Yuan Xiansi and ask him to send troops first. As long as Yuan Xiansi's soldiers and horses meet Lu Bu, Yuan Benchu ​​will have to fight, but the alliance between Yuan and Cao will be reached."

"Can we also take Xuzhou back from Lu Bu's hand?" Lu Bu initially took Xuzhou from Zhang Fei, and Zhang Fei has always been worried about this matter.

"Your Majesty named me Xuzhou Shepherd in the letter, it must be Cao Cao's meaning." Liu Bei said: "The Yuan and Cao families jointly attack Xuzhou. No matter how strong Lu Bu is, they will not be their opponents. It is not difficult to win Xuzhou. The hard part is whether Cao Mengde can fulfill this promise."

"I think brother, it's better not to trust Cao Mengde too much." Guan Yu said, "Cao Mengde is as cunning as a ghost. I can't believe what he said."

"As long as he says so, we still have a chance." Liu Bei said: "The Yuan and Cao families defeat Xuzhou, and they will definitely fight again for the Central Plains. It's not like we won't have a chance to get back Xuzhou."

Liu Bei obviously had plans, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei glanced at each other.

Guan Yu asked: "Dare to ask brother, when will you leave Yecheng to meet Yuan Tan?"

"Since we came to Yecheng, Yuan Benchu ​​was not very relieved." Liu Bei said: "He has arranged eyeliners everywhere, and our every move is under his supervision. If we want to leave here to see Yuan Tan, the only way I'm going to say goodbye and ask his permission."

"Since Yuan Benchu ​​has already put us under supervision, how could my brother agree to say goodbye?" Guan Yu shook his head and said, "Do you want to think again, brother?"

"There is no extra time to think about it." Liu Bei said: "If this delay continues, the alliance between Yuan and Cao will not be facilitated, and we will never be able to go back to Xuzhou."

He stood up and said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei: "You two virtuous brothers will accompany me for a while, and we will go see Yuan Benchu ​​now."

Liu Bei decided to ask Yuan Shao to see him immediately, so Guan Yu and Zhang Fei had no choice but to follow him out of the house.

In fact, Yuan Shao had already made the decision to attack Lu Bu, but he was still considering when it would be appropriate to send troops.

Like Cao Cao, Yuan Shao also worried that once the soldiers from Hebei fell into the battlefield of Xuzhou, Cao Cao would suddenly attack and launch a surprise attack from behind to capture Yecheng.

When Liu Bei came to see him, Cao Cao was discussing with Shenpei, Fengji and others about sending troops to Xuzhou.

Hearing that Liu Bei was coming, Yuan Shao said to the crowd: "Liu Xuande also made indirect remarks earlier and advised me to attack Lu Bu. You all step back first, and I will meet him and see what he has to say."

Everyone got up and left.

Liu Bei was already waiting outside the door.

Seeing everyone coming out, he bowed.

Yuan Shao's staff and generals didn't take him as a troubled man at all. Some even thought that Liu Bei was an idler who came to Hebei to beg for food.

When Liu Bei saluted, two of them who still cared about politeness returned the salute to him, while the others didn't even look at him.They chatted with each other and left.

When everyone left, the guards greeted Liu Bei to enter the house.

Only Yuan Shao was left in the room.

Liu Bei walked in, and Yuan Shao asked with a smile on his face, "Why is Xuande here?"

"I didn't know that Yuan Gonggong was discussing important matters. If he knew, he would never dare to disturb him." Liu Bei replied with a big gift.

"It's nothing important, it's just discussing when to attack Lu Bu." Yuan Shao said to him: "Since Xuande is here, please sit down, I happen to have something to ask you for advice."

"Yuan Gong asked for advice, how dare Bei take it." Liu Bei replied humbly, and then sat down opposite Yuan Shao.

"Xuande came to see me, do you have something important to say?" Knowing that Liu Bei must have something to see, Yuan Shao asked.

"I have been in Hebei for quite a while, and Mr. Yuan has treated me with great kindness, but I have not been able to reciprocate." Liu Bei said to Yuan Shao: "Recently, I saw Mr. Yuan was worried about whether to attack Lu Bu or Cao Cao, so I came to visit him specially. , by the way, farewell to Duke Yuan."

"Farewell?" Liu Bei mentioned that he wanted to leave, Yuan Shao frowned: "Where does Xuande plan to go?"

Knowing that Liu Bei would not stay under others for a long time, Yuan Shao certainly did not want him to leave Yecheng.

To keep him in Yecheng, as long as he is not given any chance, even if Liu Bei has the ability to reach the sky, he can only stay here.

Yuan Shao is not sure how much trouble it will cause if he is let go.

"Duke Yuan, please don't get me wrong." Seeing that Yuan Shao's expression was not good, Liu Bei said hastily, "I came to say goodbye to share my worries with Duke Yuan."

"How do you plan to share my worries?" Even if Liu Bei said so, Yuan Shao's complexion still did not improve at all, and his tone was very cold and blunt.

"Dare to ask Yuan Gong, have you decided who to attack?" Liu Bei did not answer directly, but asked Yuan Shao instead.

Yuan Shao said: "I intend to attack Lu Bu, but I am worried that Cao Cao will attack suddenly from behind. If this is the case, Yecheng will be in danger."

"Cao Mengde has always been cunning, and Yuan Gong's worries are not unreasonable." Liu Bei replied, "I came to say goodbye to settle this matter for Yuan Gong."

"Xuande might as well talk about it." Liu Bei said that he had a way to solve this matter, and Yuan Shao got a little interested and motioned him to continue.

Liu Bei replied: "What Mr. Yuan is worried about is nothing more than provoking Lu Bu to fight him in Xuzhou. Cao Cao not only did not rush to help, but secretly launched troops to attack Yecheng. I have a way, which can provoke a conflict with Lu Bu. This will save Duke Yuan from worrying about Cao Cao."

Knowing that Liu Bei had wanted to put Lu to death a long time ago, Yuan Shao thought that the method he came up with might be really useful. ,

He didn't interrupt Liu Bei, but just listened silently.

Liu Bei went on to say: "I bid farewell to Duke Yuan because I intend to go to Qingzhou to ask the eldest son to see the eldest son. Please send some troops to me, so that I can march to Mount Tai and start a war with Lu Bu."

"Xuande means to send troops from Qingzhou to attack Lu Bu?" Yuan Shao frowned: "You must know that Jiangdong Sun Bofu is not Lu Bu's opponent, what can Xiansi do with the troops? There are too many troops for Xuande, at most 2000. But I heard that Lu Bu has more than [-] troops, so Xuande is too risky to attack rashly?"

"Yuan Gong Mingjian, I led the army to attack, just to lure Cao Mengde to send troops." Liu Bei replied: "If Cao Mengde sent troops at that time, Yuan Gong can send the army south and enter Xuzhou in a large scale. If he refuses to send troops, Yuan Gong can Send people to Xudu to question. If Cao Cao still refuses to send troops, it means that he has the heart to plot against Duke Yuan, and Duke Yuan can choose to join forces with Lu Bu to attack Cao Cao. This move is beneficial to Duke Yuan, please allow it.”

What Liu Bei said was really reasonable, and Yuan Shao didn't think of a reason for his refusal.

But he was unwilling to let Liu Bei go easily.

If Liu Bei leaves Hebei, it will not be so easy to get him back in the future...

Yuan Shao was silent, Liu Bei didn't say any more, just looked at him quietly.

"Xuande's method is indeed good, but I feel that I am too sorry for you by doing so?" Yuan Shao said, "Why don't we think about it carefully, what should we do, and wait until we come up with a practical idea?" Besides..."

"Duke Yuan!" Yuan Shao meant to refuse, Liu Bei stood up and bowed, "I have no other intentions, I just want to share my worries for Duke Yuan, and I hope Duke Yuan can sympathize with my painstaking efforts."

"What is Xuande doing?" Liu Bei begged Yuan Shao to agree, and Yuan Shao also stood up and stepped forward to support him: "It's not that I don't want to let Xuande go to Qingzhou, it's just that this move is too risky. There are three long and two short, and I don't feel good about it."

"I am willing to sign a military order with Yuan Gong. If Cao Cao does not send troops when he is in danger, there is no need for Yuan Gong to send a soldier to rescue him. It is only me to repay Yuan Gong's kindness." Liu Bei replied: "I was in trouble at the beginning. If it wasn't for Duke Yuan to take me in, I would have been harmed by others. It is thanks to Duke Yuan that I can be what I am today. I have the heart to worry about Duke Yuan, so is it possible that Duke Yuan is not willing to satisfy even this little wish?"

When Liu Bei got to this point, Yuan Shao didn't know how to respond.

If he agrees to Liu Bei, he is worried that letting the tiger go back to the mountain will cause endless troubles in the future.

But if he does not agree, he will give Liu Bei another excuse, saying that he is suspicious, and even the person who repays the favor will doubt it.

"Xuande has a heart, I am very relieved." Yuan Shao said: "Why don't you go back first, I will discuss with everyone and give you a reply."

Yuan Shao still refused to let go, Liu Bei knew that it would be counterproductive to continue to entangle, so he had no choice but to sue and retreat.

When Liu Bei went to see Yuan Shao, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were waiting outside the door.

Seeing him coming out, the two immediately went up to him.

Guan Yu asked, "How about brother? Did Yuan Benchu ​​agree?"

Liu Bei shook his head with a grim expression, "He's afraid that I did something bad for him in Hebei. I tried to say good things, but he refused to let go. He just said to discuss with everyone before making a decision."

"Discuss with everyone?" Zhang Fei's face darkened: "He didn't want to discuss with everyone, he just rejected my brother. If I count on him to agree, I am afraid that my brother will never want to leave Yecheng in this life."

When Zhang Fei said that, Liu Bei's expression was also very bad.

Guan Yu winked at Zhang Fei: "Third brother, don't talk nonsense, let's see how the elder brother makes a decision."

After thinking for a while, Liu Bei said to Guan Yu: "Second brother, go and invite Cao Cao's envoy here. I have something to say to him."

Guan Yu immediately agreed.

Back at the residence, Liu Bei and Zhang Fei were waiting in the house, while Guan Yu went to invite the envoy sent by Cao Cao.

After a while, the messenger arrived.

When he met Li, Liu Bei asked, "Is there anything else Cao Mengde would like you to tell me?"

The envoy was stunned by the intruding question, and he said to Liu Bei, "Xuande Gong Mingjian, I was sent by His Majesty..."

"Your Majesty?" Liu Bei interrupted him with a sneer: "Your Majesty is surrounded by Cao Mengde's people. I really don't know when His Majesty will be able to send someone out to deliver letters."

The person who was robbed by Liu Bei didn't know what to say, and the envoy remained silent for a while.

Liu Bei went on to say: "If Cao Mengde wants you to bring me something, just say it in the open, so I can make a decision. If you refuse to say who sent you here, how can I believe that Cao Mengde is really sincere?"

"Since Mr. Xuande understands it, I will say it clearly." Liu Bei had already said this, and the messenger knew that it would be useless to say more, so he immediately admitted that it was Cao Cao who sent him: "It is indeed Mr. Cao who ordered me to come. Sending a letter, but the letter is indeed written by His Majesty himself."

"I know that the letter was written by His Majesty himself." Liu Bei asked, "Did Cao Mengde say that he wanted me to do something before he would send troops to Xuzhou?"

"My lord has said that as long as the Yuan family's soldiers and horses go to war with Lu Bu, he will send troops to Xuzhou immediately," the messenger replied, "With the military strength of the Cao and Yuan families, either side can destroy Lu Bu. Therefore, joining forces with the Yuan family is nothing more than Be safe."

"He is very frank." Liu Bei snorted coldly, and said to the messenger: "You go back first and tell Cao Mengde that I will facilitate the battle between the Yuan family and Lu Bu as soon as possible. As for Xuzhou, he agreed, and wait until it breaks." Lu Bu, don't go back on your word with me."

"Don't worry, Lord Xuande." The messenger immediately agreed: "My lord will never go back on my word. I will take what Lord Xuande said to my lord. Please take care of the Yuan family's use of troops to Lu Bu."

"You don't need to say more, I know what to do." Liu Bei waved his hand and told Guan Yu: "Send the messenger out of the city."

Guan Yu agreed, and then said to the messenger: "Messenger, please!"

Once again, he saluted Liu Bei, and the envoy resigned and left.

After he left, Zhang Fei asked Liu Bei, "My brother didn't get Yuan Benchu's permission. How did the Yuan family go to war with Lu Bu?"

"He doesn't agree, so we just leave quietly." Liu Bei replied: "The opportunity is rare. Could it be that we missed the opportunity to wipe out Lu Bu?"

(End of this chapter)

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