The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 309 Liu Bei is just an introduction

Chapter 309 Liu Bei is just an introduction

Yuan Shao refused to agree to let Liu Bei go to Qingzhou,

He made a promise to the messenger sent by Cao Cao, but Liu Bei didn't intend to wait for Yuan Shao's permission. He made a plan to take Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to Qingzhou while Yuan Shao was not paying attention.

Although Yuan Tan was Yuan Shao's eldest son, he was not liked by Yuan Shao since he was a child.

Especially after the third brother Yuan Shang was born, because Yuan Shang's mother is Yuan Shao's current wife, Liu Shi, and Yuan Shang's appearance is very similar to Yuan Shaosheng's, he has been favored more since he was a child.

In contrast, Yuan Tan, the eldest son, was neglected under Yuan Shao's knees.

Yuan Shao once arranged Yuan Tan to Qingzhou in the name of training.

In fact, Yuan Tan himself also understood that he was just in the way of his father's eyes and sent him to a farther place.

There was no harmony with his father, and Yuan Tan didn't really want to return to Yecheng in Qingzhou.

Liu Bei was sure of this point. As long as he went to Qingzhou, he would definitely be able to persuade Yuan Tan to send troops to march on Mount Tai.

The Yuan family's soldiers and horses appeared on Mount Tai, and the war with Lu Bu began.

Cao Cao promised Liu Bei that as long as the Yuan family's soldiers and horses fought against Lu Bu, he would immediately lead his army eastward to attack Lu Bu in Pengcheng.

When Lu Bu took Xuzhou away, Liu Bei hated him deeply. As long as he had the opportunity to destroy Lu Bu, even if he joined forces with Cao Cao, he would not care at all.

After sending Cao Cao's messenger away, Liu Bei immediately ordered Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to disguise themselves with him and prepare to leave Yecheng early the next morning.

It was just after dawn that the gates of Yecheng were opened, and some merchants who got up early came and went to the gates to start their business.

Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, dressed as merchants, sat in a carriage full of goods.

The driving driver is the most trusted guard around Liu Bei.

Yecheng is where Yuan Shao ruled, and it has not experienced war for many years.

Although there will be inspections at the city gates, they are much more lax than those in cities in war-torn places.

The three brothers sat in a carriage loaded with goods and came to the gate of the city.

The soldiers guarding the city gate looked at the caravan, but they just watched them leave without interrogating them.

After leaving Yecheng, Liu Bei heaved a sigh of relief.

Guan Yu said: "I thought there would be an investigation, but I didn't expect it to be so easy to leave."

"The soldiers guarding the city are too confident." Liu Bei said: "Yecheng has always been stable. They never thought that anyone would dare to sneak in or sneak out. Yuan Benchu ​​just didn't allow me to leave, and secretly arranged some people to watch us. But he didn't order the city gate to strictly check, of course the soldiers guarding the city gate won't cause more trouble."

"Did elder brother see through this a long time ago, so he decided to leave quietly?" Guan Yu heard something from Liu Bei's words, and asked him.

"Actually, when I arrived in Yecheng, I already saw through it." Liu Bei said with great confidence: "The reason why we didn't leave was not that Yuan Benchu ​​didn't want us to leave, but that I didn't know where we could go after we left. Now Qingzhou If there is a chance, of course I will go to Qingzhou."

"Sitting in the carriage, I don't know when we can go to Qingzhou." Zhang Fei said: "When we arrive in Qingzhou, Lu Bu has already prepared himself. If we want to kill him, how can it be so easy?"

"How can it be possible to take a carriage." Liu Bei told the guards: "Prepare us a horse, you walk slowly behind, and the three of us take a step first."

The guards who followed the team agreed and prepared horses for Liu Bei and others.

After changing the horses, Liu Bei led Guan Yu and Chang Fei to gallop in the direction of Qingzhou.

While galloping his horse, Guan Yu asked Liu Bei: "Brother, don't you take the guards with you, but let them continue driving the carriage to Qingzhou?"

"They can't reach Qingzhou at all." Liu Bei replied: "When we leave Yecheng, Yuan Shao will find out soon, and he will definitely send someone to chase him. When he catches up with the guards and interrogates, we have already gone far. "

Liu Bei gave such an explanation, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked at each other in astonishment.

They thought that Liu Bei was rushing to Qingzhou, because too many people would delay the trip, so he didn't bring the guards with him.

Unexpectedly, he was just trying to attract the attention of the guards to the pursuers.

On second thought, if Liu Bei didn't do this, the pursuers sent by Yuan Shao could easily catch them up.

The longer you follow Liu Bei and the more things you see him do, the more Guan Yu and Zhang Fei understand what he does.

The three fast horses galloped towards Qingzhou.

Liu Bei left Yecheng with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

In the first two days, Yuan Shao did not realize that he had left.

Not seeing Liu Bei for two or three days in a row, Yuan Shao also felt a little puzzled, so he sent someone over to take a look.

The people sent reported that Liu Bei had not been at the residence for nearly three days, and Yuan Shao realized that something was wrong, so he quickly arranged for people to chase him.

Three or four days later, the pursuers returned to Yecheng, but only those guards beside Liu Bei were brought back to Yuan Shao.

Liu Bei had already left, Yuan Shao was very annoyed, but there was nothing he could do. '

Thinking of what Liu Bei said before, he was going to Qingzhou to find Yuan Tan, and he would send soldiers and horses from Yuan Tan to Mount Tai, so he hurriedly sent Guo Tu to try to stop Liu Bei before he could do anything.

When Guo Tu left, Liu Bei had already arrived in Qingzhou.

It was Liu Bei's efforts to promote Yuan Tan's promotion of filial piety.

Hearing that Liu Bei was coming, Yuan Tan led a team to meet him.

Seeing Yuan Tan from a distance, Liu Bei urged the horse to speed up.

Yuan Tan also speeded up a bit, and came towards Liu Bei.

When he arrived in front of Yuan Tan, Liu Bei cupped his hands and saluted, "I have met General Xiansi."

"Mr. Xuande is not in Yecheng, why did you come to Qingzhou?" Yuan Tan replied and asked Liu Bei.

Liu Bei replied, "I have something urgent to discuss with General Xiansi, that's why I left Yecheng and came here."

"Does father know?" Yuan Tan first thought of Yuan Shao.

If Yuan Shao didn't know, Liu Bei came to Qingzhou, he really couldn't bear it.

Liu Bei replied: "Grandpa Yuan's temperament is more clear than mine, General Xiansi. Some things should be done as soon as possible, but Mr. Yuan always procrastinates. In the end, it is inevitable that he will suffer from it."

"Father does sometimes." Hearing that Liu Bei didn't get Yuan Shao's consent, Yuan Tan replied: "Mr. Xuande should at least have his father's permission to come here. Don't mention anything else, just come to me. Father probably wouldn't say anything. What."

"If General Xiansi intends to send me back, I won't have any complaints." Liu Bei replied, "It's just that Qingzhou may not be safe."

Yuan Tan was sent to Qingzhou by Yuan Shao. In recent years, he has been fighting north and south in Qingzhou.

Even Kong Rong, the Prime Minister of Beihai, who was once very prestigious in Qingzhou, was driven away by him and went to Cao Cao.

The more he paid for Qingzhou, the deeper Yuan Tan's affection for this land became.

Liu Bei said that Qingzhou would not be protected, and his face suddenly became a little bad: "What do you mean by Xuande?"

"Where is the closest place to Qingzhou?" Liu Bei did not answer, but asked instead: "Yanzhou, Youzhou, Xuzhou and other places are all adjacent to Qingzhou. Yanzhou is the boundary of our Yuan family. Gongsun Zan, who once occupied Youzhou, was also Our Yuan family has been destroyed. Could it be that Duke Xuande is worried about Gongsundu occupying Liaodong?"

"Although Gongsundu has occupied Liaodong for many years and has never listened to anyone's orders, he only occupies a small place after all, and it is impossible to make too many achievements." Liu Bei said: "What General Xiansi really needs to worry about is precisely Lu Bu of Xuzhou."

"Why did Lu Bu harm Qingzhou?" Yuan Tan didn't quite understand, he asked Liu Bei, "Our Yuan family didn't have a feud with him either. He fled Chang'an in his early years, and his father even took him in for a while."

"Did General Xiansi forget how Lu Bu left Hebei?" Liu Bei said, "He planned to do harm to the Yuan family back then, and Yuan Gong wanted to accuse him of crimes, so he fled hastily."

"I know all of this." Yuan Tan asked, "But what does it have to do with Lu Bu's attack on Qingzhou?"

"I asked the general, Lv Bu now occupies Xuzhou and Yangzhou, and has Jiangdong as his defense. If he wants to gain a place in the Central Plains, where should he win first?" Liu Bei asked Yuan Tan again.

Startled by Liu Bei's question, Yuan Tan thought for a moment: "To compete in the Central Plains, he should win Yuzhou, Yanzhou and other places first, after all, that is the hinterland of the Central Plains."

"There is Cao Mengde in Yuzhou, and Duke Yuan in Yanzhou. Which one can he offend?" Liu Bei said, "If I were Lu Bu, I would definitely send troops from Mount Tai to Qingzhou."

"Qingzhou is also the territory of our Yuan family. When Lu Bu comes here, isn't he afraid of offending the Yuan family?" Yuan Tan shook his head.

He still didn't understand why Lu Bu must attack Qingzhou first when he sent troops.

"General Xiansi occupies Qingzhou. Although the soldiers and horses are also under Yuan's family, they are all loyal to the general." Liu Bei said: "Once Lu Bu advances into Qingzhou, the general will definitely lead the army to fight. Every time there is a battle, there will be loyal ministers and good generals under the general. Some losses. Without these soldiers, who will care about the general speaking in Yuan's house in the future?"

"I understand all of this. I just want to know why Lu Bu must attack Qingzhou?" Liu Bei didn't give a reasonable explanation, and Yuan Tan would of course ask.

"Qingzhou is adjacent to the sea in the east, and only from the west can large troops come." Liu Bei said, "Lu Bu is not the opponent of the Yuan family. If he occupies Yanzhou first, and troops from all over the country gather, how can he bear it? If Qingzhou is captured, He will not have these scruples. The sea seems to have a barrier behind him, and there is no need to worry about the army behind the barrier. Once Qingzhou is in his hands, he only needs to stabilize the place and beware of the troops coming from the west. That's enough. If I were Lu Bu, I would definitely take Qingzhou first, and then make other pictures."

After Liu Bei's analysis, Yuan Tan's expression became even uglier than before.

Having led troops for many years, Yuan Tan is also good at using them. Of course he knows how Qingzhou has unique advantages compared to other places.

As Liu Bei said, as long as Qingzhou is occupied, what Lu Bu has to beware of is only the powerful enemy coming from the west.

To the east of him is the boundless sea, except for some pirates occasionally harassing the coast, there will not be any strong enemies appearing.

To compete in the Central Plains, it is really safer to start from the eastern coast and advance inland.

Liu Bei's words had already convinced Yuan Tan, and he began to ask with some concern: "What does Xuande think I should do, so as not to give Lu Bu the opportunity to march into Qingzhou?"

"Lv Bu is ambitious, and he has long wanted to compete in the Central Plains." Liu Bei said: "He defected to the Yuan family in the past, trying to get benefits from Hebei and replace the Yuan family in running Hebei. Fortunately, Yuan Gongying discovered it early and did not cause a catastrophe. Later He went to Xuzhou again. I mistakenly treated him as a good man and treated him with courtesy. I didn’t expect him to take Xuzhou from me. After the battle of Xiapi, he joined Cao Cao again, but now that he is strong, he turned against Cao Cao .The whole world should discuss such a treacherous villain."

Yuan Tan nodded approvingly.

Liu Bei has always been good at instigating rebellion, let alone instigating Yuan Tan to deal with Lu Bu, even if he is instigating Yuan Shao to be an enemy, Liu Bei is not completely helpless.

Seeing that Yuan Tan had believed his words, Liu Bei went on to say: "General Xiansi should know that Cao Cao sent Guo Jia to Yecheng earlier to ask Yuan Gong to see him. I haven’t moved yet. A few days ago, Cao Cao sent someone to go to Yecheng again. Seeing that Yuan Gong still hadn’t made a decision, that person found me. Cao Cao promised that as soon as the Yuan family’s troops entered Lu Bu’s rule, he would immediately send troops to support him. Although I I don't believe Cao Cao is a man, but I believe he wants to eradicate Lu Bu. Because of this, I went to see Yuan Gong, but Yuan Gong still didn't show any action. In desperation, I had no choice but to choose to come to Qingzhou, and Young Master discuss this matter."

What Liu Bei said was sincere, and Yuan Tan asked, "What if Cao Mengde doesn't respond when I send troops? If the Yuan family starts a war with Lu Bu, if Cao Cao makes some moves behind his back, wouldn't it be bad for Hebei?"

"I have already thought of what the general is worried about." Liu Bei replied, "There is no need for General Xiansi to lead the troops, as long as you allocate [-] troops to me, I will take care of it myself."

Liu Bei asked for [-] soldiers and horses, but Yuan Tan frowned and did not immediately agree.

3000 troops is not a lot to him, but Yuan Shao had reminded him earlier that he must not let Liu Bei take power.

Once Liu Bei has troops, it is uncertain what kind of disaster it will bring to the Yuan family.

Seeing the hesitation on Yuan Tan's face, Liu Bei said again: "General Xiansi Mingjian. The reason why I am willing to do this is to appreciate the benefits of the general and Duke Yuan. When I escaped and came here, if the general and Duke Yuan hadn't taken me in, I wouldn't be here today." I don't know where to bury the bones. Lu Bu's power is growing day by day, and sooner or later it will be unfavorable to the general. Every time I think of this, I always feel uneasy in my heart. I also ask General Xiansi to give me a chance, for the general, for Yuan Gong, and for the greatness of the world Be upright, lead the troops to attack Lu Bu, and give him a blow."

"Father didn't send me an order. Lord Xuande led his troops into Mount Tai. If he was besieged by Lu Bu, I would not be able to send troops to rescue him." Yuan Tan said, "Cao Mengde is cunning, and Lord Xuande has to think twice about what he says."

"I've thought about it carefully." Liu Bei replied: "Although Cao Mengde is cunning, he knows that credibility is the most important thing compared to Lu Bu. If he doesn't do what he promised, the world will definitely cast aside it. This time I believe it." Cao Mengde, General Xiansi, please give me a chance."

What Liu Bei said was sincere, and Yuan Tan didn't know how to respond.

After thinking for a while, he finally nodded and said to Liu Bei: "Since Mr. Xuande insists on this, I will allocate three thousand soldiers to you. If Cao Cao really sends troops, I will definitely lead the army to help immediately. If Cao Cao If you don't send troops, you can only ask Duke Xuande to ask for blessings."

"As long as the Yuan and Cao two alliances can be made to attack Lu Bu, I will accept it even if I am smashed to pieces." Liu Bei bowed his hands to Yuan Tan and thanked him: "Thank you, General Xiansi, for making it happen!"

Although Yuan Tan promised to give him 3000 troops, he still felt that something was wrong in his heart.

But the words have already been spoken, and it is not easy to go back on their words, so they have to choose [-] elites for Liu Bei to drive.

After receiving 3000 troops from Yuan Tan, Liu Bei didn't stay in Qingzhou at all, and led the army straight to Mount Tai.

Lu Bu, who returned to Pengcheng, was busy watching the soldiers drill and urging the building of ordnance every day.

The air force barracks already has more than 2000 gliders, and more than 20 hot air balloons have also been verified and can be launched into the air for combat.

Lu Bu also distributed the continuous crossbows that the craftsmen rushed to make.

The first batch of repeating crossbows was issued to a thousand soldiers who were good at using crossbows.

The soldiers got this new type of weapon, which was larger than the usual set of crossbows. At first, they were not very used to it. After several days of practice, they finally felt the benefits of the new type of crossbow.

The repeating crossbow is to assemble the crossbow arrows in the arrow box. After firing, replace it with a new arrow box, and then you can continue to use it.

Its firing speed is five to ten times that of ordinary crossbow bolts.

Once it is put on the battlefield, it will definitely bring several times the casualties to the enemy.

All parts of Xuzhou seemed to be peaceful, not shrouded in the cloud of war at all, but Lu Bu knew very well that the war was actually quietly moving towards him.

On the grounds of the barracks, Lu Bu stood on a high platform, watching the soldiers equipped with repeating crossbows use this new type of crossbow to fire towards distant targets.

A crossbow arrow flew out and was nailed to the target.

When choosing the target, Lu Bu deliberately used a distance similar to that of the old-fashioned crossbow.

Compared with the old-fashioned crossbow, the repeating crossbow has an advantage in projecting speed.

But it also has a disadvantage, that is, the effective killing distance is a little shorter than the old-fashioned crossbow.

The performance of the repeating crossbow has been controlled to a certain extent. When the soldiers fired, not only did the speed of pulling the spring meet Lu Bu's requirements, but the accuracy of the projection was not bad.

After looking at it for a while, Lu Bu asked Chen Dao who was standing beside him, "Are all the continuous crossbows assigned to your Baiyan army?"

"Exactly." Chen Dao replied, "When the repeating crossbow was distributed, all the armies refused to accept it, saying that they were worried that the soldiers would not be able to use it. I saw this thing as a novelty, and there was nothing wrong with using it anyway. At that time I took all the thousand-shot crossbows with the thought of keeping them if they are useful, and putting them aside if they are not useful. Now it seems that I did the right thing.”

"I personally designed and made things, how can there be times when they are not easy to use." Lu Bu patted Chen Dao's arm lightly, and said with a confident smile: "You still have the vision, wait until the repeating crossbow is thrown on the battlefield , when the Bai Yan army beheaded and made meritorious service, let those who did not want them cry and regret it."

"I haven't put it on the battlefield yet, and I'm already crying and regretting it." Chen Dao said to Lu Bu mysteriously in a low voice: "Two days ago, General Gao invited me to drink, saying that he wanted me to divide into two or three hundred companies. Send him a crossbow."

"You agreed?" Lu Bu asked.

"Of course I can't agree." Chen Dao said with a serious face: "Drinking is drinking. At worst, I will invite him back later. The repeating crossbow is to be used on the battlefield to help the soldiers of the Baiyan Army to kill the enemy. Don't say two or three hundred Only, even if it's just one, I can't give it to him."

"It's still Shuzhi who has vision." Lu Bu chuckled, "I didn't want it at the beginning, but I want it after seeing the benefits. How can there be such a good thing?"

"The Marquis Chu is right." Chen Dao fully agreed.

The two were talking when Sun Ce walked over quickly.

He came to Lu Bu's side, before he could speak, Lu Bu asked with a smile: "Bo Fu is here, but do you want to get some repeating crossbows from Shu Zhi?"

Sun Ce was taken aback by his question: "What repeating crossbow?"

He turned his head and glanced at the school field, and saw the soldiers were practicing, and then he realized: "What am I supposed to be? It turned out to be this kind of crossbow. We don't want the first batch of troublesome soldiers, and we will give them all to the Baiyan Army."

"Bo Fu is still generous." Lu Bu smiled and said to Chen Dao: "If Bo Fu invites Uncle Zhi to drink, he can go."

Chen Dao laughed and said, "It's just that General Sun hasn't invited him, so I'm embarrassed to insist on him."

After joking, Lu Bu then asked Sun Ce, "Bo Fu is in a hurry, did something important happen?"

"Just got the news that Liu Xuande led [-] troops and is heading for Mount Tai." Sun Ce replied, "The two generals Zang Ba and Sun Guan have already rushed there, planning to meet the enemy at Mount Tai."

"Liu Xuande's subordinates Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, I'm afraid Zang Ba and Sun Guan are not his opponents." Lu Bu said to Chen Dao, "You immediately lead the Bai Yan army to Mount Tai and stop Liu Bei there."

"Don't worry, Marquis Chu, as long as I'm here, I will never let Liu Bei take half a step forward." Chen Dao accepted the order immediately.

He jumped off the high platform and shouted to the soldiers who were practicing on the school field: "Stop practicing, what's the point of shooting these dead targets all day long? This general will take you to the battlefield to kill some living ones!"

Since the establishment of the Baiyan Army, it has never been on the battlefield for training.

However, the soldiers in the army are all veterans who have crawled out of the dead.

They have long been used to seeing life and death, and some of them can't even think of what else to do if there is no war to fight in the future.

Since coming to Xuzhou and being selected by Chen Dao into the Baiyan Army, the soldiers have been practicing all day long.

Although the food is better than others, the weapons they use are also better than others, and even the bedding in the barracks is softer than that of ordinary soldiers.

But after not returning to the battlefield for a long time, the soldiers were already a little tired.

Hearing that they were about to go to the battlefield again, these soldiers who took killing as their profession immediately became excited.

They ran back to the barracks one after another, packed up their luggage, and prepared to follow Chen Dao to Mount Tai to kill the enemy.

Chen Dao greeted the generals of the Bai Yan Army to prepare for the expedition, while Lu Bu and Sun Ce stood on the high platform and watched.

Seeing the excitement of the officers and men of the Baixuan Army, Sun Ce shook his head: "The Baixuan Army under General Shuzhi seems to be unable to survive without a fight. I heard that there will be a war, and everyone is more happy than receiving a reward."

"Most of the Baixuan army are veterans who followed me back then, and many of them were from the Qingzhou army." Lu Bu said: "They all used to fight and plunder for a living. If they were allowed to cultivate the fields, they would really give It's so boring. Let them go to battle to kill the enemy, but they seem to be alive and well one by one."

"I didn't have such good luck when I chose to solve troublesome soldiers." Sun Ce shook his head: "The good soldiers in the Qingzhou Army were selected by several generals. I can only choose soldiers from the children from Jiangdong. Compared with the sergeants they selected, their experience on the battlefield is indeed worse."

"There will always be opportunities to go to battle and practice." Lu Bu patted his arm: "We don't want to stay here either. Since Liu Bei leads the troops to Mount Tai, it won't be long before Cao Cao's soldiers and horses will come to Xuzhou Shuzhi's opponent is not very difficult to deal with, but we are not facing ordinary opponents."

Sun Ce agreed and followed Lu Bu to leave the school grounds.

Lv Bu had just returned to the official residence, and Chen Gong, Pang Tong and others were already waiting here.

Seeing them, Lu Bu asked: "They all came here, did they get the news that Liu Bei sent troops to Mount Tai?"

"Marquis Chu also got the news?" Chen Gong asked.

"If you all know about it, but I haven't heard about it, then Bo Fu's negligence." Glancing at Sun Ce, Lu Bu greeted everyone: "Since you're all here, come inside with me to discuss how to deal with the powerful enemy."

Everyone followed Lu Bu into the front hall.

After taking their seats, Lu Bu said to everyone: "Liu Bei sent troops to Mount Tai, probably just to provoke trouble. The troops he brought must have been obtained from the Yuan family in Hebei. It has officially become hostile. Cao Cao has long wanted to jointly attack Xuzhou with the Yuan family. Once the Taishan battle begins, we will have no way out and can only fight against two powerful enemies alone."

Looking at everyone's faces, Lu Bu asked, "Do you think we have a chance of winning with Cao Cao and Yuan Shao at the same time?"

Chen Gong stood up and bowed to Lv Bu: "I discussed with Shi Yuan, Gong Jin and others before, and we think that Cao Cao and Yuan Shao will march into Xuzhou in two ways, and we are not completely hopeless."

Earlier, he had made some analysis of the battle situation, and Lu Bu even thought that they could only hold Xuzhou by [-]% to [-]%.

Chen Gong said that there was no chance of winning at all, and Lu Bu asked, "I wonder what the result of your discussion is?"

"In the past, Xuzhou was a place where many battles were fought, because the people's livelihood here was poor and they could not support the war at all." Chen Gong replied: "The Marquis of Chu has been working hard in recent days, and there are signs of prosperity in Xuzhou. The government has ample food stocks, and the soldiers are fully equipped with armor. , The ordnance is also brand-new and sophisticated. Compared with the two sergeants of Cao and Yuan, our soldiers are not inferior to them in terms of physical fitness or battlefield experience. The only thing that is not as good as them is that their morale is slightly weaker."

"Morale is weak?" Lu Bu asked, "What do you mean?"

"To put it bluntly, although the soldiers have won some battles, they haven't really experienced great victories." Chen Gong replied: "This problem is actually easy to solve. As long as the Marquis of Chu leads the soldiers to win a few games, it will be easy to solve." That's it."

Lu Bu nodded, but he felt that Chen Gong had been talking for a long time, but he didn't get to the point at all.

Liu Bei sent troops to Mount Tai, which was a harbinger of the coming war.

What he wanted to know most was how to deal with the armies of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao coming from different directions, and how to judge where they would advance into Xuzhou.

"What Gongtai said is reasonable. What I want to ask you is, if Cao Cao and Yuan Shao use troops, where will they enter Xuzhou?" Lu Bu asked, "Where should we stop?"

Lu Bu asked a crucial question. Chen Gong met Pang Tong, Zhou Yu and others, and then said to Lu Bu, "We think the enemy troops will come from at least five directions."

"Which five?" Lu Bu asked immediately.

"Mount Tai is one of them." Chen Gong said: "Liu Bei's march into Mount Tai was just to cause this war. What he really wanted was not a decisive battle with our army, but to gain benefits from this war. Liu Bei knows very well, what kind of person he is, we don't need to say more."

"Of course I know Liu Bei." Lu Bu said: "He is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. No matter what, he always mixes it up and stirs it up. He waits until the water is muddy, and then fishes out of it. Liu Bei's march into Mount Tai this time, With his consistent style, not only will he not lose anything, but he can also gain a lot of benefits from it. I have sent Chen Shuzhi to lead the Baiyan army to fight. Although it may not be possible to defeat Liu Bei, it can also allow him to win the battle. There's no benefit to it."

"Chen Shuzhi led the Baixuan army to Mount Tai first, but it can stop Liu Bei from moving forward." Chen Gong replied: "Once Cao Cao's army goes out, Yuan Tan will receive an order from Yecheng to lead the Yuan family's troops from Qingzhou to enter. Mount Tai. At that time, Chen Shuzhi alone will not be able to deal with it."

"I heard that the two generals Zang Ba and Sun Guan have already left." Lu Bu asked, "Could it be that the two of them cooperated with Chen Shuzhi, and they still couldn't defend against Yuan Tan?"

"Yuan Shao ordered Yuan Tan to lead Qingzhou back then. After he arrived in Qingzhou, he conquered various places. Even Kong Rong, Prime Minister of Beihai, was no match for him." Chen Gong replied: "Maybe the Marquis of Chu doesn't know yet, but there are also several wise men around Yuan Tan." Thinkers. For example, Yuan Shao's staff, Xin Ping and Xin Pi, are all strategists, so they must not be underestimated."

"If this is the case, we really have to find a way to deal with it." Lu Bu nodded, and then asked Chen Gong: "Who do you think is the most suitable to go there?"

"Mount Tai is a place where Shi Yuan is most suitable." Chen Gong replied: "That is the north gate of Xuzhou. Once Mount Tai falls, the enemy will be able to drive straight in. If Yuan Shao and Cao Cao are allowed to reconcile, we will stick to Pengcheng There will be no chance of winning.”

"Shiyuan is going to Mount Tai. It seems that your plan is to make it difficult for Yuan Tan to advance." Lu Bu said, "But after what you said, I also think it is most suitable for Shiyuan to go there."

Looking at Pang Tong, Lu Bu said: "Shi Yuan and Shu Zhi rushed to Mount Tai together, and gathered the soldiers under the two generals Zang Ba and Sun Guan in one place. Around Mount Tai, you are the main general, and you must prevent Yuan Tan from going south."

He had already discussed with Chen Gong and others, and Pang Tong also knew that he would be sent to Mount Tai.

Lu Bu gave the order, and he immediately stood up to accept the order.

"Let's talk about Gongtai, where will the other four enemy troops come from?" Lu Bu asked Chen Gong about other dead ends.

"Cao Cao's army must be divided into two." Chen Gong replied: "One of them has been going straight to Xuzhou with the intention of taking Pengcheng, and the other will go south to Huainan, pass Shouchun, pass Zhongli, and kill Pengcheng."

"Why are they divided into two branches?" Lu Bu asked Chen Gong and the others immediately after they were puzzled by the judgment.

"If the Marquis of Chu still had only a few cities in Xuzhou like in the battle of Xiapi, Cao Cao would definitely go straight to Pengcheng." Chen Gong said, "However, the Marquis of Chu today is quite different from the original one. In his hands, all parts of Yangzhou also belong to the Marquis of Chu. If Cao Cao only cared about attacking Pengcheng and sent reinforcements from Yangzhou, how would he deal with it?"

After Chen Gong's explanation, Lu Bu also deeply agreed.

He then asked Chen Gong: "Who is the safest to deal with the two troops of Cao Cao?"

"The army that went straight to Xuzhou must be led by Cao Cao himself." Chen Gong said: "This army is on the edge of Xuzhou, and the Marquis of Chu can fight it in person. As for the other army, Liu Ziyang can fight it."

Looking at Liu Ye, Lu Bu asked, "Did Zi Yang know in advance that he was going to meet Cao Jun?"

Liu Ye stood up, bowed to Lu Bu and said, "It is I who participated in this assignment."

"It seems that you have already assigned them, and I just want to follow your assignments." Lu Bu smiled slightly and said to Chen Gong: "You don't need to say anything else, just say that the two teams from Yuan Shao's side should be the ones I should take care of." How to deal with it."

"We also want to share the worries of the Marquis of Chu." Lu Bu said that he was only appointed by Chen Gong and others, and Chen Gong quickly replied, "I hope that the Marquis of Chu will forgive me."

"Forget it." Lu Bu waved his hand: "I've been too busy recently, and it's impossible to take care of these things. I don't really have any objections to your assignment, but don't make any claims in the future, no matter what. , After the discussion, the prophet will tell me. Don’t bring it up directly in the court meeting, it will make me unable to get up and down, it’s very ugly.”

Lu Bu said that he didn't blame Chen Gong and the others, but his words showed dissatisfaction, and Chen Gong and the others hurriedly responded.

Everyone was muttering in their hearts, thinking that Lu Bu would not care about these things, but who would have thought that he would actually bring it up in person.

It seems that in the future, when working with Lu Bu, it is better to ask him for instructions.

Just like this time, it is indeed very inappropriate to discuss it properly beforehand and then directly mention it to Lu Bu at the court meeting.

Lu Bu said to his face that they shouldn't have proposed the distribution method at the court meeting, and Chen Gong also felt that things were not done well.

The last time Lu Bu went south, he did not accompany the army, but stayed to guard Pengcheng, so he is not very familiar with Lu Bu's current style.

Before the Battle of Xiapi, Chen Gong had absolute prestige in front of Lu Bu.

He could even reprimand the lord to his face then.

At that time, Lu Bu had nothing to do with Chen Gong. On the one hand, he was not very happy to obey Chen Gong's orders, and on the other hand, he could not leave him. As time passed, the relationship between the two became a little delicate.

Ever since Lu Bu grew up overnight, Chen Gong also felt that he was different from before, but he didn't expect the change to be so great.

Said such a sentence at the court meeting not only lightly but not seriously, not only reminded him, but also did not embarrass him too much.

Standing facing Lu Bu, Chen Gong unexpectedly did not continue to tell the next deployment.

"Why didn't you say anything?" Lu Bu asked Chen Gong, "How do you think Yuan Shao will send troops, and where will he come to Xuzhou from?"

"Yuan Shao's troops will also be two." Chen Gong replied: "One of his troops will cross the Yellow River from the Yanjin area and head towards Xuzhou. Advance to Xuzhou."

"Who do you think will lead Yuan Shao's two troops?" Lu Bu asked again.

"Yuan Shao dotes on his third son, Yuan Shang, and has always wanted him to make some meritorious service." Chen Gong said, "I think Yuan Shang will lead the team that passes through Cangting. Those who intend to cross Yanjin will be Yuan Shao personally leads."

"Who is going to Cangting, and who is going to Yanjin?" Lu Bu's eyes swept over everyone's faces.

Everyone lowered their heads one after another, and no one dared to look at him.

Especially the aides who participated in Chen Gong's discussion were all in a mess, and they dared not give him any response.

"Since the arrangement has been made, just bring it up." Lu Bu said, "What I said just now is just to remind you not to do this in the future, and I didn't say that this time the defense will not be deployed according to your views."

"On the Cangting line, we feel that Yu Zhongxiang should go." Chen Gong replied: "As for the Yanjin line, Zhou Gongjin can do it."

Chen Gong proposed to hand over the Cangting battlefield to Yu Fan, and the Yanjin battlefield to Zhou Yu. Lu Bu's eyes fell on the faces of the two.

Yu Fan was originally an aide in Jiangdong, and he voted for Lu Bu along with Sun Ce.

In terms of intelligence, he can also be the number one in Jiangdong.

It is indeed appropriate for him to be the main general to face Yuan Shang.

As for Zhou Yu, let alone.

Jiang Dong Zhou Lang is not only romantic and suave, but in terms of resourcefulness, there are few people in the world who can compare with him.

Put him in Yanjin to prevent Yuan Shao's army from crossing the Yellow River south, I am afraid that Yuan Shao's men will never have a chance to cross the river again.

"Your arrangements are good." Lu Bu nodded: "My biggest dissatisfaction with you is that you didn't tell me when you were making these arrangements. If you had told me in advance, the battle has not yet started. It's been written down for you."

Looking at everyone's faces, Lu Bu continued: "Although your faults are not counted this time, I can't give you credit. If you want credit, wait until you go to the battlefield and talk to me with the achievements you have made."

He stood up and waved his hands to everyone: "This is the end of today's court meeting, you all should step back first."

Everyone quit.

Chen Gong also planned to leave, but Lu Bu kept him: "Gongtai will leave later, I still have something to say to you."

Although the words Lu Bu said at the court meeting were not very clear, Chen Gong could hear that they were blaming them for being suspected of overstepping.

Being left behind by Lu Bu, Chen Gong felt a little uneasy, and wondered what this lord, who seemed to have a very different temperament from the past, would have to say to him.

When everyone dispersed, Lu Bu walked past Chen Gong: "Gongtai walks with me, we haven't had a good talk for a long time."

Lu Bu walked out of the front hall first, and Chen Gong followed behind him.

The two walked one after the other, until they entered the backyard, Lu Bu still did not speak.

(End of this chapter)

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