The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 37 Don't put yourself in danger

Chapter 37 Don't put yourself in danger

On the table in front of Lu Bu was the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo.

Chen Gong, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Yan Xiang and Ji Ling, who were just cast, were sitting in the hall.

It was already after midnight when Yan Xiang and Ji Ling were recruited.

Oil lamps were lit on the lampstands on both sides of the front hall.

The light from the oil lamp dispelled the darkness, but it could only cast a thin layer of yellow light on the huge front hall.

"Wen Hou really wants to go to Xudu in person?" Chen Gong was still a little worried: "What if Cao Cao intends to be unfavorable to Wen Hou..."

"If I go to provoke him, he will definitely not let me go." Lu Bu said, "But I'm going to send the Jade Seal of Chuan Kingdom and swear allegiance to the Cao family. He has no reason to do anything to me."

"Hou Wen's bravery is the best in the world, Cao Cao has long been afraid." Chen Gong reminded: "It's better to be careful."

"I think Wen Hou can go." Yan Xiang said: "I just voted in. It stands to reason that I shouldn't interrupt. Please forgive me if I offend you."

"Please tell me, Mr. Yan." Lu Bu said, "Since you voted for me, of course I believe you."

"Wen Hou is very different from the past now. If it is said that he is a descendant of the Lu family, Cao Cao will not believe it." Yan Xiang said: "People in the world only know that Wen Hou is brave and invincible, but they don't know what he did before he joined Ding Yuan. something."

"I understand what you mean." Lu Bu asked, "You want me to pretend to be my son or nephew?"

"It can also be a brother." Yan Xiang replied.

"Then brother." Lu Bu chuckled: "It always feels a bit weird to pretend to be my own son."

Chen Gong was still not at ease: "In case Cao Cao sees something weird..."

"Even if someone told Cao Cao, he would not believe that there is such a thing as rejuvenation." Lu Bu said, "I just need to admit that Liu Xiang and Yuan Shu were killed by me. What I see is not necessarily the truth, lies and illusions. If you cooperate properly, it will become a fact in people's eyes!"

"How about I go with Wen Hou." Zhang Liao was also worried.

"Wen Yuan followed, Cao Cao would be suspicious." Lu Bu said, "Who else can accompany Wen Yuan himself besides me?"

Lu Bu insisted on going to Xudu in person, but Chen Gong and others failed to persuade him.

Chen Gong asked: "When is Marquis Wen going to leave?"

"Leave at dawn." Lu Bu replied, "The Jade Seal of Chuan Kingdom in my hand is like quick coals. If I don't throw it out sooner, it will become a disaster sooner or later."

He stood up and said, "Gongtai, you and Yan Gong will take care of the internal affairs and government affairs. General Ji, Wen Yuan, and General Gao will work together to organize the military affairs and recruit and train new soldiers. I will go back and take a short rest. I should set off when the sun rises." .”

Everyone stood up: "Congratulations!"

Lu Bu left the front hall, and everyone followed him out.

"How does General Ji feel about Wenhou?" Zhang Liao asked as he accompanied Ji Ling back to the barracks.

"I don't have much contact with Wen Hou, so I can't talk about it." Ji Ling replied: "Maybe I will understand it better in a few days."

"The current temperature is very different from the past." Zhang Liao smiled at him: "It's really time for General Ji to take over."

Ji Ling was confused.

Lu Bu has indeed returned to his youth, but Ji Ling feels that his character is still as arrogant as before, even more arrogant than before.

What's different about him, Ji Ling couldn't tell.

Looking blankly at Zhang Liao, Ji Ling didn't say anything.

"Wen Yuan doesn't need to say too much, General Ji will find out slowly in the future." Gao Shun interjected: "Marquis Wen wants us to recruit soldiers and horses, we still have to think about how to expand the army."

"General Gao is safe." Zhang Liao agreed, and said to Ji Ling: "Since General Ji has joined Wen Hou, we must support each other more!"

Zhang Liao and the others dispersed, and Lu Bu returned to his and Diaochan's room.

Open the door and enter the house, and the familiar fragrance hits your face.

After waiting for a long time without seeing him come back, Diao Chan was already fast asleep.

After taking off his armor, Lu Bu lay beside her.

The sleeping Diao Chan was lying on her side, behind her, Lu Bu stretched out one hand to wrap her arms around her.

Diao Chan didn't wake up, embraced the warm and fragrant nephrite, and Lu Bu also closed his eyes.

It was dawn, Diao Chan woke up early, and ordered the maid to prepare water for Lu Bu to wash.

The maid brought the tooth powder brought back by Lu Bu.

Although it does not have a rich foam like the toothpaste of later generations, the fragrance left after using tooth powder is not much inferior.

After wiping his mouth, Lu Bu said to Diao Chan behind him, "I'm going to Xudu later."

"Going to Xudu?" Diao Chan was startled: "Cao Cao wants to kill her husband so hard, isn't this going to send sheep to the tiger's mouth?"

"Send the sheep to the tiger's mouth?" Lu Bu smiled lightly, "It's not certain who is the sheep and who is the tiger. What's more, I am going to benefit Cao Cao this time, and he has no reason to do anything to me."

"It's not like my husband has no one under his command." Diao Chan said, "Let Chen Gongtai go to Xudu for a visit, why do you need my husband to go there in person?"

"Chen Gongtai offended Cao Cao in his early years, and Cao Cao hated him more than he hated me." Lu Bu said: "What could have been done, it might be worse just because he left."

"Then let someone else go." Diao Chan was still very worried: "In case something happens to my husband, what can I do..."

Putting his arms around her waist, Lu Bu hugged her to his chest: "I promised my wife that I would let you conceive a child. How could I put myself in such a dangerous situation that I couldn't extricate myself?"

Nestling in Lu Bu's arms, Diao Chan said leisurely, "I'm still uneasy..."

"When have I let you down?" Lu Bu said, holding her fragrant shoulders and staring into her clear eyes like autumn water, "I won't stay in Xudu for too long, I'll be back soon."

"My husband, be careful in everything." Knowing that Lu Bu could not be persuaded, all Diao Chan could do was remind her.

Holding her in his arms again, Lu Bu's hands wandered below her waist: "Holding Madam always feels soft and tender, I don't know how nice it is. There is such a beauty as Madam waiting at home, how can I not bear it?" return."

With her cheek pressed against Lu Bu's chest, Diao Chan said softly, "I am waiting for my husband at home..."

After embracing Diao Chan for a while, Lu Bu said, "It's getting late, so it's time for me to go."

"I'll send my husband off." Diao Chan lowered her head and accompanied Lu Bu out the door.

When we got to the door, Lu Bu said, "It's still cold outside, Madam's clothes are thin, let's go back."

"Husband, be careful all the way." Diao Chan bowed and said, "I will see you off soon."

After saying goodbye to her, Lu Bu turned and left.

Staring at his tall back, Diao Chan felt an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

There is sourness and bitterness.

Once young and youthful, she followed Lu Bu.

Since Lü Bufa's wife died, she who was originally a concubine became his official wife.

Instead of admiring heroes when she was young, now she just wants to spend the rest of her life in peace and stability. However, in a chaotic world, I don't know when Lu Bu will stop his conquest and wait with her peacefully.

(End of this chapter)

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