The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 38 Dedication of the Imperial Jade Seal

Chapter 38 Dedication of the Imperial Jade Seal
Lu Bu brought only a dozen or so followers.

After leaving Xiapi, they rushed all the way to Xudu.

Xudu is not very far from Xiapi, so in order not to cause trouble, Lu Bu did not ride the red rabbit.

What he was riding was just an ordinary war horse.

They traveled all day and night, but within a few days, they arrived outside the city of Xudu.

Xuzhou has gone through several wars, and it is already in dire straits, but Xudu is far away from the wars, the people live in peace and prosperity, and the streets are bustling and prosperous.

According to Yan Xiang's suggestion, Lu Bu did not enter the city as himself, but pretended to be relatives of the Lu family.

Last time, Cao Cao had to order his troops to retreat because of the fire.

For that matter, he has always been brooding.

Without breaking through Xuzhou, Cao Cao always felt that his back was not stable.

Recently, he is still raising food and grass, and plans to take Huainan, Xuzhou and other places together in a few days.

Hearing that Lu Bu sent people to Xudu, Cao Cao was puzzled, and asked the staff sitting there: "Lu Fengxian sent people to Xudu, what do you think he wants to do?"

"Xuzhou has gone through several wars, and now it is devastated and the people's livelihood is dying. Even if Lu Bu tries his best to govern, he will not be able to recover within three to five years." Guo Jia said: "I think he sent people to Xudu to show his favor to the Lord."

"I was planning to attack again in a few days, but he actually sent someone to show his kindness." Cao Cao smiled coldly: "Lu Bu is getting more and more naive. Could it be that I won't beat him because of my kindness?"

"Whether to fight or not to fight is entirely up to the lord, we still have to see each other." Guo Jia said: "Let's see what sincerity Lu Bu sent."

"Alright." Cao Cao told the guards, "Bring Lu Bu's envoy up here."

Lu Bu had been waiting outside, when news of Cao Cao's reception came from inside, he ordered the guards to stay where they were, and followed the guards of Cao's family who came out to greet them into the front hall.

Seeing Lu Bu, Cao Cao, Xun You, Xun Yu and the others couldn't help but sit up straight, their eyes showing surprise and disbelief.

When Lu Bu followed Ding Yuan into Luoyang, he was 28 and nine years old.

At that time, he was very heroic. After Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo turned against each other, his reputation spread all over the government and the public after several fights.

The young man who came before Cao Cao and the others was very similar to Lu Bu in appearance, posture and expression, but younger, and there was even a hint of frivolity unique to young people in his brows.

"I've met Cao Gong!" Lu Bu stood still and bowed his hands.

"Who is the little general?" Cao Cao looked at Lu Bu suspiciously.

"I am Lu Nan, the son of General Lu." Lu Bu made a random name, "I am here to kowtow to Duke Cao by order of my uncle."

"Feng Xian's son is named Lu Hou, and he looks weird, but he is very brave, I have seen it before." Cao Cao said: "I never thought his son was born like the same person as him."

Laughing loudly, Cao Cao looked at his staff and generals: "Who do you think is more like Fengxian's son, this son or Lu Hou?"

Cao Cao deliberately taunted Lu Bu, and everyone present laughed.

One of them asked Lu Bu, "Little General, have you ever asked your parents whether your father lived at home or Lu Fengxian took care of you when you were here?"

It was a short general of the Cao family who spoke.

Lu Bu knew him.

This person's surname is Le Mingjin, although he is short in stature, he is extremely brave on the battlefield.

Cao Jun fought many battles, Le Jin always charged forward, and made countless contributions to Cao Cao.

"Because of my resemblance, do you think I am my uncle's son?" Lu Bu smiled lightly: "The general is short in stature, and I think his hair is also lush. If you say that the general looks more like a monkey, I don't know whether the general's father took care of him or the monkey at home. take care of my son?"

Le Jin, who was laughing wildly, was stuffed by him, and his face suddenly became ugly.

The staff and generals present also stopped laughing, and glared at Lu Bu angrily.

"What do you mean?" Le Jin knelt down while holding his sword.

"It's not interesting." Lu Bu still looked indifferent: "The general reasoned like this, I just asked the general according to what the general said, why are you still annoyed?"

"Okay, okay!" Le Jin was about to get angry, when Cao Cao waved his hands and said, "This boy has a sharp tongue. Although he looks like Lu Fengxian, his temperament is different."

When Cao Cao spoke, Le Jin didn't dare to speak out even though he was full of anger, so he had to sit down.

"Why did Fengxian let the little general come to Xudu?" Cao Cao asked, "Don't he know that the two families are at war?"

"Mr. Cao has the prestige to rule the world, and my uncle has long admired it." Lu Bu replied, "He had intended to serve him before, but Mr. Cao listened to the bad guys' slander and refused to give him a chance, so he got out of hand. A few days ago, my uncle ordered me to go to Shouchun, and I got a treasure by chance. After he saw it, he said that only Mr. Cao deserves to have it, so he asked me to send it, in order to repair it with the Cao family!"

"The little general went to Shouchun?" Cao Cao asked, "Could it be that Feng first wanted to contact Yuan Shu to fight against me?"

"No." Lu Bu smiled calmly, "I'm going to kill Yuan Shu."

"Did you succeed?" Cao Cao asked.

"I have succeeded." Lu Bu replied, "Now that Huainan has become a land without an owner, my uncle intends to ask Cao Gong to take Huainan by presenting treasures. He is willing to send troops from Xuzhou to help Cao Gong achieve great things."

"Fengxian has always been inconsistent, why should I trust him?"

"It's not based on anything, just rely on the treasure I brought." Lu Bu reached into his arms and took out a small bundle, holding it in both hands and handing it to Cao Cao.

The guard stepped forward to take the burden and presented it to Cao Cao.

Cao Cao opened the bag, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a jade seal.

The texture of the jade seal is bright and smooth, and the pattern of double dragons playing with pearls is engraved around it.

Especially the eight small seal characters on the front indicate its supreme status.

"Chuan Guo Yuxi!" Cao Cao said, all the people sitting there were stunned.

"It is the Jade Seal of Chuanguo." Lu Bu said, "Uncle would like to present this to Duke Cao as a token of his will!"

Playing with the Chuanguo Yuxi, Cao Cao asked everyone present: "What do you think?"

"Dr. Cao!" Someone stood up: "Lu Bu sent this treasure just to delay time. With the nature of his three surnamed servants, he will rebel sooner or later..."

The man who stood up had fair skin and unusually large ears. It was Liu Bei who had been exiled under Cao Cao's tent.

Cao Cao was still frowning, wondering whether he should accept Lu Bu's surrender. Lu Bu looked at Liu Bei and sneered, "This should be Liu Xuande."

"Little General recognizes me?" Liu Bei looked at Lu Bu in astonishment.

How many people in the world don’t know how many people in the world don’t know how many people in the world don’t know that Duke Xuande is willing to ignore his family in order to survive? I admire a hero who can disregard his family's life and death. If my uncle can be as ruthless and ungrateful as Xuan Degong, he will definitely be able to do a lot."

(End of this chapter)

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