The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 41 Do You Want To See Your Majesty?

Chapter 41 Do You Want To See Your Majesty?
Lu Bu and Le Jin stood facing each other on horseback.

On the school grounds, Cao Jun was crowded in a circle and waited and watched.

There are too many Cao Jun, the people in front sit down, and the people behind stand on tiptoes, but they still can't see the scene of the upcoming competition.

"Little General, please!" Le Jin rode his horse towards Lu Bu.

Lu Bu did not show weakness, and went up to him and killed him.

ten rounds.

This is the victory condition set by Lu Bu.

After more than ten rounds, Cao Cao's expectations for him will be greatly reduced.

In less than ten rounds, maybe Cao Cao will be more afraid of him again.

If you can't leave Xudu because of this competition, it will be self-defeating.

The two were killed together, and Cao Cao asked the generals beside him, "Who do you think can win?"

"General Le is not his opponent." Xiahou Dun said bluntly: "I don't think the outcome will be decided within five rounds."

Lu Bu and Le Jin fought for six or seven rounds.

Cao Cao looked back at Xiahou Dun.

Xiahou Dun grinned awkwardly.

He judged that Lu Bu would definitely win and advance within five rounds, and this judgment was actually not wrong.

The mistake was that he didn't know that Lu Bu had planned to win in ten rounds.

Fighting against Lu Bu, Le Jin seemed to have the upper hand all the way.

His offensive became more and more fierce.

Seeing that the tenth round was up, Lu Bu yelled loudly, and poked the spear of his halberd towards his waist.

Le Jin, who was attacking with a weapon, only felt a pain in his waist, and was poked off the horse's back.

Several Cao Jun hurriedly stepped forward to help him up.

Lu Bu also jumped off his horse and bowed his hands in apology: "General Yue has accepted."

Being supported by the soldiers, Le Jin snorted coldly, turned his head and left.

Cao Cao smiled and waved to Lu Bu: "Come here, little general."

When he came in front of Cao Cao, Lu Bu bowed and said, "Cao Gong please inform me."

"Little general is good at martial arts, I'm afraid no one in my subordinates can match you." Cao Cao asked, "Did you teach your martial arts first?"

"I was still young when my uncle left Wuyuan." Lu Bu replied, "Wu Yi was taught by my father."

"How is your father now?" He said that martial arts were taught by his father, and Cao Cao suddenly became interested.

"He passed away two years ago." In order not to cause too many topics, Lu Bu simply arranged a death ending for his fictional father.

Cao Cao really showed disappointment: "I also said to invite your father to come to Xudu as a guest, but I didn't expect to have passed away."

Lu Bu lowered his head and said nothing.

If he hadn't returned to the age of seventeen or eighteen, Cao Cao would never have believed the nonsense he made up.

"With you first, there will be more support on the battlefield in the future." Cao Cao said: "You have also seen the barracks, and then accompany me to go elsewhere."

It was clear that Cao Cao was showing off his strength to him, so Lu Bu agreed very simply.

He originally planned to walk around Xudu to see the people's livelihood and business environment here.

Cao Cao's showing off just gave him a chance, so it's really strange not to agree.

Walking on the streets of Xudu, Cao Cao introduced to Lu Bu: "Xudu was just a small place at the beginning. Since His Majesty came here, it has become a prosperous city in just a few years."

"It doesn't make any difference whether your Majesty comes here or not." Lu Bu said, "The most important thing is that Mr. Cao takes care of it well." Lu Bu took advantage of the situation and flattered.

Cao Cao chuckled: "You can talk a lot more than Fengxian, and you will have a bright future in a few years."

"I'm speaking from the bottom of my heart." Lu Bu replied, "I'm afraid there is only one person in the world who can match Duke Cao in terms of literary and martial arts."

"Which one?" Cao Cao was very proud at first, but when Lu Bu said that someone could compare him, Cao Cao frowned slightly, with a look of displeasure floating on his face.

Looking back, Lu Bu whispered, "Except for Liu Xuande, who else would dare to compare with Duke Cao?"

"Liu Xuande?" Cao Cao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Exactly." Lu Bu said: "Liu Xuande has the appearance of a hero, at least I think he will be able to achieve great things sooner or later."

After evacuating from Xuzhou, Cao Cao asked Liu Bei to meet alone.

At that time, he boiled a pot of wine and talked about world affairs with Liu Bei with a few green plums.

Speaking of heroes in the world, Liu Bei mentioned many people, but he didn't talk about Cao Cao and himself.

At that time, Cao Cao thought that Liu Bei had no ambitions.

Now that Lu Bu mentioned it, he felt something was wrong.

Liu Bei was obviously playing dumb with him.

"Your Majesty is in Xudu, do you want to meet him?" Cao Cao asked Lu Bu.

"If Mr. Cao thinks it's necessary to see him, I'll see him." Lu Bu replied, "If Mr. Cao thinks it's not necessary, it's fine to see him."

"Fengxian is General Zuo of the imperial court, and you are his envoy. Of course, it is necessary to meet him." Cao Cao ordered the crowd behind him: "Accompany me to see Your Majesty."

When Liu Xie came to Xudu, Cao Cao specially asked people to build a palace.

The construction of the imperial palace was very hasty, and the funds consumed were limited, and its momentum was not even as good as that of Yuan Shu's fake imperial palace in Shouchun.

Those guarding the palace are all Cao family soldiers.

When Cao Cao came, the guards not only did not stop him at all, but bowed down to salute him.

Entering the palace, several attendants greeted him.

"What is Your Majesty doing?" Cao Cao asked them.

"I'm in Concubine Dong's room." An attendant replied, "Your Majesty has been drinking with Concubine Dong until late at night these past few days, and he should still be asleep at this time."

"If I fall asleep at this time, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep again after dark." Cao Cao said, "As an emperor, he turns upside down day and night, and doesn't care about government and military affairs. How can he convince the people of the world?"

"Government and military affairs are handled by Mr. Cao, and His Majesty is very relieved." Chang Shi replied: "Your Majesty is young, Mr. Cao will give you more guidance. It should be better in two years."

"You people are by His Majesty's side all day long. Don't let him indulge in happiness. You have to remind him to be diligent in government affairs and considerate of people's livelihood." Cao Cao pretended to reprimand the servant.

The regular attendants couldn't help but agree.

Lu Bu found it funny.

Military affairs and government affairs are all in the hands of Cao Cao. Even if the emperor wants to be diligent in politics, he must have the opportunity to do so.

"This is the envoy sent by General Zuo, and I am going to introduce him to His Majesty." Cao Cao introduced Lu Bu to his attendant, "You go and invite Your Majesty out first, and I will wait in the main hall."

The attendants often retreated, and Cao Cao said to Lu Bu, "They are going to invite Your Majesty, and the two of us will go to the main hall and wait."

When he came to the main hall, Cao Cao was not waiting outside the door.

He took Lu Bu directly into the hall.

"Duke Cao, Your Majesty hasn't come yet, are we entering the palace..." Lu Bu questioned.

Cao Cao said indifferently, "Although spring has begun, it's still cold outside. How can it be warmer in the hall?"

Greeting Lu Bu to sit in the hall first, Cao Cao asked him about the process of assassinating Yuan Shu.

Just as Lu Bu was answering, a drawn-out voice came from outside: "Your Majesty is here!"

Lu Bu stood up quickly.

Cao Cao motioned him to sit down: "Young general, sit down first, and it won't be too late to greet your Majesty when he comes down."

(End of this chapter)

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