Chapter 42

Lu Bu pretended to be hesitant and sat down.

After a while, Liu Xie came in accompanied by several attendants.

Seeing Cao Cao, as an emperor, he actually bowed and saluted: "I have met Cao Cao."

"Your Majesty, you don't need to be too polite." Cao Cao got up to return the salute, and introduced Lu Bu to him: "This is Lu Nan, the nephew of General Zuo, Lu Bu's family. When he came to Xu, he swore allegiance to His Majesty on behalf of General Zuo. I think he should be brought with him. Your Majesty saw it, but didn't report it, which is really presumptuous."

Talking about presumptuousness, Cao Cao's actions and tone of speech did not have a trace of self-blame.

Liu Xie looked at Lu Bu.

Seeing his face clearly, he was taken aback in surprise.

When Lu Bu killed Dong Zhuo and followed Wang Yun to guard Chang'an, Liu Xie was very familiar with him.

Apart from his age difference, the little general in front of him was exactly the same as Lu Bu in his demeanor and deeds.

If Cao Cao hadn't specifically introduced him as Lu Bu's nephew, Liu Xie would have even thought it was his biological son.

"General Lu Nan and General Zuo really look alike." After being stunned for a moment, Liu Xie sighed, "If it wasn't introduced by Mr. Cao, I would have thought he was General Zuo's biological son."

"Your Majesty is not the only one who has the same misunderstanding." Lu Bu replied.

In Xudu, of course he would not admit his true identity.

Even if he admitted it, no one would believe it.

People who have passed middle age suddenly return to youth, and whoever tells them will think that he is an idiot.

Even if they saw his real body, no one would believe him without solid evidence.

"A man of talent, a man of talent." Liu Xie praised him several times, and then said to Cao Cao, "Congratulations, Mr. Cao, for winning another great general."

"Congratulations?" Cao Cao smiled and shook his head, "General Lu Nan still has to go back to Xiapi."

Liu Xie seemed a little disappointed, and even said "it's a pity".

"Uncle sent me to Xudu precisely to serve the Cao family." Lu Bu replied, "From now on, we will do whatever Duke Cao asks us to do. There is no regret."

Lu Bu suddenly sent people to Xudu to surrender to Cao Cao, Liu Xie was very surprised.

In front of Cao Cao, he didn't want to ask too many questions, but kept saying, "This is the best, this is the best."

"If Your Majesty has nothing to say to General Lu, I'll take him back first." Cao Cao said, "I heard that Your Majesty didn't sleep well last night, so I don't want to bother you too much."

"Send Cao Gong off." Liu Xie personally sent Cao Cao to the gate of the main hall.

Before leaving, he also said to Lu Bu: "General Lu can come often in the future."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your kindness." Lu Bu bowed and followed Cao Cao.

"I brought many people to see His Majesty, but it is the first time for him to invite people to come again." Leaving the palace, Cao Cao said to Lu Bu, "It seems that Your Majesty likes you very much."

"It's not all about Duke Cao's face." Lu Bu replied, "I see that His Majesty is very respectful to Duke Cao, so it can be seen that Duke Cao has a very honorable status in his heart."

Cao Cao laughed, and patted Lu Bu's arm: "If His Majesty becomes attached to you one day, he will respect you as well."

"Mr. Cao's words are serious." Lu Bu replied, "I never dared to think that such a day would come."

"30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, in troubled times, it is nothing more than you hitting me and I hitting you." Cao Cao smiled lightly: "I am strong today, maybe Lu Fengxian will be stronger tomorrow. I don't ask for anything else, just ask him to be able to Just don't drive me to death."

"Uncle once told me that Mr. Cao's literary and martial arts are unmatched in the world." Lu Bu replied, "Let's not talk about uncle, even Liu Xuande didn't have that chance."

"Do you really think Liu Xuande is someone?" Lu Bu mentioned Liu Bei again, and Cao Cao frowned.

"If Mr. Cao was under siege, would he abandon his family and escape alone without hesitation?" Lu Bu asked.

Cao Cao thought for a moment: "Maybe, but I will let people protect it..."

"Liu Xuande can't do that." Lu Bu said: "He will run away without thinking, and throw away his family like rubbish. Duke Cao doesn't think he can accomplish great things with a character like this?"

"Just abandoning the small family, can we achieve great things?" Cao Cao was puzzled.

"No one will be his fetters. As long as he wants to get rid of it, he will kick away everything that is not good for him or hinders him. The real hero is the one who does not have affection for anyone." Lu Bu seemed to hesitate for a moment: "There is something I don't know whether I should say it or not."

"Tell me." Cao Cao's expression was already very bad.

"Liu Xuande once said that brothers are like brothers and feet, and women are like clothes. But I think when he said this, he should be standing on the same level as a gecko." Lu Bu said: "A gecko can straighten its tail even if it has a pillow. Everyone around him treats him as the master who throws old clothes at random, so how can he treat his brother as a sibling? To him, a brother is nothing more than the tail of a gecko. It seems very important when everything is peaceful, but once faced with life and death decisions, even siblings It can also be thrown away. Although Cao Gong is much more talented and capable than him, but in this respect..."

Lu Bu didn't continue talking.

Cao Cao's face became even more gloomy.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said nothing more.

Back at Cao's house, Cao Cao told one of his officers, General Cao, "Zihe, take General Lu to his residence. I still have matters to attend to, so I won't go with him."

General Cao entrusted by him has fair skin and a somewhat bookish air all over his body, which is very different from most General Cao in temperament.

He is Cao Chun, the same ancestor of Cao Cao.

Cao Chun is handsome in appearance but good in martial arts.

Especially the tiger and leopard cavalry he trained for Cao Cao later, made countless achievements on the battlefield.

But now the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry has not yet been established, and these are still things to come.

After receiving the order, Cao Chun said to Lu Bu, "General Lu, please!"

"I live in Cao's house?" Lu Bu asked in surprise.

"You are an envoy sent by Fengxian, so of course I can't neglect you." Cao Cao replied, "In the days of Xudu, stay at home first, and I have something to say to him when I go back."

"Thank you, Mr. Cao." Lu Bu bowed his hands in thanks.

Cao Cao left with a group of people, while Lu Bu entered the backyard led by Cao Chun.

After leading troops for many years, Cao Cao has been committed to strengthening his army, and he is not very extravagant about housing.

The scale of Cao's mansion is not even as large as Lu Bu's official residence in Xiapi.

Leading him to a side room, Cao Chun said, "General Lu will stay here first, and someone will bring him food every day."

"Where is the hut?" Lu Bu asked, looking at the furnishings in the room.

"The hut is at the end of this row of wing rooms." Cao Chun replied: "The Cao family is a bit shabby, the general should not dislike it."

"Duke Cao cares about the world so he doesn't care about where he lives." Lu Bu replied, "If everyone in the world could live in wealth and peace like Duke Cao, the world would not be so chaotic."

(End of this chapter)

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