Chapter 43 Clothes and Belts

Of course Cao Chun had to report to Cao Cao to send Lu Bu back to his room.

Lu Bu praised him face to face. Although Cao Cao was very useful, it was not more refreshing to hear the recitation from Cao Chun.

"He really said that?" Cao Cao confirmed to Cao Chun.

"Exactly." Cao Chun replied, "He said that if everyone in the world were like the Lord, the world would not be in such chaos."

"He only came to the Central Plains from Wuyuan not long ago, so he certainly doesn't know much about me." Twisting his beard, Cao Cao showed a satisfied smile: "It seems that Fengxian really intends to vote for me this time."

"You go first." Cao Cao waved his hand as he had nothing to ask.

After Cao Cao and Lu Bu left the palace, Liu Xie welcomed another guest.

This man is short in stature but very stocky. Although he is not wearing armor, he exudes the unique majesty of a veteran on the battlefield.

He is Dong Cheng, the father of Concubine Dong Gui.

Back then, Dong Cheng followed Dong Zhuo and did many bad things to the Han Dynasty.

Cao Cao welcomed Liu Xie back to Xudu, Dong Cheng and others mediated, and later escorted the emperor to meritorious service, and then settled down in Xudu.

Since Liu Xie came to Xudu, Cao Cao often issued decrees beneficial to the Cao family through him.

After a long time, Dong Cheng and some of the courtiers who followed Liu Xie to Xudu gradually developed hostility towards Cao Cao.

But Cao Cao is powerful and controls the military power. Although they are hostile, they can't do anything.

Lu Bu sent people to Xudu, and the news had already spread like wildfire.

Dong Cheng has eyes and ears, so of course he won't be kept in the dark.

"Your Majesty, have you seen the envoy sent by Lu Bu?" Sitting opposite Liu Xie, Dong Cheng asked.

"I saw it." Liu Xie said: "I just saw him, and I was really taken aback."

"Why?" Dong Cheng frowned: "Does he dare to be rude to His Majesty?"

"He is courteous, but he looks too much like Lu Wenhou." Liu Xie replied, "If Lu Bu is 30 years younger, he should look like him."

"There is such a coincidence in the world?" Dong Cheng couldn't believe it.

"I have some doubts that he is not Lu Bu's nephew, but his son." Liu Xie said: "Lv Bu made great contributions to killing Dong Zhuo, and later guarded Chang'an with Situ Wangyun, because Li Jue and Guo Si were so powerful that he had to Back off. Speaking of which, he has contributed a lot to the Han Dynasty."

"There is no merit for Lü Bu, but he has neglected righteousness for profit." Dong Cheng said, "If he was really a loyal minister, he would not have come to vote for Cao Cao, but would have joined His Majesty in killing rebellious ministers."

"Dong Aiqing, don't speak nonsense." Dong Cheng's words revealed that he wanted to kill Cao Cao, and Liu Xie quickly waved his hands: "This matter must never be allowed!"

"Your Majesty!" Liu Xie didn't dare to kill Cao Cao, and Dong Cheng's eyes turned red instantly: "Since he came to Xudu, Cao Cao has become more and more arrogant. How can he take the Han Dynasty seriously? If he is allowed to go on like this, sooner or later the Han Dynasty will be killed." Will change my surname to Yizhu!"

"I live a stable life now, and I don't want to cause trouble anymore." In Xudu, Cao Cao's people are everywhere, how dare Liu Xie get involved in this kind of thing, he waved his hands again and again: "Don't mention Dong Aiqing in the future, wealth and life are important! "

Liu Xie refused to participate, and Dong Cheng was very disappointed.

History is always ironic.

Many dynasties are on the eve of defeat, and the last emperor is not only not stupid, but also a rare wise emperor.

They tried their best to save the court and reorganize thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, but they were exhausted, and no matter how hard they tried, it was useless.

Liu Xie is not a faint king.

He sees many things in his eyes, and his heart is as clear as a mirror.

If you serve Cao Cao, Cao Cao will coerce the emperor to make the princes.

Once Dong Cheng gains power, the imperial power will still not return to his hands, it's just that a powerful minister has changed to exercise power.

Rather than risking life and death against Cao Cao, and ultimately only cultivating new powerful ministers, it is better to live in peace.

As long as he doesn't die, the court of the Han family will be there, and there is still a chance to reorganize the Han family.

There is no need to choose a team at this time, and it is still a side that seems to have no chance of winning.

Not intending to participate in the killing of Cao Cao, but also unable to appease Dong Cheng, Liu Xie untied his belt: "This belt is made of natural silk, and the silk is fine and shiny. I will give it to Dong Aiqing."

Taking the belt with both hands, Dong Cheng felt that it was hollow, and suddenly had an idea.

Since Liu Xie is unwilling to participate, then pass a fake edict.

The imperial edict is stuffed into this belt, and you still worry that others will not believe it?
If Liu Xie knew that Dong Cheng had such an idea, it would be impossible for him to bring the clothes to him anyway.

Leaving the palace, Dong Cheng hurried home.

Back then when he worked under Dong Zhuo, many people followed him.

For example, Wang Zifu, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, and Wu Zilan, the general of Zhaoxin, and others.

As long as he raises his arms, these people will stand with him without hesitation.

Liu Bei has the appearance of a hero, and Cao Cao gave him some troops.

Lv Bu is entrenched in Xuzhou. Although there are not many soldiers and horses, they are not without combat power.

If these two people can be brought together, it will be more likely to kill Cao Cao!

Although Dong Cheng was born as a general, he can write well.

Copying fonts is even easier.

When he got home, he copied Liu Xie's handwriting and wrote an imperial edict.

He cut off his belt and stuffed the imperial edict in, sat in the room and thought for a while, then he shouted outside: "Come here, follow me to see Uncle Liu Huang!"

When Lu Bu came to Xudu, Cao Cao accompanied him around and even took him to the palace to meet His Majesty. Liu Bei always felt uneasy.

He was able to speak up and contradict him in front of him, which shows that Lu Bu was a kind person and didn't come this time.

I have known Lu Bu for many years, but I have never heard that he has a nephew who looks so similar.

Liu Bei was full of doubts about this so-called nephew of Lu Bu who came to Xudu suddenly.

But he couldn't tell what was wrong.

If they weren't relatives, they wouldn't be so similar in appearance.

However, how many nephews look similar to their uncles?
Liu Bei was still wondering who Lu Bu was who came to Xudu, when Guan Yu walked in and said, "Brother, Dong Cheng, please see me."

"Dong Cheng?" Liu Bei frowned: "What is he here for?"

"He only said that he had something important to discuss with his elder brother."

"Please come in." Everyone arrived at the door, and it was obviously inappropriate to see them, so Liu Bei ordered.

Guan Yu withdrew, and arrived with Dong Cheng after a while.

Liu Bei got up to greet him: "How come General Dong has the time to come to my place?"

"Ever since Uncle Huang became the shepherd of Yuzhou, he has been busy with affairs every day." Dong Cheng replied, "If I didn't really understand what His Majesty meant, I wouldn't bother Uncle Huang to seek clarification."

Liu Bei smiled all over his face: "Could it be possible that Your Majesty has given General Dong a puzzle?"

"Your Majesty didn't say anything, but just gave me a belt." Taking out the belt, Dong Cheng held it in both hands and handed it to Liu Bei.

Looking at Dong Cheng suspiciously, Liu Bei took the belt.

Spread the belt flat on the table, and Liu Bei's palm stroked it lightly.

"Sure enough, it's a royal thing, and the texture is very rare." While admiring the texture of the belt, Liu Bei suddenly felt a bump: "What is this?"

(End of this chapter)

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