Chapter 44

Liu Bei noticed the bulge in the belt, Dong Cheng pretended not to know it and leaned over it.

He also touched the bump: "Why didn't I find out..."

After glancing at Dong Cheng, Liu Bei told Zhang Fei, "Bring the scissors."

Zhang Fei brought scissors, and Liu Bei cut the piece of fabric himself.

A piece of silk printed with ink was tucked into the belt.

Dong Cheng seemed to have just realized that there was an imperial edict hidden in it, so he quickly took it out.

After reading it, he held up the imperial edict and wept bitterly: "This minister is incompetent, and His Majesty has suffered!"

Liu Bei was caught off guard by his sudden move.

"General Dong..." Liu Bei tentatively asked, "What is written on it?"

Wiping away his tears, Dong Cheng handed the silk to Liu Bei: "This is a secret edict given to me by His Majesty, and the emperor is not an outsider. Don't tell others after reading it, or the disaster of killing yourself will come soon."

Hearing that there was a murderous disaster, Liu Bei didn't plan to meet it.

But Dong Cheng had already handed the secret edict in front of him, and it was impossible not to accept it.

After hesitating to accept the secret edict, Liu Bei's eyes turned red when he saw it, and he burst into tears: "Your Majesty has suffered..."

Liu Bei was emotional, Dong Cheng hugged him and cried!
The two cried for a while, and Dong Cheng asked, "What is the emperor's uncle planning?"

"Thieves Cao are very powerful, this matter is no small matter." Liu Bei said: "I will prepare the troops first, General Dong will then contact other people, we must make sure everything is done in one fell swoop!"

"Did the uncle agree to start an incident together?" Dong Cheng asked.

"I belong to the clan of the Han Dynasty, so of course I have a duty to do so." Liu Bei replied, "Don't worry, General Dong, I am willing to live and die with you."

Dong Cheng heaved a sigh of relief when he got the confirmed news from Liu Bei.

"Thank you, uncle." With a bow, Dong Cheng retreated.

After sending Dong Cheng out of the gate, Guan Yu went back to his room and asked Liu Bei, "Brother, do you really want to agree to attack Cao Cao?"

"Promise?" Liu Bei asked, "With us, are we Cao Cao's opponent?"

"Absolutely not." Guan Yu shook his head: "Forcibly resisting is tantamount to sending sheep into the mouth of a tiger."

"That's it." Liu Bei smiled coldly: "He wants to seek death, and I won't accompany him."

"Your Majesty has issued an edict, so don't you care about it?" Zhang Fei who was next to him was very surprised.

"Third brother thinks His Majesty will issue this edict?" Liu Bei sneered and shook his head.

"Could it be that Dong Cheng dares to falsely pass on the edict?" Zhang Fei widened his eyes in disbelief.

"Dong Cheng followed Dong Zhuo back then, and His Majesty also suffered from him." Liu Bei said: "If he is really allowed to kill Cao Cao, it will be nothing more than changing a powerful minister to Your Majesty. Your Majesty will not issue an edict, of course it can only be Dong Cheng Pass the edict."

"But he came to look for elder brother, and Cao Cao will track it down later..." Guan Yu and Zhang Fei suddenly became worried.

"We have to leave quickly." Liu Bei thought for a while, "It is said that Yuan Shu is dead, so we can use the excuse of attacking Shouchun to send troops to Xuzhou."

"Lü Bu is entrenched in Xuzhou. Is my brother going to beat him?" Guan Yu said, "Cao Cao failed. If we lose, we will have no way out."

"Cao Cao didn't succeed but drove Lu Bu to a dead end, otherwise he wouldn't have deliberately sent people to Xudu." Liu Bei said, "As long as we take advantage of his unpreparedness and attack, it is not too difficult to take Xuzhou."

"I've heard that the wife of Lu Bu's family is beautiful and unparalleled. After taking Xuzhou, I have a request, and I hope my elder brother will agree." Zhang Fei suddenly bowed.

"Could it be that third brother fell in love with Diao Chan?" Liu Bei asked.

"That's not true." Zhang Fei replied: "Brother also knows me. I don't usually have any hobbies, but I just like to draw some beauties. Since Mrs. Lu Bu is extremely beautiful, I want to draw two pictures of beauties based on her."

"I remember the beauty in the bath painted by the third brother is very fresh and refined." Liu Bei twisted his beard and showed a strange smile: "At that time, your second brother and I can watch your painting."

"With the elder brother and the second elder brother accompanying me, I should paint more delicately." Zhang Fei said: "We brothers also see how delicate Mrs. Lu Bu's leather is!"

Speaking of breaking Xuzhou and letting Diao Chan take a bath face to face, the three brothers laughed.

Living in the backyard of Cao's house, Lu Bu's daily activities are only a little bit big.

With the coming of spring, the flowers bloom in the warmth of spring. The flower garden in Cao’s backyard is full of colorful flowers, attracting many bees and butterflies to dance.

Bored and really bored, Lu Bu went out and walked along the bluestone path to the pond not far ahead.

As he was walking, he heard a girl's laughter.

Xun Sheng looked over and saw three or four little girls about ten years old happily running ahead, and behind them were several fourteen or fifteen-year-old maids.

"Ladies, run slowly." The maid who was running at the front stopped, bent over and panting heavily, obviously exhausted.

Although the other maids were also very tired, they still ran past her one after another.

Called Miss by the maids, Lu Bu guessed that they must be Cao Cao's daughters.

Stopping in his tracks, he turned around to leave, but he heard a "plop" sound from the side of the pond.

Then the maids cried for help: "Miss San has fallen into the water, come quickly!"

Hearing the call for help, Lu Bu turned around and ran over quickly.

Killing people used to be his profession, and saving people was out of his instinct.

Flying to the edge of the pond, Lu Bu jumped in.

Coming out of the water, he called to the shore, "Where is the lady who fell into the water?"

Laughter like silver bells came from the shore.

A little girl who was about seven or eight years old said to the other two girls: "Sisters, am I right? He will definitely dive to save people."

The fight on the battlefield turned the enemy around, but he was tricked by three little girls, and Lu Bu's head was suddenly covered with black lines.

"He's really tall, and he's well-proportioned." The seven or eight-year-old girl squatted by the pond, resting her chin on her hands and looking at Lu Bu whose head was only protruding from the water: "He has a very good heart. I will ask my father to find such a husband for me."

"Elder Sister, the third sister is thinking of having a husband before she's even grown up." Another little girl said to the oldest one, "Eldest Sister hasn't even thought about it yet."

The oldest girl was only about ten years old.

She pursed her lips and smiled as if she had casually glanced at Lu Bu, her little face actually flushed slightly.

The performance of the three girls made Lu Bu dumbfounded.

In the time he lived in the past, ten-year-old girls hadn't grown up yet.

Even if a cute little girl has a crush on a boy, it's impossible for her to develop feelings for him.

However, the blush on the cheeks of the ten-year-old girl in front of her proved that her heart was surging.

The chest is flat, the waist and the buttocks are almost in a straight line, and it can actually germinate the heart...

Although he knew that girls in the late Eastern Han Dynasty could marry after the age of 12, Lu Bu was a little surprised by the expression of a ten-year-old girl.

(End of this chapter)

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