The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 45 I Will Give You My Daughter

Chapter 45 I Will Give You My Daughter
Lu Bu lived not far from the pond.

He jumped into the water, and several guards came running.

Surrounded by guards and returning to the house, Lu Bu, who should have been in a panic, swaggered forward without losing his bearing.

The three Miss Cao family looked at his back.

The youngest one pouted: "He's really tall."

"Third Sister teased him just now, so I have to find an apology." The eldest lady said, "It's just that our daughters are in the men's room, and we can't justify it."

"I just let the maid call for help, but I didn't let him into the water." The youngest lady rolled her eyes in disbelief.

The three sisters were talking, when an amiable voice came over: "Who are you playing tricks on again?"

From the sound, they knew it was their father Cao Cao.

Hurriedly bowing to Cao Cao, the eldest sister said, "Report to father, our sisters were mischievous just now, and saw a tall and handsome general living in the back house, and made fun of him."

Living in the back house and being tall and handsome, Cao Cao immediately understood who else could it be if it wasn't Lu Bu?

Putting on a straight face, the amiable tone just now suddenly became severe: "It's just nonsense, General Lu is my father's guest, how did you make fun of him?"

The three ladies were obviously very afraid of Cao Cao, and they all lowered their heads.

The eldest sister timidly told the process.

"Nonsense! Too much nonsense!" Cao Cao said, "You guys follow me to see General Lu and apologize to him yourself!"

Although the youngest lady of the Cao family was used to mischief, she didn't dare not listen to what Cao Cao said, so she had to follow Cao Cao to Lu Bu's residence together with the two older sisters.

Lu Bu had just changed into dry clothes when the guards reported that Cao Cao was coming.

Greeting the door, seeing the three young ladies following Cao Cao, Lu Bu asked, "Why does Mr. Cao have time to come to my place?"

"I was worried that the little general might not be used to living here, so I came here to see it." Cao Cao replied, "Just now I heard that the little girl said that they offended the general, so I brought them here to make amends."

"Miss is still young, so it's okay to be naughty." Lu Bu replied, "The pond in the back house has no guardrails. Mr. Cao has to remind miss to stay away from the pond when playing."

"Aren't you going to apologize to General Lu?" Cao Cao turned his head and glared at the girls.

The younger lady bowed obediently to apologize, but the oldest one just looked at Lu Bu's handsome face and didn't notice Cao Cao's words.

She looked at Lu Bu, and Lu Bu was also looking at her.

But at the age of ten, she is more than just green.

The chest has not yet grown, and although the waist and hips have begun to show the outline of a girl, they still retain the shape of a whole rectangle.

She didn't have the charming charm that a mature woman should have at all, but she had a handsome and beautiful face.

Although the jerky green fruit is sour and sweet, but Lu Bu is not a master who will prey on young girls.

He noticed that his daughter was staring at Lu Bu intently, how could Cao Cao, who has been hanging out with women all year round, not understand her thoughts.

He frowned and was about to attack, when he thought about it and came up with an idea.

"Is the little general married?" Cao Cao suddenly asked Lu Bu.

"Back to Mr. Cao, we are married." Lu Bu replied, "My wife is a few years older than me, and she has been married for a long time."

In terms of real age, Diao Chan is more than one cycle younger than Lu Bu.

But now he has returned to his youth, while Diao Chan is already a young woman over twenty years old.

He and Diao Chan have indeed been together for a long time.

There was nothing wrong with Lu Bu's answer.

"Women are old and decrepit, and sooner or later the little general will lose interest." Cao Cao asked with a smile: "If I want to protect the little general's marriage, what will the little general think?"

"Now that my parents are away, I am following my uncle. I have to go back to Xiapi to ask my uncle's opinion before I know how to respond to Duke Cao." Lu Bu didn't refuse and didn't immediately agree.

"My daughter Cao Xian is ten years old this year, and she will be out of the court in two years." Cao Cao glanced at the oldest daughter again, and said, "If Feng Xian agrees, I will betroth her to the young general, how about it?"

"Grandpa Cao's kindness, I will definitely report the truth to my uncle." Lu Bu replied, "My uncle will be very happy that I can marry Miss Cao."

The young Lü Bu was tall and handsome, and Cao Xian's heart fluttered when he first saw him.

When Cao Cao proposed to marry her to Lu Bu, her cheeks flushed immediately.

There is a blush on the green fruit, which makes people want to pick it for a moment.

Lu Bu didn't refuse, but acted like he was looking forward to it.

Cao Cao was very satisfied with this.

"You all go back." Cao Cao gestured for Cao Xian and others to go back first.

The three young ladies bowed and bowed, then retreated.

As the eldest sister, Cao Xian still looks like a girl.

The other two ladies were pretty but too young.

However, it is impossible to grow long in three to five years.

"Are you in a hurry to return to Xiapi?" Cao Cao asked Lu Bu after entering the room.

"Exactly." Lu Bu pretended to be very honest: "Mr. Cao promised uncle to surrender, and I have to reply."

"If you are willing to stay in Xudu, I can send someone to bring the news to Fengxian." Unaware that it was Lu Bu standing in front of him, Cao Cao tried to persuade him to stay.

Cao Cao has long been famous for his love of talent.

Le Jin had only gone ten rounds under Lu Bu.

Looking at the Cao family, there is no general who can compare with Lu Bu.

If he can be kept, the Cao family will have one more general.

"If I stay in Xudu, I will be disloyal to my uncle." Of course Lu Bu refused to stay: "Mr. Cao probably won't reuse disloyal and unrighteous people."

"You and your uncle have different temperaments." Cao Cao chuckled and patted his arm lightly: "If it was him standing here, he wouldn't think about other people at all. As long as it is beneficial to him, he will will stay."

Cao Cao's evaluation of Lu Bu was also pertinent.

Back then, he really opposed Ding Yuan first and then Dong Zhuo.

Lu Bu smiled indifferently: "I have nothing to do with my uncle, I only know that he is my elder, and I must be loyal to him. Now he has served Duke Cao, and Duke Cao is also my lord, and he also needs to be loyal."

"Your words are enough." Cao Cao nodded: "Liu Xuande once told me that Feng Xian was ambitious, as long as he is captured, he must not be kept!"

"Liu Xuande just wanted to get rid of his uncle with Cao Gong's hand, so as to get more benefits." Lu Bu said: "Cao Gong can think about it, how many of those who took him in for so many years got a good end?"

Cao Cao's complexion suddenly became ugly.

None of the people Liu Bei took refuge in really ended well.

"Uncle Cao is sincerely willing to serve you, Duke Cao has some doubts." Lu Bu continued, "But Mr. Cao, have you ever thought about why Liu Xuande is willing to submit to others?"

(End of this chapter)

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