The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 46 Meeting Dong Cheng by chance

Chapter 46 Meeting Dong Cheng by chance
Since coming to Xudu, Lu Bu has analyzed Liu Bei more than once.

At first Cao Cao didn't care, and only thought it was a festival between Lu Bu and Liu Bei.

With the deepening and frequency of Lu Bu's analysis, Cao Cao also had vague doubts about Liu Bei.

"When is the little general going to leave?" Cao Cao asked.

"If Mr. Cao allows, I want to go back tomorrow morning."

After a moment of silence, Cao Cao nodded, "Then I will send you out of the city tomorrow morning."

"I came to Xudu this time, firstly to present the Imperial Seal to Cao Gong, and secondly to show Cao Gong my uncle's heart." Lu Bu said: "The matter has been settled, and my uncle is still waiting for an answer. I will come back next time. In the capital, we must stay for a few more days to listen to Duke Cao’s teachings.”

Patting Lu Bu's arm lightly, Cao Cao asked, "Yuan Shu is dead, does Feng Xian have any plans?"

"Uncle planned to help Duke Cao take down Huainan, but he had no food and no soldiers, so he was powerless." Lu Bu sighed: "Dr. Cao was trapped in the army, but he beat uncle badly. "

"Is there no food left in Xiapi?" Cao Cao asked suspiciously.

"Where is there any food left? If Mr. Cao leads his troops to fight now, he won't be able to hold it for a month." Lu Bu replied very simply and sincerely.

The more he answered in this way, the more confused Cao Cao felt, and it was even more impossible for him to send troops to fight Lu Bu who had already served.

"What does Feng Xian plan to do?" Cao Cao asked.

"What else can we do?" Lu Bu shook his head: "The soldiers and civilians can only eat porridge, and then get some bark and wild vegetables to satisfy their hunger, until the harvest."

"Could it be that Fengxian is living such a poor life now?" Cao Cao looked at Lu Bu suspiciously.

"There is no food and grass in the whole Xiapi, and it is impossible for uncle to stop eating." Lu Bu replied, "I'm afraid we will have to endure this kind of life for several months."

"Fengxian sent the Chuanguo Yuxi, and I can't fail to return the gift." Cao Cao smiled slightly: "I will allocate some food and grass, but Fengxian has to help me with something."

"Cao Gong please inform me." Lu Bu said, "Uncle and I will both move forward."

"Huainan is not far from Xuzhou. Since Yuan Shu is dead, Liu Biao in Jingzhou will definitely not be idle." Cao Cao said, "I will send people to deliver the food. Feng Xian has to take Huainan for me to block Liu Biao."

"As long as there is food and grass, we can take Huainan for Duke Cao." Lu Bu responded confidently.

"If you're bored, little general, I'll find someone to accompany you around Xudu." Cao Cao said, "I have a lot of work to do, so I can't accompany you."

"Mr. Cao has a lot of opportunities every day, so he dares to delay." Lu Bu became more humble.

Accompanied him to say a few more words, Cao Cao said goodbye and left.

Looking at Cao Cao's back, Lu Bu breathed a sigh of relief.

Cao Cao didn't intend to force him to stay, so he sent the hot potato Chuan Guo Yuxi to Cao's house.

No matter who owns the Chuanguo Yuxi, it is the source of trouble.

Although Cao Cao is strong enough, he is still much weaker than the Yuan family in Hebei.

Sending the Chuanguo Yuxi to Xudu, Yuan Shao may not say anything openly, but he definitely feels uncomfortable in his heart.

What's more, Cao Cao took the jade seal and said it was kept on behalf of the Han Dynasty, but he did not submit it to Liu Xie.

Counting the days, the battle of Guandu should not be far away.

Today's Cao family and Yuan family are calm on the surface, but they are turbulent in the dark.

Occasionally, there will be some minor friction between the two sides along the line of the Yellow River.

It's just that no one has crossed the last minefield, and the war has never broken out.

Sending Chuan Guo Yuxi to Xudu, Lu Bu also planned to lure the Yuan family to attack the Cao family.

With two huge families focusing on dealing with each other, little Xuzhou can get more respite.

Not long after Cao Cao left, a member of Cao Jiang came to Lu Bu's residence.

General Cao, who was ordered to meet Lu Bu, had a big face. Although he was not as tall as Lu Bu, there were not many short ones.

He is Cao Ren, the same ancestor of Cao Cao.

Cao Ren entered the room and cupped his hands towards Lu Bu: "My lord asked me to accompany General Lu around Xudu."

Lu Bu replied: "I'm feeling bored and flustered, I'm here to help you, General!"

"General Lu, please!" Cao Ren stepped aside.

Accompanied by Cao Ren, Lu Bu left Cao's house.

The first time I visited, Xu always accompanied Cao Cao, and Cao Cao had the final say on the route.

And then they rode horses.

Although you can get a rough look at the flowers on horseback, it is impossible to observe them in detail.

Leaving Cao's house, Lu Bu did not choose to ride a horse, but walked with Cao Ren.

He would often stop outside a store with a large number of guests to observe what kind of store could attract more business.

For local prosperity, not only agriculture must be developed, but commerce is even more crucial.

Xuzhou was waiting to be rejuvenated, and Cao Cao agreed to transport a batch of grain and grass there, but there were still conditions attached.

Having won the opportunity for development, the key to long-term stability depends on oneself.

Walking along the street, a few people came head-on.

When the man saw Lu Bu, he froze for a moment.

Lu Bu, who has all the memories of the past, also knows him.

He was Dong Cheng who followed Dong Zhuo into Luoyang.

Working together back then, Dong Cheng had a deep impression on Lu Bu.

The moment he saw Lu Bu, Dong Chengzhi wanted to rub his eyes.

Accompanied by Cao Ren, the young general who walked towards him looked exactly like Lu Bu.

If it wasn't for that immature face, Dong Cheng would definitely think that what he saw was Lu Bu.

Lu Bu recognized Dong Cheng, but he pretended not to see him and just talked to Cao Ren.

When he came to Xudu, he used the identity of his nephew Lu Nan.

According to him, Lu Nan had only left Wuyuan not long ago, so he should never have known Dong Cheng and others.

As they approached, Dong Cheng stopped Lu Bu and Cao Ren from going.

Being blocked by him, Lu Bu pretended to be surprised and asked, "Why did you stop us?"

"General Dong!" Cao Ren knew Dong Cheng and cupped his hands.

Dong Cheng replied: "I heard that Fengxian sent people to Xudu, and I have long wanted to pay a visit to Xinxin, but I didn't expect to meet you two here."

Lu Bu looked at Cao Ren blankly.

"This is General Chaqi, the father of Dong Guiren, Duke Dong." Cao Ren recommended Dong Cheng for him.

Pretending to be stunned, Lu Bu cupped his hands and saluted: "I don't know if it's the chariot general, I'm sorry."

"May I ask who the little general is from Fengxian?" Dong Cheng looked at Lu Bu, "It's exactly the same as Fengxian!"

"General Lu is my uncle." Lu Bu replied.

Every time he answers like this, he feels weird.

Pretending to be his nephew, he might be the only one in the world!
There is no chance for others to pretend to be like him, after all, not everyone can rejuvenate!
"I thought Fengxian was your father." Dong Cheng smiled and said, "Since we met, it's almost time for dinner, why don't I invite you two to drink?"

"I still have military duties, so I can't drink alcohol." Cao Ren replied.

"If General Cao is busy with military affairs, why don't I accompany General Lu for a walk." Dong Cheng smiled brighter: "Could it be that General Cao still doesn't trust me?"

(End of this chapter)

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