The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 433 The Emperor Must Look Like an Emperor

Chapter 433 The Emperor Must Look Like an Emperor
Zhou Yu said that they were nearly driven out of the city by Cao Cao's troops, and Lu Bu asked, "Has Cao Cao been supervising the battle in the city?"

"He's just supervising the battle." Zhou Yu replied: "He took Xu Chu all over the city, and almost no Cao Jun didn't know that Cao Cao was in the city and was with them, so it was difficult to deal with Cao Jun inside the city. Cao Jun followed behind and stared at us to fight, and it wasn't until Chu Hou appeared that the battle situation improved."

Looking at Liu Xie who was protected by Lu Bu, Zhou Yu asked, "Is this Your Majesty?"

"That's right." Lu Bu said, "Send someone to protect His Majesty. Don't make any mistakes. I will lead the soldiers to clean up the Cao army in the city."

Neither Lv Bu nor Zhou Yu mentioned that Cao Cao was likely to hold back.

Putting Liu Xie off his horse and handing it to Zhou Yu, Lu Bu rode away.

Zhou Yu ordered the soldiers: "Prepare a carriage for Your Majesty."

Before the carriage arrived, Liu Xie asked Zhou Yu, "General Zhou, don't you and General Lu plan to pursue Cao Cao?"

"Chuhou probably never thought about pursuing him, and I never considered persuading him to pursue him." Zhou Yu replied: "Cao Cao will give up Xu Du, but it's not because he doesn't have the ability to fight the last battle, but because he feels that the last battle is not enough. In any sense. Outside the city, Yuan Shao is staring at him. Our army is bound to win against Xu. If Cao Cao does not withdraw, the fight will only benefit Yuan Shao. It can be said that this battle is not won by us, but by us. It was Cao Cao who made us win."

Looking at Liu Xie, Zhou Yu bowed and said, "The Marquis of Chu has already rescued His Majesty, please rest assured. From now on, no one will threaten Your Majesty. When we arrive in Pengcheng, Marquis Chu will take good care of us, and we will never again Let His Majesty suffer from being held hostage."

When he fled the palace with Lu Bu, Liu Xie already felt that when he went to Pengcheng this time, his life might be easier than in Xudu, but it was not so easy to seize power from Lu Bu.

Not to mention anything else, just look at Lu Bu's prestige in the army.

When he didn't show up, Xuzhou's army was weak, and was almost driven out of Xudu by Cao's army.

When he appeared on the street, the Xuzhou army, which was originally at a disadvantage, was as excited as if he had beaten chicken blood, and launched a fierce attack on Cao army.

What's more terrible is that the appearance of Lu Bu not only encouraged Xuzhou's army, but also deterred Cao's army.

He was deeply jealous of him, seeing him killed, Cao Jun's morale was instantly low.

One after another, the Xuzhou army launched a fierce attack, and the morale of Cao's army became low. After learning that Cao Cao had retreated to the outside of the city, many people also retreated.

The battle in Xudu lasted the whole night, and it didn't come to an end until the afternoon of the next day.

Lu Bu's followers brought Chitu for him.

Putting on the familiar red rabbit and BMW, he rode on horseback and walked to the palace accompanied by generals such as Sun Ce and Gao Shun.

"Marquis Chu." Sun Ce said, "After the city was broken, we had already gone to the palace, and the paratroopers were almost wiped out. We searched the entire palace, but we didn't find many survivors."

"Thousands of paratroopers are all folded inside?" Lu Bu asked with a cold face.

"Exactly, not only the paratroopers, but also the enemy army was too tenacious when they attacked the city, and the Cao army followed and killed them outside the city. Our army did not have any advantage at first. If it hadn't been for the Marquis Chu who reversed the situation in time, the entire army would have been wiped out." Probably the whole army."

"The price, the price is too heavy." Lu Bu said, "I knew Cao Cao was strong for a long time, and I never thought about destroying him, but we all underestimated Cao Jun's strength. If Cao Cao was not worried about fighting us, Even if I win in the end, I will be wiped out by Hebei soldiers and horses, and even if I turn the tide of the battle, I will not be able to win Xudu at all."

Having already deeply felt Lu Bu's statement, Sun Ce and others deeply agreed.

The arrogance and contempt for Cao Jun before the siege have all disappeared at this time.

"What does Marquis Chu think Cao Cao will do next?" Gao Shun asked, "Should we send troops to pursue him?"

"Pursuit?" Lu Bu said: "This battle did not hurt Cao Cao at all. He just lost his capital and I took away His Majesty. We sent troops to pursue and let the soldiers who pursued go to die. What's the difference?"

"Withdrawing from Xudu, Cao Cao should have abandoned Yuzhou. After all, there is no area he can stabilize here." Lu Bu said: "If I were him, I would enter Chang'an first, and then enter Hanzhong to pacify Yizhou. I will separate them and wait until they are strong enough to send troops to take back the Central Plains."

"The Marquis of Chu means that Cao Cao will go to Yizhou?" Gao Shun asked.

"Besides this, what else can he do?" Lu Bu said, "Staying in Yuzhou is just a fight with us. In the end, it will not be good for him or us. Cao Cao is not stupid. He knows that after this battle, the Yuan family will I already have the idea of ​​annexing him. Instead of staying here, it is better to find another place to stabilize. The world is so big, with Cao Cao's ability, can't he find a place to stay?"

"That is to say, one day sooner or later, we will still meet Cao Cao." Sun Ce frowned.

"Of course, but not recently." Lu Bu replied: "Cao Cao knows my strength, and also understands the Yuan family's ambitions. The loss of Xudu this time is due to our strong attack, and also because of the Yuan family's covetousness. What Cao Cao wants to see most is a war between me and Yuan Shao. Although Cao Cao and I will never die, if one of the other sides is defeated, we can still find a way out. But Yuan Shao and I are different. Once the two sides start a war, we will fight forever. The other side has seized the last inch of territory. What Cao Cao wants to see is who can win this competition, Yuan Shao or me."

Walking along the bloody street full of corpses and bloodstains, Lu Bu continued, "It's not so much that we captured Xudu, it's better to say that Cao Cao refused to die and gave Xudu to us."

All the generals looked solemn and said nothing.

Before the expedition, some of them believed that the gap between the Xuzhou army and Cao Cao was not that big, and that this expedition would probably wipe out Cao Cao.

Only now did they understand that Lv Bu was really in danger. Taking advantage of the scruples of Cao Cao and Yuan Shao, they found a glimmer of hope in the cracks, and thus captured Xudu and Liu Xie as well. inside.

"At a later date, Yuan Jun will come outside the city." Lu Bu ordered the generals: "Shut the gates of the city tightly and tell them that the city is being cleaned up, and Xudu is also taken over by our army. Please return to Hebei."

"Should I be more tactful?" Gao Shun asked first, and then said to Lu Bu: "Yuan Shao's army of one hundred thousand has arrived near Xudu, and it may not be so easy to ask them to retreat."

"It's really not easy." Lu Bu said, "But Yuan Shao doesn't have any scruples. Our army prevents them from entering the city. Yan Liang and Wen Chou will not dare to start a war with us rashly. Before long, Yuan Shao will send people to Xudu. By then , I have something to say to them."

"Yuan Shao came here to beg His Majesty today." Sun Ce said, "Your Majesty has already been obtained by us. After Cao Cao leaves, he will definitely publicize it. At that time, even if we don't admit it, or that His Majesty has been killed, Yuan Shao will Impossible to believe."

"Don't admit it? Why?" Lu Bu sneered: "Not only will I admit it, but I will also let Your Majesty follow me to the top of the city, and I will also let Your Majesty and I receive Yuan Shao's envoy. Only the whole world knows that Your Majesty Only in my hands can he be useful to me. Otherwise, what am I planning after losing so many soldiers? Is it trying to rescue him from the dire straits? The dilapidated Xu Capital?"

All the generals looked at each other without saying a word.

The battle in the city was over. As he walked forward, Lu Bu saw some Xuzhou troops starting to clean up the corpses, and some people used wooden buckets to fill water and splashed it on the ground and walls, trying to clean up the blood.

When he came to the palace and walked into the gate, Lu Bu found that most of the corpses here had been cleaned up, but the blood stains on the ground were still there, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

"What happened to Fu Wan and his son?" Lu Bu said, "I heard from Ziyi earlier that he watched Xia Houyuan chop Fu Wan down with his own eyes."

"Fu Wan's son found two. He and the other two sons only found corpses." Sun Ce replied, "Fu Wan is also very interesting. It is said that the soldiers and horses who brought support were so weak that they were not even as good as refugees. I don't know how he trains soldiers."

"He doesn't dare to train soldiers." Lu Bu replied, "Ever since he accompanied the emperor to Xudu, Fu Wan has been asking Cao Cao to remove officials. Others' officials are getting bigger and bigger, and he is the only one. Getting smaller and smaller."

"How can someone as cautious as him lead the army to attack the palace when our army is about to attack Xudu?" Sun Ce asked in bewilderment, "Does he want to get some benefit from it?"

"The emperor is in the palace, what do you think he wants?" Lu Bu asked him.

"Could it be possible that he also wants to learn from Cao Cao, get the emperor into his hands, and then come to hold the emperor to command the princes?" Sun Ce smiled and shook his head: "It's not that I look down on him. With his little ability, even if the emperor is sent If you give it to him, he won't be able to do anything big."

"Bo Fu's views are the same as mine. It's a pity how many people in the world can clearly understand themselves?" Lu Bu said: "When I decided to send troops to attack Cao Cao, didn't I not recognize the gap between them? , although we have achieved our goal, we have lost too much."

Walking into the backyard of the palace, Lu Bu instructed Sun Ce again: "Send someone to tell Zhou Gongjin to escort the emperor to the palace. I want the emperor to truly feel the benefits of being the Ninth Five-Year King."

Sun Ce ordered the guards behind him: "Go and pass on the orders of the Marquis of Chu."

After the guards left, Sun Ce asked Lu Bu, "Could it be possible that the Marquis of Chu wants to..."

"Let Your Majesty come to the court." Lu Bu smiled slightly, and said to him and the generals: "The emperor of the Han Dynasty has not come to the court for a long time, isn't he really a puppet? The way Cao Cao treated His Majesty in the past made him feel that his life is not good. Refreshing. After all, he is the emperor of the dynasty, we can't be like Cao Cao. Of course, we must treat His Majesty with respect."

When Lu Bu said this, the generals looked at each other one by one.

From Lu Bu's words, some shrewd generals could vaguely hear something.

More generals didn't know why, and really thought that Lu Bu was going to push Liu Xie to the throne of the Ninth Five-Year Lord.

But what Lu Bu said next made the generals fully understand that he never thought of delegating power to Liu Xie, but just let Liu Xie go to the court to put on a show, like an emperor coming to court: "If you Some small things can be told to His Majesty in the court. For example, if someone's armor is old and needs to be replaced, or someone's son or daughter wants to get married, please ask His Majesty to marry him. It is fine to talk to him about such things. As for marching and fighting, it is better not to go to the court. mentioned before him."

"We understand what Marquis Chu means." Everyone replied one after another.

"Of course, I will ask His Majesty to announce the rewards for each of you in the court." Lu Bu went on to say, "I just make an edict all day long and distribute it everywhere. It really doesn't look like a reward. No matter what , also have to look like a court."

After walking around the harem, Lu Bu said to the generals: "Your Majesty is pitiful. After coming to Xudu for so long, there are not many concubines in the harem. Later, let people choose some beautiful women from the officials' homes. Make another queen for His Majesty, and choose a few more concubines."

"I live a comfortable life, and I always think about things that I would never dare to think about or want to think about." Lu Bu chuckled: "Your Majesty used to be miserable, so it is understandable that there are no beauties in the harem. Now that I have rescued him, he There shouldn't be any troubles anymore, it's strange not to want to hug left and right."

"Which officials' homes does Marquis Chu plan to search for beauties?" Gao Shun asked.

"Of course it's not your family." Lu Bu asked with a smile, "Is it possible that some of you want to become relatives of the emperor?"

"Of course not!" All the generals responded one after another: "The Marquis of Chu will make the arrangements as he thinks, and I will follow suit."

"Choose from the family of the old officials of the Han Dynasty." Lu Bu said: "Send people to Yingchuan and choose two from the Xun family. Then send people to other places. Let them send all the powerful and powerful people who used to be in the Han Dynasty. Show girl."

Everyone already understood what Lu Bu meant, he didn't intend to let his subordinates have any connection with Liu Xie, he just didn't want to give Liu Xie a chance to win people's hearts.

Those old officials of the great Han Dynasty had no loyalty to Lu Bu. They went to those people's homes under the guise of the emperor's election and concubines to bring beautiful women. People all over the world can see that he doesn't want to hold the Han Dynasty tightly in his hands.The most important thing, of course, is that Lu Bu didn't want Liu Xie to play tricks behind his back. After all, Cao Cao already had a precedent for the Yidai Zhao.

Walking out of the backyard of the palace, Lu Bu went to the front yard and led the generals to the main hall.

He and the generals got off their horses, and Lu Bu told everyone: "We will wait here for Your Majesty."

(End of this chapter)

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