Chapter 434 A Rare Court Meeting

Zhou Yu accompanied Liu Xie to the palace, seeing Lu Bu and all the generals waiting there, Liu Xie was a little surprised.

He still hadn't figured out what Lu Bu wanted to do.

Seeing Liu Xie coming, Lu Bu went up to meet him.

He bowed to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, please come to court."

"Lin Chao?" Liu Xie was stunned for a moment: "General Lu means..."

"Xudu has been captured by our army, and Cao Cao also escaped from here." Lu Bu said: "From now on, please invite your majesty to come to the court every day. No matter whether you are in Xudu or later in Pengcheng, your majesty will not miss the court today. duty."

Since coming to Xudu, Liu Xie has hardly been to court.

He can't intervene in all military affairs and government affairs. The only use is to issue some edicts when Cao Cao needs them.

For Liu Xie, what a luxury it is to be in court.

Having been overwhelmed by Lu Bu's power before, Liu Xie had already imagined what he would look like in the future.

Originally, he didn't have any expectations for Linchao, but he didn't expect Lu Bu to let him be in court at this time.

"It's good to have General Lu in military and political affairs." Before he understood what Lu Bu meant, Liu Xie did not dare to come to the court easily. He said to Lu Bu: "General Lu is a big man, and he has a large army and he has not forgotten to send me from Cao Cao. To be rescued under duress is already a great achievement. I have already said before..."

"I didn't say it in the court, and I didn't issue an imperial edict. Even if I said it a hundred times, it's useless." Lu Bu smiled and said to Liu Xie: "If your majesty is really sincere, please announce it in the court."

"According to General Lu." Liu Xie agreed, and accompanied by Lu Bu and a group of generals and advisers, he walked into the almost unused palace hall.

Walking into the hall, Liu Xie looked around strangely, everything was so strange to him.

"Hasn't Your Majesty been here?" Lu Bu asked by Liu Xie's side.

"I've been here before." Liu Xie said: "When I first arrived in Xudu, Cao Cao ordered people to build the palace. When it was just completed, I came here to see it, but I never came here again. .”

"Your Majesty, as the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, is it true that Cao Cao is not allowed to come to court?" Lu Bu asked Liu Xie again.

"He never mentioned letting me go to court." Liu Xie sighed, and said to Lu Bu: "I am able to be here today thanks to General Lu. I will reward you when I go to court later."

Asking Liu Xie to sit down on the throne, Lu Bu called everyone to sit down in order.

After everyone was seated, Liu Xie said: "I have been coerced by Cao Cao for many years. First Concubine Dong was killed, and now the Empress was also burned to death by Cao thief. Fortunately, General Lu led the rebel army into Xudu and rescued me. In the imperial court, General Lu will be rewarded heavily."

"Your Majesty!" Liu Xiegang opened his mouth, and Zhou Yu stood up and said to him, "General Lu led the soldiers to attack Xudu. In fact, Your Majesty also knows that in terms of military strength, our army is not even as good as Cao Cao. General Lu took such a risk because he thought And His Majesty was tortured by Cao Cao. In the past, in Pengcheng, every time the general mentioned His Majesty, he would always sigh, saying that it was a Han minister, but he couldn't save His Majesty from the fire and water. Wisdom and bravery are unique in the world. More importantly, the general is loyal to the great man and to His Majesty, and I boldly beseech Your Majesty to confer General Lu as the Great General of the Great Han, and the Yuan Rong in the world will lead the soldiers and horses of the world!"

Zhou Yu asked Liu Xie to canonize Lu Bu as a general, and also to give him the title of Tianxia Yuanrong, which was obviously planned long ago.

Liu Xie was not very happy in his heart, but he also understood that the people sitting in the hall are all Lu Bu's subordinates.

Just like when Cao Cao was in charge of the government, all contacts were with Cao Cao's people, and Cao Cao's interests were involved. How dare he say a word?
"General Zhou is right." Liu Xie nodded and looked at Lu Bu: "General Lu listens."

Lu Bu got up and walked to the center of the hall. He clasped his fists and bowed to Liu Xie, saying, "The last general is here!"

"General Lu's righteousness is thin, his wisdom is profound, and he has the courage that is unworthy of everyone." Liu Xie said: "He is also loyal to the big man and to me. Dare to turn the tide and defeat the Cao thief when I am in an upside-down situation. Cao was rescued from the threat. I decided to follow General Zhou’s suggestion and confer on General Lu the Great General of the Han Dynasty, add the title of Yuan Rong to the world, and confer the title of King Chu, hereditary successor. General, don’t you thank me?”

Bowing to Liu Xie with a big gift, Lu Bu said, "Thank you for your gratitude!"

After receiving the title, Lu Bu then said to Liu Xie: "Your Majesty, everyone under my command has made countless meritorious deeds in this campaign against Cao Cao. I have already ordered someone to draw up a memorial. The meritorious deeds made by everyone and the officials suggested by me for rewards are all on it. Please take a look, Your Majesty."

As he spoke, Lu Bu took out a memorial from his bosom, held it in both hands and sent it to Liu Xie.

After personally receiving the memorial from Lv Bu, Liu Xie browsed it hastily, and asked Lv Bu, "Is there anything else?"

"I will request this matter first, and I will submit other matters to His Majesty later." Lu Bu replied.

"Sure." Putting the memorial on the table, Liu Xie said, "I also plan to give the king of Chu three tin axes, and go out to have the same ceremony as the emperor, how about it?"

"I just rescued Your Majesty from Cao Cao. The emperor's ceremonial guards, I dare not use them." Lu Bu said to Liu Xie, "The ceremonial guards cost a lot. After all, your majesty does not go out much, but the ministers have to go out often. It is not appropriate to use the honorary guards." .Your Majesty's reward to me, I just keep it in my heart."

Liu Xie was quite surprised that Lu Bu rejected the emperor's guard of honor.

From Lu Bu's behavior, Liu Xie can clearly see that he has the ambition to win the world, but he can't figure it out. He has already given him the highest honor, why is he still rejecting it?
Lu Bu's refusal made Liu Xie feel uneasy. ,

He asked Lu Bu, "Does the King of Chu feel that I am not sincere?"

"Your Majesty is the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan. Since you say it, of course you have the sincerity of a gentleman." Lu Bu replied: "I will never dare to have the slightest doubt about your majesty, but your majesty's reward is too heavy, and I dare not take it in vain."

Liu Xie promised Lu Bu to have the same ritual with the emperor. If Lu Bu really accepted it, he would surely attract all kinds of heroes to attack him in the future.

With the emperor in his hands, he dared to go out with the same guard of honor as the emperor, saying that he had no intention of treason, and no one would believe him.

Lu Bu repeatedly declined, and Liu Xie also wanted to understand the reason.

He said to Lv Bu: "The king of Chu has lofty aspirations, and I will refuse the reward. If it were Dong Zhuo and Cao Cao, they would like to go out with me immediately. I understand the king of Chu's thoughts, and I also understand the loyalty of the king of Chu. "

"As a subject, I don't dare to overstep in the slightest." Lu Bu replied, "Your Majesty's appointment as the king of Chu is enough for the guard of honor. I absolutely dare not think about other things."

"The King of Chu said just now that there is still something to be announced. I don't know what it is?" Lu Bu refused to accept the reward of being the same as the emperor, so Liu Xie didn't get entangled in this matter, and he changed the subject.

Lu Bu replied: "I entered the palace earlier to save Your Majesty from Xia Houyuan and all the thieves. At that time, I also saw the body of Empress Fu. How can there be no harem around Your Majesty? I dare to implore Your Majesty to issue an order to the old minister of the big man, Each family prepares to send beautiful girls to Pengcheng. The minister will personally select the beauties of the harem, queens and concubines for His Majesty."

Lu Bu wanted to re-establish the harem for Liu Xie. Liu Xie was stunned for a moment, and then said with a sad face: "Under the duress of Cao Cao, I am unable to protect the queen and concubine. Cao Cao has repeatedly murdered my concubine. I have become a lonely family. The King of Chu won Xudu, but he wants to re-elect a harem for me. How can my private affairs be compared with the world's major affairs? Please don't worry about this matter, King Chu."

"Your Majesty, as the honor of the Ninth Five-Year Plan, should leave a descendant of flesh and blood for the great man." Lu Bu replied: "I invite you to do this for your majesty's sake, and for the sake of the great Han country!"

Although it was for Liu Xie to welcome the concubine, Lu Bu's tone was that Liu Xie had to agree.

Liu Xie also knew that if he did not agree, today's court meeting would not be able to disperse.

He nodded and said to Lu Bu: "This matter is also left to the King of Chu. I am still very relieved of the concubine that the King of Chu has chosen for me."

"Your Majesty allows me to do everything I can, and I will do my best." Lu Bu said, "Your Majesty can rest assured that I will never take advantage of this opportunity to send a woman from someone close to me to the palace."

Lu Bu made his statement in public, and Zhou Yu and others already understood.

The harem he intends to build for Liu Xie cannot participate in government affairs at all.

All the beautiful women will be selected from the families of the big Han courtiers who do not obey his orders.

The women of those families were sent to the palace, even if they were of one mind with Liu Xie, they would not pose any threat to Lu Bu.

After all, their family members are not under Lu Bu's command, and it is impossible to do something similar to Yidai Zhao secretly.

If Liu Xie hadn't been one of the moths, Lu Bu would have been respectful to him, and he would have been able to enjoy the emperor's life with three thousand beauties in the harem and court every day.

But once he moved his mind that shouldn't be moved, Lu Bu would definitely use thunderous means without hesitation to let Liu Xie know how powerful he is.

Everyone's heart is like a bright mirror, but no one will point it out in public.

Liu Xie was not a fool, but Lu Bu's statement made him feel uneasy.

He said to Lv Bu: "I still want to leave the position of queen, I intend to marry the king of Chu, but unfortunately the king of Chu has no children..."

Speaking of this, Liu Xie felt that he had said something wrong.

It's not that Lu Bu has no children, but he lost them all after the battle of Xiapi.

Now there is no wife in Houzhai who has given birth to an heir for him.

"I understand what your majesty means." Lu Bu replied, "I will definitely do my best to create a daughter with my wives, and when she becomes an adult, she will marry your majesty and become the empress of the Han Dynasty!"

When responding to Liu Xie, Lu Bu scoffed at this in his heart.

The crumbling Han Dynasty will sooner or later be replaced by itself.

There is only a daughter left, at least she has to be twelve or thirteen years old before she can get married.

After [-] or [-] years, it is uncertain whether there will be a big man in the world. How could his daughter marry the emperor of the Han family who is deeply thoughtful but unable to turn the tide?

While muttering in his heart, Lu Bu said thank you.

Upon receiving his reply, Liu Xie nodded in satisfaction, and said to Lu Bu, "I have to trouble the King of Chu, the queen of the harem!"

"Your Majesty." Lu Bu said again: "There is another thing that I have to say. Cao Cao has threatened Your Majesty for many years. When I was attacking Cao Cao, Your Majesty issued many edicts to order all the heroes in the world to attack me. Now I am in a situation like this. It is extremely delicate, and please Your Majesty to rescue the minister."

Lu Bu mentioned the edict issued by Liu Xie, Liu Xie's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly explained: "The edict issued at the beginning was all coerced by Cao Cao. I never had the idea of ​​crusade against the king of Chu, and I even often discussed it with Empress Fu in private. I look forward to the King of Chu defeating Cao Cao."

"Your Majesty's mind, how can I not understand." Lu Bu said to Liu Xie: "I just beg Your Majesty to announce to the world and take back those edicts. Then issue the edict, count Cao Cao's mistakes, and describe what His Majesty experienced in Xudu back then. Tell all the people in the world, let everyone know who is the real traitor and who is the loyal and good man!"

"That's needless to say." Liu Xie said with a serious face: "Cao Cao used deceitful means to trick me into agreeing to move the capital to Xuchang. Before I came here, he was respectful and polite. Not long after arriving in Xuchang, he seemed to have changed. Personally, when talking to me, I also look condescending. Later, Cao Cao even tried to murder me, if I was not useful to him, I am afraid that I would have been killed by him long ago."

"I understand what your majesty experienced back then." Lu Bu replied, "don't worry, your majesty. From now on, no one will dare to be disrespectful to your majesty, let alone give orders to your majesty. Even if you think that someone has merit enough , it can be rewarded, and I will discuss it with His Majesty in detail, and wait until His Majesty agrees before proceeding with the reward."

Lu Bu's words were beautiful, but Liu Xie was muttering in his heart, why did he think that the credit was enough to be rewarded, and he would discuss it with him, the Ninth Five-Year Master. ?
However, compared to when he was in the hands of Cao Cao, Liu Xie is now able to sit high in the court and hold court meetings in a decent manner. For him, it is already a big breakthrough.

"I have already agreed to the invitation of the King of Chu." Liu Xie said to Lu Bu: "Later, I will draft an imperial edict to enumerate Cao Cao's crimes and justify the name of the King of Chu."

Lu Bu petitioned Liu Xie to issue an imperial edict to enumerate Cao Cao's crimes. He had been aggrieved in Cao Cao's hands, so Liu Xie agreed without hesitation.

"How can you ask His Majesty to do such a trivial matter as drafting an imperial edict?" Lu Bu said, "As long as Your Majesty allows it, I will order the master to draft it."

"It would be great if someone could do it for you." Liu Xie said, "There was a great chaos in the city earlier, and the servants and maids in the palace didn't know where they went. I asked the King of Chu to look for it on my behalf."

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, they were in a mess earlier, and they probably won't go far." Lu Bu replied, "I will send someone to look for them later. It's just those regular attendants and maids..."

(End of this chapter)

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