The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 435 Go With Them Or Follow Me

Chapter 435 Go With Them Or Follow Me

Lu Bu didn't directly say how he planned to deal with those servants and maids.

Judging from his tone and expression, he didn't intend to let those people go. He originally wanted Lu Bu to look for them on his behalf, and then showed magnanimity and dismissed them all, but Liu Xie changed his words and said: "Those people were sent by Cao Cao to monitor me. Yes. I asked the King of Chu to search for them, just to catch them all."

"May I ask Your Majesty, if you find it, what will you do with it?" Lu Bu asked.

Liu Xie replied: "I would like to ask the King of Chu to kill them all. Those people are rebellious officials and thieves, and I have never been less idle by them in the past."

When Liu Xie said these words, Lu Bu and the generals present felt a little funny.

The majestic Emperor Ninth Five-Year of the Han Dynasty, it's okay to be bullied by Cao Cao, but even some maids and regular servants can bully him at will.

Such an emperor, in fact, has no difference between doing and not doing.

"I'll arrange someone to search for it right now." Lu Bu said, "I think those people have done a lot of bad things, but they were all ordered by Cao Cao. Why doesn't Your Majesty treat them leniently?"

"The king of Chu means..." Originally, he wanted to let go of the maids and servants, but because of Lu Bu's previous tone, he temporarily changed his words. Hearing what he said, Liu Xie asked in surprise.

"Anyway, they are all living creatures. It would be a pity to kill them." Lu Bu said, "The regular servants will be demoted to hard labor, and the court ladies will be sentenced to official slaves. What do you think?"

"According to the King of Chu." Liu Xie knew very well that since Lu Bu made a proposal, it would be useless even if he objected, so he simply agreed to it later.

"Your Majesty is wise!" Bowing, Lu Bu instructed Zhou Yu, "Gong Jin, I will leave it to you to search for the escaped maids and servants."

"Take orders!" Zhou Yu got up, took the military order and left.

"Does Your Majesty have anything else to say to your officials?" Lu Bu asked Liu Xie again.

"No... I have nothing to say." Liu Xie said to Lu Bu: "If the king of Chu has something to do, just announce it in the hall."

"Since His Majesty has nothing to do, let them leave first." Lu Bu waved his hand, and everyone got up to leave one after another.

Only he and Liu Xie were left in the main hall. Lu Bu asked, "How does Your Majesty feel about the court just now?"

"I haven't been to the court for many years." Liu Xie replied: "I almost forgot the taste of the court."

"I rescued Your Majesty from Cao Cao. I only hope that Your Majesty will be diligent in government affairs when he goes to Pengcheng." Lu Bu said, "Early morning is inevitable, and my ministers and I will report to Your Majesty what happened in the morning. anything."

"The king of Chu rescued me from the old thief Cao Cao, and made great contributions to the great man." Liu Xie said: "The court of the great Han will never forget the benefits of the king of Chu no matter what time it is."

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether Your Majesty will forget my good points." Lu Bu said, "I just hope that you don't always click on my bad points."

"How could there be any harm to a loyal minister like the King of Chu?" Liu Xie waved his hands and said, "No matter whoever slanders the King of Chu in front of me, I will kill him."

Liu Xie had a clear attitude and had already told Lu Bu that he was taken to Pengcheng. As long as he was kept alive, he would be willing to be a puppet for Lu Bu to use.

The imperial power of the Great Han Dynasty was declining. I originally thought that Lu Bu would save him and hand over all the government and military affairs to him. He would order the army to crusade against heroes everywhere.

Rescued by Lu Bu from the fire, Liu Xie also tried to put on a superior posture to him.

How could he know that Lu Bu didn't follow his style at all, and only a few details were understated, so that Liu Xie understood that his fate would not be much different between going to Pengcheng and staying in Xudu.

"Is Your Majesty wondering why I defeated Cao Cao and didn't return the military power to you?" Liu Xie didn't dare to argue with Lu Bu, and Lu Bu, who saw the strange expression on her face, asked him.

"The king of Chu is the hero of the world. Cao Cao has fought in the north and south in recent years, and he has almost never tried to lose." In order to save his life, Liu Xie dared to say that he was looking forward to Lu Bu's military power and government affairs, so he hurriedly replied: "No matter what Military power or government affairs, once it is handed over to me, it will definitely be messed up. For the sake of the people of the Han Dynasty, and for the sake of the soldiers of the three armies, I have to trouble the King of Chu to share my worries. As for when to hand over these things, it is better to wait until the King of Chu calms down the heroes of the world. Say it again."

"Your Majesty is really a sensible person." Lu Bu smiled slightly, and his words were not so polite: "Yuan Shao's army will be outside the city early tomorrow morning, so please go up to the city with me to deal with it. Your Majesty also knows that, compared to Cao Cao, Yuan Shao's The military strength is even stronger. With only Xuzhou, Yangzhou, and Yuzhou, which is only occupied now, we are not their opponents at all."

"For so many years, I haven't really understood it." Liu Xie said to Lu Bu: "The world is in chaos, and there are countless people killed and injured everywhere. Hundreds of thousands of troops?"

"The war in the Central Plains caused many people to migrate to Hebei." Lu Bu said: "Additionally, the Xiongnu, Wuhuan and other foreign races entered Hebei and intermarried with the local people, and the population is also increasing. Since your Majesty knows that Hebei has a large population, you should also understand , if Yuan Benchu ​​and I turn against each other, he may have a greater chance of capturing His Majesty."

"Before the King of Chu attacked the city, the Hebei soldiers and horses did not seem to attack together." I have heard that the army sent by Yuan Shao is outside the city of Xudu, and it will arrive at the city early tomorrow morning. Liu Xie asked Lu Bu: "When they attacked the city, they Since you are not willing to attack, why did you follow the King of Chu here?"

"Why did they come to Xudu, does your Majesty still not understand?" Lu Bu's female soldier did not answer directly, but asked Liu Xie in turn.

Liu Xie was stunned: "Could it be that Yuan Shao came here for me?"

"Of course." Lu Bu said, "When the Young Emperor was murdered by Dong Zhuo, Yuan Shao did not recognize His Majesty as the Emperor of the Han Dynasty. He even wanted to support Liu Yu to set up a separate court, but Liu Yu refused. I also heard that someone offered him advice. He also refused to ask him to welcome His Majesty to Yecheng. Now that he sent troops here, it was because Cao Cao used His Majesty for so many years to let him see the usefulness of His Majesty, so he tried to come and rob him. Tomorrow Your Majesty climbed up the city wall with me, and if you want to follow Hebei soldiers back to Yecheng, I will send Your Majesty out of the city. If Your Majesty refuses to follow them back, and they still want to use force, you can't blame me for turning against Hebei."

"Just now the King of Chu said that with the military power of Xuzhou and other places, Hebei can't compete at all." Liu Xie asked: "If Yuan Shao sent troops to attack Chuhou, what should we do?"

"Whether he will send troops depends on His Majesty's attitude." Lu Bu said: "If Your Majesty refuses to go back with them, I will defend the city to prevent them from taking advantage of it. Even if there is a real fight, after the Hebei soldiers and horses retreat Yuan Benchu ​​couldn't find a reason to send troops to attack me. After all, His Majesty publicly declared that he didn't want to go to Hebei. If I refuse to let go, Yuan Benchu ​​has every reason to attack me."

When Lu Bu said this, he specifically brought up Yuan Shao's attempt to establish Liu Yu as emperor.

He also emphatically mentioned Yuan Shao's refusal to recognize Liu Xie's status as emperor.

Lu Bu analyzed the two possibilities that would arise, and Liu Xie replied, "That's not a question, of course I followed the King of Chu to Pengcheng."

"As long as your Majesty's attitude is decisive, there is nothing in this world that can hinder my loyalty to protect Your Majesty." Lu Bu cupped his hands and said to Liu Xie, "Your Majesty is willing to follow me to Pengcheng, and when he gets there, he will definitely regain the majesty of the Ninth Five-Year Lord. "

"With the King of Chu here, of course I have nothing to worry about." Lu Bu expressed his attitude, and Liu Xie immediately agreed.

In fact, Liu Xie was also very confused.

Judging from Lu Bu's various performances, following him to Pengcheng will not lead to a particularly easy life in the future.

But Yuan Shao tried to make River Valley the emperor, and he also publicly declared that he would not recognize him as emperor.

Yuan Shao had never given him any respect for the man who replaced his elder brother and became the emperor of the Han Dynasty.

Follow Yuan Jun to Yecheng, Yuan Shao will definitely put him under house arrest immediately.Taking advantage of his status as the emperor of the Han family, he threatened the whole world in the name of the court.

Although Cao Cao has made things difficult for him in recent years, he has never had the idea of ​​making others emperor, so he has lived in Xudu until now.

Yuan Shao was different, he never recognized him, after bringing him back to Yecheng, Yuan Shao could even find someone who was similar to him or someone who was not like him but had royal blood to replace him as emperor.

After so many years of wandering, Liu Xie has long developed the ability to see who is more secure by his side.

At that time, Yuan Shao was loyal to the imperial court. After Dong Zhuo supported him to replace Liu Bian on the throne of God, Hebei declared that he would no longer be bound by the imperial court.

Later, Cao Cao also asked Liu Xie to send several documents to Yuan Shao, to give Yuan Shao some rewards, and to stabilize the mighty Hebei at one time.

But these practices didn't have much effect at all. Yuan Shao believed that Dong Zhuo was a traitor, and the emperor supported by Dong Zhuo was of course not a good bird.

Lu Bu negotiated with Liu in the city whether to go to Pengcheng or Yecheng. When Yan Liang and Wen Chou got the news that Xu Du had been defeated, they were stunned for a moment, and then quickly ordered the soldiers to leave camp to study.

Walking in the direction of Xudu, Wen Chou asked Yan Liang: "The two of us led the soldiers here and stared at Lu Fengxian every day. How did he do it before we understand it? He has already occupied the Xu Du?"

"I have long heard that Lu Bu is different from the past." Yan Liang replied, "I still didn't believe it when someone said it in the past. When I came to Xudu this time, although I didn't understand how he won the city, it was true to him." You also have to have a new understanding.”

"Lü Bu is very brave. With our abilities, can we compete with him?" Wen Chou asked Yan Liang again.

"You are also a person who has led the army for many years. Let's judge whether our army can destroy Cao Cao first and then Lu Bu." Yan Liang did not give a direct answer, but asked Xu Chu a rhetorical question.

He was taken aback by his question, and Xu Chu said: "Cao Cao led the army to withdraw from Xudu, and it seems that he didn't hurt his bones. But Lu Bu took Xudu, regardless of morale or relying on the city that they took, they were all It can easily keep our army out of Xudu City."

His brows were tightly furrowed, Wen Chou was not born handsome, so it became even more ugly.

Glancing at him, Yan Liang said: "You don't have to worry too much. We can't know what will happen before we arrive in Chang'an. When we get to Chang'an, maybe Lu Bu has already opened the city gate to welcome us into the city."

"Lü Bu shouldn't be that stupid." Yan Liang pinned his hopes on Lu Bu opening the city gates and inviting them to enter the city. Wen Chou said uncertainly: "I think he wanted to attack Cao Cao this time, firstly because he wanted Yuzhou, and secondly. We want the emperor. Although we don’t want his Yuzhou, we will try to take the emperor away from him. If I were Lu Bu, I would definitely not let us take the emperor away.”

"That is to say, do you believe that even if we get outside the gate of Xudu City, it is absolutely impossible for us to accomplish anything?" Yan Liang asked Wen Chou.

"Although I don't know whether it's right or wrong, I think it's true." Wen Chou replied, "When it comes to martial arts, neither of us is Lu Bu's opponent. If it's about wisdom, he has Jiangdong Zhou Gongjin under him. No matter what Calculate, we can't be his opponent."

"What are your plans?" Yan Liang asked Wen Chou.

"Go and have a look first." Wen Chou replied: "If he refuses to give us the emperor, we will send someone to Yecheng to ask the lord what to do. The lord has been in charge of Hebei for many years, what kind of battle has he not seen? If such a trivial matter is reported to the lord, it can be easily resolved."

Wen Chou's statement was also accepted by Yan Liang.

Nodding his head, Yan Liang said, "As far as the moment is concerned, this is the only way to go."

The two led the army to Xudu, but the Xuzhou army who had captured Xudu city had already closed the city gates and imposed a curfew in the city.

Because he wanted to occupy Yuzhou, Lu Bu ordered the soldiers not to invade the people of Xudu in the slightest.

Unless someone intends to harm the soldiers, it is strictly forbidden to kill at will.

A military order by Lu Bu saved the people in Xudu City.

That night, Xu Du spent in a strange tranquility.

After fighting all day, Lu Bu actually felt a little tired.

After placing Liu Xie next door to his residence, Lu Bu returned to his room and sent the guards out.

Sitting on the bedding, Lu Bu, who could not find any opponents on the battlefield at all, let the breath in his body swim along the veins according to the method of breath adjustment in the dream halberd technique.

The breath traveled more than half a circle around the body, and when it was about to reach Shanzhong, Lu Bu suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and then his eyes darkened and he passed out.

I don't know how long it took, but when he woke up, there was still a faint pain in his chest.

Slowly opening his eyes, he was about to find out the reason for the poor breathing, but the scene in front of him stunned him.

(End of this chapter)

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