Chapter 446
The Hebei army led by Yan Liang and Wen Chou was besieged by Cao Cao's soldiers and horse regiments.

Although the two fought hard to break through the siege, due to the large number of generals under Cao Cao, they had prepared defenses in all directions.No matter from which angle they charged, they couldn't break through the encirclement, they could only be surrounded by Cao Jun and endure wave after wave of onslaught.

Cao Cao, who was watching the battle, had a calm expression on his face.

He stared coldly at the battlefield where they were fighting, and after a long time, he never said a word.

"My lord, it's time to evacuate." Guo Jia, who was beside him, reminded in a low voice.

"Seeing that our army has taken the lead, why did we withdraw at this time?" Cao Cao asked him puzzled.

"Our army is only suitable for driving Yan Liang and Wen Chou to a dead end, but it is not suitable for killing them all." Guo Jia said: "Leave them a way to survive, and let them retain some strength, so as to cause trouble for Lu Bu."

Cao Cao immediately understood what Guo Jia meant.

He asked Guo Jia, "Feng Xiao thinks that if we withdraw, Yan Liang and Wen Chou will make Lu Bu feel uncomfortable?"

"Of course." Guo Jia replied, "Yan Liang and Wen Chou are surrounded by our army. As Yuan Shao's ally, Lu Bu has been reluctant to come to help. He must be waiting for us to beat them until they are powerless to fight with them." He is the enemy, so he is willing to send troops to rescue. At that time, even if Yan Liang and Wen Chou want to make trouble for him, they will have no strength. If the lord's pressure is too tight, and there is no way for them to retreat, they can only fight with their backs. At that time, our army suffered heavy casualties, but Lu Bu was able to profit from it. Instead of profiting for Lu Bu, it is better to give Yan Liang and Wen Chou a way to survive."

Fully understanding Guo Jia's intentions, Cao Cao nodded: "Feng Xiao is right, send an order immediately to evacuate the soldiers."

"My lord, don't worry." Guo Jia said: "If we leave like this, once Yan Liang and Wen Chou catch up from behind, it will bring a lot of trouble to our army. We must leave, but before we leave, we Some deployments have to be made."

"What Feng Xiao means is to leave some people behind?" Having understood Guo Jia's intention, Cao Cao immediately guessed what he was going to say.

"Exactly." Guo Jia replied, "We can walk safely only after leaving a team behind."

"According to Feng Xiao." Cao Cao ordered: "After leaving one of the troops, the rest of the soldiers will evacuate immediately."

When the military order was issued, Cao Jun's soldiers retreated one after another. The Hebei Army, who had been suppressed and beaten, suddenly felt relieved.

The pressure dropped sharply, and Wen Chou immediately ordered the soldiers to follow him to pursue Cao Jun.

Yan Liang shouted: "Don't chase!"

Wen Chou, who had chased for a few steps, stopped and looked back at Yan Liang: "Cao Cao is about to retreat, why can't he chase him?"

"They didn't lose to our army, but retreated on purpose." Yan Liang pointed to the distance and said, "Look there, Cao Cao's men have already made arrangements to stop our army there. Once our army chases them, they will definitely fall into their trap again. Ambush, if he refuses to withdraw by then, our army can only fight them to the death."

Looking at the place Yan Liang pointed to, Wen Chou saw that the Cao army had already formed a formation, and as long as the Hebei army dared to pursue it, they would be blocked immediately.

"After this fight, I was really aggrieved." Wen Chou said angrily, "Could it be possible to watch Cao Cao leave like this?"

"Cao Cao is gone, but Lu Bu is not." Yan Liang said, "Our army was ambushed, but he did not move. We will ask Lu Bu for an explanation when Cao's army is far away."

(End of this chapter)

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