Chapter 447 I want to go in person

Yan Liang and Wen Chou led the soldiers of the Hebei Army to line up in place.

Some Hebei troops took advantage of Cao Cao's retreat to clean up the battlefield, while more soldiers were vigilant to guard against Cao Cao's retaliation.

What the Hebei Army was worried about did not happen. Cao Cao led the army away, and gradually disappeared from the sight of Yan Liang, Wen Chou and the Hebei Army officers and soldiers.

Looking at Cao Jun going away, Yan Liang and Wen Chou breathed a sigh of relief.

Wen Chou turned his head and looked to the side, seeing that the soldiers of the Hebei Army who were cleaning the battlefield were coming to an end, he said to Yan Liang: "The soldiers are about to bury all the corpses, should we also leave here?"

"Let's go." Yan Liang said, "Go to Xudu and ask why Lu Bu refused to send troops to help."

Yan Liang and Wen Chou led the soldiers of the Hebei Army to Xudu.

When Cao Cao led the army to retreat, the scouts passed the news to Lu Bu.

Still waiting for Yan Liang and Wen Chou to suffer more losses, Lu Bu was surprised to learn that Cao Cao had withdrawn.

Sun Ce, who was standing behind him, also felt that something was wrong, and asked him, "King Chu, Cao Cao suddenly withdrew, Yan Liang and Wen Chou must lead troops to Xingshi to question the crime, how should we deal with it?"

Lu Bu thought for a while, and then told Sun Ce: "Send an order immediately, select [-] soldiers, and follow me out of the city to help the Hebei army."

"Wouldn't it be too late to go to the city to help?" Sun Ce said, "When they fought Cao Cao, we didn't send a single soldier."

"They were fighting with Cao Cao, but we didn't send troops to help them. It was only because the news was blocked and we didn't get the specific situation of the battle." Lu Bu explained: "We will send troops. We got the news, so it was a bit late."

"What the King of Chu said seems to make sense." Sun Ce nodded thoughtfully, and then replied, "I'll go and select soldiers."

"Wait a minute." As soon as he turned to leave, Lu Bu stopped him again: "Let Zhang Wenyuan and Zhou Tai accompany me out of the city, and you stay in the city to sit in the city. Although Cao Cao left, I still don't feel at ease. Yan Liang, Wen Chou also has a lot of soldiers and horses, if they attack, if there is no trustworthy person guarding Xuchang City, I really don't feel at ease."

"Zhou Gongjin and others are in the city." Sun Ce replied, "with them, no matter Yan Liang, Wen Chou or Cao Cao, anyone who dares to attack Xuchang will definitely end badly."

"Although their ability is not small, you are my side after all." Lu Bu said: "When you are in the city, the soldiers will have more confidence. After all, to a certain extent, you can give orders on my behalf."

"The king of Chu is the support of the soldiers." Sun Ce replied, "It is more suitable for me to go out of the city to meet Yan Liang and Wen Chou."

"If Yan Liang and Wen Chou came, it must be to provoke trouble." Lu Bu asked: "Do you think it is possible to deal with them at the same time if they conflict?"

A look of embarrassment appeared on Sun Ce's face: "Although I haven't fought against them, I have heard of their names. Speaking of which, I really don't have much confidence in one against two."

"Since we're out of the city, I won't let you go alone." Lu Bu said, "I'll also arrange helpers for you, so that you won't be left alone to deal with the two of them. It's just that Yan Liang and Wen Chou have experienced a fight before. However, there are still a lot of soldiers and horses under him, once they get serious with you, the ten thousand soldiers you brought with you are no match for you."

"The king of Chu is going, and I'm worried about that too." Sun Ce said, "Ten thousand soldiers are really too few. It's not safe for me to go, and the king of Chu will make the soldiers worry even more."

"There's nothing to worry about." Lu Bu replied, "When I lead the troops out of the city, Yan Liang and Wen Chou will definitely feel jealous when they see that I'm going there in person. The two of them want to make trouble. As long as I don't reveal my flaws, they won't dare Second. If you go, it may not be what will happen. Once we clash with the Hebei army led by the two of them, Yuan Shao will find an excuse to attack. In terms of military strength, we are not Yuan Shao's opponents today. Of course we are If you can avoid conflict, don't conflict with them."

Sun Ce was very surprised by Lu Bu's statement.

Looking at Lu Bu in surprise, he asked, "The King of Chu led the army out of the city, and didn't intend to have a conflict with Yan Liang and Wen Chou?"

"Of course I didn't plan." Lu Bu said, "Hebei is strong, and Cao Cao didn't go far. Once we start a war with Yuan Shao, Cao Cao will definitely make trouble behind the scenes. The newly captured Yuzhou is likely to be taken back by Cao Cao again. Risking such a big risk without getting any benefits, do you think I will do such a thing?"

Patting Sun Ce's shoulder lightly, Lu Bu said with a smile, "Don't worry, I will not fight Yan Liang and Wen Chou when I go out of the city this time, but I will also let them leave willingly and return to Hebei."

Looking at Lu Bu suspiciously, Sun Ce didn't say anything.

But he didn't agree with Lu Bu's statement in his heart.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou were besieged by Cao Cao, and Lu Bu watched the fire from the other side and had no intention of helping them too early.

Cao Cao withdrew in order to give Yan Liang and Wen Chou a chance to come to Xuchang to cause some trouble.

Suppressing their anger, the two rushed to Xuchang with soldiers and horses. If Lu Bu could stop them halfway and persuade them to go back to Hebei, it would really make people feel incredible.

Although Sun Ce didn't speak, Lu Bu could see the doubt on his face.

Patting his arm again, Lu Bu smiled slightly and said, "You don't have to have any doubts, I said it can be done, you just have to watch."

"It's not that I don't trust the King of Chu, it's just that Yan Liang and Wen Chou came here this time, and it's clear that they are provoking trouble." Sun Ce said: "The King of Chu brought too few people, I am worried that Yan Liang and Wen Chou will think it is an opportunity. After all, he is a fierce general in Hebei, and he knows that once something happens to the king of Chu, Yuan Shao's army will go straight in, and no one can deal with it. I still think that the king of Chu should not go in person. If it is not suitable for me, Duke Zhou Jin and others should also be able to take on the heavy responsibility."

"Of course Gongjin and others can take on the important task." Lu Bu replied, "But has Bo Fu ever thought that Zhou Gongjin and others are ordinary in martial arts, and Yan Liang and Wen Chou are both fierce generals, so how could they worry about Zhou Gongjin and others? Only if I go, they will be afraid of my bravery, so they will not attack rashly. Only in this way, it is possible for them to return to Hebei. Only when Yan Liang and Wen Chou return to Hebei, can we get a short period of peace. It is not wise to go to war one after another The choice. Rest and recuperation is the most important thing we should do right now."

"Don't delay any longer." After explaining, Lu Bu urged Sun Ce: "If there is any further delay, once Yan Liang and Wen Chou arrive in Xuchang, I will have nothing to do with them."

(End of this chapter)

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