The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 448 Don't Give Them A Good Face

Chapter 448 Don't Give Them A Good Face
Lu Bu insisted on leading the soldiers to meet Yan Liang and Wen Chou.

Knowing that he could not persuade him, Sun Ce had no choice but to go down the city wall and gather troops for him.

It didn't take long before [-] soldiers were waiting on the road leading to the city gate.

Holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, Lu Bu walked down from the city wall.

When he came to the city wall, someone had already brought Chitu for him.

Jumping on his horse, he didn't say much to the soldiers, and pointed at the city gate with his halberd: "Get out of the city!"

Ten thousand Xuzhou troops, following Lv Bu, marched out of Xuchang city mightily.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou experienced the previous fight and led the Hebei army to march towards Xuchang.

Seeing that they were still more than ten miles away from Xuchang, they saw a group of people coming from the opposite side.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer, and the two of them saw clearly that what the team was holding was the battle flag of the Xuzhou Army.

"Lv Bu didn't send troops to help, but now he has sent troops." Seeing the Xuzhou army appearing on the opposite side, Yan Liang snorted coldly, and said to Wen Chou: "No matter who brings people here, and no matter what they say, Let's ignore it, this time we must ask Lu Bu about his crimes."

When he was besieged by Cao Cao, Wen Chou even despaired for a while.

At that time, he thought countless times that he might die on the battlefield, and he also hoped that Lv Bu would lead the Xuzhou army to help. After all, on the bright side, Lv Bu and Yuan Shao were still allies.

But his hopes were completely dashed in the end. When fighting with Cao Jun, Lu Bubing didn't send a single soldier.

I didn't see the Xuzhou army while waiting for the reinforcements, but they did show up now.

The Xuzhou army appeared at an inappropriate time, and of course Yan Liang and Wen Chou's attitude towards them could not be friendly.

Wen Chou replied: "If they had come earlier, I would be very grateful. They didn't come when reinforcements were needed, but now they are here. Don't say thank you. I just feel bored when I see them. How can it be possible?" Give them a good look?"

Yan Liang's face turned livid, and he said to Wen Chou, "That's what he said. Lu Bu sent troops here just to prevaricate us. We can't be fooled by him."

"Don't worry." Wen Chou replied: "Even if you give them a good look, I will definitely not make them look good."

The two led the soldiers of the Hebei Army and walked up to meet the Xuzhou Army on the opposite side.

The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. When they saw the general leading the Xuzhou army, they were all taken aback.

It was Lu Bu who was carrying Fang Tian's painted halberd who brought the Xuzhou army over.

Seeing Lu Bu, Yan Liang and Wen Chou froze for a moment.

The two glanced at each other, and they both saw panic in each other's eyes.

"Why is he here?" Looking at Lu Bu who was leading the Xuzhou army towards them, Wen Chou muttered.

Yan Liang said with some confusion in his tone: "It would be easy to handle if someone else came. However, it is Lu Bu who came, and things will become troublesome."

"We will definitely not be able to defeat him. Although we have a large number of troops, if he drives us back, the soldiers will not be in the mood to fight again." Wen Chou said in a low voice: "I have to think about how to talk to Lu Bu later. one time?"

"I just heard that Lu Bu is brave, and neither of us has actually seen his abilities." Although he was very nervous, Yan Liang still comforted Wen Chou: "We stepped forward together, maybe we can capture him."

Glancing at Yan Liang, Wen Chou didn't say anything, but subconsciously clenched his weapon a little more.

(End of this chapter)

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