The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 449 Impossible To Embarrass Us

Chapter 449 Impossible To Embarrass Us

Yan Liang and Wen Chou stared nervously at the Xuzhou Army who was walking towards them.

Lu Bu, who was carrying Fang Tian's painting halberd, quickly approached the two of them and stopped the advancing team.

After a while, a fast horse came galloping.

It was a lieutenant of the Xuzhou Military Academy who galloped towards the two of them on horseback.

When they arrived in front of the two, the captain shouted: "The King of Chu wants me to ask the two generals, has Cao Cao withdrawn?"

"Where was the King of Chu when we fought with Cao Cao?" Before Yan Liang could say anything, Wen Chou asked first, "Now that Cao Cao has withdrawn, what is the use of him still coming here?"

"The King of Chu learned that the two generals were besieged by Cao Cao, so he immediately sent troops to help them." Lieutenant Xuzhou Military Academy asked back: "General Wen said that, could it be that he blamed the King of Chu? It was a mistake for the King of Chu to come to the rescue?"

It was clear that what the captain said was taught by Lu Bu, and Wen Chou was about to respond when Yan Liang winked at him.

Seeing Yan Liang's wink, Wen Chou said nothing.

Yan Liang asked: "Cao Cao has already retreated, so what's the use of asking the King of Chu?"

The captain replied: "When the king of Chu led the army to set off, he only got the news that the two generals were besieged by Cao's army. When he arrived here and saw the two generals leading the army back, the king of Chu thought that Cao Cao should lead the troops to retreat. Let me go, so I came to ask. But the two generals did not appreciate his kindness at all, if the king of Chu knew that the two generals were so suspicious, it is not clear what he would think."

Ever since they saw Lv Bu leading the army, Yan Liang and Wen Chou's expressions were not very good.

When the captain mentioned that their suspicions would upset Lu Bu, both of them looked even more ugly.

Lu Bu's bravery has long been passed down in the world.

Lu Bu once served under Yuan Shao's tenure. At that time, Yan Liang and Wen Chou only knew that he was powerful, but they didn't feel how terrible he was.

As generals, even if they are not his opponent alone, if they go forward together, they will not necessarily lose to him.

But later, news suddenly spread that Lu Bu was young overnight, and his bravery was also passed on by the world as miraculous.

Dozens of Cao generals swarmed up, and they could only fight him to a draw. Among them, many Cao Jun generals were picked off during the fight.

No matter how conceited Yan Liang and Wen Chou were, they would never think that they had the ability to fight Lu Bu.

"It seems that the two generals really think that the King of Chu should not come." Yan Liang and Wen Chou didn't say a word, and the captain cupped his hands at them: "I will leave first, and I will tell the King of Chu what the two generals want."

The captain was about to turn around and leave, when Yan Liang called him back: "You don't need to tell the King of Chu, General Wen and I will make it clear to the King of Chu."

He and Wen Chou looked at each other, and Yan Liang motioned him to meet Lu Bu together.

The two rode forward, and the captain had no choice but to step aside and watch them gallop away.

When going to Lu Bu, Wen Chou asked Yan Liang in a low voice: "We will go there without a single soldier. If Lu Bu gets into trouble, how should we deal with it?"

"With his ability, if he wants to make trouble, it won't matter how many soldiers we bring." Yan Liang replied: "It's stupid to do it knowing it's useless. Since he's here, he shouldn't embarrass me Two. What Lu Bu wants is that we don't pursue this matter, it's best to wait until we return to Yecheng, and we will say a few more good words to the lord for him. With such thoughts, how can he make things difficult for us?"

(End of this chapter)

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