Chapter 49 Liu Bei Must Kill
Dong Cheng once took out his belt, and Lu Bu guessed that Liu Bei should have seen it.

With Liu Bei's shrewdness, he would never be tied to Dong Cheng and others waiting to die.

He came here, maybe it was for the clothes and belts.

He wanted to stay and listen to what Liu Bei had to say, and Lu Bu also knew that Cao Cao would never give him a chance.

"Mr. Cao, I have something to say and I don't know whether I should say it or not." Pretending to be hesitant, before Cao Cao sent an order to let Liu Bei in, Lu Bu said.

"The little general is not an outsider, so just say what you have to say." Cao Cao signaled him to continue.

"Perhaps Liu Xuande wanted to ask Duke Cao to dispatch troops to him." Lu Bu said, "Perhaps the excuse he was looking for was to attack Huainan for Duke Cao."

"How did you know he would borrow troops from me?" Cao Cao looked at Lu Bu suspiciously.

"Because I'm here." Lu Bu said: "Liu Xuande is good at covering up, he must whitewash himself in front of Duke Cao to be extremely loyal. But I will not give him a chance to continue whitewashing, thinking that there are many dangers, of course he has to leave .”

"You mean..." Cao Cao asked suspiciously, "Liu Xuande will take this opportunity to leave me?"

"If Mr. Cao doesn't believe it, just give it to someone else." Lu Bu bowed and said, "I'll take my leave first."

Lu Bu retreated, Cao Cao frowned.

After a moment of silence, Cao Cao ordered: "Please Xuande."

When Liu Bei entered the room, Cao Cao had a smile on his face: "There are so many affairs in Yuzhou, why does Xuande have time to see me?"

Liu Bei was driven out of Xuzhou by Lu Bu to join Cao Cao.

Cao Cao didn't despise him either, and gave him the official post of Yuzhou Mu.

Since Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei recruited rebels during the Yellow Turban Rebellion, apart from getting Xuzhou from Tao Qian, the official position Cao Cao gave him can be said to have reached its peak.

Yuzhou Mu, who is in charge of Yuzhou's government and military affairs, is a dignitary and prominent figure in the local area.

But Xu is in Yuzhou.

Liu Bei, who was the shepherd of Yuzhou, did not have much military power under his command, and many government affairs would not go through him.

The government affairs that he can directly approve are just trivial matters, and the really important matters will be directly reported to Cao Cao.

Liu Bei bowed and saluted: "Yuan Shu is dead, Huainan is in chaos, Yang Hong, Zhang Xun and others are mediocre, I am here to speak to Duke Cao, don't miss this opportunity."

"What Xuande said coincides with what I said." Cao Cao stroked his beard and nodded with a smile: "I have sent an order to Lu Bu to find an opportunity to attack Huainan."

"Don't do it!" Liu Bei turned pale with shock, "How could Mr. Cao entrust such an important matter to Lu Bu?"

"Lv Bu voted for me, there is no merit of size, I just gave him a chance to make merit." Cao Cao asked, "What does Xuande think is wrong?"

"Cao Gong and I both know what kind of person Lu Bu is." Liu Bei said: "He first voted for Ding Yuan as his adoptive father, and then killed Ding Yuan for a red rabbit horse. Then he voted for Dong Zhuo and also worshiped him as his father." Yifu killed Dong Zhuo again for the beauty Diao Chan. Betrayal and short-sightedness, how can he have affection? This is how the so-called three-surname house slaves come from. He voted for Cao Gong. If he is suppressed, it will not cause chaos. Once he gets Huainan, if he refuses to hand it over to Duke Cao, won’t it cause trouble again?”

Lu Bu spoke ill of Liu Bei in front of Cao Cao, and Liu Bei spoke ill of Lu Bu in front of him. Originally, he was suspicious of both of them, and Cao Cao was also weighing in his heart which one he should believe more.

For a moment, he even thought about killing both Liu Bei and Lu Bu to avoid future troubles.

But if he did that, who would dare to serve him in the future?

The world belongs to the people of the world, and to disappoint the people of the world, even if it is as strong as Cao Cao, it would not dare.

"What does Xuande think should be done?" Cao Cao asked.

"If Cao Gong does not give up, you can give me [-] soldiers and horses, and I am willing to take Huainan for Cao Gong." Liu Bei bowed again with a big gift.

Lu Nan had already reminded him just now that Liu Bei must not be sent to fight Huainan.

Two years earlier, Cao Cao had reorganized 30 Qingzhou Yellow Turbans, from which tens of thousands of elites were drawn to form the Qingzhou Army.

But the real elite Huben army around him is only 4 to [-].

Cao Cao would definitely not be willing to transfer the Huben Army to Liu Bei.

Not allowing Liu Bei to lead troops to attack Huainan is obviously to satisfy Lu Bu again.

Unwilling to satisfy Lv Bu, nor to sit back and watch Liu Bei become bigger, Cao Cao thought for a while: "Twenty thousand soldiers and horses can't be dispatched. Xuande is willing to make meritorious deeds for me. Why don't you lead five thousand Yuzhou defenders to attack Huainan, but I don't know you. Dare or not."

"Although Yuan Shu is dead, the Huainan army has a lot of people." Liu Bei still wanted to fight for more benefits: "I'm afraid 5000 troops..."

"Xuande also knows the difficulty here. I really can't draw troops." Cao Cao sighed: "If Xuande refuses to share my worries, I can only leave this matter to Lu Bu."

"Although five thousand soldiers and horses are difficult, I will still do my best to serve Cao Cao." Knowing that Cao Cao could not give him more soldiers and horses, Liu Bei, who was eager to leave Xudu, had no choice but to agree.

After walking out of the gate of Cao's house, Liu Bei did not stop for a moment, and immediately took Guan Yu and Zhang Fei out of the city to count the soldiers and horses.

The [-] Yuzhou Army set out to march, and of course the movement will not be too small.

That night, when Guo Jia got the news, he begged to see Cao Cao all night regardless of the darkness of the night.

He came to Cao's house, and Cao Cao's room was lit.

After entering the room, Guo Jia saw Cao Cao put down a few letters frowning.

"Did Feng Xiao come here for Liu Xuande?" Cao Cao looked up at Guo Jia.

"It turns out that Duke Cao already knows the purpose of my visit." Guo Jia asked, "I heard that Liu Xuande led troops to Huainan, but I wonder if the order was from Duke Cao?"

"He came to me and said Yuan Shu was dead." Cao Cao replied, "First he borrowed [-] soldiers from me, but I refused, so he led [-] Yuzhou troops to attack Huainan."

"Liu Xuande has the appearance of a hero, how can Mr. Cao let him go?" Guo Jia sighed, "When he came to serve Mr. Cao, I proposed to kill him. Mr. Cao not only couldn't bear it, but also gave him the official position of Yuzhou shepherd. This is great, where can we bring back 5000 people?"

"I just received the letters from Wen Ruo and Wen He." Cao Cao picked up the two letters on the table: "Their statement is exactly the same as Feng Xiao's."

Guo Jia stepped forward to take the letter and read it hastily.

After reading it, he stamped his feet anxiously and said, "Grand Cao, don't hurry up and let people chase after you, otherwise things will change!"

The opinions of several first-class staff members were unanimous, and Cao Cao also knew that the matter was ruined by him, so he quickly called the guards to send someone to chase Liu Bei.

The pursuers left Xudu very quickly. Cao Cao asked Guo Jia suspiciously: "Lü Bu sent people to Xudu, why didn't Feng Xiao stop them, and instead cared so much about Liu Bei?"

"Liu Bei's men are under the knife, if Cao Gong doesn't kill him, why should he kill Lu Bu who is far away in Xuzhou?" Guo Jia replied: "Lu Bu can only appease, but Liu Bei must be killed!"

PS: As long as you dare to vote, I will dare to make four updates today.In addition, we need to publicize the public group, 423442171, the beauty management is waiting to tease you.By the way, is there any pretty young lady who is willing to come to manage the King's Pavilion?The handsome guys in the group flirt casually, eat whatever you like, such as fresh meat or old bacon.If there is, please sign up with the general manager Shuai'an and Zhuma.

(End of this chapter)

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