The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 50 Your Woman Can Do What She Wants

Chapter 50 Your Woman Can Do What She Wants

Lu Bu did not expect Cao Cao to follow his advice at all.

It would be unexpected if Cao Cao really killed Liu Bei, or didn't send troops to him.

Not long after returning to the room, the guard outside the door reported: "General Cao Ren is asking to see you."

Cao Cao said that he would send someone to fetch the beauties sent by Dong Cheng.

Lu Bu just didn't expect that he would let Cao Ren go in person.

Cao Ren is the younger brother of Cao Cao, and he was also the first general to follow Cao Cao when Chen Liu recruited troops.

He has a very high prestige among Cao Jun.

Sending him to ask Dong Cheng for a dancer, it can be seen that Cao Cao is very concerned about this matter.

Having already guessed what Cao Ren was doing here, Lu Bu got up and walked outside.

It happened that Cao Ren walked over with a few soldiers.

Behind the soldiers were the dancers that Dong Cheng gave to Lu Bu.

Seeing Lv Bu go out to greet him, Cao Ren cupped his hands in greeting from afar: "General Lu, my lord has learned that General Cheqi sent a dancer, so he specially asked me to go and pick her up."

"Thank you, General Cao." Lu Bu returned the salute, and then greeted him: "This small matter is also worthy of being done by General Cao himself. It can be said that Cao Gong has shown me great kindness and righteousness."

"My lord specifically told me that although I have only met General Lu once, I can see that you are a very affectionate person, and he is willing to make friends with the general." Cao Ren turned to look at the dancers: "There are seven dancers in total, the general Check it out."

"There are only seven people in total, and they can be seen at a glance." Lu Bu said with a smile, "General, please come in and talk. I'll let the dancers perform songs and dances. How about a few drinks between us?"

"General Lu has already had a lot of drinks at Dong Cheng's place, and he will be on the road tomorrow morning. Are you sure you can have a few more drinks?" Cao Ren also smiled.

"I did drink a lot with General Cheqi." Lu Bu said, "But I have heard of General Cao's reputation for a long time. Since I have the opportunity to drink together, it would be a pity if I missed it?"

"General Lu is really a man of temperament." Cao Ren laughed: "Since the general is kind, I will not be disrespectful."

"Come here." Entering the house with Cao Ren, Lu Bu ordered: "Go outside and find a place that sells wine, and bring some jars of the best wine over here."

The guard looked embarrassed: "General...this..."

"General Lu probably didn't see many shops selling wine in the market." Cao Ren said, "Nowadays the army is in chaos and there is not enough food to eat. Who will use it to make wine? As for good wine, only the nobles and nobles still have it."

"I invite the general to drink, but I have no wine..." Lu Bu said, "This is embarrassing..."

"I still have a few jars of fine wine at my place." Cao Ren told the guards who came with him: "Go back and fetch some of the best jars of fine wine. General Lu and I will get drunk and rest."

"How dare you drink General Cao's wine..." Lu Bu chuckled, "When the general goes to the Pi, I'll treat him with good wine."

"General Lu and I hit it off right away, what is this fine wine?" Cao Ren leaned into Lu Bu's ear and whispered, "Especially the moment when the general gave Le Jin a hard lesson on the school field, it was very enjoyable."

"Le Jin is also Cao Gong's subordinate, why does the general feel happy?" Lu Bu was surprised.

"This man is very arrogant." Cao Ren said: "He is not tall and has a temper, and he is not very close to us. He is only used by the lord because he is on the front line on the battlefield. If you say that the army likes him , not many."

"So that's the case." Lu Bu nodded, "I was worried that if he won, he would offend the generals."

"What's the matter!" Cao Ren patted his arm affectionately: "It's too late for many people to like you, who would be upset?"

Lu Bu ordered the guards: "Prepare the dishes, and General Cao and I will get drunk!"

The two of them were seated, but the wine and dishes hadn't been served yet, and the five dancers danced lightly first.

The other two dancers played Yaoqin and pipa to accompany the dance.

Appreciating the singing and dancing, Cao Ren kept nodding his head.

He moved closer to Lu Bu, and said in a low voice: "No wonder the general likes these dancers, all of them are outstanding, they are indeed the best in the world."

"I'm still worried about how to arrange these dancers." Lu Bu shook his head: "I haven't achieved much yet, and suddenly there are more girls in the back house..."

"It's up to the general how to arrange it." Cao Ren said with a smile: "The dancer Meiji just sleeps with the master, and there is no need to take them as wives and concubines. Even if she has children, she is still a servant in the general's house. How to arrange the servants depends on the situation." As long as the general is happy."

"What General Cao said is true." Lu Bu nodded in agreement.

If it were someone else, Cao Ren felt that the dancer was beautiful, so he might have given him one.

After all, the soul in Lu Bu's body came from 2000 years later.

He was used to the equality of men and women, and he couldn't adapt to the idea of ​​treating women as playthings all of a sudden.

Sending the dancer to others, Lu Bu would definitely not do it!
It's not too late to think about how to settle these women when they return to Xiapi.

Before the song and dance ended, the guards of the two brought wine and dishes respectively.

Picking up the wine glass, Lu Bu said to Cao Ren: "Although the general and I met for the first time, we hit it off right away. For the sake of our friendship, I drank this glass to the full!"

"For friendship." Cao Ren also picked up the wine glass, and the two drank with their necks raised.

Of course, Cao Ren, who has led the army for many years, can't drink badly.

The two drank until midnight before Cao Ren left accompanied by several guards.

In the room, seven dancers made the bedding for Lu Bu.

The dancer in a red skirt came to him, bowed and said: "I will wait for the general to rest."

"Seven to serve me together?" Lv Bu chuckled as he glanced at the seven dancers in the room.

"As long as the general likes it, you can do anything." The dancer in red lowered her head, showing a shy expression.

"How old are you?" Lu Bu asked, staring at the dancer.

"The concubine has turned fourteen this year." The dancer replied.

Looking at the other six dancers in blue skirts behind her, Lu Bu asked, "How old are you all?"

"They were born in the same year as me." The red dress dancer said, "We are only a month apart."

"Born in the same year, singing and dancing together is also a relationship." Lu Bu asked, "Which one of you has served others before?"

"Returning to the general, we have never served anyone." The red dress dancer replied: "The chariot general bought us back, but asked the teacher to teach singing, dancing and piano skills, and did not let us accompany any guests."

"You have never been asked to perform dances before?" Lu Bu didn't quite believe it.

After all, these dancers are all beautiful, and he really doesn't believe that Dong Cheng can control them.

"We were raised to give to the nobles. Of course, the chariot general will not give it away easily." The red skirt dancer replied: "It is also our blessing to be able to follow the general."

"You guys rest next door, you don't have to go to bed tonight, let's talk about it when we return to Xiapi." Lu Bu waved his hand: "Anyway, they are my people, and they won't be able to fly when they are used. think."

(End of this chapter)

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