The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 51 The Woman Who Was Wrongly Kneaded

Chapter 51 The Woman Who Was Wrongly Kneaded
Liu Bei led his troops to leave Xudu. Instead of marching towards Huainan along the conventional road, he made a circle to the north and then turned to the southeast.

On the last night of Lu Bu's stay at Cao's house, he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.

In the next room were sleeping seven beauties.

Although their status is low, every beauty is born delicate and lovely.

Especially the dancer in red, with delicate skin that can be broken by blows, watery like a peeled peach, just looking at it makes people feel so sweet that they want to go up and take a bite.

Men, especially drunk men, always have inexplicable hotness in their hearts.

The beauty is next door, as long as he calls out, any one of the seven can come to serve the bed.

Still haven't figured out how to settle them down in the future, Lu Bu decides not to move, take them back to Xiapi and raise them there for a year or so.

There is only Diaochan and his wife in the back house, so it seems deserted no matter what.

Whether or not she will take concubines in the future is another matter. A few more beauties will also increase her popularity.

The hotter his heart was, the more Lu Bu suppressed the idea of ​​summoning Meiji to sleep with him.

Mei Ji couldn't suppress her thoughts before, there are too many temptations in this world, in the future, if someone gives a few beauties, she won't be able to hold her pants, so what's the matter?

Restraining desire for the opposite sex can be difficult for both men and women.

Especially for men, it is even more difficult.

When Lu Bu finally fell asleep, the eastern sky was already slightly bright.

It was three poles high in the sun before the dancer in red dared to come forward and call out to Lu Bu.

"General... General..." Standing aside, she called out cautiously, while several blue-clothed dancers stood behind her, lowering their heads anxiously.

Lu Bu said the night before that he would leave early in the morning.

It was broad daylight, and he hadn't gotten up yet.

Several dancers were worried that he drank too much, so they got up early in the morning to observe.

Seeing that he was still waking up, the dancer in red came up to him and whispered.

In his sleep, Lu Bu vaguely heard someone calling him.

Thought he was in the xiapi, without opening his eyes, he hugged him.

"Ma'am, I've been suffocated these few days, come on." With his eyes closed, he rolled over and pressed the red dancer under him.

The six blue-clothed dancers lowered their heads one by one when they saw him pressing the red-clothed dancer under him.

One of them went to the door and bolted it.

Pressing down on the dancer in red, Lu Bu moved his hands up and down.

When he pressed his hand on the dancer's chest, he realized something was wrong.

Although Diao Chan is just over twenty, she is still a mature woman.

Confused, Lu Bu opened his eyes.

Pressed under him, the dancer in red closed her eyes slightly, as if accepting her fate.

Seeing clearly that it was him, Lu Bu suddenly realized that he was not taking a pill, but hadn't left Xudu yet.

Quickly turning over and sitting aside, Lu Bu waved his hand: "Get up first."

Just waiting to be invaded by him, he suddenly stopped, and the dancer in red looked astonished.

Not knowing what mistake she made, she timidly asked: "Is it because the slave's family is not doing well..."

"It's nothing bad, it's just that we should go." Lu Bu stood up.

The dancers are all specially trained. Although they haven't served men before, they all have some eyesight.

Seeing Lu Bu get up, six blue-clothed dancers stepped forward to put on the armor for him.

The dancer in red stood up slowly, straightened her dress, and stood aside with her head bowed.

Putting on the armor on the boat, Lu Bu strode towards the door with his head held high.

When the guards outside the door saw him coming out, they saluted one after another.

Lu Bu ordered: "Prepare a carriage for each girl."

The seven dancers following him raised their heads subconsciously, and then lowered their heads again.

In Dong Cheng's mansion, they seldom go out.

Even when going out, three or four people share a carriage, Dong Cheng has never specially prepared one for each of them.

Being given to Lu Bu by Dong Cheng, they are still worried about their future fate.

With humble origins, they are destined to be just playthings for men.

It's okay to be pretty when you're young, but once you get old and look bad, men lose interest in them, and many beauties from wealthy families will face the tragic situation of fending for themselves.

Lu Bu prepared a carriage for each of them, which shows that a delicate thought is a caring person.

Follow him, and you are destined not to suffer in the future.

The guards went to prepare the carriage, while Lu Bu went to Cao Cao's residence to say goodbye.

When he arrived, Cao Cao had already woken up and was replying to official documents in the study.

As soon as he entered the room, he found that the atmosphere was not right.

Cao Cao's face was gloomy, and he raised his head and smiled until he saluted and said goodbye: "The little general is leaving?"

"Exactly." Lu Bu replied, "I don't know when I'll see Duke Cao, please take care of it."

"I have a lot of business here." Cao Cao said, "I can't personally send the little general out of the city, please forgive me."

"Grandpa Cao has so many opportunities to deal with, how dare he bother to send them out of the city himself." Lu Bu replied humbly.

Not only did he not recognize him, but he was convinced that he was Lu Nan. Cao Cao always regarded him as a junior.

Cao Cao was about to speak when a guard came outside the door: "Report to Duke Cao..."

As soon as the guard opened his mouth, he found Lu Bu standing in the study and stopped talking.

"Although I can't personally send the little general out of the city, I have arranged for Cao Ren to see him off." Cao Cao glanced at the guards, and said to Lu Bu, "It's getting late, so don't delay the trip, little general."

"I'll take my leave first." Lu Bu retreated and left.

He walked out of the study, followed by the guard.

The guard didn't say what he wanted to report to his face, but he vaguely sensed that this matter would have something to do with Liu Bei.

Cao Cao is a generation of heroes, and he will be moody and angry most of the time.

Even if anger kills, there may not necessarily be a warning before.

When Lu Bu came, he saw an angry face on his face.

If it wasn't something particularly regrettable, Cao Cao would never do this.

And what can make him regret, after much deliberation, only Liu Bei can do it.

Walking out of the gate of Cao's house, several carriages prepared for dancers were parked there.

Cao Ren strode over: "General Lu, I'm sending the general out of the city by my lord's order."

"I have to trouble General Cao again." Lu Bu said with a smile, "In the future, the general will go to Xiapi, and I will accompany him all the way."

"That's inevitable." Cao Ren chuckled, "General Lu still owes me a drink."

"It's easy to say, easy to say." Lu Bu replied, "Although Xiapi is poor, you can still find a few jars of good wine."

Cao Ren accompanied him to the gate of the city, and Lu Bu asked, "I went to see Mr. Cao just now, and he didn't look too good. Is there something bothering you?"

"What else can it be?" Cao Ren sighed, "Liu Xuande borrowed five thousand soldiers from the lord, and the lord sent someone to chase him. I don't know if he caught up."

(End of this chapter)

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