Chapter 52 Liu Bei Wants Xuzhou

Chen Gong and others were already waiting outside the front hall door.

When Lu Bu came, they came forward to greet him.

"Everything is going well in Xudu, Marquis Wen?" Chen Gong asked.

"I'm looking for you because something big is going to happen." Lu Bu said, "Liu Xuande borrowed five thousand soldiers from Cao Cao on the pretext of attacking Huainan and is already on his way."

Everyone was taken aback, looking at each other.

Chen Gong asked: "When did it happen?"

"He set off half a day earlier than me." Lu Bu said, "I guess he deliberately took a detour to avoid the people Cao Cao sent to chase, so he arrived later than me."

"Even if we make a detour, it should take less than two days." Yan Xiang said, "If Liu Xuande attacks Huainan, he will really occupy it..."

"His goal is not Huainan, but Xuzhou." Lu Bu said: "We have to prepare early. Once Liu Bei comes, it is best to let him come and go!"

Looking at Gao Shun, Zhang Liao, and Ji Ling, Lu Bu asked, "Three generals, how is the conscription going?"

"Wen Hou's guess is indeed correct. There are indeed many refugees in Huainan." Gao Shun replied: "We recruit Jingzhuang into the army, and the others are settled by the public platform."

"A strong man was recruited into the army, or was he taken by force?" Lu Bu was still more concerned about whether the new recruit was a strong man captured or joined the army voluntarily.

Soldiers who voluntarily join the army will probably go forward bravely when they go to the battlefield in order to have enough food to survive.

As for the strong men who were forcibly captured, they didn't want to be soldiers in the first place.

Sending those people to the battlefield is nothing more than filling up the number of people.

The Yellow Turbans have been making trouble for so many years, but they haven't made much progress. First, they started out on the path of peace, and their roots are not deep.

The second reason is that the Yellow Turban Army lacks training. When encountering a well-disciplined army, no matter how large the number is, it is impossible to quickly enter the battle.

The most important reason is not these, but that every time the Yellow Turban Army went to a place, they would take away all men and women.

It is not far from the people who participated in it to go to the battlefield, how can they work hard.

The combination of several factors doomed the failure of the Yellow Turban Army.

If Gao Shun, Zhang Liao and others forcibly arrest Ding, Lu Bu really has to consider whether he can take those people to the battlefield.

"There is no need to catch the young at all." Gao Shun replied: "We only said that we can have enough food, and every household will be resettled. There are fields and houses to live in. Most of the young and strong will follow."

The recruits were not recruited by arrest, so Lu Bu felt relieved.

He then asked, "How is the training for the new recruits? Have you been issued armor and weapons?"

"Xiapi is very poor now, and the armor and weapons are not fully distributed." Gao Shun replied: "Many recruits can only wear their original clothes."

"I'm about to go into battle, and I don't even have all the protective gear and weapons. Are they going to die?" Lu Bu said, "In any case, even if you are in debt, you have to get all the weapons and armor in a short time. .”

Gao Shun didn't answer, but looked at Chen Gong.

Government affairs are all handled by Chen Gong. Weapons and armor involve the use of craftsmen, so of course Chen Gong has to handle them.

Lu Bu's eyes also fell on Chen Gong's face.

"The government really doesn't have any money at all." Chen Gong looked embarrassed: "The artisans also have to eat, I'm afraid if they don't pay..."

"Tell them, once I break Liu Bei, I will pay back all the expenses doubled." Lu Bu said: "In an emergency, we must use an extraordinary method. I have asked for some food for a long time. It will be sent to Xiapi in a short time, but I think the food If not, Liu Xuande must have come first."

"Cao Cao gave us food instead of beating us?" Zhang Liao looked surprised.

Lu Bu curled his lips: "In this world, there are no permanent allies, nor are there permanent enemies. Cao Cao and I have the same interests, of course he will help me."

"What's more..." He laughed, and he continued: "Now I have an engagement with him, and Miss Cao's family will marry into Lu's family in a few years. They become relatives by marriage, unless the interests are too deep, otherwise it will not be easy Move your swords."

When Lu Bu mentioned that he was married to the Cao family, Chen Gong and Yan Xiang suddenly realized.

But Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Ji Ling looked blank.

Miss Cao's family should still be young. After going to Xudu, it was a surprise that Cao Cao didn't kill him, and she was able to be married to Cao's family...

"Congratulations to Marquis Wen, uniting the Cao family will surely accomplish something in the future." Chen Gong bowed.

Yan Xiang followed and saluted.

Zhang Liao and the others were at a loss and couldn't ask any more questions, so they could only congratulate them.

Just as Lu Bu guessed, Liu Bei led the army to leave Xudu.

In order to avoid the envoy that Cao Cao might send to invite him back, he first marched eastward for fifty miles, then led his army northward, and walked another hundred or two miles before turning southeast.

He made a detour like this for a journey that didn't have to be too far, and he walked an extra one or two hundred miles.

In the era of high-speed rail and high-speed trains after 2000, one or two hundred miles is really nothing.

But at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty when the transportation capacity was very backward, it took a long time to travel a hundred miles.

And most of the lieutenant soldiers are infantry.

The armor and armor carried by every soldier is very heavy.

The grain trucks followed behind the army, and of course the speed would not be too fast.

It had been three or four days since Lü Bu returned to Xiapi before Liu Bei led his troops into Xuzhou.

Entering Xuzhou, Liu Bei rushed all the way to Xiapi.

On the day he led the troops into Xuzhou, Lu Bu got the news.

Since the wages could not be paid, Chen Gong recruited only a dozen craftsmen.

People are often selfish. Knowing that Liu Bei led the army to come, many people will be implicated once Xiapi falls, but most craftsmen still only agree to help build weapons occasionally, but it is impossible to concentrate on labor.

More than a dozen craftsmen who were willing to work intensively were gathered together by Chen Gong, and beat them day and night.

Every day, a bunch of weapons and armor are sent to the barracks, and more and more recruits are equipped with weapons.

A few days later, Liu Bei advanced to less than ten miles away from Xiapi.

In the military camp in the city, Lu Bu also came to the school grounds.

Two thousand new recruits, who had just been fully equipped, stood behind the queue of veterans.

Never having been on a battlefield, the recruits seemed restless even though they were all voluntary.

"Not long ago, we drove away the enemies at the door of our house. After a few days of silence, someone came to the door again." Looking at the faces of the soldiers, Lu Bu shouted: "Your houses are all under pressure. , Once they invade, they will burn your houses, play with your women, beat your children, and eat your food."

He walked back and forth in front of the formation, and the eyes of the soldiers also shifted as he walked.

"Watching them break in and act recklessly, do you agree or not?" Lu Bu asked the soldiers loudly.

"No!" The thunderous response shook the sky.

The apprehensive recruits straightened their chests following the shout.

"It's fine if you don't agree." Turning to face the array, Lu Bu said: "Since you don't agree to let them in, come out with me and scare them so much that you don't dare to come to Xuzhou again!"

(End of this chapter)

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