chapter 53
Lu Bu was speaking to the soldiers on the school grounds when a guard came over.

"Report to General, Liu Bei has sent someone." The guard whispered to Lv Bu's ear.

Liu Bei led his army to Xiapi, and it was beyond Lu Bu's expectation that he would send people into the city.

He turned back to the guard and asked, "Who was sent here? What did they say?"

"It's Mi Zhu who came."

"Bring Chen Gongtai and Yan Xiang here." Lu Bu ordered, and then told Gao Shun and others beside him: "The generals told the soldiers to get ready, there may be a fierce battle at any time."

Gao Shun and others received the military order.

Lu Bu left the barracks.

Mi Zhu used to be under Mu Taoqian in Xuzhou, and later switched to Liu Bei who rushed to help Xuzhou.

Back then, Liu Bei was able to successfully obtain Xuzhou from Tao Qian, and he contributed a lot.

Liu Bei's purpose in coming to Xuzhou couldn't be clearer.

If he sent anyone over, Lu Bu would directly order them to be pushed out and beheaded.

However, Mi Zhu, Lu Bu would not kill him, but would make him live a good life.

Xiapi is short of money, but no matter what you do, you can't do without money.

The Mi family in Xuzhou used to be a big local family with countless money and food.

After following Liu Bei, Mi Zhu used most of his family wealth to help him recruit soldiers and horses.

Lu Bu believed that he definitely did not give away all his family wealth, and would definitely keep a batch to guard against possible future changes.

Since it was delivered to the door, no matter what Liu Bei said, first detain Mi Zhu.

When I was short of money, I gave a golden doll, it would be stupid not to!

Back at the official residence, Mi Zhu was already waiting outside the front hall.

Mi Zhu had met Lu Bu in Xudu, but he didn't know that he was the deity.

Seeing Lu Bu approaching, Mi Zhu stepped forward to salute: "I have seen the little general, may I ask if Wen Hou is here?"

"Mi Zhu, open your eyes wide and see who I am." With a weird smile on his lips, Lu Bu said, "It's the first time I've met someone who asked me where I was when I saw this deity. You should see a doctor too." Look at the eyes."

Looking at Lu Bu in surprise, Mi Zhu then smiled and said, "Little General, don't joke, I came to ask General Lu to discuss something important."

"There is only one General Lu in Xiapi, and that is me." Lu Bu said, "Talk to me if you have anything to do, and please go back if you have nothing to do."

Now that he's here, Mi Zhu is of course unwilling to just go back.

He asked Lu Bu, "It's okay if Marquis Wen refuses to see me. I wonder if the little general can make the decision?"

"I've already said that Lu Bu himself is here, but you don't believe it." Lu Bu shook his head in disappointment, "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not. Just say what you have to say, and I'll listen first."

"Uncle Liu Huang..." Mi Zhu mentioned Liu Bei.

"Wait a minute." Lu Bu interrupted him: "The big-eared thief claims to be the emperor's uncle?"

"Maybe the general doesn't know yet, but His Majesty already recognizes the status of the emperor's uncle." Mi Zhu said.

"I only know that the big-eared thief is shameless, but I didn't expect that he could shamelessly deceive even the current majesty." Lu Bu smiled coldly: "He is only surnamed Liu, and he really arranged an ancestor to forcibly attach himself to the royal family. You don’t even need power and power from your ancestors, I really can’t think of anyone other than him.”

"Your Majesty has admitted it, so is it possible that the general still doesn't intend to agree?" Mi Zhu was still trying to justify Liu Bei's name.

"He took refuge with Cao Mengde a few days ago and got the official title of Shepherd of Yuzhou." Lu Bu sneered, "Although he is under the control of the Cao family, he still has some ability. Your Majesty lives deep in the palace, and the imperial power is not in his hands. What can he do?" Don’t want to recognize your relatives for self-protection?”

Lu Bu spoke out Liu Xie's thoughts without any concealment, Mi Zhu not only didn't feel anxious, but asked, "How does the general know what His Majesty is thinking?"

"Anyone in His Majesty's position would do this." Lu Bu shook his head and sighed: "It's a pity that Your Majesty is still simple. He believes in anyone, but Liu Bei. The big-eared thief is treacherous, and none of the people he voted for will be rewarded." In the end, in a dangerous situation, he can abandon his wife and escape alone, and who else will he be unfaithful?"

Mi Zhu originally planned to bring up Ding Yuan and Dong Zhuo to refute, but then he thought that he was ordered by Liu Bei to go to the city to see Lu Bu.

Before seeing Lu Bu, it is really stupid to argue with his subordinates first, and to mention the two people who should not be mentioned.

He swallowed the words that came to his lips, and Mi Zhu said, "I came to ask to see Marquis Wen, but I actually brought a message by Liu Yuzhou's order."

"What does he want to say?" Lu Bu asked.

"Let it go?" Mi Zhu was stunned for a moment, then immediately understood.

Lu Bu meant that Liu Bei was talking nonsense, otherwise how could he use Fangzi?

"Liu Yuzhou was ordered by Duke Cao to crusade against Huainan and passed by Xiapi. He also asked Marquis Wen to open the city gate and enlarge the army to enter the city to rest." Mi Zhu said: "At most three to five days, he will lead his troops away."

"Huainan is not far from Xuzhou, and you can directly enter the border of Huainan from Yuzhou, but he made a big detour to come to Xiapi." Lu Bu smiled coldly, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes: "Is the big-eared thief a I'm stupid?"

Liu Bei brought only 5000 people, and it was impossible to forcibly attack the city.

So he thought of a strategy to lead the army into the city in the name of rest.

However, Lu Bu saw through it at a glance.

The trick was seen through before it was implemented, and Mi Zhu was also a little nervous.

But after all, he is a figure who has been in the officialdom for many years. Although his heartbeat quickened, the expression on his face did not change at all.

With a laugh, Mi Zhu said, "The general really misread Liu Yuzhou."

Lu Bu also regretted saying that sentence just now.

He only cared about hating Liu Bei, and in a moment of quick talk actually exposed the conspiracy in front of Mi Zhu.

To expose Liu Bei and let him go, it would be better to put him in the city and kill him.

Even if Liu Bei could not be killed, a lot of the luggage he brought into the city would remain.

For Xiapi, which is extremely short of supplies, those supplies are a fortune.

Wanting to understand this, Lu Bu pretended to be puzzled and looked at Mi Zhu: "What you said is the truth?"

Hearing the uncertainty in his tone, Mi Zhu felt a little contemptuous.

I just said that I am not stupid, but I will be fooled. It is said that Lu Bu is brave and foolish, and this little general who looks very similar to him does not seem to be much better.

"There is absolutely no concealment of the truth." Mi Zhu replied extremely sincerely.

"That's what I said, but why do I feel uneasy?" Lu Bu squeezed his chin and pretended to think for a while and said, "You have to give me some pledge."

"What kind of pledge does the general want?" Mi Zhu asked hastily after hearing the meaning of looseness.

"Mr. Mi stayed in the city and asked someone to shoot a letter from the top of the city." Lu Bu said, "If Liu Xuande is willing to exchange five thousand coins for Mr. Mi, I will trust him."

"Since I want money, why don't I go back and discuss it with Liu Yuzhou, if he is willing..." Of course Mi Zhu didn't want to stay in the city.

"That can't be done!" Lu Bu resolutely rebuffed, "I can rest assured that you stay in the city."

(End of this chapter)

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