The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 54 Who else can afford the money

Chapter 54 Who else can afford the money

The city gate of Xiapi was closed.

Liu Bei did not wait for the news of welcoming him into the city, but Zhang Fei brought him an arrow bound with silk.

"Brother, this is the top of the city." Zhang Fei held the arrow in both hands and handed it to Liu Bei.

There was a blotch of black ink on the silk tied to the arrow shaft, which was obviously a letter.

After receiving the arrow, Liu Bei rolled down the silk.

After unfolding and browsing, his face darkened.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Seeing that his complexion was not good, Zhang Fei asked.

"Mi Zhu has been detained." Liu Bei handed him the letter with a cold face.

After taking a look at the letter, Zhang Fei was stunned: "How could this be?"

"Where can I get five thousand coins?" Liu Bei said angrily, "Even though Mi Zhu gave some support earlier, they were all left in Xuzhou, and then Cao Cao got it. Now I can't even get one coin..."

"Mi Zhu used to help the elder brother." Guan Yu reminded: "Although he has provided a lot of money, how can the Mi family in Xuzhou only have so little wealth?"

"The two elder brothers have no ambition to talk." Both of them were thinking about where to get the ransom. Zhang Fei said, "What advantages does Lu Bu have besides being a good-looking man? Give me some soldiers and horses, and I will go to the city to arrest people." Just be rescued."

"Cao Cao's tens of thousands of troops failed to break through Xiapi, so how could we get in with so few people?" Liu Bei said, "Lu Bu made it clear in his letter that as long as he sent five thousand tangs to show his sincerity, he would send you [-] coins to show his sincerity." Mi Zhu let go and allowed us to lead the army into the city to rest."

"Lu Bu is taking advantage of the fire to rob." Zhang Fei said angrily, "Brother absolutely cannot agree to him."

"The third brother is also very reckless." Guan Yu said, "Not only will we not gain anything by staying outside the city, but it will also harm Mi Zhu. Once the army enters Xiapi, with Lu Bu's few troops, how can he hold it? Xiapi, not to mention that five thousand copper coins are a lot, and the third brother can let the wife of Lu Bu's family bathe in the water so that she can paint on the spot."

"I'm afraid that Lu Bu won't let us enter the city after taking the money." Zhang Fei said, "In that case, we will lose a lot!"

"Zizhong and I have a deep friendship, and he went to Xiapi according to my order." Liu Bei said solemnly: "Send down the order, find some horses to sell, and exchange them for copper coins."

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu were shocked when they heard this.

Guan Yu persuaded: "Brother, our army does not have many war horses, but we must not use them!"

"War horse or Zi Zhong?" Liu Bei said with a cold face: "No one can stop us from raising money for the sale of war horses immediately."

Liu Bei acted as if whoever persuaded him would offend him.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei are not good at persuading them.

The order was given, and some soldiers recruited horses from the cavalry.

During the reign of Emperor Huanling, in order to satisfy the royal family's extravagant desire, the Han Dynasty increased the coinage.

Copper coins once depreciated due to too many coins.

The Yellow Turban rebellion broke out, and townspeople were recruited from all over the country to quell the rebellion, and the coinage of the Han Dynasty was also much slower.

The number of copper coins circulated in the market has decreased, coupled with the emergence of a large number of refugees in various places, the purchasing power of copper coins has increased.

But with the spread of the war, although copper coins are expensive, they are often faced with the dilemma that there is no market for the price.

In particular, the prices of war horses and food, which are in short supply, are even higher than those of Emperor Huan Ling.

The war horses in Liu Bei's army are all Central Plains horses.

The Central Plains horses are slightly taller than the southern horses, and they have the blood of northern horses, but they are not good northern horses.

In terms of running speed, they are faster than southern horses.

In terms of climbing ability, they are much stronger than northern horses.

But in reverse comparison, the horses in the Central Plains are completely incomparable with the horses in the north and south.

The war horses in the army are all horse breeds, but in the eyes of Zhongyuan Haoxiong, as long as it is a horse, it can be used in the army to train cavalry.

For the Central Plains where cavalry is severely lacking, every horse is a rare wealth.

Five thousand soldiers, of which only three or four hundred cavalry.

The value of war horses in the Central Plains is not high, and each horse can only be sold for five or six yuan.

Even if Liu Bei sold all the war horses, he still couldn't make up the five thousand coins that Lu Bu wanted.

The soldiers were driving their horses together, and several generals ran over.

Greeting Liu Bei, one of them asked: "I heard that the emperor's uncle wants to sell all the horses. I don't know why?"

The person who asked the question was Mi Fang, Mi Zhu's direct brother.

Since Liu Xie corrected Liu Bei's reputation as a family member of the Han family, he no longer let his subordinates call him the lord, but called him the emperor's uncle, so as to show the honor of his royal family.

Seeing that it was Mi Fang who came, Liu Bei sighed, two lines of old tears rolled down his cheeks, and said guiltily: "I shouldn't, I shouldn't, I shouldn't have let your brother see Lu Bu."

"What's going on?" Feeling something was wrong, Mi Fang asked hastily.

Liu Bei handed him the letter, then sighed and turned his face away, his expression more sad than before.

"Five thousand copper coins." After reading the letter, Mi Fang said: "I am very important. This is Xuzhou, and our Mi family still has some money. Although it is not much, there should be five thousand copper coins. Please wait a little longer In two days, I will get the money."

"Zi Zhong has sponsored me a lot earlier, why don't you ask for money from your Mi family." Liu Bei waved his hands again and again.

"In order to save my brother, Uncle Huang even sold his war horse. Is it possible that I would still be stingy with five thousand copper coins?" Mi Fang replied: "War horses are very important to Uncle Huang, and the copper coins will come back sooner or later. Uncle Huang The great cause is the most important thing, please allow me to go back and get the money."

Liu Bei pretended to be very embarrassed and did not immediately agree.

Zhang Fei persuaded from the side: "Brother, Zi Fang is right. If the horse is sold, how can we have cavalry in the future? If there is no cavalry on the battlefield, we will be restrained everywhere."

"But I really can't take money from Mi's family anymore." Liu Bei was still refusing.

Mi Fang asked again: "Uncle Huang please allow me to withdraw money."

Zhang Fei and others persuaded her, but Mi Fang repeatedly asked to go back to get the money.

Liu Bei hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded: "Even if I borrowed it from Mi's family, I will definitely pay it back in the future."

"Thank you, Uncle Emperor!" Liu Bei nodded, Mi Fang bowed, begged for a few fast horses from the soldiers, and rode away with them.

At the same time, at the head of Xiapi City, Lu Bu saw a few fast horses leaving from a distance, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"It must be Mi Fang who left." He said to Chen Gong beside him, "Liu Bei couldn't afford that much money, so he handed over the matter of getting the money to the Mi family."

"Wen Hou can see who is leaving?" The distance is very far, and Chen Gong can't tell who the Pegasus is leaving.

Lu Bu pursed his lips: "The Mi family is a wealthy businessman in Xuzhou. They once supported Liu Bei, but they could never spend all their wealth. Mi Zhu was imprisoned in Xiapi by me, and Liu Bei would definitely pretend to try his best to rescue him. My brother was detained, how could Mi Fang Will there be no sign? If he doesn't go back to get the money, who else can afford the money?"

(End of this chapter)

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