Chapter 56 I Only Like Women

Yu Jin brought less than [-] carts of grain and grass.

These grains are transported into Xiapi, and there is no problem at all until the harvest season.

After checking the grain and grass one by one, Lu Bu bowed his hands to Yu Jin: "Thank you, general, for supervising the transportation of grain and grass. Please tell Duke Cao that we will solve the matter of going down to the Pi. I hope Duke Cao can rest assured."

"Although Liu Bei didn't attack Xiapi, his garrison here always makes people worry." Yu Jin said: "I have sent a messenger to report to Duke Cao, and reinforcements should arrive soon."

"General, please tell Cao Gong that there is no need to rescue the Pi." Lu Bu said, "Cao Gong is a hero in this world, and Liu Bei is just a villain who weaves mats and sells shoes in our eyes. Killing him is not like playing ?”

Lu Bu spoke generously, but Yu Jin didn't dare to agree easily.

"Is this also what Lu Fengxian meant?" Yu Jin asked.

"That's what it means that there is no one in Xiapi." Everyone in the Cao family thought he was Lu Nan, and Lu Bu replied without saying anything.

"It's better for me to station here, and I can respond in time if there is an accident." Yu Jin said: "Wait until Duke Cao's order comes, and then act according to the order."

"We are really worried about the general here." Lu Bu said: "There is no defense outside Xiapi city. Most of the generals brought are civilians, but there are not many soldiers. Once Liu Bei decides to attack Xiapi, he will definitely deal with the general first. At that time, it will not be the general who supports us, but we will support the general. Xiapi city is more difficult to defend, and I ask the general to find a nearby city to wait and see. If Xiapi cannot withstand Liu Bei, it will not be too late to respond."

"Can Lu Fengxian be sure that Liu Bei is going to take down Xiapi?" Yu Jin asked.

"Whether he is thinking about taking down the Pi, the general just needs to send someone to investigate in Xuzhou." Lu Bu said, "The general should also know what Liu Xuande is like."

Looking at the place where Liu Bei was stationed, Yu Jin nodded: "The little general is right."

"To save us from being distracted, I ask the general to lead the troops first." Lu Bu cupped his hands.

"I will wait and see at any time." Yu Jin returned the salute and shouted to Cao Jun's soldiers: "Let's go!"

Watching Yu Jin leave, Lu Bu greeted the soldiers: "Transport food and grass back to Xiapi!"

Yu Jin withdrew, and Lu Bu led his men back.

Seeing this scene from a distance, Liu Bei felt suspicious.

"Brother, there seems to be something wrong." Guan Yu said, "Why did he send Cao Jun away? There are troops outside the city, which will only harm our army..."

"There is Chen Gong beside Lu Bu." Liu Bei frowned and said, "How can we speculate on the method that the wise man came up with?"

Not only did Liu Bei not know that it was Lu Bu who left the city, he even thought it was Chen Gong's idea that Lu Bu left the city.

"The carts they brought back should be grain and grass." Zhang Fei said, "If the grain enters the city, we will be in more trouble. Why don't I bring someone to snatch it."

"What's the difference between robbing food and killing people?" Liu Bei glared at him, and then told Guan Yu, "Second brother, send some people over to say hello to me."

"Say hello?" Guan Yu asked, "Big brother means..."

"It's not interesting, it's just to talk about the friendship between each other." Liu Bei said.

Guan Yu greeted a group of guards and followed Liu Bei to Lu Bu.

Liu Bei rushed to Lu Bu with Guan Yu and a hundred guards.

Zhang Liao and Gao Shun on the top of the wall suddenly became nervous.

Zhang Liao shouted: "Strength the bow, if Liu Bei makes any changes, shoot him immediately!"

The soldiers opened their longbows one after another, aiming at Liu Bei who was rushing towards him.

Noticing that the long bow of the guard on the top of the city was being strung, Liu Bei stopped: "Second brother, go and say hello, just say that I'm here to see him."

Guan Yu responded and rode his horse towards Lu Bu.

It has long been discovered that Liu Bei led people forward, and Lu Bu has no intention of stopping.

When Liu Bei reined in his horse and let Guan Yu come over, he looked up at the city wall.

Seeing that the longbows of the soldiers on the city wall were strung, Lu Bu immediately understood that Liu Bei was afraid of being shot by arrows, so he asked Guan Yu to stop him.

"General Lu!" Guan Yu yelled as he flew closer and closer, "Please stop!"

Lu Bu stopped and looked over at him.

Before Guan Yu could reach him, several soldiers stepped forward to stop him.

Blocked by the soldiers, Guan Yu said to Lu Bu, "My elder brother is here to invite you."

"Why did Liu Xuande invite me?" Lu Bu said casually, "I don't seem to have any friendship with him."

"As early as in Xudu, my brother admired the young general's martial arts, but it was difficult to find opportunities to make friends with him." Guan Yu said: "He led the army to attack Huainan and passed by Xiapi this time, so he happened to want to talk to the young general."

"Want to talk to me?" Lu Bu smiled and asked Guan Yu, "Could it be that Liu Xuande likes me?"

"Brother does have some affection for the little general." Guan Yu replied.

"But I think he's too old." Lu Bu pouted, "I only like women, and I'm not interested in old men's butts."

Guan Yu was taken aback for a moment, unable to realize the connection between Liu Bei's liking for Lu Bu and his interest in old men's butts.

Lu Bu didn't say much, and greeted the soldiers: "Let's go!"

Watching Lu Bu go away, Guan Yu suddenly reacted.

What he said actually meant that Liu Bei would stick his butt up...

Clenching his fists angrily, Guan Yu shouted: "Little thief, you are too deceitful!"

Hearing him roaring behind his back, Lu Bu was not only not annoyed, but felt refreshed.


He was famous earlier than Liu Bei, but now he is called a thief by Guan Yu.

Most of the heroes in the world are over middle age.

Returning to youth due to soul fusion, even younger than the age of the soul, he has already taken advantage of his age.

The sound of a thief made Lu Bu feel comfortable all over.

He raised his face and laughed, proudly leading the team into Xiapi City.

The last grain truck entered Xiapi City, and the city gate was slowly closed.

Guan Yu also returned to Liu Bei.

With a livid face, he said, "Brother, that little thief is too rude..."

"He won't come to see me?" Liu Bei had seen the whole process, but he still asked.

Liu Bei's face was full of disappointment.

He and Lu Bu, who had returned to his youth, met in Xudu, and Lu Bu targeted him everywhere.

"Let's not talk about it." After being humiliated by Lu Bu Haoyi, Guan Yu was annoyed, so he was unwilling to repeat the process again.

"We have to wait for Zifang to come back." Lu Bu refused to come to see him, and Liu Bei had no choice but to miss an opportunity to cheat and open the city full of disappointment.

Lu Bu escorted the grain and grass into the city, and Gao Shun and Zhang Liao came up to meet him.

"Just now Liu Bei rushed towards Wenhou, we were very worried." Gao Shun said: "In case he tries to harm Wenhou..."

"He just wants to see me." Lu Bu said, "Based on him and the people he brought, he can't do anything to me. On the contrary, he should be glad that he didn't come to me. If he didn't stop and let Guan Yu go forward, I would Already chopped him off."

(End of this chapter)

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