Chapter 57 Let her sleep tonight
On the third day after Yu Jin withdrew, Mi Fang returned to Liu Bei's army.

Hearing that he was back, Liu Bei personally went out of his tent to meet him.

"Zi Fang is back!" Seeing Mi Fang, Liu Bei stepped forward quickly.

"Uncle Emperor." Mi Fang bowed and saluted, "I brought all the five thousand coins."

"Hard work Zifang." Liu Bei said, "I'll send someone to send the money to Xiapi."

"I need someone to enter Xiapi, so I am willing to recommend myself." Mi Fang said earnestly.

"Zifang has had a hard time traveling, how can he enter Xiapi again?" Liu Bei retorted, "I'll let someone else go."

Being rejected by Liu Bei, Mi Fang did not give up, but bowed again, and said in a sincere tone: "My elder brother is in trouble, who else will save him with sincerity besides me?"

Liu Bei showed hesitation: "It's not that I don't want Zifang to go, it's just that Zizhong is already trapped, so I can't let you in too..."

"I'm here to send money to save people, not to die." Mi Fang replied: "Don't worry, uncle, I will not only persuade Lu Bu to let his brother go when I enter Xiapi, but also let him open the city gate to welcome uncle into the city. .”

"I wonder what Zifang can do?" Liu Bei asked.

"No matter how good you say it now, it's useless." Mi Fang replied: "Only when I see Lu Bu, I will know how to persuade him."

Mi Fang didn't say how he would persuade Lu Bu, so Liu Bei certainly wouldn't feel relieved.

But besides Mi Fang, he couldn't think of who else would be suitable.

Enter Xiapi yourself?
Liu Bei would not be that stupid.

Five thousand soldiers and horses were stationed outside the city, and he entered the city himself to show his sincerity. If Lu Bu wanted to kill him, wouldn't he go to die?

What Liu Bei was most worried about was not whether Lu Bu would deal with Mi Fang, but whether Mi Fang could persuade Lu Bu.

Once the army entered the city, Lu Bu would be caught off guard if he suddenly launched an attack.

Taking advantage of the number of people, it is not difficult to win Xiapi.

The question is whether he can enter the city smoothly?
After a moment of silence, Liu Bei finally nodded, took Mi Fang's hands and said with concern: "Zi Fang must be careful after entering the city. If you can't convince Lu Bu to just come back, I will never blame you."

"Uncle Huang is waiting for my good news." Mi Fang agreed, and asked someone to bring him a horse, and took a few guards and [-] hanging copper coins and ran towards the gate of Xiapi City.

With a carriage full of copper coins, Mi Fang came to Xiapi City.

He shouted to the top of the wall: "Listen, guards, I sent money to redeem people, go and report to General Lu."

Lu Bu went out of the city to meet the food and grass, and the crisis of food shortage in Xiapi was over.

Although Liu Bei's army was approaching the city, he did not dare to attack.

Zhang Liao and others patrol the city every day, and Lu Bu doesn't have to be there all the time.

The early spring has passed quietly, and the wind at the turn of spring and summer is already slightly smoky.

In the flower pavilion in the backyard of Xiapi Mansion, Lu Bu and Diao Chan are sitting behind a table, and the five dancers Dong Cheng sent him are dancing.

The other two dancers occupy a corner of the flower pavilion, one on the left and the other on the right.

The dancer in the left corner concentrates on caressing, and the sound is like a mountain spring pouring out, like a gentle breeze.

The dancer on the right is holding a pipa in her arms and playing along with the melody of clang.

Pipa originated from the Western Regions and was introduced to the Central Plains during the prosperous Han Dynasty.

Playing the pipa requires more effort than playing the qin, and it takes more time to learn this instrument than to learn the zither, so there is a saying that there is a thousand days of pipa and a hundred days of zither.

Accompanied by the melodious melody, the red-clothed dancer slightly parted her vermilion lips, and sang a Han Yuefu, which Lu Bu thought was jerky and difficult to understand.

"Husband hasn't been to the city to inspect much these two days, can you rest assured?" After pouring a glass of wine for Lu Bu, Diao Chan held it in front of him with both hands.

"What are you worried about?" After receiving the wine, Lu Bu drank it all in one gulp: "It's fine for the generals to defend the city. If I wander around the city all day, Liu Bei will think I'm afraid of him."

"My husband is a world-class hero, how can I be afraid of him." After pouring another cup for him, Diao Chan said: "I just think that Liu Bei is not an idler, so I should be more careful."

"How could I not know Liu Bei." Picking up his wine glass, Lu Bu enjoyed the singing and dancing: "He came to Xiapi this time definitely not for a temporary rest, but to drive me out of the way to occupy Xuzhou and gain a place in the world's hegemony."

Hearing that Liu Bei wanted to go to the Pi, Diao Chan, who was lifting a spoon to pour wine for Lu Bu, was taken aback.

The spoon was inadvertently detached from his hand and fell into the wooden barrel of wine.

Lu Bu turned to look at her: "What's the matter, madam?"

"It's nothing." Squeezing a smile, Diao Chan said calmly, "Since my husband knows that he wants to escape, he must find a way. There is a large army outside the city, which always makes people feel uneasy."

"I deliberately asked them to wait outside the city." Taking the wooden spoon that Diao Chan had just picked up, Lu Bu poured out a glass of wine and handed it to her mouth.

Taking a look at the wine in the glass, Diao Chan took it and tasted it carefully.

"Liu Xuande wants to go to the Pi, wants to kill me and then quickly, I also want his head." Looking at the dancers who are singing and dancing, Lu Bu smiled confidently: "I will make him regret coming to the Pi, even if he If you are lucky enough not to die, you will wake up when you meet me in a dream.”

"Has your husband found a solution?" After drinking the wine in the glass, Diao Chan poured another glass for Lu Bu.

The wine of the Eastern Han Dynasty was different from that of later generations.

Although it has a strong smell of wine, the liquor is very cloudy, and the strength is not strong.

Appreciating the singing and dancing, the couple drank several cups, Lu Bu didn't feel anything, but a faint blush appeared on Diao Chan's cheeks.

Diao Chan was already overwhelmed by the country, a thin blush appeared on her cheeks, which added a bit of tenderness and beauty to her.

Attracted by her pretty appearance, Lu Bu couldn't help but put his arms around her waist.

Putting his lips close to her ear, Lu Bu whispered, "I only came with Madam once last night, why don't you practice a few more times tonight..."

"Husband also said..." It was only after noon, when Lu Bu actually brought up the matter that the couple did that night, Diao Chan said softly, "How can you always bring up the matter in the house whenever you are with the concubine?"

"We are husband and wife, don't talk about these fun things, can't we talk about conquests on the battlefield every day?" Lu Bu smiled, and moved his arm around Diao Chan
"Not tonight." Diao Chan pursed her lips and smiled, "I'm afraid I will disappoint my husband."

"What?" Lu Bu was taken aback.

"My husband fucked last night. When I woke up in the morning, my period came two days earlier than before." Diao Chan looked at the dancing girl in red who was singing and dancing: "Since they came to Xiapi, my husband has never been favored by me. Why don't we have it tonight?" Let her come to bed."

Before Lu Bu responded, a maid trotted up to the flower pavilion.

She bowed and saluted: "General Qi, there is a man named Mi Fang outside the city asking to see you."

(End of this chapter)

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