The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 58 Let the soldiers enter the city to find women

Chapter 58 Let the soldiers enter the city to find women

Mi Fang asked to see her outside the city.

Lu Bu smiled at Diao Chan: "Here comes the money giver."

"Send money?" Diao Chan looked at him in surprise.

"As long as you know that he is here to give benefits, nothing else matters." Lu Bu stood up: "Madam, go to bed early at night, and don't go out no matter what you hear tonight."

Watching Lu Bu leave with eyes full of confusion, Diao Chan, who lives in the backyard and has almost no contact with the outside world, can't figure out why Mi Fang is Liu Bei's man, so why should she send money to Lu Bu.

When Lu Bu came to the city wall, Mi Fang was still waiting outside.

Glancing down from the top of the city, Lu Bu told the soldiers beside him, "Ask him what he's here for."

"General Lu asked you what you are here for?" the soldier shouted.

Mi Fang replied: "I came here to send money."

"Ask how much he gave?" Lu Bu still didn't show up.

The soldier shouted again: "The general asked how much you sent?"

"Five thousand hangings, one hanging is quite a lot." Mi Fang replied: "The general, please send someone to count."

"Let him enter the city." Lu Bu explained to the soldiers beside him.

"The general let you enter the city." The soldier called out to Mi Fang.

A moment later, the city gate opened, and Mi Fang entered the city with a carriage full of copper coins.

Lu Bu did not walk down the city wall.

He ordered the soldiers: "Let Mi Fang deliver the copper coins to the treasury first, and then take him to the wing in the backyard to meet me later."

When officials meet people, if they are foreign envoys, most of them will choose the front hall.

If the person who is very close or very important comes, you will usually choose the study room.

As for receiving guests in the backyard wing room, most of them regard the visitors as gifts or deliveries.

Choosing to meet Mi Fang in the wing room, Lu Bu wanted to humiliate him once.

Let the world know that although Liu Bei has fooled himself from the emperor to become the emperor's uncle, he is not even a fart in his eyes.

After the battle of Xiapi, it is impossible to maneuver with Liu Bei.

All heroes in the world can be allies, but Liu Bei is just an endless enemy!
No matter how generous you are, there is no need to talk about etiquette with your sworn enemy.

Mi Fang was taken to the treasury, while Lu Bu returned to the government.

Not long after, the guard led Mi Fang to the backyard wing.

At the door of the wing room, Mi Fang asked the guard: "General Lu is here to see me?"

"The general is already waiting, Mi Gong, please!" The guard opened the door for him.

Mi Fang walked into the room and saw Lu Bu playing with his saber.

"Dare to ask the little general..." Mi Fang cupped her hands, "Is Wen Hou here?"

Lu Bu raised his eyes and glanced at him: "Don't you know me, General Mi?"

"The little general has been to Xudu, of course I recognize it." Mi Fang said, "It's just that I asked to see Marquis Wen when I entered the city, and I asked the little general to report on my behalf."

"I didn't expect that I, Lu Bu, have lived my whole life, and now few people recognize me." Wiping his sword, Lu Bu said casually, "I am Lu Bu, and Lu Bu is me!"

When he went to Xudu, he used Lu Nan's identity.

Because of his young appearance, although he was very similar to Lu Bu in people's impression, no one had doubts about it.

Lu Bu admitted his identity frankly, but Mi Fang still couldn't believe it.

People will only get older and older, but the person in front of me doesn't look like a middle-aged person at all, but is young and in full bloom.

"Little general, don't joke." Thinking that Lu Bu was teasing him, Mi Fang laughed along: "It's disrespectful to call Wen Hou by his first and last name!"

"What's disrespectful to call me by my own name?" Lu Bu looked at the polished sword, and said, "God bless me and make me young overnight. It's not that I didn't tell others the truth. Will you believe it?"

Mi Fang was astonished.

It's not that he has never seen strange things, but he has never heard of someone who can change from middle age to teenager.

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, you have to believe it sooner or later." Returning the sword sheathed and putting it on the table, Lu Bu looked at Mi Fang: "The money has been delivered?"

"Five thousand hangs, a copper coin is not a lot." Mi Fang asked: "Dare to ask the general, can you let my elder brother go?"

He did not call Lu Bu Wen Hou, but adopted the title of general.

"Yes, of course I can. It's just that you don't think I want too little?"

"It is said that Wen Hou promised to send [-] hanging money earlier, and then he can be sent back to my elder brother. The man and husband promise everything, not to mention Wen Hou is a hero in the world." Mi Fang replied: "No matter who the general is, it is hard to change Wen Waiting for the military order?."

"Again, Lu Bu is me, and I am Lu Bu." Lu Bu emphasized his identity again, and then said: "The so-called poor people have short ambitions, horses are thin and long hair, and a copper coin can hardly kill a true hero? As long as a hungry person can get When a meal is full, who cares about whether it is good or bad? Even if the words can really be exchanged for a few tripods, they will be sold as scrap iron for food."

Lu Bu once again revealed his identity. Although Mi Fang didn't quite believe it, she didn't dare to reveal it.

"I believe the general is Wen Hou." Lu Bu's words made Mi Fang slightly uneasy, he lowered his head and said, "I don't quite understand what Wen Hou said just now..."

"Don't be nervous, I don't mean anything else, just casually expressing my feelings." Lu Bu chuckled: "I heard that the Mi family was once the richest man in Xuzhou. I wonder if it's true?"

"There are a lot of rich people in Xuzhou, and the Mi family used to have some money and food." Mi Fang replied: "The emperor's uncle was in charge of Xuzhou back then, and my elder brother had already donated all the family wealth. Now the Mi family is also completely destitute, and has no financial resources in the past."

"Is it true that the house is empty?" Lu Bu chuckled.

"It's really a barren house." Mi Fang replied.

"I will send your elder brother out of the city later." Lu Bu said, "Liu Xuande wanted to rest in Xiapi, but I never drove him away. Now that he has been stationed outside the city for some days, he should go."

"How can stationing outside the city compare with stationing inside the city?" Lu Bu asked Liu Bei to lead the army to leave, Mi Fang replied: "The army passed through Xiapi in order to crusade against Huainan, please ask Wenhou to order the opening of the city gate so that the soldiers can enter the city to relax for a few minutes." My God. Go to the market to find women, and spend some of their money, so that you will have more morale when you go to battle."

"Go shopping and find women before going to war?" Lu Bu looked at Mi Fang: "I've led soldiers for many years and I've never heard of this truth?"

"The soldiers have been away for a long time, and they don't have any family members by their side, so they have to find women to spend some of their extra energy." Mi Fang said: "Wen Hou has led the soldiers for many years, so he should be able to understand the difficulties of the soldiers."

"Just for this?" Lu Bu said, "Tell Liu Xuande to give him a few thousand coins, and I'll find him some women from Fengyuechang."

"Uncle Huang wants the soldiers to spend some of the money." Mi Fang said with a bitter face: "If the money from finding women is allocated to Uncle Huang, the soldiers don't care how much they get when they fight the enemy, so how can they move forward bravely? "

(End of this chapter)

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