Chapter 59
The Eastern and Western Han conscription adopted the recruitment system.

However, the recruiting system in the Western Han Dynasty was quite different from that in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Recruiting soldiers in the Western Han Dynasty paid attention to the quality of the soldiers, and they were not qualified to join the army if they were not physically strong.

Once enlisted, soldiers become professional soldiers and are paid a monthly salary.

In the Eastern Han Dynasty, starting from the recruitment of soldiers by Emperor Guangwu, the standards for recruiting soldiers were lowered in order to increase the number of soldiers.

Many prisoners and idlers can also enter the army.

Due to the increase in the number of soldiers, the salaries paid by the imperial court to soldiers were several times lower than those in the Western Han Dynasty.

With a meager salary, not only can't support the whole family, but even spending on one's own is a problem.

Therefore, every time they go into battle, even if the imperial court does not condone the soldiers' looting, they will turn a blind eye and refuse to restrain them.

Letting the soldiers spend all their money before the battle is also one of the ways to improve their combat effectiveness before the battle.

In the context of recruiting soldiers in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Mi Fang's statement is reasonable.

Lu Bu pinched his chin and frowned in thought.

Standing in front of him, Mi Fang dared not speak.

From the confused expression on his face, Mi Zhu could see that he was struggling fiercely.

Xiapi was short of money, and more than 5000 soldiers entered the city, and they could bring a lot of money as long as they were stationed for three days.

Sure enough, after a while Lu Bu raised his head: "Tell Liu Xuande that the army can enter the city, and let him restrain the soldiers and horses. If trouble is caused here, I will definitely not make it easy for him."

Mi Fang breathed a sigh of relief, bowed and said, "I will definitely convey Wen Hou's meaning to Uncle Huang."

"Come here." Lu Bu told the guard outside the gate, "Lead General Mi to see his elder brother, and send the two out of the city."

When the guards entered the house, Mi Fang asked Lu Bu: "Dare to ask Wenhou, when can the emperor enter the city?"

"It's getting late today." Lu Bu said, "I'll ask him to lead the troops into the city tomorrow morning."

"Thank you for Wenhou Chengcheng." Mi Fang thanked and took leave.

Mi Zhu was detained in the city, and he didn't suffer much these days.

Living in the government house, he was taken care of every day for food and lodging, but he gained some weight after a few days.

After waiting near the city gate for a while, Mi Fang breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Mi Zhu.

"Brother looks so good." He cupped his hands and said, "I'm so worried these days."

"Although Lu Bu detained me here, he didn't make me suffer." Mi Zhu replied, "I eat and sleep well every day, but my life is comfortable."

"Brother is living a comfortable life, but the five thousand copper coins are gone." Mi Fang smiled and said, "But as long as brother is fine, please come out of the city with me."

The two brothers walked out of Xiapi under the escort of a group of Xuzhou troops.

After sending them outside the city gate, the Xuzhou army turned back.

Looking at the slowly closing city gate, Mi Fang thought of Mi Zhu and asked: "Brother came to Xiapi, did you see Lu Bu?"

"No." Mi Zhu said: "I only saw the young general who went to Xudu back then. He said he was Lu Bu, but I didn't believe him. Although he looks good, how old is Lu Bu now? How old is he now? "

"He also said the same thing to me." Mi Fang said, "I don't believe that he is Lu Bu either."

"It should be that Lu Bu didn't want to see us, or there was some other reason for him to find someone to replace us." Mi Zhu shook his head, "Lu Bu is also very stupid. Find someone of the same age to replace him, and find out what this young man will do." look."

"If he wasn't stupid, how could he have caused so many disasters?" Mi Fang smiled and said, "In addition to releasing my brother, he also promised to invite my uncle into the city tomorrow morning."

"He really agreed?" Mi Zhu's eyes lit up.

"I really agreed." Mi Fang first narrated the process of persuading Lu Bu, and then said: "For the sake of petty gain, he is actually willing to let the emperor's uncle enter the city, which is extremely stupid."

"Since he seeks death, Uncle Huang will definitely make it happen." Mi Zhu said with a smile: "As long as Xiapi is occupied, there will be some troubles except for Chen Deng and others, and there will be no other opponents in Xuzhou, Uncle Huang will have the foundation to settle down."

"That's right." Mi Fang was overjoyed and said, "We'd better go back and tell Uncle Huang the news."

The two brothers returned to the barracks and told Liu Bei that Lu Bu had allowed the army to enter the city.

Of course Liu Bei was overjoyed, and immediately ordered all the soldiers to be ready to seize Xiapi as soon as the whole army entered the city.

Liu Bei's army outside the city was secretly preparing for the battle, and Lu Bu was not idle.

After Mi Zhu and Mi Fang left, he came to the barracks.

The soldiers who received the order gathered in the school grounds, all looking at Lu Bu who was standing facing the formation.

Thousands of people have not even uttered a cough.

The air above the school field is filled with the chill atmosphere before the battle.

"Just now I promised Liu Bei to let him enter the city tomorrow morning." As soon as Lu Bu spoke, the faces of the soldiers showed confusion.

Liu Bei stayed outside the city for several days, but the city gate was never opened to them.

Lu Bu suddenly allowed him to enter the city, of course the soldiers would not understand why.

"I told you earlier what Liu Bei wants to do when he enters the city." Lu Bu then shouted, "Many of you must be wondering, since you know what he is here for, why would I agree to let him lead the army?" Into the city?"

He expressed the doubts in the hearts of the soldiers, and everyone present held their breath, waiting for what he would say later.

"Liu Bei wants to take Xiapi from us, of course I won't agree." Lu Bu sneered and said, "The reason he gave me was that it would cost a lot of copper for the troops under his command to enter the city. He thought I would turn my back on it for these petty profits. Clear the situation."

"But he was wrong!" Lu Bu raised his voice as his eyes wandered in front of the formation, "I let them enter the city to destroy them. They carry copper coins, we don't need them to spend, just grab them directly. Yes If we grab the opportunity, what business do we have with them?"

After understanding what Lu Bu meant, there was a burst of not-so-loud laughter on the school grounds.

"You have to take your positions tonight, and tomorrow there will be a one-sided fight." Lu Bu shouted: "If they dare to enter the city, we will prevent any of them from leaving alive!"

The soldiers on the school field did not shout, but they all straightened their chests and were ready to go into battle.

Instructing Zhang Liao and the others to arrange their own troops to ambush in the city, Lu Bu left the barracks with Chen Gong and Yan Xiang.

After leaving the barracks, Lu Bu took the two of them back to the State Shepherd's Mansion.

Sit in turn.

Chen Gong said: "Wen Hou will be able to ambush Liu Bei tomorrow morning, and he will definitely win a big victory. After defeating Liu Bei, what is Wen Hou's plan?"

"You should know where the Mi family in Xuzhou is." Lu Bu said, "The five thousand coins that Mi Fang sent were taken from there, so it can be seen that the Mi family still has a lot of money."

"Wen Hou means..." Chen Gong already understood what Lu Bu was going to do.

"The Mi family is not my follower. They still have a family business in Xuzhou. I stole their house, so no one should be able to say anything." Lu Bu laughed: "Zhengchou has no money, and someone gave him a cornucopia." .”

PS: Let’s announce the public group number again: 423442171.Also, the group has always been managed by female managers, and the number will increase in the future, so it is urgent to recruit new female managers.Ladies and sisters with outstanding looks can sign up with the general manager Zhuma and Shuian
(End of this chapter)

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