Chapter 60
Lu Bu only brought more than 500 people to the gate of the city.

The city gate of Xiapi, which had been closed for several days, slowly opened.

Through the deep city gate, he could see Liu Bei's army that had been waiting outside the city for a long time.

She winked to the side.

He rushed out on a fast horse.

The knight rode out of the city gate and stopped in front of Liu Bei's army.

Zhuma stood inside the city gate, and after a while Lu Bu saw Liu Bei leading his army towards the city gate.

Liu Bei led the army to the gate of the city.

Facing the open city gate, he didn't go in immediately.

He winked at Guan Yu.

Guan Yu greeted and led a group of soldiers into the city.

Seeing this scene through the city gate, Lu Bu felt a little funny.

He said that women are like clothes and brothers are like brothers. Liu Bei did manage to throw his women like old clothes, but brothers and brothers seem to be just talking.

Not sure if it would be troublesome to enter the city, Liu Bei actually let Guan Yu go first.

If Lu Bu really planned to launch a sudden attack, Guan Yu and the soldiers he brought would not even leave a single person alive.

Watching Guan Yu enter the city with cold eyes, Lu Bu did not take any action.

Guan Yu entered the city and ordered his soldiers to line up near the city gate.

Heng Dao immediately looked at Lu Bu, and he seemed to be a statue blocking the city gate.

It wasn't until Guan Yu successfully entered the city that Liu Bei, who was relieved a lot, called Zhang Fei and the soldiers to follow him into the city gate.

He walked past Guan Yu.

Guan Yu followed and protected him with Zhang Fei.

Lu Bu said he was here to greet Liu Bei, but he was wearing armor and carrying Fang Tian's painted halberd, so he really couldn't see the sincerity of the greeting.

There were still six or seven steps away from Lu Bu, Liu Bei did not dare to step forward, and greeted him with a smile on his face: "It will be a while before Xu Duyi, how is the general?"

"It was good at first, but it was not so well when Duke Xuande came." Lu Bu responded very flatly.

"The general must have misunderstood me." Liu Bei looked behind Lu Bu: "Why don't you see Fengxian?"

"I told Mi Zhu and Mi Fang earlier that I am Lu Bu, and Lu Bu is me." Lu Bu said expressionlessly, "Don't Xuande believe it?"

Mi Zhu and Mi Fang did pass on Lu Bu's words to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei only thought it was funny at the time.

Where in the world is there such a thing as rejuvenation?
Lu Bu just found someone who looked exactly like him to pretend to be a ghost.

Liu Bei never expected that Lu Bu would say such ridiculous things in front of him.

Deliberately laughing twice, but also worried that the timing was wrong, the muscles on his face twitched violently a few times, and his expression looked very embarrassed.

"Don't Xuande believe it?" Lu Bu asked him.

"The general was joking." Liu Bei smiled awkwardly: "Fengxian and I are old friends, don't I know him?"

"In terms of friendship, there was indeed some friendship back then." Lu Bu pouted, "But now that I'm in front of you, but you don't recognize me, how can there be any friendship at all?"

Liu Bei was familiar with the former Lu Bu, and although the one in front of him is still Lu Bu, the soul in his body has been replaced by someone else.

Especially his appearance, it seems that Lu Bu is really good, but his age is not right.

The purpose of entering the city was not to talk about the friendship with Lu Bu, but to take Xiapi away, and Liu Bei did not argue with him.

With a calm expression on his face, Liu Bei said: "The general said it was Fengxian, so I can't help but believe it. Ask Fengxian, where does he plan to station our army?"

"There is only one military camp in the city." Lu Bu asked, "Where does Xuande plan to be stationed?"

"Of course they are stationed in the barracks." Liu Bei replied, "You and I are not outsiders. The soldiers of the two armies are stationed together, so we can ask each other for advice."

"It's still Xuande who is thoughtful." Lu Bu said, "Please!"

When Liu Bei entered the city, he did not attack Lu Bu immediately.

Accompanied by him, the army came to the barracks.

Entering the barracks, Lu Bu asked, "How many days does Xuande plan to stay in the city?"

"At most three days." Liu Bei replied: "Mr. Cao wants me to attack Huainan, and I can't stay here for too long."

"Although Yuan Shu is dead, there are still 2 troops in Huainan." Lu Bu glanced at the soldiers brought by Liu Bei, "It's enough to take Huainan with such a small force, but it's not that difficult to take Xiapi."

Lu Bu bluntly said that he could win Xiapi, Liu Bei was stunned for a moment.

Then he chuckled: "The general is joking again..."

"Didn't Xuande say that he believed that I was Lu Bu?" Looking at Liu Bei, a strange smile hung on the corner of Lu Bu's mouth.

"Fengxian is so young, I won't be able to adapt for a while." Liu Bei smiled and cupped his hands apologetically: "If you offend me, please don't blame me!"

Since Liu Bei entered Xiapi, Lu Bu didn't give him a good face.

However, Liu Bei didn't seem to care at all, still talking and laughing happily.

Lu Bu admired his behavior very much.

In terms of hypocrisy, there is probably no second person in the world who can match Liu Bei.

He was full of friendship from the past, if he didn't know his personality, who would have thought that he had already shown his knife, and was about to slap someone fiercely from behind!
In the barracks, soldiers under Lu Bu's command sat in groups of three or four at the gate of the barracks.

When Lu Bu came to the camp, few people stood up to greet him.

Seeing this scene, Liu Bei was overjoyed.

He proposed to be stationed in the military camp, and he had already planned to wait until midnight to launch an attack, taking advantage of the unpreparedness of Lu Bu's soldiers, and killed them all.

As long as Lu Bu's soldiers are dealt with, Xiapi is still in the bag?
Thinking about good things, Liu Bei not only didn't show the slightest expression on his face, but asked Lu Bu: "Military discipline is so lax, why doesn't Fengxian care about it?"

"Control? How?" Lu Bu said, "Nowadays Xiapi is short of money and food, and the soldiers can stay in the army, but they still talk about loyalty. If you can't give benefits to the soldiers, Xuande taught me how to restrain them. them?"

Liu Bei seemed to sigh in pity and compassion: "If you suffer, I will serve you first."

"I have sent Xuande to the barracks, and I will see him off in three days." Lu Bu refused to tell Liu Bei any more, so he bowed his hands and resigned.

"I'll send it off first." Lu Bu didn't intend to provoke, and Liu Bei became more courageous.

Sending Lu Bu out of the barracks, Liu Bei took Guan Yu and Zhang Fei back to the barracks.

After closing the door, Guan Yu asked, "They only had so few people just now, why didn't my brother make a sudden attack?"

"I was thinking about launching a sudden attack." Liu Bei smiled lightly: "After entering the city, I changed my mind."

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked at him in surprise.

Liu Bei told them: "A sudden attack will inevitably lead to a fierce battle. Since they are not prepared, it is better to settle down first and fight quietly in the middle of the night."

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei suddenly realized.

Lv Bu is extremely brave, and he also has three powerful generals under his command: Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Ji Ling.

Forcibly seizing the city will indeed cause a lot of losses.

According to Liu Bei's method to attack at night, the soldiers under Lu Bu's command should still be asleep.

After solving the soldiers, no matter how brave Lu Bu and others are, they can only be slaughtered!

(End of this chapter)

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