The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 61 The Roots Pulled For Him

Chapter 61 The Roots Pulled For Him
After leaving the barracks, Lu Bu did not return to the State Shepherd's Mansion.

He came to Xiapi official mansion.

After entering the door, Chen Gong and Yan Xiang greeted him.

"Wen Hou." When the two greeted each other, Chen Gong asked, "What's the matter?"

"Liu Bei has already entered the barracks." Lu Bu said, "He should make some moves tonight."

"If he doesn't move and stays there for three days, what shall we do?" Chen Gong asked.

He's not saying it's impossible.

Lu Bu thought for a while: "Even if that's the case, we can't let him leave safely. Wait until the last night to launch a surprise attack, and then find a reasonable excuse."

"Did you convey to Yan Gong what I discussed with Gongtai earlier?" Lu Bu asked.

"It has been conveyed." Chen Gong replied: "Since Liu Bei has entered the city, Lord Yan can also leave."

"How much money does Marquis Wen want me to bring back?" Yan Xiang asked.

"The Mi family has been operating in Xuzhou for many years. Their family has a big business. Although they have supported Liu Bei a few years ago, they definitely have a lot of property." Lu Bu said: "After we robbed, the Mi family will leave to protect themselves. Xuzhou, since there is no long stream, it is better to simply dry up the lake and fish."

"I'm going to do something for Marquis Wen right now." Yan Xiang bowed.

Watching him leave, Lu Bu pursed his lips: "Liu Xuande wants to go to the Pi, I will uproot him this time, so that he will never have a foothold in the Central Plains."

"Liu Bei wants to take down Xiapi, but Wen Hou wants to uproot him." Chen Gong smiled and shook his head: "It seems that Wen Hou will win this time."

"He despises me too much." Lu Bu smiled lightly, "Maybe I gave him the impression that I was greedy for small profits before, so he will go to the city with confidence. How could he think that what I want is not thousands of soldiers in the city Instead of spending money, uproot him."

"Liu Bei will never forget this big loss." Chen Gong responded, "I just don't know if he will still have a chance."

The Xiapi barracks once stationed tens of thousands of horses.

The original soldiers and horses in the camp and the soldiers brought by Liu Bei lived in barracks dozens of steps apart.

Night came quietly.

Xiapi, which had been besieged for several months, was dead silent at night, and there was not even a dog barking in the empty streets.

In the same quiet military camp, there was no arrangement for soldiers patrolling at night.

Leading Guan Yu and Zhang Fei out of the barracks, Liu Bei looked around.

He frowned, and muttered in a low voice: "It's already night, why is there not even a patrolling soldier? Could it be that Lu Bu was really disabled, and the soldiers in the army are just in name?"

"It doesn't matter if it's a fake or not, but it's really useful." Zhang Fei said, "We'll kill them first."

"Third brother is right." Guan Yu also said beside him: "It's getting late, and if you delay for a while, I'm afraid you will miss a big deal."

"Here's an order to sneak into the barracks and kill all of Lu Bu's men while they're asleep." Liu Bei issued the order.

Many soldiers under Liu Bei approached the barracks where Lu Bu's army lived lightly.

They gently opened the door and tiptoed in.

Liu Bei was waiting, but he soon saw soldiers running out of the barracks.

"What's going on?" When he realized something was wrong, he asked aside.

"Go and ask." Guan Yu ordered a guard.

The guards ran towards the soldiers who had just come out of the barracks, and then turned back.

"Qi Emperor Uncle, the barracks are empty, not even half a person." The guard reported to Liu Bei.

Knowing that there was no one in the barracks, Liu Bei yelled, "No!"

He immediately ordered: "Send the order, leave the barracks as soon as possible and seize Xiapi!"

Before the order was issued, countless torches suddenly lit up around the barracks, and the dense Lu Bu army approached quickly.

Each direction is led by a general.

It was Lu Bu who walked towards the gate of the barracks.

Standing in good position, the soldiers of Lu Bu's army opened their longbows and aimed at the five thousand soldiers in the barracks.

No one gave an order, and countless arrows roared out.

At the same time as the arrow flew out, Lu Bu shouted: "Big-eared thief, when you clamored to enter the city, I knew that nothing good would happen. Sure enough, you have evil intentions. If I don't kill you today, how can I be kind to the world?" Someone explain?"

Arrows fell like rain, and the unsuspecting Liu Beijun in the barracks became the best living target.

At first there were some people holding shields and forming a small formation.

However, the arrows are not coming from one direction.

The soldiers forming the formation blocked the arrows flying from the front, but were shot from behind.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei each held a shield and protected Liu Bei into a barracks.

Outside came the wailing of soldiers being shot and the sound of arrows being nailed to the wall.

I don't know how long it took, but the voice gradually became smaller.

Zhang Fei poked his head and looked out.

"Third brother, what's the matter?" Liu Bei asked Zhang Fei, trembling all over.

"Dead...all dead..." Zhang Fei said: "We can't be here, they will come in soon."

"Then what should we do?" Liu Bei was born as a villager weaving mats and selling shoes, and Liu Bei had no background.

In the past, he used to defect to heroes everywhere under the guise of the royal family.

If you are unlucky and meet someone who is too strong, he will leave after taking some advantage.

If he is lucky enough to meet someone like Tao Qian, he will occupy other people's territory and ask for a place to take root.

Since the Yellow Turban Rebellion, Liu Bei took Guan Yu and Zhang Fei around to get credit.

He first became a county magistrate from a county lieutenant, and then became a state shepherd. The official is getting bigger and bigger day by day, and his desire is also expanding day by day.

Although Xuzhou is a place of many battles, it has a vast area and is close to the sea, and its products are extremely rich. As long as it is managed properly, it will only take three to five years to become rich.

Obtaining Xuzhou from Tao Qian, Liu Bei thought he could recruit soldiers and horses to strengthen his power.

Unexpectedly, Lu Bu, who failed to guard Chang'an and defected to Yuan's house in Hebei, and was almost killed by Yuan Shao's taboo, came here.

He didn't want to accept Lu Bu, but he was afraid that the heroes of the world would laugh at him, so Liu Bei could only bite the bullet and give Xiaopei to him.

Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, Lu Bu snatched Xiapi from the drunken Zhang Fei.

After losing Xuzhou, Liu Bei was like a bereaved dog, so he had no choice but to flee to Cao Cao.

He hated Lu Bu deeply, and he repeatedly advised Cao Cao to crusade against Xuzhou, and only then did he have the battle of Xiapi.

It's a pity that Cao Cao failed to destroy Lu Bu in the battle of Xiapi.

I thought that when I returned to Xuzhou this time, I could take advantage of Lu Bu's temperament of greed for small profits to seize Xiapi, but I didn't expect to be ambushed by Lu Bu instead.

The barracks was full of soldiers who were shot and killed, and some of them were seriously injured and still groaning and moaning.

Zhang Fei and Guan Yu protected Liu Bei, and the three almost crawled out of the barracks.

Before Lu Bu led anyone into the barracks, they quickly changed into the armor of the dead soldiers, and their faces and hands were covered with blood.

The three lay face down on the ground and pretended to be dead. Lu Bu led Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and others into the barracks.

(End of this chapter)

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