The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 62 Men Have To Be Responsible

Chapter 62 Men Have To Be Responsible
The soldiers carried the corpses onto the carriages and transported them outside the city for burial.

Most of the corpses were carried out, and the prisoners were counted one by one, but Liu Bei, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and others were still not seen.

As the corpses decreased one by one, Lu Bu frowned slightly.

Zhang Liao muttered: "It's strange, Liu Xuande, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei could still fly out."

"I asked them to check the corpses one by one, did they do it?" Lu Bu asked.

"It's done." Gao Shun replied: "The soldiers didn't dare to miss a single one, and they threw it into the carriage only when they were sure they were dead."

"Did you add two spears to each corpse?" Lu Bu asked again.

Gao Shun, Zhang Liao and Ji Ling glanced at each other.

"Every corpse will be repaired with three swords at the vital points, without exception." Gao Shun replied.

The dead bodies were inspected one by one without any omission, and each one had three swords added.

There was no Liu Bei among the prisoners, and he, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei were not found among the dead bodies.

Could it be that they could disappear out of thin air?

"General Zhang, General Ji, follow me to the place where the corpses are buried outside the city! General Gao is searching the city, even if you turn Xiapi upside down, you must not let them escape!" Lu Bu turned his head and walked towards the gate.

After a fight, the sky became brighter when the soldiers cleaned up the battlefield.

Gao Shun stayed behind to defend the city, while Lu Bu led Zhang Liao and Ji Ling out of the city to chase Liu Bei.

They first went to the place where the corpse was buried, and searched through the unburied corpses but did not find Liu Bei and others.

Knowing to escape from Xiapi, Liu Bei will definitely go all the way north.

Lu Bu led Zhang Liao and Ji Ling and chased them for dozens of miles.

Unfortunately, they found nothing.

The best opportunity to kill Liu Bei has been missed, and it is impossible to make up for it.

Stopping his horse and staring ahead, Lu Bu's face became serious for a while, then he suddenly burst out laughing.

Standing behind him, Zhang Liao and Ji Ling looked at each other in astonishment.

Zhang Liao asked: "Wen Hou finds it funny..."

"My deployment made Liu Xuande escape." Lu Bu said, "In terms of escape ability, no one can match him."

"Liu Xuande ran away, wouldn't there be a lot of trouble?" Zhang Liao didn't understand: "How can Wenhou still laugh?"

"Just let him run." Lu Bu said, "The world is only so big, I still don't believe he can fly to the sky!"

"Go back!" Lu Bu turned around and returned.

"We ride horses, and Liu Bei should walk." Zhang Liao asked, "Wen Hou really doesn't plan to chase?"

"Stop chasing! We meet each other on the field of killing, and victory or defeat is just a matter of life. If you can't kill this time, you will do it next time." Lu Bu said: "I think Liu Bei went to the city with his family. Although the two wives are not beautiful, they are She is also a stunning beauty..."

"The last time he also left his wife behind, Wen Hou took care of her for a few days, and then sent someone to Xudu." Zhang Liao asked, "Could it be this time..."

"One has to know how to be grateful, but Liu Bei can't." Lu Bu said: "I saved his wife for him, but he brought Cao Cao to beat me. If I miss it once, will I make it a second time?"

"Wen Hou intends to..." Zhang Liao didn't quite understand his intention.

"Madam Gan is quite old, but she still has some beauty." Lu Bu said: "As for Madam Mi, she is young and beautiful, in the prime of her youth. Liu Xuande has repeatedly abandoned these two beauties, and I feel sorry for him. It is better to leave them behind In the back house, I will settle down in the future. Anyway, it is impossible for me to send them back, as Liu Bei's tattered clothes that can be discarded at will."

Zhang Liao said: "If Marquis Wen likes them, it's better to keep them in the room."

"I already have a wife in my room, how can I accept it at will?" Lu Bu said: "I just think that people like Liu Bei should not have wives. A woman marries a man to survive. But he put his family to death and ignored them. He doesn't even want to protect his own woman, so he's still a man?"

Neither Zhang Liao nor Ji Ling knew what to say.

They didn't have too many opportunities to get in touch with Liu Bei, and they didn't know much about him.

But the two have a common understanding.

Lu Bu is very different from the past, and he must have sufficient reason for saying this.

"A man and a husband vie for supremacy in the world, but it's just a bloody battle on the battlefield." Lu Bu said: "Because of the two characters of life and death, the battle on the battlefield is more fun. People like Liu Bei will never understand it."

Zhang Liao and Ji Ling nodded in agreement.

Lu Bu said: "A man's husband only knows how to straddle a horse and raise a gun in bed, and run away first when something happens. Any woman who marries him will be unlucky for eight lifetimes!"

"Marquis Wen is right." Zhang Liao and Ji Ling replied.

Back in Xiapi, Lu Bu ordered the two wives of Gan and Mi to be taken to his study.

Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, Ji Ling and others were busy with military affairs.

Not long after entering the study, the guard led the two ladies.

He and Lu Bu are already old acquaintances, after entering the house, the two wives bowed.

Mrs. Gan is a little older, but only 26 and seven years old.

When Liu Bei's original spouse passed away, Mrs. Gan, who was a concubine, fulfilled her duties as a main wife, but she was never made a main wife.

Liu Bei has a way of saying this.

If Mrs. Gan is established as the main wife, someone will threaten her in the future.

It is undoubtedly a great humiliation to Liu Bei that the wife of the main wife falls into the hands of Biren.

It can be seen that at that time he thought about abandoning Mrs. Gan when he encountered danger in the future.

After all, if the concubine's room is captured by others, even if he does not save her, he will not bear moral condemnation.

Mrs. Mi was Liu Bei's entry into Xuzhou, and brothers Mi Zhu and Mi Fang married their own sister to please him.

Madam Mi was only fourteen or fifteen years old when she got married, and now she is only eighteen or nineteen.

After all, she was young, standing beside Madam Gan, Madam Mi kept her head down and dared not look at Lu Bu.

Seeing Lu Bu, Mrs. Gan froze for a moment.

Back then Liu Bei also abandoned her and Madam Mi in Xuzhou, but it was Lu Bu who didn't allow anyone to harm her, and took care of her with good food and drink.

Although the general sitting in the study was young and young, Mrs. Gan felt that there was a familiar aura about him.

"Please sit down, ladies." Lu Bu motioned them to sit down.

He led Mrs. Mi to sit beside her, and Mrs. Gan asked, "Dare to ask the general..."

"It's not the first time the two ladies and I have met." Lu Bu interrupted her: "I am Lu Bu, but my appearance has changed a little compared to before."

Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi looked at each other in astonishment.

"Madam doesn't believe me and I don't want to explain more." Lu Bu said: "I invite you two to come over to discuss something."

"Last time in Xuzhou, I was taken care of by Marquis Wen. If Marquis Wen has something to say, just say it." Mrs. Gan agreed.

"Liu Xuande has repeatedly abandoned the two wives like worn-out shoes. He didn't mention it last time, but this time he left the two wives again. I don't intend to send the two back to him again."

Before Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi could reply, the guards outside the door reported: "General, Yan Gong is asking to see you."

ps: I fell down yesterday and felt very dizzy. I fell asleep after finishing this chapter in the middle of the night.Now it has been completely repaired, everyone can join the group, and chat with me privately in time if you find any problems in the future.

Taboo King Pavilion public group: 423442171
(End of this chapter)

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