The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 63 Killing Liu Bei Still Wants Xuzhou

Chapter 63 Killing Liu Bei Still Wants Xuzhou

Yan Xiang was ordered to rob Mi's house, Lu Bu was eager to see him, so of course he couldn't talk too much with the two wives.

Mrs. Gan and Mrs. Mi have not spoken yet.

He showed an amicable smile: "Liu Xuande has repeatedly abandoned the two of you. It should be clear at a glance what he thinks of you. Don't worry about the two ladies. Since he can't bear the responsibility, I will take care of his wives and concubines."

"Come here." The two wives were still in astonishment, and Lu Bu ordered outside the house: "Please come in, Mr. Yan, and send the two wives to the back house to rest."

The two wives of Gan Mi walked out of the study and happened to bump into Yan Xiang.

There were several soldiers behind Yan Xiang, and two of them twisted a strong man.

Although the two wives did not know Yan Xiang, they knew that he was someone who was valued by Lu Bu.

After bowing, they followed the guards and left.

Yan Xiang cupped his hands, watched the two of them leave before coming to the door of the study: "Wen Hou, I'm back."

"Mr. Yan, hurry up and come in!" Lu Bu greeted from the room.

Walking into the study, Yan Xiang greeted him, Lu Bu asked him to sit down and asked, "How much did Yan Gong gain this time?"

"Fortunately, I went early." Yan Xiang replied: "The Mi family was planning to move, and I blocked them. All the goods were sent to Xiapi. I roughly counted them, and they were warm enough to recruit [-] troops."

"So much?" It took a lot of copper coins to recruit [-] troops, and Lu Bu really didn't expect to be able to steal so much from the Mi family.

"Compared to this matter, another matter is more important." Yan Xiang asked, "Did Wen Hou let Liu Bei run away?"

Before the battle, Yan Xiang left Xiapi with a group of soldiers.

He should not have known about it.

Lu Bu asked suspiciously, "How did Lord Yan know?"

"I'll send a person, Wen Hou will know when he sees you." Yan Xiang agreed, and then he ordered outside the door: "Bring the person in!"

Two soldiers twisted a strong man into the study.

"Tell him to raise his head." Yan Xiang ordered the soldiers.

One of the soldiers grabbed the strong man by the bun and pulled his head back.

The strong man's neck was pulled up, and his face was facing Lu Bu.

The moment he saw him, Lu Bu immediately had a very familiar feeling, but he couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

"Does Marquis Wen recognize this person?" Yan Xiang asked.

"I think it looks familiar." Lu Bu examined the strong man.

"He used to be Wei Xu's personal soldier, and because Wei Xu was killed, he was cast as Marquis Wen." Yan Xiang said: "Liu Bei secretly bribed him, and he secretly threw the three of them into the carriage transporting the corpses."

Looking at the strong man, Lu Bu's face turned cold: "It's really you?"

The strong man lowered his head and did not dare to make a sound.

Lu Bu asked again, "What benefit did Liu Bei give you?"

The strong man still lowered his head. Facing Lu Bu, his whole body had long since softened, so he couldn't make a sound.

"Why didn't Hou Wen answer the question?" Yan Xiang glared at him.

"He... he promised to give me a load of copper coins." The strong man replied tremblingly.

"Liu Bei promised to give it to you, and he really will." Lu Bu snorted coldly: "But why do you think you can get that cart of copper coins alive?"

"Have you confessed everything?" Lu Bu asked Yan Xiang.

"All confessed." Yan Xiang said: "When I captured him, he sent Liu Bei and others away. Seeing Guan Yu and Zhang Fei escorting Liu Bei away, I knew it was useless to chase him, so I captured him .”

"How far is it from here?" Lu Bu suddenly stood up.

"It's far, it's too far." Yan Xiang replied: "Wen Hou chases after him now, and he will definitely not find anyone."

Lu Bu sat down again, he knew exactly what Liu Bei's departure meant.

With Liu Bei's ability, it is not difficult to set off a storm in a troubled world.

His escape is destined to cause countless troubles in the future.

As long as Liu Bei is alive, how many children will die in battle.

Glaring at the man, Lu Bu sneered, "You let Liu Bei go because of a load of copper coins!"

Smelling the strong killing intent in the air, the strong man trembled violently all over.

"My lord, what should we do with this person?" Yan Xiang asked.

"Call together the three armies, and kill this man a thousand times in public," Lu Bu ordered.

"General, spare your life." Being dragged towards the door by two soldiers, the strong man cried, "I don't dare anymore..."

Liu Bei has already run away, how can Lu Bu listen to him dare or not.

Two soldiers dragged the strong man out of the study.

The voice of the strong man begging for mercy became smaller and smaller.

Yan Xiang looked at Lu Bu: "Wen Hou..."

"I know what you're going to say." Lu Bu interrupted him, "Where did Liu Bei go?"

"He went in the direction of Xiaopei." Yan Xiang said, "I got the news that Liu Bei came to Xuzhou to lure Chezhou, the governor of Xuzhou, and now Xiaopei belongs to him."

"You mean Liu Bei went to Xiaopei?" Lu Bu asked.

"Exactly." Yan Xiang replied: "All his soldiers and horses were wiped out by Wen Hou. Even if he returns to Xiaopei, there will be no disturbance in a short period of time. If Wen Hou sends troops at this time..."

"Not only can we take Xiaopei, but we can also push further north." Lu Bu spoke for him.

"That's what it means." Yan Xiang replied: "Huainan seems to be in its prime, but in fact it was in a recession a few years ago. Hou Wen won it, and it would take a lot of effort just to rebuild it. It's better to stabilize Xuzhou first."

"Liu Bei went to Xiaopei, I really have an excuse to beat him." Lu Bu chuckled, "Yan Gong has made a great contribution!"

"I have one more question to ask Wen Hou." Yan Xiang said, "Does Wen Hou plan to only need Xiao Pei, or can he give it to Guangling and other places?"

"Chen Deng is now the prefect of Guangling, and he has joined Cao Cao..." Lu Bu asked, "If we go and beat him, the Cao family won't care? You know, there is still a long way to go against the Cao family with my strength."

"As long as Wen Hou doesn't kill Liu Bei, Guangling can fight." Yan Xiang replied.

Lu Bu immediately understood.

Chen Deng also followed Liu Bei at the beginning. Later, Liu Bei fled Xuzhou, and he joined Cao Cao.

Once Xiaopei is captured, as long as the road to the north is blocked, Liu Bei will definitely vote for Chen Deng.

As long as Chen Deng lets him enter the city, no matter what the purpose is, Lu Bu can attack Guangling in a legitimate way.

At the beginning, Chen Deng attacked Lv Bu before Cao's family and provoked the battle of Xiapi.

Now without the strong backing of the Cao family, how could he be Lu Bu's opponent?

"Come here!" After thinking about this, Lu Bu shouted outside the door: "Invite the three generals Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Ji Ling to discuss matters immediately."

"Yan Gong." When asked to invite the three generals, Lu Bu said to Yan Xiang: "The expansion of the population in the prosperous area depends on you and Gongtai."

"Since you voted for Marquis Wen, you must do your best!" Yan Xiang bowed, and then reminded: "You must not kill Liu Bei in Xiaopei, otherwise Guangling and other places will not be able to attack."

"I know the seriousness." Lu Bu smiled knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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