The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 64 Borrow your woman to wear 1 wear

Chapter 64

Yu Jin was stationed in Pengcheng, which was not far from Xiapi.

Lu Bu defeated Liu Bei, and the news quickly reached his ears.

Taking five hundred soldiers to Xiapi, Yu Jin wanted to ask Lu Bu personally what happened.

Leaving Pengcheng and coming to Xiapi City, Yu Jin found that the city gate was closed, and the soldiers on the top of the city were actually ready to defend the city.

"Listen, defenders of the city, I'm not here to attack the city, but to see Marquis Lu Wen." Yu Jin shouted at the foot of the city, "I'm here to see General Lu."

"General Lu is not here." A reply came from the city.

"Where did he go?" Yu Jin asked in astonishment.

"I went after Liu Bei." The man at the top of the wall replied, "I don't know where I went, but Wen Hou didn't say anything."

Yu Jin frowned.

He was about to ask again, when the man at the top of the wall asked, "Is the one outside the city General Yu Jin?"

"It's me?" Yu Jin asked, "Did General Lu mention me?"

"Wen Hou left a letter for the general."

After a while, the city gate opened, and a soldier ran out quickly.

When he came to Yu Jin, he held the letter in his hand and bowed his head to hand it over.

The guard beside Yu Jin took the letter and handed it to him.

After reading the letter, Yu Jin put it in his arms: "Let's go back to Xudu!"

It was only half a day from when Lu Bu defeated Liu Bei to when he decided to attack Xiaopei.

When Yu Jin arrived at Xiapi, he was already not far from Xiaopei.

Looking at Xiaopei in the distance, Lu Bu shouted: "Soldiers, for many days, others chased us to our door. Today we chased Liu Bei here. If we can't break through the city as soon as possible, won't we be laughed at if we spread the word? "

"Follow the general to the death!" The soldiers shouted.

"Wen Hou, I would like to lead troops to attack the city." Zhang Liao asked for a fight.

"I heard that Wen Yuan and Guan Yu are still old friends." Lu Bu asked, "Once we attack, can we kill them?"

"I did know him in the early years, but later I followed Wenhou, and he met Liu Bei." Zhang Liao said: "Guan Yunchang is a capable man, but it's a pity that he chose the wrong lord."

"If Guan Yunchang said the same thing, he would also say that you voted for the wrong lord." Lu Bu smiled lightly.

Zhang Liao shook his head and sighed.

As they got closer to Xiao Pei, the city wall became clearer and clearer to Lu Bu and the others.

Lu Bu only left less than a thousand people in Xiapi to defend the city.

Most of the soldiers were brought to Xiaopei by him.

The soldiers Liu Bei deceived from Cao Cao were all wiped out by Lu Bu in the Xiapi barracks.

More than a thousand people were killed or injured that night, and the rest became Lu Bu's prisoners.

It will take some days to transform the captives, especially if it is not suitable to lead them to attack the former lord.

Therefore, Lu Bu handed over the captives to Yan Xiang to take care of them before leaving, and he took Zhang Liao and other generals to Xiapi.

At that time, Lu Bu had eight strong generals under his command.

Now he either died in battle or was killed by him, and Zhang Liao was the only one left among the eight.

Arriving outside Xiaopei City, Lu Bu ordered the army to station there.

The soldiers were busy building the barracks, while he rode his horse towards the city wall.

"Wen Hou!" Seeing Lu Bu walking towards the city wall alone, Gao Shun shouted nervously.

Raising his hand to signal him not to be nervous, Lu Bu continued to move forward.

Sure enough, Liu Bei came to Xiaopei.

Lu Bu led his army to kill, and he ran to the top of the city with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

Looking at Lu Bu from a distance, Liu Bei clenched his fists.

"Liu Xuande!" There was still a shot away from the city wall, Lu Bu stopped and shouted: "You are a guest in Xiapi, and I haven't entertained you well, why did you leave without saying hello?"

"I appreciate Fengxian's kindness." Liu Bei replied, "I have an urgent matter and cannot stay in Xiapi, so I hope Fengxian will forgive me!"

"You and I are also old friends, so we don't have so many polite words." Lu Bu laughed, and then shouted: "But Xuande's two wives have fallen into Xiapi again this time."

"If Fengxian still shows some friendship, please send them back, I will be grateful!" Lu Bu mentioned the two wives, and Liu Bei replied with hope in his heart.

"If someone else said this, I might believe it, but Xuande's gratitude is hard to guarantee that he will repay his kindness with grievances." Lu Bu said: "Last time I asked people to send the two wives to Xudu. Not only did Xuande not be grateful, They also brought the army of the Cao family. I dare not do that this time..."

Holding his chin, Lu Bu pretended to be thinking, and after a while he shouted: "It's not as good as this."

Lu Bu refused to return the two wives, Liu Bei's face was already not very good-looking.

When he said the words "It's not as good as this", Liu Bei's eyes suddenly lit up.

He thought that Lu Bu would put forward some conditions, but what Lu Bu said next seemed to give him a blow in the face!
"I remember Xuande once said that brothers are like brothers and women are like clothes." Lu Bu shouted, "Since the two wives are just clothes to Xuande, I don't mind borrowing them for a few days."

Although Liu Bei doesn't value his family members, he is still a man after all.

Lu Bu blatantly clamored to borrow his woman to "wear" for a few days, even if Liu Bei didn't value the two wives, he couldn't help but get angry.

Fleeing from Xiapi and coming to Xiaopei, Liu Bei once talked about Lu Bu with Mi Zhu, Mi Fang and others.

They didn't believe that the young general sitting in Xiapi was Lu Bu.

When we arrived at Xiaopei, thinking about what happened recently, the three felt more and more that what they were facing was Lu Bu.

Maybe someone who looks very similar to Lu Bu can be found.

However, not everyone can possess the martial arts of the world's most powerful general.

Believing that the person outside the city was probably Lu Bu, Liu Bei shouted: "Lu Fengxian, you and I are old friends, and you don't even let my woman go, aren't you afraid of being ridiculed by the world?"

"People in the world?" Lu Bu laughed loudly: "Xuande, I was trapped by soldiers, where are the people in the world? When I voted for Yuan Shao but he wanted to kill me, where are the people in the world? Now I have two Madam Meiyan, just about to put it on, the world is going to laugh at you instead?"

Standing on the top of the city wall, looking at the provocative Lu Bu in the distance, Liu Bei's face was livid and his whole body was trembling.

"Bring the bow and arrow!" Zhang Fei who was beside him shouted.

The soldiers handed over their strong bows.

Lu Bu was still shouting outside the city: "The people in the world that Xuande talked about are just a group of pious villains. I, Lu Bu, stand upright, so why would I care what the villains say about me? In my eyes, the people in the world you mentioned are nothing but It's just a fart!"

Zhang Fei drew his strong bow and shot an arrow at Lu Bu.

If it were someone else, it would be impossible for the arrows shot to reach Lu Bu, and they would lose their strength.
But Zhang Fei has extraordinary physical strength after all.

The arrow roared and flew towards Lu Bu.

Seeing that he was about to hit him in the face, Lu Bu stretched out his hand to grab into the void, and held the arrow firmly in his hand.

Holding the arrow and pointing at the top of the city, Lu Bu shouted: "Liu Xuande, I advise you to take a few more baths these days, don't wait until you die to realize that you are too sloppy."

(End of this chapter)

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