The Strongest Lu Bu's Sweeping Thousands of Armies

Chapter 65 They are building siege equipment

Chapter 65 They are building siege equipment

Lu Bu laughed loudly, and turned to walk towards the barracks.

On the city wall, Liu Bei was trembling all over, his fists clenched tightly, wishing he could pounce on him and bite Lu Bu to death.

"Brother, don't pay attention to that guy." Zhang Fei persuaded: "Although we have few people, it is not easy for him to attack Xiaopei."

"With you and Yun Chang here, how can I not worry?" Liu Bei gritted his teeth and burst out a sentence: "Sooner or later, I will smash that thief to pieces!"

When Lu Bu returned to the barracks, Zhang Liao, Gao Shun, and Ji Ling came to meet him.

Gao Shun personally held the rein for him: "Wen Hou was too reckless just now, what if something goes wrong?"

"The distance is so far, and they can't shoot all arrows at once." Lu Bu smiled indifferently: "I just want to stimulate Liu Bei and make him mess up."

"Liu Bei has repeatedly abandoned his wife and family, and Wen Hou used his two wives to stimulate him, will it be useful?" Gao Shun asked uncertainly.

"As long as he is a man, it will be useful." Lu Bu dismounted: "He can abandon his wife, and he can also treat women as clothes. But if someone sleeps with his woman, his self-esteem as a man will make him unable to resist. Burning with anger."

Gao Shun and the others glanced at each other.

Lu Bu once invited the two wives Gan and Mi to the study, and then placed them in the back house.

Maybe he really did something to the two ladies.

After all, young, vigorous and energetic, it should be difficult to be satisfied with only Diao Chan and his wife by her side.

Seeing the strange expressions of the three generals, Lu Bu chuckled: "Don't think too much, I haven't done anything to the two ladies so far."

The generals were very embarrassed.

Ji Ling said: "Even if Hou Wen treats them, it is reasonable. Liu Bei abandons the two wives, and Hou Wen protects them. What's the point of letting them sleep?"

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, women's sense of chastity was not very strong.

Men don't really care about that either.

In addition to wives and concubines that cannot be shared with others, Meiji at home can even entertain guests.

For example, Cao Cao, a hero on one side, is an out-and-out wife-controlling man.

In order to have a romantic relationship with Mrs. Zhang Ji, Zhang Xiu was once angered, so much so that his eldest son Cao Ang, nephew Cao Anmin and fierce general Dian Wei were killed in Wancheng.

The background of the whole era is like this, Lu Bu took over the two wives Gan Mi, of course no one would say anything.

Liu Bei said that he would be ridiculed by the world, but it was just alarmist talk.

"You all think so?" Lu Bu asked Zhang Liao and Gao Shun.

"As long as Wen Hou likes it, all the women in the world can be included." Gao Shun replied: "Could it be that some people will say that Wen Hou is half a word?"

"Conquering the world is nothing but beauties." Lu Bu chuckled, "But there are so many women in the world, how can I use them? There are so many beauties, and if you achieve great things in the future, you should hire more."

"Thank you Wen Hou for remembering." The three generals responded one after another.

The army was stationed outside the city and did not attack the city that day.

Lu Bu ordered the soldiers to cut down a lot of wood, and many soldiers were banging on the edge of the barracks, as if they were building something.

on the city head.

Liu Bei looked at Lu Bu's army who were busy piling up timber.

He frowned tightly, his face very ugly.

When he fled Xuzhou and lost his two wives, Lu Bu sent people to Xudu to reunite them.

Although Lu Bu took Xuzhou away at that time, he didn't do everything right.

Liu Bei thought that according to Lu Bu's character, he would still send his wife back this time.

After all, Lu Bu's righteousness in the past often didn't pay much attention to it, but he would care about such small details.

But he was wrong this time.

Not only did Lu Bu become younger, but the soul in his body was replaced by another person.

His temperament has long been different, how could Lu Bu send his two wives back now?

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who had just inspected the city defense, came to him.

"Brother, Lu Bu doesn't beat when he comes, he just beats and beats non-stop. What exactly does he want to do?" Looking outside the city, Zhang Fei asked.

Liu Bei did not answer with a cold face.

Zhang Fei thought he didn't hear and wanted to ask again, but the corner of his clothes was pulled by Guan Yu.

Winking at him, Guan Yu shook his head.

Although Zhang Fei is reckless, he is not blind.

Glancing at Guan Yu, he didn't ask any more questions.

After a long time, Liu Bei finally said to Guan Yu and Zhang Fei: "They are building siege equipment."

Looking at Lu Bujun who was busy outside the city, both Guan Yu and Zhang Fei looked bewildered.

Guan Yu asked, "How does Big Brother know that what they built was a siege machine?"

"Look at the wooden boards." Liu Bei said, "They put the wooden boards in front to block the arrows. And those round ones should be wheels."

After Liu Bei pointed out, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei also vaguely saw what Lu Bujun was building.

"They build these, how can they attack the city?" The equipment built by Lu Bujun is very tall, like a gate tower, Guan Yu is very puzzled, how to use them to attack the city?

"The towers are advancing one after another in front of the city wall, and our army's arrows cannot penetrate. They climbed to the top from the opposite side, and then opened the baffles and jumped onto the city wall." Liu Bei asked, "In this way, how can our army resist?"

After following Liu Bei for many years, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have never seen such a thing.

They also don't know when Liu Bei met.

"Brother, have you seen the siege equipment outside the city?" Guan Yu asked.

"Maybe." Liu Bei replied uncertainly, "I seem to have seen it somewhere."

Ever since the Yellow Turban chaos, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei have always been by his side.

Liu Bei has seen it, and it is impossible for the two of them not to have seen it.

It is impossible for the two of them not to have seen each other.

They glanced at each other, but they couldn't remember where they had seen such a weird siege machine!

Lu Bujun stationed outside the city for four or five days.

More than 20 soaring towers rise from the ground.

Unlike ordinary towers, these towers have four huge wheels at the base.

The towers correspond to the city walls, and Lu Bu's army is ready to attack the city.

Before the expedition, Yan Xiang urged Lu Bu not to kill Liu Bei, block the road to the north, and drive him to Guangling, thus creating an excuse to attack Guangling.

After carefully weighing the pros and cons, Lu Bu also felt that keeping Liu Bei alive temporarily was more beneficial than killing him.

Chen Deng has already joined Cao Cao, and he is entrenched in Guangling. It is impossible for Lu Bu to unify Xuzhou in the short term.

Let Liu Bei go to Guangling first, and then defeat Guangling.

Even if Liu Bei is allowed to run away again, it will be someone else who will disturb him in the future.

Fleeing from Xudu completely offended Cao Cao, and Xuzhou would not give him any chance.

No matter how good he is at drilling, the harm to Xuzhou will not be too great.

On the contrary, the heroes in the Central Plains will be disturbed by him.

The pros and cons are clear at a glance. Although he hated Liu Bei, Lu Bu decided to let him live first.

The shit-stirring stick distracted others, but it was more beneficial to him.

(End of this chapter)

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