Chapter 66

Zhang Liao, Gao Shun and Ji Ling each led a team pushing the siege tower towards the city wall.

Lu Bu led the central army and followed the three teams.

The siege tower moved forward slowly, and when it was within the range of the defenders' arrows, Lu Bu stopped.

The soldiers of the Chinese army then lined up and stood by.

Zhang Liao and others continued to move forward.

As the siege tower slowly approached the city wall, countless arrows flew down from the top of the city.

The arrows hit the slab wall of the siege tower, making a hasty "tuk-tuk" sound.

The soldiers hid behind the siege tower, and those walking on both sides raised their shields to block the arrows flying over.

At first, ordinary arrows flew over the city.

When the siege tower was only more than 20 steps away from the city wall, Liu Bei ordered to replace it with a rocket.

Fireballs flew all over the sky, and flaming arrows fell on the board wall.

Most of the arrows broke and fell to the ground, and a small part was nailed into the wooden board.

The arrows nailed into the wooden planks continued to burn, and sparks of light jumped up and down the planks.

As it got closer to the city wall, the arrows flying from the city wall became denser and denser.

"Push harder, push harder!" Seeing that the siege tower was only a few steps away from the city wall, Zhang Liao yelled.

The soldiers near him shouted a chant and put in more effort to push the siege tower forward.

With a loud bang, the siege tower leaned against the city wall.

A few soldiers picked up the sledgehammer and smashed the wheel two or three times.

Without the wheels, the siege tower sank down violently and landed firmly on the ground.

The defenders on the top of the city carried the log, trying to push the siege tower away.

However, without the wheel, the base of the siege tower is very stable, how can it be easily knocked open?
Zhang Liao took the lead to climb up the ladder, and the soldiers followed suit. When the top was full of people, a soldier buckled the overhead, and the baffle fell down with a "boom".

"Kill!" Liu Beijun on the top of the city was waiting in full force with their weapons in their hands, and when the barrier fell, Zhang Liao rushed out with a loud shout.

The soldiers followed behind him, swarming and jumping up to the top of the city. Originally, only Liu Beijun's city wall suddenly had a group of soldiers under Lu Bu's command.

More and more soldiers of Lu Bu's army climbed up the top of the city along the siege tower and participated in the siege battle.

Zhang Liao and others led the army to the top of the city, and there were shouts and killings everywhere on the city wall.

Liu Bei lost his troops in Xiapi, and returned to Xiaopei to urgently recruit some civilians.

Hundreds of civilian husbands improvised to form soldiers and horses to defend the city.

They had only received a few days of training, and although they were able to draw a strong bow, they were not sure whether they could hit the target at all.

With weapons in hand, when Lu Bu's army had just climbed to the top of the city, the strength of the two sides was not much different. Liu Bei's army defending the city even had an advantage and was still able to maintain morale.

As more and more Lu Bu troops climbed the city wall, the defenders gradually turned from advantages to disadvantages.

The defenders were originally improvised civilians, how could they fight like a hundred warriors?

It didn't take long for Lu Bu's army to occupy the city wall.

The battle flag of Lu Bu's army was flying on the top of the city, and only sporadic battles were still going on in the city.

When the generals of Lu Bu's army attacked the city, Liu Bei knew that the situation was over.

Unwilling to fight, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei escorted him back down the city wall.

After getting off the city wall, Liu Bei leaned on his horse, hiding from Lu Bujun all the way like a thief.

Guan Yu followed closely behind him, protecting him and galloping in the opposite direction from Lu Bu's siege.

While walking, there was a shout in front of him: "Where is Liu Bei going?"

Someone blocked the way ahead, Liu Bei was taken aback.

Looking up, I saw a general under Lu Bu's command leading a group of soldiers rushing fast with a halberd in hand.

It was none other than Gao Shun who rushed over.

"Second brother protects elder brother, I'll block this fellow!" Zhang Feizhang swung the Eight Snake Spear, and charged towards Gao Shun.

"Third brother, be careful!" Guan Yu shouted, while Liu Bei had already turned his horse's head and galloped away in another direction.

Facing Gao Shun to kill him, Zhang Fei swung his spear around his head and struck.

Gao Shun raised his halberd and charged head-on.

The two were fighting on a street that was not considered wide, and they were fighting inextricably.

The soldiers who followed Gao Shun wanted to step forward to help, but they couldn't find a chance to intervene.

Liu Bei and Guan Yu galloped towards the city gate.

Seeing that they were approaching the gate of the city, a group of people and horses rushed out of the diagonal stab.

Guan Yu swung his broadsword and was about to step forward, when he saw who was coming, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The group of people rushing out from the side were exactly Mi Zhu and Mi Fang.

"Uncle Huang!" When they reached the front, the two greeted each other.

"Go!" Liu Bei lowered his head and rode his horse galloping, only throwing two words at them.

Immediately after Liu Bei rushed to the city gate, and as soon as he was about to leave the city, a group of people walked in from the city gate.

The first person was Zhang Liao.

The road was blocked by Zhang Liao, Liu Bei hastily reined in his horse.

Zhang Liao raised his weapon and pointed at him: "Liu Bei, what are you waiting for if you don't want to be slaughtered here?"

"Wen Yuan!" Guan Yu raised his knife and cupped his hands: "My eldest brother has no grievances with you, even if you kill him, it's just to gain some credit. I'll ask you for favors on behalf of my elder brother, how about it? "

Zhang Liao sneered and shook his head: "Although Yun Chang and I are old friends, you and I are the masters of each other. Marquis Wen swore to kill Liu Bei, how could I let him go?"

"Could it be that Wen Yuan wants to meet me here?" Zhang Liao refused to let Liu Bei die, Guan Yu frowned and asked.

"Yun Chang has two choices." Zhang Liao replied, "Either you go by yourself, or you stay with Liu Bei."

"It seems that there is no friendship to talk about." Guan Yu shouted to Mi Zhu and Mi Fang: "Protect elder brother to go out of the city, I will stop this person."

Mi Zhu and Mi Fang protected Liu Bei and rushed out of the city gate, while Guan Yu faced Zhang Liao and killed him.

The two fierce generals were fighting in the city gate, and Mi Zhu and Mi Fang led a group of soldiers to rush towards the soldiers led by Zhang Liao.

The two sides fought in the city gate, and when Liu Bei left the city, only Mi Fang and a dozen soldiers remained beside him.

He rode his horse and galloped without looking back. After running for more than 20 miles, Liu Bei looked back.

Seeing that no one was chasing him, he breathed a sigh of relief.

Mi Fang stepped forward and asked, "Uncle Emperor, where are we going next?"

"Not going anywhere!" Liu Bei's emotions were suddenly very agitated, he was about to run back after falling off the horse: "I have to find my two brothers!"

Immediately stepped forward to grab the reins of his war horse, Mi Fang persuaded: "Lu Bu has already occupied Xiaopei, the emperor's uncle going back is tantamount to death, we should think of a place to go as soon as possible!"

"My brother is still in Xiaopei, how can I rest assured?" Liu Bei cried and cried.

Mi Fang was puzzled for a while.

When he ran away, he was in a hurry than anyone else. He was still in Xiaopei at that time, and he never thought that he would share the same hatred with Guan Yu and Zhang Fei.

He has already run for dozens of miles, and he still wants to go back...

Liu Bei's actions confuse Mi Fang.

But he still tried his best to persuade Liu Bei who was wailing.

After a long time, Liu Bei wiped away his tears, choked up and said, "Now that we have nowhere to go, why not go to Hebei first..."

Before the words were finished, a horn sounded, and hundreds of cavalry appeared in the north.

(End of this chapter)

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